Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious The fact that the definition of incel on this forum has changed from six months to lifelong virgin (excluding escorts), shows how bad the situation is



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
Think of people like @Weed, a "fakecel", because he fucked a landwhale. or @rightfulcel, who got a few incomplete handjobs and blowjobs. Now they mog me and all non LARPers, of course. but if you think about it, these aren't exactly ideal sex lives. If a man gets laid a few times a year, he was INVOLUNTARILY NOT GETTING LAID CONSISTENTLY, as in, he wanted to get laid consistently (multiple times a month), but he only got a few hookups and had sex a few times in a year. That man is not having a "healthy" sex life. That's just a fact.

20 years ago, that would be seen as PATHETIC. Nowadays, it's seen as a slayer. Why is that? It's because THE BAR HAS BEEN DROPPED SO DAMN LOW FOR GALLONS OF MEN.

Women and Chads/Chadlites are having ORGIES and most men are getting SCRAPS OR NOTHING AT ALL.

Jordan Peterson is arguably more blackpilled than a decent amount of this forum:

View: https://youtu.be/-9l26VlF2to?t=506

The amount of SMV for sub7 men is NONEXISTENT
Jordan Peterson is arguably more blackpilled than a decent amount of this forum:

I wonder if his benzo addiction is keeping him from being fully based. It's hard to be blackpilled if you never feel sad.
jordan peterson isn't blackpill
@shii410 just to clarify I'm not saying sexhavers should be here, just saying that the normie situation is very much "nearcel"
Doesn’t matter, if you get unpaid sex you should not be here.

Yeah tbhngl, normies don’t have it as easy as chads but still, and their SMV has also degraded, but unpaid sex havers are not incels anymore therefore they should fuck right out of the forum.
Doesn’t matter, if you get unpaid sex you should not be here.
This tbhngl.
i have read it three times. If you can get sex, you can keep getting sex. Just depends on how hard you try.
you fucking idiot, you are so fucking stupid it's PATHETIC


This "hard work" you speak of, is BLUEPILLED GARBAGE.

You are arguing normies who get sex a few times a year could get it CONSISTENTLY VIA "MUH BOOTSTRAPS"

you are a fucking MORON
Yeah tbhngl, normies don’t have it as easy as chads but still, and their SMV has also degraded, but unpaid sex havers are not incels anymore therefore they should fuck right out of the forum.
you fucking low iq mongs. I was never arguing for that. You're just so focused on self loathing you can't look at the bigger picture
Tbh the term incel seems to have an inconsistent meaning. Logically, if someone wants sex but they go a significant amount of time without getting it, then they're involuntarily celibate. However when people talk about being incel here, they're usually talking about being a lifelong reject. Honestly I think that there would be less confusion about us here if we were a bit more clear about the situation that most of us are in.

Most here are more like "forever celibate" rather than simply incel.
you fucking low iq mongs. I was never arguing for that. You're just so focused on self loathing you can't look at the bigger picture
@rightfulcel and @Weed are still banned and you wont get them unbanned with this shitpost, tho
you fucking idiot, you are so fucking stupid it's PATHETIC


This "hard work" you speak of, is BLUEPILLED GARBAGE.

You are arguing normies who get sex a few times a year could get it CONSISTENTLY VIA "MUH BOOTSTRAPS"

you are a fucking MORON

you fucking low iq mongs. I was never arguing for that. You're just so focused on self loathing you can't look at the bigger picture
Lmfao what the fuck is your point exactly? Do you want us to feel sad for normies because their SMV decreased and it’s also hard for them? Retard. Everyone knows that normies don’t have it that easy and that their SMV is decreasing. Everyone fucking knows that the hypergamy is getting worse everyday, this is not a seeing the big picture kind of thing you low IQ cel.
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Yeah, male smv has gone to shit, but sexhavers will never be welcome.
Lmfao what the duck is your point exactly? Do you want us to feel sad for normies because their SMV decreased and it’s also hard for them? Retard.
Never fucking said that, keep using strawman arguments you fucking greycel
Everyone knows that normies don’t have it that easy and that their SMV is decreasing.
complete fucking bullshit, there are TONS OF USERS who argue normies do just fine
sounds like something a sexhaver would say tbhngl
this thread is so fucking low iq
“women are fucking normies less plz feel bad”

sounds like something a sexhaver would say tbhngl
this thread is so fucking low iq
“women are fucking normies less plz feel bad”
For real dude. This post is so retarded.
Never fucking said that, keep using strawman arguments you fucking greycel

complete fucking bullshit, there are TONS OF USERS who argue normies do just fine

