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Discussion The emergence of richcels and the end of betabuxxing.



Nov 20, 2022
Being a millionaire or even a billionaire can't even help you anymore. Having high six figures is mandatory for any non-chad guy to even talk to a woman. Every woman in a first world country now has access to both rich men to heta buxx off of and high status careers through affirmative action. They don't need protection or financial stability from the average man. They can get that from literal wall street brokers even if the girl is sub 5. Look at Jeff Bezos. He gets divorced by his roastie cunt wife, takes half his money, get with a dolled up Latina roastie, then that bitch openly flirts with Leonardo DiCaprio. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Bezos should have a literal harem of 10/10 18 year olds that will do literally everything for him, up to and including dying for him. Even rich men can't buy women anymore. They can only rent.
tsunami GIF
Except you'll never be able to get rich if you don't come from a wealthy background.
true wealth is largely luck

hi iq cels can max out in middle class tier at best
Except you'll never be able to get rich if you don't come from a wealthy background.
IQ, personality and looks are all more important.


we are talking rich enough that you literally never have to create anything yourself. Case in point: Donald Trump is many things but not a smart businessman. He inherited like $300M from his father in early 1980s. If he just invested it in a S&P 500 mutual fund and never worked - he would have MUCH more money today. But he did work - he did dumb business deals that ultimately lead to an inflation-adjusted net worth that is probably not any higher than what he inherited in the first place.

In a less extreme example, a person from a wealthy background who inherits $1M but is stupid has a very low chance of ever becoming much richer than that because good and bad investments will cancel out and the capital will be slowly eaten away by depreciating assets - and that's a best case scenario. If they're really stupid enough it'll go away fast like a typical lottery winner.
OTOH, you're much more likely to become richer if you were middle-class but smart enough to go to Harvard/MIT, and good looking and charismatic enough for people to pick you for top opportunities. Remember half-a century (from 18 to 68) is actually a long ass time for very high IQ very handsome very charismatic person to gain a lot (assuming they are in the US or other country with opportunities).
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Or dont have enough IQ
It's more a question of class struggle than a question of IQ imo

IQ, personality and looks are all more important.


we are talking rich enough that you literally never have to create anything yourself. Case in point: Donald Trump is many things but not a smart businessman. He inherited like $300M from his father in early 1980s. If he just invested it in a S&P 500 mutual fund and never worked - he would have MUCH more money today. But he did work - he did dumb business deals that ultimately lead to an inflation-adjusted net worth that is probably not any higher than what he inherited in the first place.

In a less extreme example, a person from a wealthy background who inherits $1M but is stupid has a very low chance of ever becoming much richer than that because good and bad investments will cancel out and the capital will be slowly eaten away by depreciating assets.
OTOH, you're much more likely to become rich if you were middle-class but smart enough to go to Harvard/MIT, and good looking and charismatic enough for people to pick you for top opportunities.
Dumbass richfags from wealthy backgrounds will always find a way to recover, whether thanks to their family or their relations overall.
Except you'll never be able to get rich if you don't come from a wealthy background.
Cryptomaxxing is the only way, but it's a massive gamble.
hi iq cels can max out in middle class tier at best
Yep. I do feel betabuxxing will make a return if we get 4 more years of Biden. Certainly if WW3 happens betabuxxing will be back big time.
It's more a question of class struggle than a question of IQ imo

Dumbass richfags from wealthy backgrounds will always find a way to recover, whether thanks to their family or their relations overall.
If they are being bailed out by rich family/friends constantly than that means they are rich enough not to have to ever create anything. That's exactly what I mean when I said "unless".

But I'm talking about wealthy background & stupid vs. very high IQ, very charismatic, very handsome. And wealthy background is not trust-fund-forever but say $1M inheritance at 18 (in the US). By 30 the latter will already be wealthier than the former (again, if in the US). For example, they can become a Neurosurgeon, which in the US pays an absurd $1M a year, or they can become a Senior Software Engineer at Google making $500k, or a Wall Street player making who-knows-how-much in a hedge fund. Or they might become an entrepreneur and then the sky is the limit. But the wealthy stupid guy will almost certainly be much poorer at 30 than he was at 18, barring some insanely lucky gamble.
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If they are being bailed out by rich family/friends constantly than that means they are rich enough not to have to ever create anything. That's exactly what I mean when I said "unless".

