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Blackpill The desire for female companion isn't real, & blackpill simply means men aren't pretty

Destroyed lonely

Destroyed lonely

Feb 18, 2024
As explained here in one of the highest iq threads on this site by @CopingForBrutality

The desire for "femininity" is fake, you only want female company because women are pretty and sexy, it's a desire for physical beauty disguised as romanticism

You don't want the "company" of a 60yo fat grandma, you only THINK you have "low standards" when you say you'd be ok with being with most foids you see, but in reality that's because majority of foids our age even the below average ones are still prettier than almost all men, beauty is primarily a female trait, men at best can look Ok or have large physique, but very rarely beautiful

"Feminine" = beautiful, I'm not saying all women are beautiful, but you need to understand and ACCEPT what we desire in foids is physical beauty and nothing more, even when we think we don't

Foids our age KNOW this, they know exactly WHY we want them, they are aware of the inherent smv difference of men and women, and because of modern social equality they want the same thing, they want beauty in men which is rare, even ok looks are not that common in men

Hypergammy isn't real, in mogger countries where most people are attractive inceldom is not common, in shitholes where most men are ugly inceldom is rampant, because it was never about "competition", it was always only about liking what you SEE, hypergammy seems to exist only because women have physical worth (prettiness) and most men don't

And no, it's not make-up, horniness of men, or reproductive value either, it's all LOOKS, the average foid without make up is still prettier than most men, men are horny beasts but most still don't fuck other men (and it's not social fear, men aren't attracted to men simply because we aren't, we're not pretty), and most modern men don't even want kids so reproductive value isn't the main factor either

Females were made by nature to look pretty because men mostly put their dick in pretty, our dick is turned off when there's no pretty around, and foids with 0 sexual appeal went extinct, "most foids are bisexual" is only because they are attractive not because their brain is different, you can explain a few with deviation but not most

Women don't have any internal "warmth" to give you, they are people like us, they have memories and sensations in their head like us, BUT they are people with POWER, biological power, they have beauty while we do not, women aren't evil, unless if you consider all people who have power over you evil

I don't wanna hear no more melodramatic whining about missed out on muh "teen love", the only reason you feel like you missed out is because when you imagine teen foids you like what you see

We think our attraction to women is because they are the "opposite gender" but that's not entirely true, most of our attraction to women is attraction to beauty, that's also why women aren't inherently attracted to us simply because we are the opposite gender, women just happen to be the pretty ones, because evolution put dick in pretty but didn't require the holder of dick to be pretty up until a few decades ago

And let's be honest most of us don't like any woman for her personality, "female friend" is fake and a mini version of everything I explained, there's only "friend" which is genderless but that requires you to be asexual and not prefer beauty, so male friends are the only ones that could be real but even most male friends only talk about foids and how much they want foids so there goes that one

Tldr: Pretending romanticism is anything more than lust, pride & envy is mega cope, pretending men aren't ugly fucks is mega cope, everyone is hypocrite, our desires and "low standards" aren't as holier than thou as we think they are
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@EgyptianNiggerKANG @Bianor @incelerated @Cybersex is our hope
Sure, this is high iq, but also hardcore cope.

It doesn't matter why or how. It only matters that we feel the need for it but can't get it.
will read later
my brain too fried at the moment
not reading all this shit, this is just stupid, it's the fucking opposite
sex is not needed, love is
if sex was needed you'd be happy stroking your dick and you wouldn't be posting here, you would post in some subreddit saying how happy you are masturbating or having sex with the random hooker
not reading all this shit, this is just stupid, it's the fucking opposite
sex is not needed, love is
if sex was needed you'd be happy stroking your dick and you wouldn't be posting here, you would post in some subreddit saying how happy you are masturbating or having sex with the random hooker
That's masturbation, not sex
A lot of men would also be happy stroking it themselves if it involved the presence of an attractive woman somehow (cucks and other fetishists), the problem is we're cooming alone in our rooms to pixels, that's why it's unfulfilling, it's not like sex is THAT different from masturbation anyways

Thread made by a guy who has fucked more than 100 whores:
Tldnr tbh
Nigger go read the accounting log book in your wage cage and calculate how much your sexhaver boss stole this month to buy a new car for his Stacy gf
Biological needs are that which the body needs to survive, such as sleep, food, and shelter. Psychological needs become important once the biological needs are met.

