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SuicideFuel The EASIEST way to improve your social life as a man is to get a girlfriend.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
Single men in most societies are very similar to feral animals; They are at best tolerated but always seen as a threat that need to be managed.

The biggest thing that separates men and women is that on average, women have extensive support groups that they can draw upon for social, emotional, physical, even sexual support. And this is on a level I don't think most single men can fathom.

You're a woman and want to do something fun for the weekend? There are many people who want to invite you there. Want to get into a sport or hobby? There are lots of men who will help you get started just to spend time in your company. You're feeling sad because Chad dumped you or didn't call back? Plenty of women and even men will listen to you. Feeling horny? You don't even need Tinder, there are likely some attractive guys in your social circle that other women go to for their sexual needs, and you would rather sleep with him.

As a woman, you can enter a new city, open up a Tinder account and make a profile saying that you're new to the city and need some help settling in. You'll get hundreds of guys who want to be your tour-guide and tell you everything you need to know. The same thing doesn't really happen for men.

Every part of society wants women to succeed and wants women involved in their lives. Women are seen as intrinsically valuable just by existing. From the low meat-market of clubs to even social groups catered towards hobbies or athletics, there is always an effort to increase the number of women participating. Nobody wants to be in a sausage-fest, so women will frequently get invited to social events. Also because of their social value, women are more likely to be helped with education and throughout their career. Every guy wants to be that guy who helped out a damsel in distress in her school project, or helped the damsel get better at her job.

Most men don't get this extensive social support. Opposite to women, society doesn't want other men to succeed. Naturally, as a single male, most other males see you as a competition, and most females see you as a threat. As a result, most men end up having to learn how to manage everything on their own, and deal with their emotional and sexual needs in ways that don't involve others. Men are much more resilient when it comes to social isolation than women.

As a man, you are not wanted in any social circle unless you're either exceptionally talented in something, you're an athlete, or you're exceptionally good-looking. You can also get acceptance into a social circle by being the jokester or the simp, but again you're always seen as a liability, and you are only wanted for what you can provide (emotionally, financially, etc.), and as soon as you express that you have a sexuality the group no longer wants you involved.

If you aren't any of those, the easiest way to be accepted into a social circle is to get a girlfriend. Why? A girlfriend is social proof. It proves to the men that you are no longer competition to them, and proves to the women that you are safe because a woman other than them has selected you.

Men with girlfriends consistently have more vibrant social lives than single men. They get easy access to his girlfriend's support group filled with men and women. It can almost be night and day.

I've talked to any guys who have been single for a while and finally got a girlfriend, and they told me that after they got a girlfriend, other girls started to talk to him more and be more comfortable around him. He's invited to more places and is generally accepted into a social circle. I've also seen how the lives of men who had girlfriends suddenly became more dull when they break up. He loses access to his girlfriend's support group, so suddenly the girls who were friendly to him aren't friendly anymore, guys in that social circle see him as a threat again, and he essentially regresses back to being on the fringes of society.

So when men talk about tfw no GF, they are talking about more than just sex. Having a girlfriend does provide access to sex, love and intimacy, but it also is the easiest way for a man to get social acceptance and to inherit the social benefits of the woman he is dating.
Every part of society wants women to succeed and wants women involved in their lives. Women are seen as intrinsically valuable just by existing. From the low meat-market of clubs to even social groups catered towards hobbies or athletics, there is always an effort to increase the number of women participating. Nobody wants to be in a sausage-fest, so women will frequently get invited to social events. Also because of their social value, women are more likely to be helped with education and throughout their career. Every guy wants to be that guy who helped out a damsel in distress in her school project, or helped the damsel get better at her job.
This is what killed the offices and workspaces
This is what killed work offices
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>wall of text

I also don't read threads of people without an avi
A truecel like me will never have a girlfriend
I've talked to any guys who have been single for a while and finally got a girlfriend, and they told me that after they got a girlfriend, other girls started to talk to him more and be more comfortable around him. He's invited to more places and is generally accepted into a social circle. I've also seen how the lives of men who had girlfriends suddenly became more dull when they break up. He loses access to his girlfriend's support group, so suddenly the girls who were friendly to him aren't friendly anymore, guys in that social circle see him as a threat again, and he essentially regresses back to being on the fringes of society.

