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The EU was made to dilute the Jew population and reduce the number of virgins in Europe

Feminism Sucks!

Feminism Sucks!

I love Dr Verwoerd, I love Apartheid, VIRGIN PRIDE
Jul 25, 2022
When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Celtic really are. They call us Celtic like we are some sportsball team, but we are actually Jew. This is who our people are.

The EU was made to bring endless numbers of Chewbaccastani rapefugees into Europe, and thus, make it even harder for European men to find a virgin bride.

This is an especially perilous situation for Ireland and Scotland, DNA studies prove we are the purest European race with the smallest amount of Mediterranean Wog or Slavic Finnic blood in us. We also have a small population, so even a relatively modest number of uitlanders in our homelands can quickly destabilize our ethnic matrix.

They also bring their barbarous cultures to our lands, and dilute who we really are. They seem to really have a taste for Our White Women, and many of said Females want to fuck them to prove that they are tolerant and multicultural and not racist.

I'm not saying that sending the uitlanders back and purifying our "Celtic" (in actuality Jew) land would solve all of our problems, but a removal of uitlanders combined with a return to traditional Christian morality would greatly reduce the number of sluts, and far more females would be marrying a man when they are at their peak fertility age of 15-17, and then, we could have wives who are submissive both in the home, in the bedroom, and in the economy.

You notice there were very few incels 100 years ago because society had not been rigged against the average man yet. We are incels because the feminists decided that we would be. They are the ones who decided we are not worthy of sex...it is my hope that one day, a great patriotic leader will restored the West to its former greatness and go Death Con 3 on feminists, uitlanders, and also all the normies who have made our lives Hell...
Celtic people are ugly gingers.
Oy vey. You conspiracy theorist, goy...
So gingers are all jews in your opinion?
When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Celtic really are. They call us Celtic like we are some sportsball team, but we are actually Jew. This is who our people are.

The EU was made to bring endless numbers of Chewbaccastani rapefugees into Europe, and thus, make it even harder for European men to find a virgin bride.

This is an especially perilous situation for Ireland and Scotland, DNA studies prove we are the purest European race with the smallest amount of Mediterranean Wog or Slavic Finnic blood in us. We also have a small population, so even a relatively modest number of uitlanders in our homelands can quickly destabilize our ethnic matrix.

They also bring their barbarous cultures to our lands, and dilute who we really are. They seem to really have a taste for Our White Women, and many of said Females want to fuck them to prove that they are tolerant and multicultural and not racist.

I'm not saying that sending the uitlanders back and purifying our "Celtic" (in actuality Jew) land would solve all of our problems, but a removal of uitlanders combined with a return to traditional Christian morality would greatly reduce the number of sluts, and far more females would be marrying a man when they are at their peak fertility age of 15-17, and then, we could have wives who are submissive both in the home, in the bedroom, and in the economy.

You notice there were very few incels 100 years ago because society had not been rigged against the average man yet. We are incels because the feminists decided that we would be. They are the ones who decided we are not worthy of sex...it is my hope that one day, a great patriotic leader will restored the West to its former greatness and go Death Con 3 on feminists, uitlanders, and also all the normies who have made our lives Hell...
Oh it was nice when you Scots were busy emmigrating to Rhodesia and fcuking black virgins there. Now when the process you fought and bled for is on your dorrstep now you complain.

See your life, proud of Ian Smith Celtic man ready to fight and die against niggers to have sex with their women and shieeeet but now complaining when the system you created is coming home.
Celtic people are ugly gingers.
My hair is brown, all of my family has brown or blond hair.
Christian Identity is stupid

Celts aren't jews. Jews are Jews
Modern Celts to not practice Judaism but our origins are Judaic
So gingers are all jews in your opinion?
not all Celts are ginger, but there are many Jewish gingers. King David in the Bible was a Ginger
Oh it was nice when you Scots were busy emmigrating to Rhodesia and fcuking black virgins there. Now when the process you fought and bled for is on your dorrstep now you complain.