Sex is not a biological need, it’s a psychological need
Nigger go read the accounting log book in your wage cage and calculate how much your sexhaver boss stole this month to buy a new car for his Stacy gf
Literally what I do tbhtbh
Hypergammy isn't real, in mogger countries where most people are attractive inceldom is not common,
That’s simply not true. Hypergamy floats and it’s rampant in nordic countries with extreme low demography while sandniggers have kids like rabbits
unless if you consider all people who have power over you evil
It depends on each person but yes, having power and being into power usually is big red flag for dark triad traits. That’s why i despisr foids AND powerfull chads
And no, it's not make-up, horniness of men, or reproductive value either, it's all LOOKS, the average foid without make up is still prettier than most men, men are horny beasts but most still don't fuck other men (and it's not social fear, men aren't attracted to men simply because we aren't, we're not pretty), and most modern men don't even want kids so reproductive value isn't the main factor either
Agree. Everyone should start internalizing this: women= sexually underdeveloped men (in order to keep beauty and looks)
Men= sexually mature women

Men are the adult gender. Basically adult women. That’s why when you take away a man’s capability to fully mature he turns into a foid phenotype.

Everything is extremely clearer once you internalize this.
Agree. Everyone should start internalizing this: women= sexually underdeveloped men (in order to keep beauty and looks)
Men= sexually mature women

Men are the adult gender. Basically adult women. That’s why when you take away a man’s capability to fully mature he turns into a foid phenotype.

Everything is extremely clearer once you internalize this.
:yes: :blackpill:
Bluepill bs

Scientific definition.

A biological need is something you cannot survive without.

Sex, social acceptance and having a loving family are 3 things that will profoundly impact your health and psychology if you don’t have them.

But not having them won’t kill you, making it not a biological need.
Even during my delusional days, I never once felt sad for missing out on teen love because it didn't appeal too much to me, I was too busy studying all day to get into a good university to care about matters like that. But I always hated my looks, ALWAYS.

Deep down an incel is depressed because of looks, we are ugly creatures, not getting sex is SECONDARY. The secondary part can be mitigated, everyone in the first world can afford paid sex at least once if they saved up for a few months. Escorts can demystify what sex is really like, and you get to choose from a good selection of hot looking ones. Whoever is complaining about escortcelling but has access to it, then it is their fault, they can't put away their pride and ego because they have to have to resort to the "stigma of paid sex" and not feeling loved. Just shut up and try it for once, you are torturing yourself by not.

I can only feel sorry for 3rd worldcels on the secondary matter because there's no escorts there.

Anyways for the primary reason, we are UGLY creatures, that's why we hate our existence, that's the only explanation as to why we are so miserable, all this love bullshit is a biproduct of a cultural dimension built upon GOOD looks. You want the warmth of that good looking foid? You have to be good looking yourself. When you do feel validated and warm from that, don't ever kid yourself that this was not from anything other than good looks, from either side.
Females were made by nature to look pretty because men mostly put their dick in pretty, our dick is turned off when there's no pretty around, and foids with 0 sexual appeal went extinct, "most foids are bisexual" is only because they are attractive not because their brain is different, you can explain a few with deviation but not most
Tbh, never viewed foids being bisexual for this reason but this one 100% makes sense, foid kissing another foid despite being the same gender is preferrable to kissing an ugly creature because at least the other foid has beauty.
not reading all this shit, this is just stupid, it's the fucking opposite
sex is not needed, love is
if sex was needed you'd be happy stroking your dick and you wouldn't be posting here, you would post in some subreddit saying how happy you are masturbating or having sex with the random hooker
Happiness is a sham concept and never existed in this wretched planet, incel or not
Existence is all about minimising suffering, not maximising pleasure
Even during my delusional days, I never once felt sad for missing out on teen love because it didn't appeal too much to me, I was too busy studying all day to get into a good university to care about matters like that. But I always hated my looks, ALWAYS.