Because having a girlfriend also means that you wont be trying to have sex or date other girls so girls are more comfortable talking to you because they know there is no risk of leading you on or you hitting on them

Its easy to make female friends when there are no romantic or sexual ulterior motives

Having a girlfriend solves every problem ever
Jestermaxxing is at least attainable. Getting a gf is exponentially more difficult to impossible.
This is what killed work offices

It's not just killing work offices my friend.

It has worked its way into the military as well. It's making men in there more competitive against each other, and everything regresses towards the pandering of women. Combine that with excessive sexual harassment policies and most men no longer want to socialize at work, they would rather do the bare minimum and go home.
It's not just killing work offices my friend.

It has worked its way into the military as well. It's making men in there more competitive against each other, and everything regresses towards the pandering of women. Combine that with excessive sexual harassment policies and most men no longer want to socialize at work, they would rather do the bare minimum and go home.
Yeah I relate to this. I work part time but I am invited to these smaller gatherings, sometimes after hours, I just can't be arsed. Our office is full of simps and stacies
Thanks for suifuel in the title
Jestermaxxing is at least attainable. Getting a gf is exponentially more difficult to impossible.

It's attainable but you get no benefit from it.

You get some fleeting acceptance into whatever social circle you're into, but as I said it entirely depends on your ability to entertain the social circle. You don't get any benefit in return, no girl wants to date the jester of the social circle. At most you can claim that you're sociable, but a man who is alone and has one or two friends has more dignity.
Every part of society wants women to succeed and wants women involved in their lives. Women are seen as intrinsically valuable just by existing. From the low meat-market of clubs to even social groups catered towards hobbies or athletics, there is always an effort to increase the number of women participating. Nobody wants to be in a sausage-fest, so women will frequently get invited to social events. Also because of their social value, women are more likely to be helped with education and throughout their career. Every guy wants to be that guy who helped out a damsel in distress in her school project, or helped the damsel get better at her job.

Most men don't get this extensive social support. Opposite to women, society doesn't want other men to succeed. Naturally, as a single male, most other males see you as a competition, and most females see you as a threat. As a result, most men end up having to learn how to manage everything on their own, and deal with their emotional and sexual needs in ways that don't involve others. Men are much more resilient when it comes to social isolation than women.

Yup. I'm punching the air every night i go to sleep because I wasnt taught about the Blackpill until my late 20s. Should I have taken the BP at a younger age I wouldn't have wasted my entire 20s rambling thru college clubs and lounges knowing that I am completely WORTHLESS in society. Hopefully we can teach youngins to focus on their careers instead of wasting their life away to pursue women they will never get.
Massive Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpill facts
>wall of text

I also don't read threads of people without an avi

Imagine being told this by a guy named ecstasy and this avii

Source 2
nikola tesla iq

being able to get a gf is not just getting a gf. its proof that you are good enough, you are desired. its a threshold between whos good enough and who isent. its the ultimate proof that you arent a subhuman.
human history is filled with men doing anything they can to get women/pussy, yet normies insist its not that big of a deal.
I will do that right now!

Great advice bro!
Single men in most societies are very similar to feral animals; They are at best tolerated but always seen as a threat that need to be managed.
Yeah this is evident everywhere.

The biggest thing that separates men and women is that on average, women have extensive support groups that they can draw upon for social, emotional, physical, even sexual support. And this is on a level I don't think most single men can fathom.

You're a woman and want to do something fun for the weekend? There are many people who want to invite you there. Want to get into a sport or hobby? There are lots of men who will help you get started just to spend time in your company. You're feeling sad because Chad dumped you or didn't call back? Plenty of women and even men will listen to you. Feeling horny? You don't even need Tinder, there are likely some attractive guys in your social circle that other women go to for their sexual needs, and you would rather sleep with him.

As a woman, you can enter a new city, open up a Tinder account and make a profile saying that you're new to the city and need some help settling in. You'll get hundreds of guys who want to be your tour-guide and tell you everything you need to know. The same thing doesn't really happen for men.
And this difference is exacerbated more than ever with social media. Every foid that wants to be is basically a celebrity and has the network and status of one if they choose.