See your life, proud of Ian Smith Celtic man ready to fight and die against niggers to have sex with their women and shieeeet but now complaining when the system you created is coming home.
Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris.

Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who mostly frowned upon having affairs with random local women. There were about 20,000 mixed-race people in Rhodesia, and many of them were immigrants from South Africa or their children.
My hair is brown, all of my family has brown or blond hair.
Oh, Ok.
Modern Celts to not practice Judaism but our origins are Judaic
I hate Jews.
not all Celts are ginger, but there are many Jewish gingers. King David in the Bible was a Ginger
And your point is?
Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris.

Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who mostly frowned upon having affairs with random local women. There were about 20,000 mixed-race people in Rhodesia, and many of them were immigrants from South Africa or their children.
Based and Christpilled.
My hair is brown, all of my family has brown or blond hair.

Modern Celts to not practice Judaism but our origins are Judaic

not all Celts are ginger, but there are many Jewish gingers. King David in the Bible was a Ginger

Whites peaked at 7% of Rhodesia, whereas Ireland is now ~20% uitlander, Brits are a minority in London, the same with Frenchmen in Paris.

Also, sex between White men and black women in Rhodesia was a rare occurrence - the Rhodesian pioneers were devout Christians who mostly frowned upon having affairs with random local women. There were about 20,000 mixed-race people in Rhodesia, and many of them were immigrants from South Africa or their children.
Dude who you trying to bullshit? You know I am not a teen and know colonial history as a hobby. Dont try bullshit me sonny

The first pioneers and British South African Police went to Rhodesia only with their horses wagons and rifles. No women and children. So who did they reproduce with? Those 20000 mixed race children are from the original settlers and infact its more like 40000 because they married the mixed race daughters.

No matter whether USA, Ausralian, Canada white women did not emmigrate in large numbers initialy. Only when the cities and territories were developed did white European females emmigrate.

Any white in USA or Australia that can trace their lineage to the early sttlers all have mixed blood

The only pure blood Euros are the Johny come lately.
Gingers are found in two major clusters, one to the East (Known Jewish Origin - Russia) and one to the west (Celtic Coasts).

Is this your reasoning for believing that Celtic people are Jewish?
Oh, Ok.

I hate Jews.

And your point is?

Based and Christpilled.
Celts have nothing in common with modern Talmudic Judaism. A portion of our ancestry comes from the lost tribes of Judah from Biblical times. We have other ancestral sources, though. It's sad what happened to Rhodesia, a barbaric shithole like Zimbebwabwabwe was allowed to take its place. It makes me so angry.
Your origins are not Judaic. You had a polytheistic religion, just like germanics and slavs. Christianity is a foreign religion and not fucking celtic.

based for liking Rhodesia though
Rhodesians Never Die.
Dude who you trying to bullshit? You know I am not a teen and know colonial history as a hobby. Dont try bullshit me sonny

The first pioneers and British South African Police went to Rhodesia only with their horses wagons and rifles. No women and children. So who did they reproduce with? Those 20000 mixed race children are from the original settlers and infact its more like 40000 because they married the mixed race daughters.

No matter whether USA, Ausralian, Canada white women did not emmigrate in large numbers initialy. Only when the cities and territories were developed did white European females emmigrate.

Any white in USA or Australia that can trace their lineage to the early sttlers all have mixed blood

The only pure blood Euros are the Johny come lately.
"The Census of 3 May 1921 found that Southern Rhodesia had a total population of 899,187, of whom 33,620 were Europeans, 1,998 were Coloured (mixed race), 1,250 Asiatics, 761,790 Bantu natives of Southern Rhodesia and 100,529 Bantu aliens."
After 30 years of colonization, there were less than 2,000 mixed-race people. Most of them came later.
And White Rhodesians didn't marry with or assimilate mixed-race people, that was Afrikaners in the 17th and 18th centuries. By the time the Pioneer Column founded Rhodesia in 1890, White men could not marry non-White females and still be accepted by White society. The color line was hardened generations earlier.
Gingers are found in two major clusters, one to the East (Known Jewish Origin - Russia) and one to the west (Celtic Coasts).