Deep down an incel is depressed because of looks, we are ugly creatures, not getting sex is SECONDARY. The secondary part can be mitigated, everyone in the first world can afford paid sex at least once if they saved up for a few months. Escorts can demystify what sex is really like, and you get to choose from a good selection of hot looking ones. Whoever is complaining about escortcelling but has access to it, then it is their fault, they can't put away their pride and ego because they have to have to resort to the "stigma of paid sex" and not feeling loved. Just shut up and try it for once, you are torturing yourself by not.

I can only feel sorry for 3rd worldcels on the secondary matter because there's no escorts there.

Anyways for the primary reason, we are UGLY creatures, that's why we hate our existence, that's the only explanation as to why we are so miserable, all this love bullshit is a biproduct of a cultural dimension built upon GOOD looks. You want the warmth of that good looking foid? You have to be good looking yourself. When you do feel validated and warm from that, don't ever kid yourself that this was not from anything other than good looks, from either side.

Tbh, never viewed foids being bisexual for this reason but this one 100% makes sense, foid kissing another foid despite being the same gender is preferrable to kissing an ugly creature because at least the other foid has beauty.
:blackpill: :smonk:
Happiness is a sham concept and never existed in this wretched planet, incel or not
Existence is all about minimising suffering, not maximising pleasure
it is not edgyboy
when you watch a good movie, a nice song, or see your pet, you kind of feel something that it is not "minimasing suffering" as you were not suffering in the first place, you just decided to watch a movie. that it is happiness, meaning that you can find an abstract value in something.
love is the same, there is an abstract value in having/loving someone and each others, that's why cumming on a skank in the streets does not bring you happiness
it is not edgyboy
when you watch a good movie, a nice song, or see your pet, you kind of feel something that it is not "minimasing suffering" as you were not suffering in the first place, you just decided to watch a movie. that it is happiness, meaning that you can find an abstract value in something.
love is the same, there is an abstract value in having/loving someone and each others, that's why cumming on a skank in the streets does not bring you happiness
Imagine thinking happiness can found on this universe, stay delusional

Watching a movie or playing video games provides short term happiness, in the long term you will stay at a neutral state because of hedonic adaptation. The exceptions would be if you are suffering such as being low on money, bullied or have an injury then in those cases your long term condition would be sadness

You can't beat or go higher than the long term "neutral" feeling, happiness doesn't exist, only at short bursts it can like the movie example you gave, but not in the long term
It’s a pathetic species with low mind over matter abilities so it’s all about looks. Men are just bad looking compared to foids. That’s why men must have authority to balance things out
Imagine thinking happiness can found on this universe, stay delusional

Watching a movie or playing video games provides short term happiness, in the long term you will stay at a neutral state because of hedonic adaptation. The exceptions would be if you are suffering such as being low on money, bullied or have an injury then in those cases your long term condition would be sadness

You can't beat or go higher than the long term "neutral" feeling, happiness doesn't exist, only at short bursts it can like the movie example you gave, but not in the long term
who said anything about "infinite" happiness? of course it is finite, but it exists. it's up to you to then nourish and look for it
moreover it is not a material feeling, you are not feeling happiness because the dog somehow is licking your hand and that causes your brain to release "happiness", it's an abstract feeling, that only consciousness can conceive
I have to disagree with the post. If it only would be looks and not the reproductive aspect or the higher status having a high SMV women on your side, then whats stopping you (OP) to date prettyboys or femboys ? To me it sounds like you dont care whether a person female or male as long as the person in question is beautiful
Sex is not a biological need, it’s a psychological need
I beg to differ. If I don’t jerk off for a few days, I start feeling so much pent up sexual energy and I physically start feeling bad. I’ve even seen a few images of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that place sex right in the physiological needs category with food, shelter, air, water, and sleep.

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