Of course they’re doing fine you retard. If you compare it with yourself they are doing just fine. They can get sex and they can get in to relationships while we can’t. Just because they have to work for it doesn’t mean I should pity for them. Dumb low IQ post.
it was a joke, my point still stands though. i’m not gonna feel bad for a sexhaver because they have less sex.
fine, i don't care wether you "feel bad". I NEVER FUCKING ASKED FOR THAT YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.
I wouldnt be surprised if OP turned out to be RPing as incel like his friends did.
Gigacope and shit argument.
It certainly is over for gallons and gallons of men.
Of course they’re doing fine you retard. If you compare it with yourself they are doing just fine. They can get sex and they can get in to relationships while we can’t. Just because they have to work for it doesn’t mean I should pity for them. Dumb low IQ post.
I never said you should "pity" them, you are pulling that out your ass
What else do you expect anyone to comment on a water is wet post?
It's not a "water is wet" post. Idiots on this forum actually assert that normies are doing just fine
Oh no dude it’s a big picture post please. We are all retards. JFL,
you're a fucking greycel derailing my thread by saying I'm telling you to feel bad for normies WHEN I NEVER DID. CLASSIC STRAWMAN
I never said you should "pity" them, you are pulling that out your ass

It's not a "water is wet" post. Idiots on this forum actually assert that normies are doing just fine
You have literally no point. Low IQ fucking post. You talk like a fakecel too.
you're a fucking greycel derailing my thread by saying I'm telling you to feel bad for normies WHEN I NEVER DID. CLASSIC STRAWMAN
Just because I’m a greycel doesn’t mean that you’re not retarded.
The point is this:

The blackpill is 100% real, but "inceldom" today is way, way more of an issue now than it was even a decade ago, and it comes from an underlying cultural trend of increasing polyamority which is resulting in our society de-evolving from monogamy to polygamy. ALL men, half the population, are going to be left miserable, violent, depressed, and angry. The 10-20% that have sex repeatedly will become ridiculously psycopathic and self-indulgent, while the remaining 80-90% will become angry, lonely, and violent.

Expect to see more and more men who will treat women like shit, and rightfully so.

Expect to see more terrorism, school shootings, gang fighting, criminal behavior, and domestic abuse unlike the world's ever seen.

Seeing the exponential growth in celibacy in recent years for young men makes me think that we might live to see society collapse or a world that isn't faintly human. It would be worth living to partake in that, be a part of that history.
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You have literally no point. Low IQ fucking post.
No I do have a point asshole. Normies are not doing fine and it's time people stopped acting like they do by just shouting blue pilled garbage.
You talk like a fakecel too.
i hope you’re getting mad watching my avi you fakecel keyboard warrior
go kill yourself troll
No I do have a point asshole. Normies are not doing fine and it's time people stopped acting like they do by just shouting blue pilled garbage.

go kill yourself troll
Shouting bluepilled garbage such as what? What bluepill can us incels spread bluepilled garbage concerning normies dude. They have a way better life quality then us and they can get laid and they can get love. Everyone knows that the hypergamy is getting worse and that normies have to work in order to get a foid. I think we are on the same point but just arguing like keyboard warriors. Hélas!
Funny how all this is coming from someone that mogs half the forum
so are you gonna address the OP or not?

you've accused me of

1. saying normies belong here
2. saying that we should "feel pity" for them

both are complete bullshit
Shouting bluepilled garbage such as what? What bluepill can us incels spread bluepilled garbage concerning normies dude. They have a way better life quality then us and they can get laid and they can get love. Everyone knows that the hypergamy is getting worse and that normies have to work in order to get a foid. I think we are on the same point but just arguing like keyboard warriors. Hélas!
people have unironically said that normies do not struggle at all. maybe not you, but countless people have
so are you gonna address the OP or not?

