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Blackpill The curse of being a High-IQ-cel



Pancake-faced viking-cel
Oct 5, 2022
Yes, I'm unashamedly calling myself a High-IQ-cel.

I was a "gifted" "wonder child" who learnt to read at 3, to read in English (my second language) at 6 and I always had math books that were meant for kids 2-3 grades above me. I never had to study in my life and I have a Masters degree (albeit a useless one).

I have intimate knowledge of the history of the English language, especially Old English and Middle English, as well as Old Norse. I can read Shakespeare like how it would have sounded back then (a party trick I used when I had friends). I have studied Japanese and Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language). I have read 100+ classics from Moby Dick to The Iliad to War and Peace. I am currently writing a novel in the Historical Fiction genre.

Now I'm not telling you this to brag. Quite the opposite. Being an intellectual doesn't matter if you're an ugly, withdrawn person. I am absolutely retarded at doing "regular" things like starting a dishwasher or changing lightbulbs. I have no driver's license and I am currently a NEET. I have even trouble getting my groceries because of social anxiety.

Foids always say they want an intelligent man, some even call themselves sapiosexual (lol), but it doesn't matter if I read a thousand books in Ancient Greek when I'm a stumbling, ugly, shy, loser. Those sort of things would only impress foids if I were a MTN.

I used to cope with my IQ, I told myself "at least I'm smart", but the reality is of course that fellas with 6th grade reading levels are banging all the foids. Being High-IQ just makes things worse, it usually comes with a lack of practical and social skills. I believe High-IQ people overanalyze things when normal-IQ people tend to go with the flow more.

I've seen many High-IQ posts on this forum so I'm guessing many of you are in the same boat. Can anyone relate?
Yes, I'm unashamedly calling myself a High-IQ-cel.

I was a "gifted" "wonder child" who learnt to read at 3, to read in English (my second language) at 6 and I always had math books that were meant for kids 2-3 grades above me. I never had to study in my life and I have a Masters degree (albeit a useless one).

I have intimate knowledge of the history of the English language, especially Old English and Middle English, as well as Old Norse. I can read Shakespeare like how it would have sounded back then (a party trick I used when I had friends). I have studied Japanese and Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language). I have read 100+ classics from Moby Dick to The Iliad to War and Peace. I am currently writing a novel in the Historical Fiction genre.

Now I'm not telling you this to brag. Quite the opposite. Being an intellectual doesn't matter if you're an ugly, withdrawn person. I am absolutely retarded at doing "regular" things like starting a dishwasher or changing lightbulbs. I have no driver's license and I am currently a NEET. I have even trouble getting my groceries because of social anxiety.

Foids always say they want an intelligent man, some even call themselves sapiosexual (lol), but it doesn't matter if I read a thousand books in Ancient Greek when I'm a stumbling, ugly, shy, loser. Those sort of things would only impress foids if I were a MTN.

I used to cope with my IQ, I told myself "at least I'm smart", but the reality is of course that fellas with 6th grade reading levels are banging all the foids. Being High-IQ just makes things worse, it usually comes with a lack of practical and social skills. I believe High-IQ people overanalyze things when normal-IQ people tend to go with the flow more.

I've seen many High-IQ posts on this forum so I'm guessing many of you are in the same boat. Can anyone relate?
i have certified 80iq so yeah
at least i have excuse to be on welfare

Women do not care at all about how smart a man is. Any girl who claims to is lying.
i have certified 80iq so yeah
at least i have excuse to be on welfare


Glad you're receiving welfare. How are you doing now? Glanced at the thread and it said you'd been homeless.

Also, what's the most difficult for you? Maths? Reading? Verbal stuff?
being good at languages but sucking at life isn't intelligence, it's autism.
In addition, being smart makes you aware of your own doom. :feelsbadman:
Yeah man I have 200 iq and it hasn't helped me at all
being good at languages but sucking at life isn't intelligence, it's autism.
I'm not only good at languages but also math and history and geography etc. I've never displayed any signs of autism (such as lack of understanding of social codes or difficulty keeping eye contact). I'm just shy, nervous and unpractical. I had plenty of friends and was a normal kid up until about 13 when I got ugly.

