Yea im sick of this bs on tv,
of course to "give autism more awareness in this world" they had to make a story of an autistic rich normie doctor who finds a gf and lives happily ever after. Every fucking similar show like this they always have to have good looking people.
Obviously i know its a tv show and they want to have good looking people on there to attract an audience but it gives the wrong message. Its almost like the show is saying every autist good looking or not can find love or whatever but thats not true. Autistic incels are doomed, but they arent obviously gonna make a story for that are they, because they need to pander to the needs of sjw and their crap.
But i guess its kinda blackpilled in a way, because at least they are showing that autistic good looking normies can get laid ( because they can) and that they arent doomed like some actually think they are,