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Theory The difference between incels and failed normies(many users here are failed normies) GTFIH



Jan 22, 2025
There's nothing i despise more than failed normies, they often claim to be incels, and that might be true depending on what you consider an incel. I will teach you guys how to spot a failed normie and explain why we should ban and bully them to suicide

  • Ugly
  • Neurodivergent
  • Virgin
  • Social outcast
Failed normie:
  • Ugly
  • Neurotypical
  • virgin
  • Member of soyciety
Failed normies might be ugly and virgins like us incels, but they are NT, they have friends, jobs, college education and are respected members of soyciety, the only real problem they have is being ugly, and sure that's brutal, but they can't relate to the brutality that is to be an incel, they often came here to brag about how their lives are good, and that pisses me off

Here's a great example of a failed normie scum:

As i said failed normies have only one problem: being ugly, whereas us incels have a lot of problems, and being ugly is the least brutal of them to be honest, we are mentally ill, non NT, misfits considered scum by soyciety. We should ban and bully the fuck out of failed normies, they have everything but still failed because they are ugly, and they come here to brag and feel better about themselves("i am ugly and virgin but at least i am better than these losers haha"), they should be treated like scum on incel community, they shouldn't be accepted here

If you are an incel and think we should accept failed normies, think twice, these guys don't know the pain of being a social outcast, the pain of being a loser, and they came here to brag and get attention like the bitches they are, it disgusts me
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Saying they are ugly is generous
There's nothing i despise more than failed normies, they often claim to be incels, and that might be true depending on what you consider an incel. I will teach you guys how to spot a failed normie and explain why we should ban and bully them to suicide

  • Ugly
  • Neurodivergent
  • Virgin
  • Social outcast
Failed normie:
  • Ugly
  • Neurotypical
  • virgin
  • Member of soyciety
Failed normies might be ugly and virgins like us incels, but they are NT, they have friends, jobs, college education and are respected members of soyciety, the only real problem they have is being ugly, and sure that's brutal, but they can't relate to the brutality that is to be an incel, they often came here to brag about how their lives are good, and that pisses me off

Here's a great example of a failed normie scum:

As i said failed normies have only one problem: being ugly, whereas us incels have a lot of problems, and being ugly is the least brutal of them to be honest, we are mentally ill, non NT, misfits considered scum by soyciety. We should ban and bully the fuck out of failed normies, they have everything but still failed because they are ugly, and they come here to brag and feel better about themselves("i am ugly and virgin but at least i am better than these losers haha"), they should be treated like scum on incel community, they shouldn't be accepted here
I go to college. The best fucking one in my country as a matter of fact. And it's STEM. Doesn't change anything really. Ugly = incel.
Incel is just being a virgin, it doesnt matter what background you come from if youre here its over
The failed normie in your example is still a complete incel by definition
Saying they are ugly is generous
:feelskek: they are fucking hideous, imagine having everything(friends, college degree, job, good car) and still being a virgin, you have to be hideous as fuck, most incels looksmog failed normies, we should make this clear for them, then they can see how scum they are
:feelskek: they are fucking hideous, imagine having everything(friends, college degree, job, good car) and still being a virgin, you have to be hideous as fuck, most incels looksmog failed normies, we should make this clear for them, then they can see how scum they are
an average incel is 4/10 facially, an average failed normie is sub3 facially, you have to be almost deformed to be a virgin when you have everyhting else going on in your life, and these cunts(failed normies) still have the courage to came here and brag on us incels
We shouldn’t divide ourselves into subsections. Even coping failed normies.

The incel movement/fourm is already divided enough as it is.
The incel movement/fourm is already divided enough as it is
failed normies are not incels tho, they will never understand how brutal it is to be a social outcast considered scum by the whole world
an average incel is 4/10 facially, an average failed normie is sub3 facially, you have to be almost deformed to be a virgin when you have everyhting else going on in your life, and these cunts(failed normies) still have the courage to came here and brag on us incels
Damn, I'd rather just be the regular 4/10 incel in this case. How can they be a "normie" if by your own words, their appearance stops them from having a fulfilling life and leads to them missing out on sex up until adulthood?
failed normies are not incels tho, they will never understand how brutal it is to be a social outcast considered scum by the whole world
They are still incels. Just bluepilled about soyciety
How can they be a "normie" if by your own words, their appearance stops them from having a fulfilling life and leads to them missing out on sex up until adulthood
they aren't normies, they are failed normies, and in my opinion they are worse than us incels, and the fact they love to flex on us incels makes me disgusted

