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News The gender pay gap is closing quickly in the U.S.

Will this be bad for first world countries and their “dating” markets?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It has already began ngl

    Votes: 15 57.7%

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Trust my eye contact
Aug 21, 2018
This article https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-ta...-out-earning-young-men-in-several-u-s-cities/

Tldr: the gender pay gap in cities is shrinking and it might be hard to get a full time job that pays well if you don’t have one already…

Shows young women (30 and younger) earning 67%-102% for what every man makes in a full time job. In NYC or a mid size city if you have 100k salary a woman might make 90%-99% of that or make more (100-120%) if you’re both equally qualified in that job. They don’t date down most of the time because she’s strong and independent [UWSL]so being equal to her or slightly better isn’t nearly enough for her to maintain that “attraction” if they think they’re completely better than you.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]They’re trying to close off high earning jobs to most young men unless you do trades , but you’ll have to have business acumen to make it over 6 figures which is something they’re trying to stop too. Youngcels and any others working you have to make sure you earn enough money not to shuffled into just being a wage slave because the government and women will see you as expendable in the future and you should control your life.[/UWSL]
The gender pay gap is a feminist lie anyway.
Gender pay gap doesn't matter. Women have the opportunity to make a livable wage already and that is sufficient for its effect on the dating market as well as family values. We've been living the problems for more than 50 years already. I make more than most women in the US and they will not fuck me.
Feminists (most normie humans in the west) won't consider the pay gap to be closed until foids earn more than men on average. When this happens, the majority of men will be single long term since foids won't settle for someone who doesn't earn more than them. With the exception of chads of course
Ya haven’t seen the full effects yet of massive men being stuck to retail or unemployed yet only during the pandemic
They've already been displaced. Wage gap or not. It doesn't matter if women make 10% more than they did 10 years ago.
ok, they will be able to maintain more cats and drink more expensive wine to cope with their old hag looks and loneliness
The gender pay gap is a feminist lie anyway.
yup has been a lie for like past 20-30 years. Women have more degrees, driver licenses, voting power, government subsidies, etc. They already have everything more than us men and never stop fucking bitching. They want to consume us and leave us penniless and know the street.:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
Feminists (most normie humans in the west) won't consider the pay gap to be closed until foids earn more than men on average. When this happens, the majority of men will be single long term since foids won't settle for someone who doesn't earn more than them. With the exception of chads of course
foids already earn more than men if you look at city areas between age 20-30. It is already over for us men. They have won. All we can do is farm enough $hekels and drop out the rat race
ok, they will be able to maintain more cats and drink more expensive wine to cope with their old hag looks and loneliness
cope, every high paying job that a women has taken, used to be us men's 30-40 years ago. they are taking jobs away from men, make no mistake, they want men to be their subservient dogs and they are succeeding.
It will be death sentence for us. We even won't be able to escortcel because if pay gap becomes equal foids won't gonna be escorts. Foids won't need a betabuxx either. It will be giga over.
Clown world is speeding up its clownery, I see. It can't take too long till WW3 now. How does this unnatural system even go on?
No wonder there are so many mass shootings nowadays lol. Notice how the mainstream media (and normies) ignore the issue of mass inceldom among young men, mental illness, feminism as a cause of mass shootings and point to guns. If there were no guns, there'd still be mass stabbings.

America is in very rapid decline.

About the article, its been well known that the trades have always been a protection for non college educated men to make a decent living and buy a home. More recently, its been known as a protection for inceldom. Because a guy working in the trades can still out earn most foids. Nowadays, foids are catching up and that can only mean bad news for men in the trades. When mass inceldom starts to hit them like its hitting young men, society will literally stop functioning. Single middle aged men do degenerate shit, visit hookers, abuse drugs & alcohol, and gamble. That or abandon ship altogether to other countries.
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women will take high paid positions and get paid more because of feminist affirmative action, but you shouldn't be angry about it, inkel, cos the world is not zero sum, so money is infinite and they're not taking anything from you :feelsaww: @turbocuckcel_7000
women will take high paid positions and get paid more because of feminist affirmative action, but you shouldn't be angry about it, inkel, cos the world is not zero sum, so money is infinite and they're not taking anything from you :feelsaww: @turbocuckcel_7000
simple facts
Mogg her in something or lose her…
Mogg her in something or lose her…
if you're some lower-middle class guy with ok grades in school and an "intellectual tendency" then it's basically over for trying to find your female equal
because your equal probably has a fake intellectual job where she gets enough money to drive an SUV at age 25
better off trying to talk to working class girls, if they can stomach your autism
Look at the Spending Gap that MRA's have talked about whenever a Feminist brings this up, toilets have always had more money at their disposal, their income plus whichever partner (plus simps) they have.