Is this your reasoning for believing that Celtic people are Jewish?
That, combined with the fact that there is some genetic evidence of this, and the fact that there are some similar cultural practices, especially with regards to ancient beard and hairstyles and music.
EU = Amerimutt project to create a sort of USA 2.0 in Europe under their control.
Celts have nothing in common with modern Talmudic Judaism. A portion of our ancestry comes from the lost tribes of Judah from Biblical times. We have other ancestral sources, though. It's sad what happened to Rhodesia, a barbaric shithole like Zimbebwabwabwe was allowed to take its place. It makes me so angry.

Rhodesians Never Die.

"The Census of 3 May 1921 found that Southern Rhodesia had a total population of 899,187, of whom 33,620 were Europeans, 1,998 were Coloured (mixed race), 1,250 Asiatics, 761,790 Bantu natives of Southern Rhodesia and 100,529 Bantu aliens."
After 30 years of colonization, there were less than 2,000 mixed-race people. Most of them came later.
And White Rhodesians didn't marry with or assimilate mixed-race people, that was Afrikaners in the 17th and 18th centuries. By the time the Pioneer Column founded Rhodesia in 1890, White men could not marry non-White females and still be accepted by White society. The color line was hardened generations earlier.

That, combined with the fact that there is some genetic evidence of this, and the fact that there are some similar cultural practices, especially with regards to ancient beard and hairstyles and music.
Dude you know Wikipedia is not an accepted "Academic" source. Its good enough when you need a source just to quickly look up stuff on the go but you cannot use it as a source as evidence or literal fact.

What I said earlier is that the pioneers and first settlers came only with their horses, wagons and guns nothing else at all. Where did those settlers get their wives?
Again same as any settler colonies whether USA, South America, Australia there were no white women at least for the first 30 - 40 years but yet there were more and more men arriving as in administrators, BSAP etc etc. Who exactly did they lay with in their beds at night?

Just qoute me an academically tried and tested source showing the demographics and immigration records of Rhodesia from 1890 to 1920 so we see how many white women emmigrated into the country.
Dude you know Wikipedia is not an accepted "Academic" source. Its good enough when you need a source just to quickly look up stuff on the go but you cannot use it as a source as evidence or literal fact.

What I said earlier is that the pioneers and first settlers came only with their horses, wagons and guns nothing else at all. Where did those settlers get their wives?
Again same as any settler colonies whether USA, South America, Australia there were no white women at least for the first 30 - 40 years but yet there were more and more men arriving as in administrators, BSAP etc etc. Who exactly did they lay with in their beds at night?

Just qoute me an academically tried and tested source showing the demographics and immigration records of Rhodesia from 1890 to 1920 so we see how many white women emmigrated into the country.


View: https://imgur.com/a/KRbk5y2

Apparently for men who couldn't find British wives, the most common way to find a wife was to marry an Afrikaner woman from South Africa.

I'm not denying that occasionally White men would have sex with the local females, but it was on a very small scale. The 1921 Southern Rhodesian census showed less than 2 thousand mixed-race people.


View: https://imgur.com/a/KRbk5y2

Apparently for men who couldn't find British wives, the most common way to find a wife was to marry an Afrikaner woman from South Africa.

I'm not denying that occasionally White men would have sex with the local females, but it was on a very small scale. The 1921 Southern Rhodesian census showed less than 2 thousand mixed-race people.

Anyway fuck it, aint it.

some was fcuking niggas, some married Afrikaaners, others would use their hands

Are you born and bred in Rhodesia?
Anyway fuck it, aint it.

some was fcuking niggas, some married Afrikaaners, others would use their hands

Are you born and bred in Rhodesia?
No, sadly I'm from America
Brutal Jewpill in the OP

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