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The girl that made the Youtube video...



Living girl repellent
Nov 8, 2017
When I first heard mention of a 16 year old girl making pro-incel videos I had my suspicions, but when I saw what she looked like they were immediately confirmed. From her face to the mole on her chest to the bed and the sheets... It's her, it's fucking her, my first oneitis and the girl I talked about in my biography.

I know literally everything about her, she's Australian and has all sorts of mental issues. We had a long-distance "relationship" back when I was younger, up until she cast me aside and admitted to lying about a lot of things and sexting with other guys immediately after ghosting me.

I've tried to blackpill myself and harbor nothing but resentment towards females ever since, but it really hurts hearing about a girl I truly loved again... She looks really cute too, not gonna lie.
These misguided feelings I've been trying to replace with hate are coming back... Fuck, talking to her made me the happiest I've ever been even though the aftermath absolutely broke me. I know you're all going to call me a beta cuck, but I'm sure everyone here has also felt conflicted at some point.
Must hurt knowing a girl you liked and knew intimately is now being orbited by hundreds of normies from r9k
tell us more. what happened and who is she?
Must hurt knowing a girl you liked and knew intimately is now being orbited by hundreds of normies from r9k
It really does man, it's over for me.
good now you can dox this shit out of her for being a dumb whore
doxx time.
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Get revenge by doxxing her, also consider posting photos of her on a porn site.
tell us more. what happened and who is she?
We met on the FA sub, I decided to message her and we seemed to hit it off. We then talked on Skype for quite a bit, she's one of the few people on Reddit to know everything about me - from my real name to little things about my childhood. (And vice-versa) We even talked on cam and she surprisingly didn't seem to be repulsed by me, (unlike every other girl I've encountered) even said she "loved" me.

That all changed though after she attempted suicide. I tried to be there for her and support her, but she kept distancing herself from me. I was so devastated that I didn't eat anything for two whole days, cried my heart out and nearly ended up in a psyche ward. I felt like I was finally going to escape inceldom, it was the first time I felt comfortable around a girl... And out of nowhere she just deleted her account and abandoned me despite promising she wouldn't.

Afterwards, she contacted me again after seeing how suicidal I got. It hurt seeing her act so detached, like we've only just met. She also admitted to lying about a lot of things during our "relationship" and engaging in sexual roleplay with a bunch of random incels during that period. Apparently she also planned to kill herself from a very young age, something I wish she told me before I got all emotionally invested.

Not necessarily a bad person, just really impulsive.
As much as I want to at times, it's something I can't bring myself to do. As pathetic as that is.
I can do it just PM me her information brah. She did not just mess with you, she messed with the incel community, Also, if you PM me the details and I post them, then you won't really be doing the doxxing, so you won't have to feel guilty.
I can do it just PM me her information brah. She did not just mess with you, she messed with the incel community, Also, if you PM me the details and I post them, then you won't really be doing the doxxing, so you won't have to feel guilty.
While her actions were hurtful, (thanks for standing up for me btw) she's already endured enough pain for one life.
If anything, not doxxing her proves that I'm not what Inceltears claims I am.
While her actions were hurtful, (thanks for standing up for me btw) she's already endured enough pain for one life.
If anything, not doxxing her proves that I'm not what cucktears claims I am.
All it proves is that you are a traitor to incels and a pathetic beta cuck, seriously fuck you you are not worthy of being called an incel. I hope females continue to abuse and mistreat you, you deserve it.
All it proves is that you are a traitor to incels and a pathetic beta cuck, seriously fuck you you are not worthy of being called an incel. I hope females continue to abuse and mistreat you, you deserve it.

fuck off to 4chan. you have no idea what being an incel is about
JFL at taking the high road. This bitch would never do the same for you. She used you, you're disposable to her. Wake the fuck up bro
All it proves is that you are a traitor to incels and a pathetic beta cuck, seriously fuck you you are not worthy of being called an incel. I hope females continue to abuse and mistreat you, you deserve it.
I'm a traitor for having a sense of honor and not resorting to the same dirty methods normies do?
JFL at taking the high road. This bitch would never do the same for you. She used you, you're disposable to her. Wake the fuck up bro
I know, I was essentially her beta orbiter... Still, I think exacting revenge will just make me feel worse. What if she kills herself? What if I have to live my whole life knowing that I drove someone to suicide?
Not doxxing is the right decision, good job.
I'm a traitor for having a sense of honor and not resorting to the same dirty methods normies do?
You are a traitor because she did not just hurt you but the entire incel community by pretending to sympathize with inceldom and milking a ton of beta orbiters in the process to give her money and you are defending her from just retribution.
You are a traitor because she did not just hurt you but the entire incel community by pretending to sympathize with inceldom and milking a ton of beta orbiters in the process to give her money and you are defending her from just retribution.
Perhaps you're right...
I don't know anymore, I feel like I'm being torn apart.
Perhaps you're right...
I don't know anymore, I feel like I'm being torn apart.
Pm me the details brother I will leak them, you do not have to do it alone, no reason to feel guilty.
While her actions were hurtful, (thanks for standing up for me btw) she's already endured enough pain for one life.
If anything, not doxxing her proves that I'm not what cucktears claims I am.