But I'm talking about wealthy background & stupid vs. very high IQ, very charismatic, very handsome. And wealthy background is not trust-fund-forever but say $1M inheritance at 18 (in the US). By 30 the latter will already be wealthier than the former (again, if in the US). For example, they can become a Neurosurgeon, which in the US pays an absurd $1M a year, or they can become a Senior Software Engineer at Google making $400k, or a Wall Street player making who-knows-how-much in a hedge fund. The wealthy stupid guy will almost certainly be much poorer at 30 than he was at 18.
Yeah obviously a handsome+smart guy will succeed no matter what his background is, sadly
Or dont have enough IQ
Good fucking cope that IQ is gonna save you. I know smart people and they are broke stingy losers. There is no ways to become rich anymore except extreme luck. It's more than over. I don't even exist at this point
Being a millionaire or even a billionaire can't even help you anymore. Having high six figures is mandatory for any non-chad guy to even talk to a woman. Every woman in a first world country now has access to both rich men to heta buxx off of and high status careers through affirmative action. They don't need protection or financial stability from the average man. They can get that from literal wall street brokers even if the girl is sub 5. Look at Jeff Bezos. He gets divorced by his roastie cunt wife, takes half his money, get with a dolled up Latina roastie, then that bitch openly flirts with Leonardo DiCaprio. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Bezos should have a literal harem of 10/10 18 year olds that will do literally everything for him, up to and including dying for him. Even rich men can't buy women anymore. They can only rent.
giving women jobs was the biggest retard moment we've ever had

it was in the works for centuries, the elite always planned on giving women jobs but they held it off for a little while.....until finally the world cucked hard enough for the laws to pass
Being a millionaire or even a billionaire can't even help you anymore. Having high six figures is mandatory for any non-chad guy to even talk to a woman. Every woman in a first world country now has access to both rich men to heta buxx off of and high status careers through affirmative action. They don't need protection or financial stability from the average man. They can get that from literal wall street brokers even if the girl is sub 5. Look at Jeff Bezos. He gets divorced by his roastie cunt wife, takes half his money, get with a dolled up Latina roastie, then that bitch openly flirts with Leonardo DiCaprio. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Bezos should have a literal harem of 10/10 18 year olds that will do literally everything for him, up to and including dying for him. Even rich men can't buy women anymore. They can only rent.
I’m rich cel and can’t buy prime young girl :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes:
giving women jobs was the biggest retard moment we've ever had

it was in the works for centuries, the elite always planned on giving women jobs but they held it off for a little while.....until finally the world cucked hard enough for the laws to pass
Oyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyy
Being a millionaire or even a billionaire can't even help you anymore. Having high six figures is mandatory for any non-chad guy to even talk to a woman. Every woman in a first world country now has access to both rich men to heta buxx off of and high status careers through affirmative action. They don't need protection or financial stability from the average man. They can get that from literal wall street brokers even if the girl is sub 5. Look at Jeff Bezos. He gets divorced by his roastie cunt wife, takes half his money, get with a dolled up Latina roastie, then that bitch openly flirts with Leonardo DiCaprio. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Bezos should have a literal harem of 10/10 18 year olds that will do literally everything for him, up to and including dying for him. Even rich men can't buy women anymore. They can only rent.
Jeff bezo isn’t the most rich or powerful there are ((((((((((elites)))))))))))) that he has to take orders from (in mein kraft )

IMG 2056
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imagine being a kikecel and still being forced to rotmaxx
Yeah because I’m part of the lower Jewish elite I’m basically at the bottom ranking my family is barely worth 15 million while the Jewish billionaires planet rulers like soros controlling everything
Yeah because I’m part of the lower Jewish elite I’m basically at the bottom ranking my family is barely worth 15 million while the Jewish billionaires planet rulers like soros controlling everything
nigga go into investment banking or some shit, make money and jpin the kike parties so you can become kikemaxxed

become a mega joo and ascend with your (((subsidized))) foids
nigga go into investment banking or some shit, make money and jpin the kike parties so you can become kikemaxxed

become a mega joo and ascend with your (((subsidized))) foids
My family don’t have enough connections for that :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :feelspuke: :feelspuke: :society: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelspuke: :feelspuke: :society: :society: :society: :society:
giving women jobs was the biggest retard moment we've ever had