The entire system has always been set up to benefit toilets however they want. They can choose to work and get money or they can choose to be unemployed and get money.

The main reason we see this is because school systems are designed to punish boys and men and people wonder why boys are less educated.
women will take high paid positions and get paid more because of feminist affirmative action, but you shouldn't be angry about it, inkel, cos the world is not zero sum, so money is infinite and they're not taking anything from you :feelsaww: @turbocuckcel_7000
This + modern foid driven culture has invented countless useless jobs that still pay well. Ie:

  • All HR jobs
  • Almost all "analyst" jobs
  • Project managers
  • Consultants that don't do any actual work. Ie. Management consultants
  • "Officer" JFL jobs such as
    • Diversity officer
    • Sustainability officer
    • Development officer
    • HR officer
An average working day for those jobs consists of drinking coffee, speaking to colleagues who don't have anything to do either and sitting in meetings that don't result in anything concrete, and of course taking plenty of breaks from their hard work.
This + modern foid driven culture has invented countless useless jobs that still pay well. Ie:

  • All HR jobs
  • Almost all "analyst" jobs
  • Project managers
  • Consultants that don't do any actual work. Ie. Management consultants
  • "Officer" JFL jobs such as
    • Diversity officer
    • Sustainability officer
    • Development officer
    • HR officer
An average working day for those jobs consists of drinking coffee, speaking to colleagues who don't have anything to do either and sitting in meetings that don't result in anything concrete, and of course taking plenty of breaks from their hard work.
yeah, fake/bullshit jobs are an entire phenomenon on its own :feelsgah: most high tier normies and foids have jobs where they don't produce anything, their main task is looking busy and it's prestigious af (you can only get them thru contacts) while inkel has to work hard or face homelessness cos money grows on trees only for foids and high tier normies :feelsaww:
Since the 1980s women have held a majority of all United States college graduations along with certifications because they'll either fuck rich Chad to pay for all their schooling or they have their rich wealthy daddies paying for it all. A majority of individual private disposable income comes from women, these fucking cunts need to stop with their constant barrage of forever unending bullshit.

Also, a majority of homeless people are in fact males, these nasty entitled self absorbed cunts can go fuck themselves the entire world over. :feelsjuice:
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This + modern foid driven culture has invented countless useless jobs that still pay well. Ie:

  • All HR jobs
  • Almost all "analyst" jobs
  • Project managers
  • Consultants that don't do any actual work. Ie. Management consultants
  • "Officer" JFL jobs such as
    • Diversity officer
    • Sustainability officer
    • Development officer
    • HR officer
An average working day for those jobs consists of drinking coffee, speaking to colleagues who don't have anything to do either and sitting in meetings that don't result in anything concrete, and of course taking plenty of breaks from their hard work.
That’s the most ragefuel part of all this. It’s not like these foids are in trades or stem. Those fucking officer jobs are useless and ceos are cucked for keeping them around and paying them six figures to do 4 hours of actual work per week. Foids are literally larping children in the professional world
poor wamman are so underprivileged :feels::soy::foidSoy::society:
Look at the Spending Gap that MRA's have talked about whenever a Feminist brings this up, toilets have always had more money at their disposal, their income plus whichever partner (plus simps) they have.

The entire system has always been set up to benefit toilets however they want. They can choose to work and get money or they can choose to be unemployed and get money.

The main reason we see this is because school systems are designed to punish boys and men and people wonder why boys are less educated.
A majority of individual private disposable income comes from women, these fucking cunts need to stop with their constant barrage of forever unending bullshit.

Ah this explains the absolute pant on head retarded consumer decisions like propping up companies that blatantly fuck over the buyer.
Ah this explains the absolute pant on head retarded consumer decisions like propping up companies that blatantly fuck over the buyer.
Basically, foids practically control the coin purse these days of western societies while a majority of men slave away for next to nothing. :feelsjuice:
There is no gender pay gap between women and the bottom 90% of men, what they're talking about is that they want the same amount of money as the top 10% of men. They don't just want to fuck Chads, they want all of Chad's money too just for being born female. Harlots, all of them. :feelsjuice:

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