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The hottest white girl that a curry can get



Nov 8, 2017
Here is a pic of celebrity curry Dev Patel with his girlfriend:


Dev Patel is:

* Rich
* 6'2", defying genetics of his home country
* Better looking than the vast majority of Indians
* Famous. In the top 0.0001% of Indian actors. Perhaps the only Indian actor famous and successful enough to be well-known in countries like the US.

His girlfriend is:

* Not well known
* A 5/10 in looks
* Looks kind of oldish
* No tits or ass

This is proof that if you are a curry it is IMPOSSIBLE to get white girls. Just lol, any random American high school jock can get way hotter girls than Dev Patel, who is a celebrity. LOL.

And Dev Patel is the best India has to offer, so if this is the hottest girl Dev Patel can get, then every other curry will do worse.
The average curry still mogs me despite me being white
The average curry still mogs me despite me being white
You're one of the few whites for whom that's actually true, nvr bgn
* Better looking than the vast majority of Indians
:feelskek:he looks like average indian, and his height is 99th percentile in india . @anandkonda
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5/10 for the woman is extremely generous. Either way this is a cope.
Absolute truth. Whenever I see a curry with a white foid, she's always a landwhale while the curry is a tall prettyboy. You have a higher chance getting with a curry Stacy than with a decent-looking white foid, which is why curries that are white foid only deserve to be incel.
I like this kind of woman
He’s not good-looking though so I disagree with your point about “better looking than vast majority of Indians”, he is facially avERage by curry standards (and obviously facially below avERage by global standards).

But I agree with the rest of your points.

I have obviously seen chadpreets (usually predominantly/fully Aryan and at least avERage height) and a few vERy tall shitskin Dravidians, get with bettER looking white girls (and these dudes wERen’t even rich, but rathER financially avERage).

But they are the exceptional case, and I’m well aware that in this post you wERe talking about the genERal case for curries (refERring to the bottom 80% of curry males).
I like this kind of woman

WTF. She lacks feminine sexual charactERistics (big breasts, big ass etc) which are an indicator of a woman’s fERtility and hER chances of giving birth to healthy offspring.

You have shit standards in women.

Men like you who will gladly fuck ugly women like this out of despERation, are the main reason even ugly women have inflated egos (ugly women get approached by countless despERate men on a regular basis, resulting in these women having the delusion that this abundance in attention they are receiving is due to them being “hot shit”, instead of realising that it’s primarily due to the fact that men naturally have lowER standards and are horny fuckERs).

Men controlling their own urges would take away from the powER that women currently yield in the sexual marketplace, we should start to Treat women in accordance to their Sexual Market Value (SMV).

Because when avERage looking men start treating ugly women like “queens”, those ugly women feel like they are in “high demand” from avERage men, eventually resulting in these women losing intERest in avERage men because these women can get with an avERage man without even trying or putting in any effort due to the fact that avERage men practically throw themselves on ugly women in high numbERs, and all that an ugly woman has to do in ordER to be with an avERage man is “accept his proposal” (hence in this situation she is UNABLE to feel the satisfaction that a pERson naturally feels from acquiring something THROUGH HARDSHIP, WORK, RISK and SACRIFICE).

While ugly women continue to Lose intERest in avERage men, they simultaneously become MORE PICKY and raise their standards furthER until they end up being “chad only”, because Nobody values anything that is easy to obtain, and women are no diffERent to men in the sense that they also enjoy the thrill of chasing something which is hard to obtain, because the more scarce something is and the hardER something is to obtain, the highER its value.

Welcome to hypERgamy, facilitated by simp males with no standards, who are so despERate that they will fuck any hole in front of them, resulting in them giving attention to females who are unworthy of it, boosting these women’s ego and giving them the confidence to be more sexually selective, which ironically just makes it even hardER for these simp men to have sex in the future

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She is not 5/10 she is a low tier Becky.

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