it was in the works for centuries, the elite always planned on giving women jobs but they held it off for a little while.....until finally the world cucked hard enough for the laws to pass
It's part of the pieces falling into place to welcome the Antichrist. The elites needed to find a way to destroy the nuclear family and cause social unrest.
I would never betabuxx I'm ngl, doing IT and hoping I do well and exceed in it as it is my passion, but I've completely given up on any hopes of finding a wife when I'm surrounded by bitches and whores. My generation is so fucked I can see the difference in behaviour from their immigrants parents to these westernized feminist toilets. I'd rather die alone than get divorceraped and gold diggered.
I think the bottom line is that most men are losing leverage, fast. How can you betabuxx when the foid can get money from rich ass men, for existing? Even then, decades ago, a normal job was enough to secure a foid.
Being a millionaire or even a billionaire can't even help you anymore.
Cope. Anyone can ascend as a millionaire. Even if you're the ugliest subhuman alive, as a millionaire you can easily geomaxx. There are plenty of foids in the world who will jump at the opportunity to marry an ugly millionaire.

The problem is the whatever traits are making you incel, also tend to make it difficult for you to become rich.

Bezos should have a literal harem of 10/10 18 year olds that will do literally everything for him, up to and including dying for him.
Saying another man "should" have foids is cucked.

true wealth is largely luck

hi iq cels can max out in middle class tier at best
Cope. Anyone can ascend as a millionaire. Even if you're the ugliest subhuman alive, as a millionaire you can easily geomaxx. There are plenty of foids in the world who will jump at the opportunity to marry an ugly millionaire.

The problem is the whatever traits are making you incel, also tend to make it difficult for you to become rich.
1: while many men could theoretically become millionaires (in first world countries) it's retard and autistic to not recognize that the game is rigged and that millionaires are more chosen and lucky than earned by merit.
2: All it takes is a few rich guys that go to third world shitholes to richmaxxx for it to be unviable. The women of these countries get used to wealth and comfort overnight. You'll see passport bros talk about this shit. Plenty of ugly dudes with money will flood a country in search of non-whore women and get as a side effect, turn the women into spoiled cunts.
The women of these countries get used to wealth and comfort overnight.
This is an asinine statement.

Do you not fucking know that the population of the 3rd world dwarfs the population of the 1st world?
Europe and America together have 1.1 billion people, the rest of the world has over 6.5 billion.
Most 3rd worlders have never even fucking met a 1st worlder.
Every "passport bro" could betabuxx 5 women and it wouldn't make a dent.

Without mentioning that geomaxxing was only the backup plan I mentioned for the truly subhuman.
The majority of men and many incels I bet, would be able to ascend in their own countries as a millionaire.
This is an asinine statement.

Do you not fucking know that the population of the 3rd world dwarfs the population of the 1st world?
Europe and America together have 1.1 billion people, the rest of the world has over 6.5 billion.
Most 3rd worlders have never even fucking met a 1st worlder.
Every "passport bro" could betabuxx 5 women and it wouldn't make a dent.

Without mentioning that geomaxxing was only the backup plan I mentioned for the truly subhuman.
The majority of men and many incels I bet, would be able to ascend in their own countries as a millionaire.
The majority of men can't get rich. For various reasons like low IQ or lack of charisma. Also for guys in the first world it's super easy for any food to divorce rape you and take your shit so richmaxxxing really isn't viable. Also if you get rich in the third world by some miracle then you always have to worry about some jungle warlord killing you and taking your shit.
Well, it’s a losing battle in the end.

Get rich and betabuxx……and then the foid divorces you and takes half your money.

If you are rich…….just get escorts all the time.

There is no way to cheat our fate.
No way to buy a foid who will be loyal.
There is no way to cheat our fate.
No way to buy a foid who will be loyal.
The thing is that buying a woman use to be an option. For most of human history a man's wife was his property and he could feel safe knowing that she will be loyal to him and serve him, no matter how ugly.
Except you'll never be able to get rich if you don't come from a wealthy background.
True. The odds are like 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
JFL you can look at most rich people's lives and their parents were super wealthy and gave them the best education, sent them to the best schools, have tons of connections. I see it happen everyday
JFL you can look at most rich people's lives and their parents were super wealthy and gave them the best education, sent them to the best schools, have tons of connections. I see it happen everyday
That's how inequalities are conserved from one generation to another, and that's how we get economically raped by the same caste of people who raped our ancestors.

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