Every part of society wants women to succeed and wants women involved in their lives. Women are seen as intrinsically valuable just by existing. From the low meat-market of clubs to even social groups catered towards hobbies or athletics, there is always an effort to increase the number of women participating. Nobody wants to be in a sausage-fest, so women will frequently get invited to social events. Also because of their social value, women are more likely to be helped with education and throughout their career. Every guy wants to be that guy who helped out a damsel in distress in her school project, or helped the damsel get better at her job.
I've been saying this for some time. Most guys want to help and privilege women over other men not really because of pussy but because the mere act of doing so makes them feel impressed with themselves and they like how society and the woman looks on them favorably when they do this selflessly for no reward.

Most men don't get this extensive social support. Opposite to women, society doesn't want other men to succeed. Naturally, as a single male, most other males see you as a competition, and most females see you as a threat. As a result, most men end up having to learn how to manage everything on their own, and deal with their emotional and sexual needs in ways that don't involve others. Men are much more resilient when it comes to social isolation than women.
Very true about other males seeing as a competition and other females as a threat but I'd argue based on how guys can get along if only loosely organized in a group with no foids but foids always showing disdain toward unattractive males means the females seeing most males as a threat part is a way bigger factor.
And of course what foids do, favor and look down upon the rest of society follows. If foids are against you society is against you.

As a man, you are not wanted in any social circle unless you're either exceptionally talented in something, you're an athlete, or you're exceptionally good-looking. You can also get acceptance into a social circle by being the jokester or the simp, but again you're always seen as a liability, and you are only wanted for what you can provide (emotionally, financially, etc.), and as soon as you express that you have a sexuality the group no longer wants you involved.
And again this is even more exacerbated with social media where men are expected to go above and beyond to prove they have social and sexual value to others.
When you see every guy grinding and bragging about it on social media suddenly being hardworking, following the life script society set out for you and being diligent but reserved is no longer seen as praise worthy as it once was but is instead now the minimum acceptable standard.

If you aren't any of those, the easiest way to be accepted into a social circle is to get a girlfriend. Why? A girlfriend is social proof. It proves to the men that you are no longer competition to them, and proves to the women that you are safe because a woman other than them has selected you.

Men with girlfriends consistently have more vibrant social lives than single men. They get easy access to his girlfriend's support group filled with men and women. It can almost be night and day.

I've talked to any guys who have been single for a while and finally got a girlfriend, and they told me that after they got a girlfriend, other girls started to talk to him more and be more comfortable around him. He's invited to more places and is generally accepted into a social circle. I've also seen how the lives of men who had girlfriends suddenly became more dull when they break up. He loses access to his girlfriend's support group, so suddenly the girls who were friendly to him aren't friendly anymore, guys in that social circle see him as a threat again, and he essentially regresses back to being on the fringes of society.
This is possibly the worst thing for normie guys. Once their gf leaves them they are treated as a leper perhaps more so than single males that never had any luck or tried with foids because everyone knows they failed to keep a woman. If they aren't actively looking to get out there are regain a woman's heart all the worse. To society that's a bigger failure in society's eyes. It explains why divorced men that never remarried or men that had a one or two relationships but never again were able to are looked upon as losers, quitters and weak.

So when men talk about tfw no GF, they are talking about more than just sex. Having a girlfriend does provide access to sex, love and intimacy, but it also is the easiest way for a man to get social acceptance and to inherit the social benefits of the woman he is dating.
But only for as long as he is able to keep her. As soon as he loses her it's back to square one or perhaps worse because people now clearly see you are unwanted and weren't able to keep a woman.
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nikola tesla iq

being able to get a gf is not just getting a gf. its proof that you are good enough, you are desired. its a threshold between whos good enough and who isent. its the ultimate proof that you arent a subhuman.
human history is filled with men doing anything they can to get women/pussy, yet normies insist its not that big of a deal.
Gf = proof of humanity. in the eyes of nature. if you can't do that you are not "human" but a waste.

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