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SuicideFuel The high school classes of 2020 will likely have no prom.



Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
That makes me sad. :feelsbadman:

I know it's easy to be like "Haha normies/Chads/Stacie's/whoever" and personally I don't think high school is that great anyway. You should wait until you're 18 to have real fun. But I've missed out on many an opportunity in my life. So to see others miss out on opportunities like these, that can only happen once, these crucial moments where that specific thing was gonna go down and could only in that moment go down, I know that feel. I know what its like to hope and plan, and then watch it denied you right before your eyes.

Maybe some concession will be made for the 2020 kids. I want a do over for myself, but I also want one for these kids. Maybe schools across the world will have prom do overs when this blows over. And it'll be a big cultural thing. Or maybe they won't. Maybe this generation of kids will be remembered by history for what they lost. I wish I could be too, but it'll probably be these kids, and not me. History is supposed to remember those who went through special circumstances. Supposed to, anyway.
Bluepilled cope. I never went to prom during my high school days so I’m happy these sexhavers are missing out.
Who cares prom is just chads and foids hanging out and after its over they all have sex
Bluepilled cope. I never went to prom during my high school days so I’m happy these sexhavers are missing out.

How is this bluepilled? You're not happy that you missed prom, are you?
How is that suicidefuel? More like lifefuel.
Good. They will miss out of it because of factors they couldn't control just like me
Good. They will miss out of it because of factors they couldn't control just like me

If someone throws a brick through my window, why would I "get even" by throwing a brick through some random person's window? Why wish your affliction on random people who did nothing to you and don't even know you?
LifeFuel tag missing
How is this bluepilled? You're not happy that you missed prom, are you?
I'm happy I didn't go because it would be embarrassing to go as a subhuman.If I was chad then yes I'd be disappointed
Who cares prom is just chads and foids hanging out and after its over they all have sex
I didn't go to prom for this reason. It would be the most stressful and depressing thing imaginable so I avoided myself the pain
How is this bluepilled? You're not happy that you missed prom, are you?
I definitely am. It would have made me feel a million times worse. I've been in pain like that and it just hurts you even more. I avoided that at all costs.

I am sure there are millions of kids now that we're like me that are eternally grateful that they get to both not go to prom and also not be that kid who didn't go to prom. I'm jealous of them and wish them the best.
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who gives a fuck about prom?
my school has already cancelled prom for this year. it's nice that you're empathetic about it but I don't feel bad for them at all tbh. they'll still have plenty of opportunities to attend fun parties and form romantic/sexual relationships later in life. besides, they would never extend that same type of sympathy to a depressed social reject who never got to experience any intimacy ever

I feel bad for the people who have actually suffered because of this pandemic, like the ones who lost their jobs or financial security and now have no idea where their next meal is coming from. if the only negative impact quarantine has had on your life is that you're going to miss out on one night where you would have had fun (prom) then you should consider yourself lucky.
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In the UK all the end of year exams are cancelled. Grades will be estimated - the lucky bastards. I think the only exams going ahead are the A-level exams for 6th form and university exams although they will probably be sat differently.

Thing is though - i never went to my prom. You know a few guys in my "crew" wanted to fuck shit up for the normies on their big night. Start a brawl, piss in the drinks, pull the fire alarm, fire paintball guns at everyone in their best clothes. One guy actually wanted to light the place up because a beating he got left him with nerve damage in his back. I calmed him down and luckily he wasn't clever enough to pull it off without help. In the end we all just went to a mates house and we drank beers and played GTA: San Andreas.

Fuck prom and fuck normies.
my school has already cancelled prom for this year. it's nice that you're empathetic about it but I don't feel bad for them at all tbh. they'll still have plenty of opportunities to attend fun parties and form romantic/sexual relationships later in life. besides, they would never extend that same type of sympathy to a depressed social reject who never got to experience any intimacy ever

I believe that too, the part about their being other opportunities. But after college, that's it. No more opportunities. I can't imagine where there'd be other opportunities.
I believe that too, the part about their being other opportunities. But after college, that's it. No more opportunities. I can't imagine where there'd be other opportunities.
they'll probably meet someone in the same career field as them or on a dating app or through mutual friends, or they'll have already found a life partner by then
they'll probably meet someone in the same career field as them or on a dating app or through mutual friends, or they'll have already found a life partner by then

Where would they have found a life partner?
No point in going to prom if you don't have a gf
Where would they have found a life partner?
even if you don't get married in college, by the time you get your degree you'll have already formed a pretty extensive group of people who you know and talk to. It's very uncommon to not meet your spouse/someone who introduces you to your spouse by the time you finish college
People are always calling FrothySolutions a bluepilled coper and other such insults. Let me ask those people, why is it that way? I hear lots of people say he is bluepilled but no one explains why. They say hes a foid sympathizer or chad sympathizer, but why? Throwing insults doesnt explain anything

There is no reason to indiscriminately wish suffering on people. Most people are normies who wouldnt help you or care about you no matter what, and they are morally bankrupt to put it lightly. But thats not everyone. It doesnt make sense to be happy that prom is cancelled just because most of the people there are normies. What about the people there that aren't terrible?

Like frothy solutions said, why should I indiscriminately throw bricks through random peoples windows kust because some people threw bricks in my window?
Fuck that and fuck anyone who goes to prom.

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