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Toxic Femininity The foid who i'm in love with it's a filthy whore



Jul 23, 2020
(Warning:long text)

I know this is not interesting but i need to blow off steem.

Contextualizing,i never been kissed/huged/cuddled by a foid in my whole life,even women who are my relatives doesn't support to hug me,i disgust everyone.Two years ago i met a friendly and gorgeous girl in my school,i falled in love inmediatly with her so she was the unique one who didn't avoid me.(i'm going to sound like a fucking simp) She has ginger hair,blue eyes,white and fair skin with freckles,she has big tits and arse but the only problem is that she is so much more taller than me (i'm 5'3 and she is 5'10 :feelsbadman: brutal heightpill) but physically she is perfect,but in the last time she turned into a stupid party whore.
The passed year i saw her drunk/high more times than i saw her sober,she has a lot of friends and i want to kill every single one of them.And she also turned into a fucking bi dyke,she makes out with foids and chad,i'm so jelaous.Yesterday i saw her walking in the city center with a blonde long haired faggot,i'm totally sure that he is her boyfriend :feelspuke::reeeeee:.
But that's not all.Before the fucking quarantine,in the school yard i heard her and her group of whores talking about how they perfect partner looks like,she said she's perfect type oñf partner is basically opposite at all of me.She likes tall soys/foids :feelspuke: (MORE TALL THAN HER),guys who are delicate aka effeminate faggots.she says all the time "don't care about how you look,if you are nice then you are beautiful" COMPLETELY FALSE the whore rejected me for being morbidly obese (im 235lbs),she loves to deffend landwhales :feelsclown:.I want to call her right now but i'm not a fucking cuck simp,i'm not going to do anything more because she'll reject me no matter what.

I'm fucking miserable,also thanks for reading this.
So basically cuckoldry with extra steps
(Warning:long text)

I know this is not interesting but i need to blow off steem.

Contextualizing,i never been kissed/huged/cuddled by a foid in my whole life,even women who are my relatives doesn't support to hug me,i disgust everyone.Two years ago i met a friendly and gorgeous girl in my school,i falled in love inmediatly with her so she was the unique one who didn't avoid me.(i'm going to sound like a fucking simp) She has ginger hair,blue eyes,white and fair skin with freckles,she has big tits and arse but the only problem is that she is so much more taller than me (i'm 5'3 and she is 5'10 :feelsbadman: brutal heightpill) but physically she is perfect,but in the last time she turned into a stupid party whore.
The passed year i saw her drunk/high more times than i saw her sober,she has a lot of friends and i want to kill every single one of them.And she also turned into a fucking bi dyke,she makes out with foids and chad,i'm so jelaous.Yesterday i saw her walking in the city center with a blonde long haired faggot,i'm totally sure that he is her boyfriend :feelspuke::reeeeee:.
But that's not all.Before the fucking quarantine,in the school yard i heard her and her group of whores talking about how they perfect partner looks like,she said she's perfect type oñf partner is basically opposite at all of me.She likes tall soys/foids :feelspuke: (MORE TALL THAN HER),guys who are delicate aka effeminate faggots.she says all the time "don't care about how you look,if you are nice then you are beautiful" COMPLETELY FALSE the whore rejected me for being morbidly obese (im 235lbs),she loves to deffend landwhales :feelsclown:.I want to call her right now but i'm not a fucking cuck simp,i'm not going to do anything more because she'll reject me no matter what.

I'm fucking miserable,also thanks for reading this.
How old are you?
it never began for manlets
i'm not a fucking cuck simp

Title of thread - "The foid I'm in love with is a filthy whore"

If you believe in "love" you are still a simp, all holes are the same, there is no "special" hole, people just say they are "in love" conveniently with the person the are currently with, which is why every person they've been with was "a love of their life", its all BS, stop kidding yourself, you don't love her, you just like the fact that she treated you nicely and because you aren't used to that you become attached
i falled in love inmediatly with her so she was the unique one who didn't avoid me

i'm going to sound like a fucking simp

You are, and you won't stop unless you admit that to yourself and change

Either way its kind of your fault for being obese

How old are you?

Also this
this is why you should never have an oneitis.you are not blackpilled enough.
Also in b4 thread deleted for female worship. If you see this before it goes down then my message to you OP is go er
>Hitler avi

Does not compute...
we all know that feel
Hello fellow Anglo
No you don't want this just loose weight and live single until you die
I'm conflicted here.
At least don't have a oneitis who is way above you looks-wise, according to your description
This is a very truecel trait ; the women you become good friends with and have a tiny bit of feelings for turn out to be lesbians.
you clearly have not walked this road for very long. i envy your innocence.
it's over for u buddyboyo
JoinedJul 23, 2020
(Warning:long text)
(i'm 5'3 and she is 5'10 :feelsbadman: brutal heightpill) ,
it's over buddy :cryfeels:
guys who are delicate aka effeminate faggots.she says all the time "don't care about how you look,if you are nice then you are beautiful" COMPLETELY FALSE the whore rejected me for being morbidly obese (im 235lbs),she loves to deffend landwhales :feelsclown:.I want to call her right now but i'm not a fucking cuck simp,i'm not going to do anything more because she'll reject me no matter what.