Autistic people can be very intelligent btw.
Women do not care at all about how smart a man is. Any girl who claims to is lying.
True. They only care if the smart guy happens to be rich - Mark Zuckerberg-situations. 90% of smart guys aren't rich, they work normal jobs like everyone else.
When foids call themselves "sapiosexual," it means they like intelligent chads, not intelligent men in general.
When foids call themselves "sapiosexual," it means they like intelligent chads, not intelligent men in general.
100%. It's such a stupid thing of them to say that it makes me vomit. Everyone knows they don't mean a four eyed 5'4 geek when they say that. They mean a Chad from a Hallmark Christmas movie who wears glasses and reads sometimes.
Oh, so you're a savant? That's interesting. Having read many literary classics, I can only marvel at the possibility of perusing them in their original conception (like Shakespeare's Old English). Thankfully, you're not allowing your intelligence to go to waste. What time period does the unwritten novel take place within?

Higher intelligence generally cultivates greater awareness and understanding, but it effectively broadens all knowledge apropos our bleak and miserable state.
Oh, so you're a savant? That's interesting. Having read many literary classics, I can only marvel at the possibility of perusing them in their original conception (like Shakespeare's Old English). Thankfully, you're not allowing your intelligence to go to waste. What time period does the unwritten novel take place within?

Higher intelligence generally cultivates greater awareness and understanding, but it effectively broadens all knowledge apropos our bleak and miserable state.
I wouldn't say Savant exactly, as that is often associated with the syndrome and deficiencies, "erudite" might be more befitting. My novel is set in The Viking Age as you might deduce from my name and profile picture (lol). It begins with the raid of Lindisfarne Monastery in Northern England in 793AD.

Yes, I suppose high intelligence makes us more susceptible to understand just how dire our lives are.
I wouldn't say Savant exactly, as that is often associated with the syndrome and deficiencies, "erudite" might be more befitting. My novel is set in The Viking Age as you might deduce from my name and profile picture (lol). It begins with the raid of Lindisfarne Monastery in Northern England in 793AD.

Yes, I suppose high intelligence makes us more susceptible to understand just how dire our lives are.
Right, so are you Thirty years old?
IQ has no affect on inceldom and the only reason I think some people think that having a high IQ is a curse is because a lot of those guys are autistic

Glad you're receiving welfare. How are you doing now? Glanced at the thread and it said you'd been homeless.

Also, what's the most difficult for you? Maths? Reading? Verbal stuff?
everything, hence I was homeless. Cant interact, remember anything, drive car, do basic math in my head. If you ask me something like, how many months are between may and august, I have to spell out all the months and manually count. If you tell me, count these pencils in the box, I would have to do it like 100 times before I get it right. I have a hunchback, terrible motor control, gut issues, sleep issues. Shit comes in a package.

I also cant focus on anything for more than 2 minutes, which makes it hard to read anything. And even if I read it, I just forget instantly. When I was in school, I was held back 3x. I would sit in classroom and just absorb nothing. After a lesson, my mind was just blank. I literally learned nothing in school. I also have no ability to hear music and tone or anything. I am basically completely useless as a human being and nothing but a burden on society. I have no IQ, no physical ability, no nothing.

I was homeless for 9 months few years ago, im now in this apartment with other former homeless people, I have a room here.
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IQ has no affect on inceldom and the only reason I think some people think that having a high IQ is a curse is because a lot of those guys are autistic
No my IQ doesn't CAUSE my inceldom, my ugliness does, but it is my belief that High-IQ individuals ponder a lot more and paint themselves into an intellectual corner of doom by always processing more information and having more cylinders firing. There's a reason why the "tormented genius" archetype exists - and to be clear I'm by no means a genius.
Yes, I'm unashamedly calling myself a High-IQ-cel.

I was a "gifted" "wonder child" who learnt to read at 3, to read in English (my second language) at 6 and I always had math books that were meant for kids 2-3 grades above me. I never had to study in my life and I have a Masters degree (albeit a useless one).