being incel is more than being ugly, being ugly is one of the many fucking problems we have to face daily
dnr, anyone who has INTERACTED with a FOID should be BANNED
I am by your definition failed normie but the thing is I am involuntary celibate and thats what incel means.
What about a truecel?
IMG 6252
IMG 6250
I am by your definition failed normie but the thing is I am involuntary celibate and thats what incel means.
so ur accepted by soyciety unlike us who have to suffer alone? fuck you, burn in hell you faggot.
so ur accepted by soyciety unlike us who have to suffer alone? fuck you, burn in hell you faggot.
I live in the east where people are more social so its easier for me to socialize. And some people can be nice.
I live in the east where people are more social so its easier for me to socialize. And some people can be nice.
i live in brazil pal, people are extremely social here, still i am an utter social outcast
I must be 1/10 since I’m neurotypical but still a social outcast and have literally nothing going for me
:feelskek: they are fucking hideous, imagine having everything(friends, college degree, job, good car) and still being a virgin, you have to be hideous as fuck, most incels looksmog failed normies, we should make this clear for them, then they can see how scum they are
I must be 1/10 since I’m neurotypical but still a social outcast and have literally nothing going for me
you have half a million posts on an incel forum mate, i doubt you are NT
they aren't always bluepilled, they are part of the fucking soyciety and respected by them
Bluepilled take. You think soyciety will respect 33 year old ugly virgin?
yeah this too, us incels could overpower these fucking failed normies so easily lol, and they still dare to flex on us how they are respectable members of le soyciety
Are you that nigga from Stupid Clown's server who was mod
I agree with what you wrote, but I consider failed normies to be bluepilled. A failed normie is a member of soyciety, so they must be bluepilled. I can't fathom how a near-incel could exist with clear and sane mind if he subscribes to the blackpill belief. It destroys you mentally, you just cannot cope with it. That's why I think that people you wrote about aren't necessarily failed normies. Just more fortunate incels, but still incels. A failed normie can't be aware that his physical appearance is the sole divider between becoming a potential partner and a freak in the eyes of women.

Also mandatory: looks>neurotypicality. A mentally ill, neurodivergent chad will have no problems with attracting a woman; a neurotypical incel can be a weak orbiter at best. These types usually have a couple of real-life friends, but they have no female interaction in their lives, due to their looks, which they aren't aware of, even if they try to fix it.

Just presenting my two cents on the matter.
Incel is just being a virgin, it doesnt matter what background you come from if youre here its over
People are forgetting what incels mean. It doesn’t have to mean social outcast. It just means you’re a virgin. Maybe we need a channel for the outcasts.
I never had actual friends. I only had a very few select of aquitances who only spoke to me cuz i was there at the moment but majority of them secretly hated me. I was bullied a lot for my looks. I never had an actual friends group. Not even the social rejects liked me that much. I mainly only got along with the other loser spergs but even they barely spoke to me. I never had a girlfriend once either. I go to college just simply cuz my mom forces me too and i need to atleast moneymaxx
The majority opinion for what counts as truecel is just to be really ugly and unattractive. Non-NT is not a requirement. If anything, being NT proves you're truecel because you can't blame your mental.
@Choler you cannot have money and be an incel

Incels are meant to be poor weak Outcasts
Gatekeeping isn’t helping anyone. If someone is a virgin despite trying, they belong here. If they have friends or a job, good for them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still suffering from the same root issue: women rejecting them because they’re ugly and rampant hypergamy in modern society caused by the freeing and amplification of the female's nature. Truecel vs. incel is a better classification.
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This is funny because you are the definition of a failed normie yet claim to hate them:

I would even say you are a fakecel.
This is funny because you are the definition of a failed normie yet claim to hate them:
you're retarded, did you read what i say a failed normie is? im not a member of soyciety, im an outcast despite having hugged a foid when i was a fucking kid jfl

mirin hagrid pfp tho
:feelskek: they are fucking hideous, imagine having everything(friends, college degree, job, good car) and still being a virgin, you have to be hideous as fuck, most incels looksmog failed normies, we should make this clear for them, then they can see how scum they are
foids consider 80% of guys unattractive
There's degrees to it.

I have a few friends
I have a University degree
But I don't have a job because of a mental illness and I am mostly socially isolated and I periodically live with my parents at 31.

I don't think my education that was finished almost 10 years ago and having 3-4 friends that I rarely see disqualifies my inceldom. That would be a very Puritan view of what an incel is.
an average incel is 4/10 facially, an average failed normie is sub3 facially, you have to be almost deformed to be a virgin when you have everyhting else going on in your life, and these cunts(failed normies) still have the courage to came here and brag on us incels
Jfl, trying to latch on to the last bit of superiority whilst condemning people that are still incel by definition shows the kind of person you are and shows that your thread is not meant to be taken seriously.

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