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Theory The difference between incels and failed normies(many users here are failed normies) GTFIH

We shouldn’t divide ourselves into subsections. Even coping failed normies.

The incel movement/fourm is already divided enough as it is.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Is not the point to show the insane female hypergamy and their general lack of loyalty and honesty?
I mean EVEN if you are educated, have a job, your own place, dress OK and are relatively functional (be it bluepilled, redpilled or blackpilled), women will STILL refuse to even look your way!!!
More and more young men are virgins, while now over 10% of young american women have an OF account, and women reject 80% of men as being "below average".
a failed normie is still an incel, just different from a truecel.
Neurotypicality is a hard trait to gauge. I am 5ft tall and curry. I could just about imagine being 6ft or a different race and how much better my life could be. I cannot imagine being non neurotypical because a rewiring of my brain means I wouldn't be myself any more. If you are truly neurodivergent it's over. Read about the lives of Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton. Both achieved such impressive status and fame that they had women throw themselves at them. Tesla was literally tall, rich, dark, and handsome. Neither reproduced or had sex.
I don't agree with you, you can still be a real incel if you live a normie life. I'd say that these types of people are the real truecels. These people are virgins solely because of their looks.

A lot of incels that claim muh autism aren't ugly and just use autism as an excuse to be lazy and never try.
Jfl, trying to latch on to the last bit of superiority whilst condemning people that are still incel by definition shows the kind of person you are and shows that your thread is not meant to be taken seriously.
you missed the point, if these cunts want to flex on us incels with their social lives and jobs we must show them how inferior they are, we shouln't let them win

and no they aren't incel by definition, being incel = virgin loser, failed normie = virgin non loser
Failed normie = avg looking guy who is virgin & never had gf

They are not truely ugly, if you are actually fucking ugly you are incel.
I cannot imagine being non neurotypical because a rewiring of my brain means I wouldn't be myself any more
i feel exactly the same man, i can imagine myself being taller or better looking, but can't imagine being neurotypical because it wouldn't even be me anymore
Saying they are ugly is generous
Ya, like I am neurotypical but ugly horrible childhood neglected by everyone broke and so on. Those failed normies fags are just ugly but have things going on for them in life. Whereas we are always on the verge of roping. There should be a testing system as to who is allowed in our forums.
Neurotypicality is a hard trait to gauge. I am 5ft tall and curry. I could just about imagine being 6ft or a different race and how much better my life could be. I cannot imagine being non neurotypical because a rewiring of my brain means I wouldn't be myself any more. If you are truly neurodivergent it's over. Read about the lives of Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton. Both achieved such impressive status and fame that they had women throw themselves at them. Tesla was literally tall, rich, dark, and handsome. Neither reproduced or had sex.
Agreed fellow curry cel. Being nerodivergent as a male in this lifeeans it's already over. Unless you are 6+ tall white blue eyes good looking decent backround with above avg income parents etc, so much to compensate for being non nt whereas foids could just exist and some retard bluepilled incel will marry them juggernaut theory.just to give birth to another subhuman. This life is a joke there is no god humans will always suffer
Ya, like I am neurotypical but ugly horrible childhood neglected by everyone broke and so on. Those failed normies fags are just ugly but have things going on for them in life. Whereas we are always on the verge of roping. There should be a testing system as to who is allowed in our forums.
exactly this
There's nothing i despise more than failed normies, they often claim to be incels, and that might be true depending on what you consider an incel. I will teach you guys how to spot a failed normie and explain why we should ban and bully them to suicide

  • Ugly
  • Neurodivergent
  • Virgin
  • Social outcast
Failed normie:
  • Ugly
  • Neurotypical
  • virgin
  • Member of soyciety
Failed normies might be ugly and virgins like us incels, but they are NT, they have friends, jobs, college education and are respected members of soyciety, the only real problem they have is being ugly, and sure that's brutal, but they can't relate to the brutality that is to be an incel, they often came here to brag about how their lives are good, and that pisses me off

Here's a great example of a failed normie scum:

As i said failed normies have only one problem: being ugly, whereas us incels have a lot of problems, and being ugly is the least brutal of them to be honest, we are mentally ill, non NT, misfits considered scum by soyciety. We should ban and bully the fuck out of failed normies, they have everything but still failed because they are ugly, and they come here to brag and feel better about themselves("i am ugly and virgin but at least i am better than these losers haha"), they should be treated like scum on incel community, they shouldn't be accepted here

If you are an incel and think we should accept failed normies, think twice, these guys don't know the pain of being a social outcast, the pain of being a loser, and they came here to brag and get attention like the bitches they are, it disgusts me
the kind of failed normie I hate the most, and many of them come here just because this is a bastion of free speech-- are the kind of failed normies that actually have decent looks but have the combination of being both evil and stupid, insofar they can't help but be IT memes and out themselves as unsavory characters in the dating market.