I'm fucking miserable,also thanks for reading this.
lol 235 pounds at 5'3.. man those girls who said dont care about how you look bla bla is so fcking hypocrite.
this makes me wanna post about my oneitis :feelscry:
COMPLETELY FALSE the whore rejected me for being morbidly obese (im 235lbs)

Serious question why do you come here to bitch but refuse to put in even the bare minimum when it comes to looksmaxxing? You could at least try to attain and maintain a slim figure. But you can't even do that and expect people to give you the time of the day while being a hambeast. If a morbidly obese landwhale approached you for a date would you consider her seriously? Probably not. Not wanting an obese partner is a reasonable request.
Holy shit lose weight you fat fuck.
Jfl at loving a whore
Title of thread - "The foid I'm in love with is a filthy whore"

If you believe in "love" you are still a simp, all holes are the same, there is no "special" hole, people just say they are "in love" conveniently with the person the are currently with, which is why every person they've been with was "a love of their life", its all BS, stop kidding yourself, you don't love her, you just like the fact that she treated you nicely and because you aren't used to that you become attached

You are, and you won't stop unless you admit that to yourself and change

Either way its kind of your fault for being obese

Also this
Bro this thread was so cucked you summoned @BlkPillPres
JFL at "loving" someone
Title of thread - "The foid I'm in love with is a filthy whore"

If you believe in "love" you are still a simp, all holes are the same, there is no "special" hole, people just say they are "in love" conveniently with the person the are currently with, which is why every person they've been with was "a love of their life", its all BS, stop kidding yourself, you don't love her, you just like the fact that she treated you nicely and because you aren't used to that you become attached

You are, and you won't stop unless you admit that to yourself and change

Either way its kind of your fault for being obese

Also this

I have never "loved" a girl in my whole life. I learned as a kid that they're all thrill-seekers/chasers, partially from literally chasing older girls around myself as a dumbass kid. It turns out they loved petty bullshit like that ( which as a kid was easier to get away with because looks were better + less autistic).

Every "good girl" I've met has become some sort of sellout socially or another. Every. Single. One. They aren't better or purer than us men, they just hide their indecency better and cast stones of moral judgment harder.

*liking a girl subconsciously is not loving her. It's just lust or attention thrist. To love someone you have to consciously respect and trust them and care for their well-being. I do that marginally for anyone who doesn't shit on me but no women ever deserves special attention for that. Not when they are all social sellouts to the world of pop culture and normieisms.
I have never "loved" a girl in my whole life

Same, I've pretty much been infatuated with multiple girls during my school years but never attached to a single one, because I knew full well it was their pretty faces I liked, we didn't even really talk so how the hell would I think there was some kind of "special connection" there

You ever find it funny how the guys on this site are really just female worshippers, they become attracted to a pretty face and they call that "love", yet they don't associate the attachments they have with male friends as "love" and they are closer to those friends than they ever would be that woman
Same, I've pretty much been infatuated with multiple girls during my school years but never attached to a single one, because I knew full well it was their pretty faces I liked, we didn't even really talk so how the hell would I think there was some kind of "special connection" there

You ever find it funny how the guys on this site are really just female worshippers, they become attracted to a pretty face and they call that "love", yet they don't associate the attachments they have with male friends as "love" and they are closer to those friends than they ever would be that woman
1) I actually have had female friends and with half to two thirds of them have asked them out directly and another 10-20% hinted around about it if I wasn't sure how they'd react, because mentalcel means they give you half a chance until someone or something outs you as weird (you can't hide it forever and nobody wants you to but also being upfront is a death sentence). I thought most of them were basic AF and only even tried a connection with the 20% or so who weren't. Turns out those too generally still had some basic quality or another at some point. Say all you want but basic bitches are way more common than basic bastards.

2) I don't call "love" "lust". "Love" is the idea someone cares about me and I care about them enough that we protect each other from other people attacking us. Trust and teamwork, not friendship and not attraction. But because girls are more social and more allowed to be emotional then it is easier to try do this with girls. It doesn't work though no matter how redpill you get because if you have a blackpilling quality that still makes you seem incapable of protecting her. Death right there to anything happening. I can see how most guys are closer to their friends than any girl but this is again because there are still plenty of non-basic guys (i.e. non-Chadly or redpill and not soy). But our numbers are shrinking, not growing, most men become blackpilled but soy somehow as I've seen.
Allowing youngcels onto this website was a fucking mistake. Everytime they come back with these stupid ass greycel threads. They are the reason greycels get a bad rep.

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