Dude, she will CONTINUE to ruin people's lives. She'll milk us, lie to us, fucking treat us like disposable trash and you're worried about HER?!?! WHAT THE FUCK? The bitch won't kill herself ffs, have you forgotten about the Blackpill? Female suicides are a MEME, she'll NEVER go through it. It's just a fucking sob story so you'll feel sorry and blame yourself, and you fell for it.

This site is beta cuck galore I swear. You all deserve to get milked for attention.
Perhaps you're right...
I don't know anymore, I feel like I'm being torn apart.

Don't listen to him. At least you have some kind of empathy left.
Can we stop obsessing about this stupid femoid? I thought we were a red pilled forum.

I'm not usually for censorship, but mods should start deleting threads on this "subject." It makes us all look bad.
Can we stop obsessing about this stupid femoid? I thought we were a red pilled forum.

I'm not usually for censorship, but mods should start deleting threads on this "subject." It makes us all look bad.
I just wanted to add what I know since I have a personal history with her.
I'm not usually for censorship, but mods should start deleting threads on this "subject." It makes us all look bad.

Why would you dox her when she has your full legal name, pictures and intimate details about your life? Besides, you'd definitely get into legal shit for posting her nudes if she was under 16. Moralfagging aside, you'd just put yourself in harm's way by doxing her and all the people telling him to do it have no idea what they're talking about or what he'd be getting himself into.
can someone reupload a video, i didnt see them
Orbiters are just as much trash as the women they obsess over. I don't see any reason to feel unity with such people who are the real traitors, taking obvious bait and forgetting everything inceldom has taught them.
Don't listen to him. At least you have some kind of empathy left.
But does that skank have empathy for him? If she does not care for him why should he care for her, it is pathetic. Also, even if she got doxxed whiteknight scum will protect and defend her so no need to worry.
This girl is weird as fuck
true, but she probably has several orbiters by now. Might make it hard to identify OP. Obviously he would need to wait a while and do it anonymously
If OP wanted to dox her, he would've made a new account with a VPN and released her dox without giving any information about himself. However, he already came out and identified himself as the one with the information, now it will be easy to trace it back to him. Wasted opportunity.
Wow. What were the chances
If OP wanted to dox her, he would've made a new account with a VPN and released her dox without giving any information about himself. However, he already came out and identified himself as the one with the information, now it will be easy to trace it back to him. Wasted opportunity.
He can give the info to someone else by proxy.
He can give the info to someone else by proxy.
Not anymore. Everyone expects him to do that and if her info gets released via someone else, she'll still know it was transmitted from OP. He'll get counter-doxed no matter who posts it, because he revealed himself in this thread. Do you think the girl won't stumble upon this thread and put 2 and 2 together? It's too late.
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If OP wanted to dox her, he would've made a new account with a VPN and released her dox without giving any information about himself. However, he already came out and identified himself as the one with the information, now it will be easy to trace it back to him. Wasted opportunity.

yeah, you're right. It's too late. :feelsbadman:
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there may be a few others with info on her. OP, I would advise deleting this thread to be safe.
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You got to see a 16 y/o girl naked OUT
Why do you assume I saw her naked? Lol.
I did get a nice bra pic but that's pretty much it. Still not worth being a beta cuck who essentially got used for emotional support.
Jesus you’re a cuckold, death is your only option at this point.
*were, that was before I became fully blackpilled.
I agree with the second notion though, lol.
Don't dox her.

Good job on learning from this experience.
doxing is for faggots and people telling you to do it are low iq and shitting up this board with low iq posts
How do you know she was honest with you about her info?
doxing is for faggots and people telling you to do it are low iq and shitting up this board with low iq posts

People who defend rotten cunts like her are low iq.

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