And while they probably could get away with it if they were a true gigaChad, the fact that they are arrogant enough to never even budge an inch for others really fucking peeves me
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There's nothing i despise more than failed normies, they often claim to be incels, and that might be true depending on what you consider an incel. I will teach you guys how to spot a failed normie and explain why we should ban and bully them to suicide

  • Ugly
  • Neurodivergent
  • Virgin
  • Social outcast
Failed normie:
  • Ugly
  • Neurotypical
  • virgin
  • Member of soyciety
Failed normies might be ugly and virgins like us incels, but they are NT, they have friends, jobs, college education and are respected members of soyciety, the only real problem they have is being ugly, and sure that's brutal, but they can't relate to the brutality that is to be an incel, they often came here to brag about how their lives are good, and that pisses me off

Here's a great example of a failed normie scum:

As i said failed normies have only one problem: being ugly, whereas us incels have a lot of problems, and being ugly is the least brutal of them to be honest, we are mentally ill, non NT, misfits considered scum by soyciety. We should ban and bully the fuck out of failed normies, they have everything but still failed because they are ugly, and they come here to brag and feel better about themselves("i am ugly and virgin but at least i am better than these losers haha"), they should be treated like scum on incel community, they shouldn't be accepted here

If you are an incel and think we should accept failed normies, think twice, these guys don't know the pain of being a social outcast, the pain of being a loser, and they came here to brag and get attention like the bitches they are, it disgusts me
A lot of cope with this, if you are ugly foids will perceive as a neurodivergent even if you aren't.
Jfl, trying to latch on to the last bit of superiority whilst condemning people that are still incel by definition shows the kind of person you are and shows that your thread is not meant to be taken seriously.
He admitted he got hugged by a foid in secondary school lol
I can tell this post comes from genuine hurt. Failed normies are incels. They are not social outcasts. Being a true outcast of society is much more than not having sex, it's an unimaginably brutal fate. It's totally understandable why somebody would be enraged when a guy with a stable job, a handful of friends and a functional parental family comes to you, a 20-something NEET, no job, khhv, no friends or family and says: "Hey, we both don't have sex. We are exactly the same."

Actual lepers are rare. Most people who are by definition incel (involuntarily celibate) still live a somewhat bearable life. Not a great life. But not comparable to ours. I know plenty guys who have 0.00% sex, they still work, enjoy hobbies, go to concerts, hang out with other people and would tell you their life is pretty OK if you asked them. We are unironically not the same. It's a tragic fate.
I guess I'm a failed normie then.
Whew, I feel a lot better now not to be one of you loser incels.

Michael15651 isn't a normie you 2025 faggot!​

An incel is a man who cannot get unpaid consensual sex. The payment can be in the form of money or other material favors. That's all.
There's nothing i despise more than failed normies, they often claim to be incels, and that might be true depending on what you consider an incel. I will teach you guys how to spot a failed normie and explain why we should ban and bully them to suicide

  • Ugly
  • Neurodivergent
  • Virgin
  • Social outcast
Failed normie:
  • Ugly
  • Neurotypical
  • virgin
  • Member of soyciety
Failed normies might be ugly and virgins like us incels, but they are NT, they have friends, jobs, college education and are respected members of soyciety, the only real problem they have is being ugly, and sure that's brutal, but they can't relate to the brutality that is to be an incel, they often came here to brag about how their lives are good, and that pisses me off

Here's a great example of a failed normie scum:

As i said failed normies have only one problem: being ugly, whereas us incels have a lot of problems, and being ugly is the least brutal of them to be honest, we are mentally ill, non NT, misfits considered scum by soyciety. We should ban and bully the fuck out of failed normies, they have everything but still failed because they are ugly, and they come here to brag and feel better about themselves("i am ugly and virgin but at least i am better than these losers haha"), they should be treated like scum on incel community, they shouldn't be accepted here

If you are an incel and think we should accept failed normies, think twice, these guys don't know the pain of being a social outcast, the pain of being a loser, and they came here to brag and get attention like the bitches they are, it disgusts me
I'm short, 4/10 with really bad adhd,i have a small social circle, get treated as just about human and I'm in uni atm working for a maths degree to hopefully get a high paying job and get LL in future

What am I
Most failed normies are mid to high tier normies and its pretty common that some of them let alone are just volcels who've never tried most of the time
What’s the difference between neurotypical and neurodivergent
Most incels are failed normalfags because they value their worth based on pussy and normalfags. They wish they were them, post and get mad that they aren't. Also, if you care that much about all the "milestones" normlfags set, chances are you aren't even autistic either. Autists live in their own world.
It's totally understandable why somebody would be enraged when a guy with a stable job, a handful of friends and a functional parental family comes to you, a 20-something NEET, no job, khhv, no friends or family and says: "Hey, we both don't have sex. We are exactly the same."
exactly man
many older failed normies have had sex in the past but cant get sex anymore due to age and soyciety change etc and are left behind. so not all failed normies r necessarily virgins
"Divide and conquer" is supposed to be something your enemies do to you when they aim to conquer you, not something you do to yourself.

If you make "being in insurmountable suffering for life" a prerequisite for group membership, you select for an echo chamber filled with dysfunctional, completely broken men driven primarily by envy and hatred for anyone capable of achieving even a crumb of success.

My sympathetic explanation for this tendency among incels is that being forced to share a space with people who have it better than you is emotionally taxing and most of us aren't capable or willing to pay such a tax when we don't see the benefit.

My unsympathetic explanation is that the people who end up on here mainly end up here because, in addition to being ugly and mentally ill, they are also so disagreeable, they manage to go through their entire life without once making a place for themselves anywhere, so they end up in the one space where being a total failure is actually a qualification.

By now I'm infinitely sick of watching this wrangling over the pecking order of misery.

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