you've accused me of

1. saying normies belong here
2. saying that we should "feel pity" for them

both are complete bullshit

people have unironically said that normies do not struggle at all. maybe not you, but countless people have
I don’t know dude, since it’s very obvious I was looking for something other than that. We’re saying the same thing. :feelsYall:
The point of the post was that average men are struggling to have sex in this day and age right?

in that case why would a bunch of men who have never have sex and most likely will die without it care that the bar has raised for normies
you fucking moron

this is a forum that discusses the state of the sexual market.

so are you saying we should never ever ever ever talk about normies and chads, ever?

is that what you're suggesting?
Think of people like @Weed, a "fakecel", because he fucked a landwhale. or @rightfulcel, who got a few incomplete handjobs and blowjobs. Now they mog me and all non LARPers, of course. but if you think about it, these aren't exactly ideal sex lives. If a man gets laid a few times a year, he was INVOLUNTARILY NOT GETTING LAID CONSISTENTLY, as in, he wanted to get laid consistently (multiple times a month), but he only got a few hookups and had sex a few times in a year. That man is not having a "healthy" sex life. That's just a fact.

20 years ago, that would be seen as PATHETIC. Nowadays, it's seen as a slayer. Why is that? It's because THE BAR HAS BEEN DROPPED SO DAMN LOW FOR GALLONS OF MEN.

Women and Chads/Chadlites are having ORGIES and most men are getting SCRAPS OR NOTHING AT ALL.

Jordan Peterson is arguably more blackpilled than a decent amount of this forum:

View: https://youtu.be/-9l26VlF2to?t=506

The amount of SMV for sub7 men is NONEXISTENT

Jordan Peterson IS black pilled. He just can’t come out right and agree with everything for obvious reasons. Have you seen his podcast where he talks about incels with joe Rogan?
no i’m saying your reasoning for posting this thread is rather opaque

if it wasn't transparent, i'll clarify
this is a forum that discusses the state of the sexual market.
Jordan Peterson IS black pilled. He just can’t come out right and agree with everything for obvious reasons. Have you seen his podcast where he talks about incels with joe Rogan?
no, link plz?
true, that's because of the constant backsliding from men lying about their condition and accepting their circumstances without protest. getting laid once every 1-2 years is enough for them to brag like a slayer.
this is also why femoids are total garbage. one gesture and she doesn't hear another peep from her cuck.
Tbh the term incel seems to have an inconsistent meaning. Logically, if someone wants sex but they go a significant amount of time without getting it, then they're involuntarily celibate. However when people talk about being incel here, they're usually talking about being a lifelong reject. Honestly I think that there would be less confusion about us here if we were a bit more clear about the situation that most of us are in.

Most here are more like "forever celibate" rather than simply incel.
exactly, people keep moving the goalposts like idiots
The point is this:

The blackpill is 100% real, but "inceldom" today is way, way more of an issue now than it was even a decade ago, and it comes from an underlying cultural trend of increasing polyamority which is resulting in our society de-evolving from monogamy to polygamy. ALL men, half the population, are going to be left miserable, violent, depressed, and angry. The 10-20% that have sex repeatedly will become ridiculously psycopathic and self-indulgent, while the remaining 80-90% will become angry, lonely, and violent.

Expect to see more and more men who will treat women like shit, and rightfully so.

Expect to see more terrorism, school shootings, gang fighting, criminal behavior, and domestic abuse unlike the world's ever seen.

Seeing the exponential growth in celibacy in recent years for young men makes me think that we might live to see society collapse or a world that isn't faintly human. It would be worth living to partake in that, be a part of that history.
Length of equator IQ
Think of people like @Weed, a "fakecel", because he fucked a landwhale. or @rightfulcel, who got a few incomplete handjobs and blowjobs. Now they mog me and all non LARPers, of course. but if you think about it, these aren't exactly ideal sex lives. If a man gets laid a few times a year, he was INVOLUNTARILY NOT GETTING LAID CONSISTENTLY, as in, he wanted to get laid consistently (multiple times a month), but he only got a few hookups and had sex a few times in a year. That man is not having a "healthy" sex life. That's just a fact.
Did @rightfulcel get his handjobs and blowjobs from a Stacy or a landwhale?
Doesn’t matter, if you get unpaid sex you should not be here.

this too

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