I have intimate knowledge of the history of the English language, especially Old English and Middle English, as well as Old Norse. I can read Shakespeare like how it would have sounded back then (a party trick I used when I had friends). I have studied Japanese and Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language). I have read 100+ classics from Moby Dick to The Iliad to War and Peace. I am currently writing a novel in the Historical Fiction genre.

Now I'm not telling you this to brag. Quite the opposite. Being an intellectual doesn't matter if you're an ugly, withdrawn person. I am absolutely retarded at doing "regular" things like starting a dishwasher or changing lightbulbs. I have no driver's license and I am currently a NEET. I have even trouble getting my groceries because of social anxiety.

Foids always say they want an intelligent man, some even call themselves sapiosexual (lol), but it doesn't matter if I read a thousand books in Ancient Greek when I'm a stumbling, ugly, shy, loser. Those sort of things would only impress foids if I were a MTN.

I used to cope with my IQ, I told myself "at least I'm smart", but the reality is of course that fellas with 6th grade reading levels are banging all the foids. Being High-IQ just makes things worse, it usually comes with a lack of practical and social skills. I believe High-IQ people overanalyze things when normal-IQ people tend to go with the flow more.

I've seen many High-IQ posts on this forum so I'm guessing many of you are in the same boat. Can anyone relate?
When they say they want someone smart they mean that they are too dumb easy as that, Most Women have no interest in History so when you state things about ancient Greece they think you are smart. All they do is lie Brocel
No my IQ doesn't CAUSE my inceldom, my ugliness does, but it is my belief that High-IQ individuals ponder a lot more and paint themselves into an intellectual corner of doom by always processing more information and having more cylinders firing. There's a reason why the "tormented genius" archetype exists - and to be clear I'm by no means a genius.
Yeah a lack of awareness can make you happier. Ignorance is bliss
You can easily become a programmer and work remotely if your IQ is really high.
What are your thoughts on human nature? And have you dealt with bullying or ostracism?
I adopted an essentialist evolutionary view of human nature early on. It probably wasn't healthy for me as I saw everything from a lense of evolutionary psychology and attempted to apply that to daily life when everyone else had a more modern sociological view of society. The upside to that was that I was very easily convinced of the Blackpill in my late teens.

Yes, I experienced bullying in High School. Rarely anything physical, mostly remarks about my looks.
Despite what society says, they hate intelligent/high IQ men. Id rather be average or low IQ
use your high IQ to eat pussy. There are things like manipulation, kidnapping, paying.
Yes, I'm unashamedly calling myself a High-IQ-cel.

I was a "gifted" "wonder child" who learnt to read at 3, to read in English (my second language) at 6 and I always had math books that were meant for kids 2-3 grades above me. I never had to study in my life and I have a Masters degree (albeit a useless one).

I have intimate knowledge of the history of the English language, especially Old English and Middle English, as well as Old Norse. I can read Shakespeare like how it would have sounded back then (a party trick I used when I had friends). I have studied Japanese and Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language). I have read 100+ classics from Moby Dick to The Iliad to War and Peace. I am currently writing a novel in the Historical Fiction genre.

Now I'm not telling you this to brag. Quite the opposite. Being an intellectual doesn't matter if you're an ugly, withdrawn person. I am absolutely retarded at doing "regular" things like starting a dishwasher or changing lightbulbs. I have no driver's license and I am currently a NEET. I have even trouble getting my groceries because of social anxiety.

Foids always say they want an intelligent man, some even call themselves sapiosexual (lol), but it doesn't matter if I read a thousand books in Ancient Greek when I'm a stumbling, ugly, shy, loser. Those sort of things would only impress foids if I were a MTN.

I used to cope with my IQ, I told myself "at least I'm smart", but the reality is of course that fellas with 6th grade reading levels are banging all the foids. Being High-IQ just makes things worse, it usually comes with a lack of practical and social skills. I believe High-IQ people overanalyze things when normal-IQ people tend to go with the flow more.

I've seen many High-IQ posts on this forum so I'm guessing many of you are in the same boat. Can anyone relate?
whats your IQ?
You can easily become a programmer and work remotely if your IQ is really high.
He's here to relax, let him decide for himself what he's to do with this life. James William Sidis was the same way. He graced with an extraordinary intelligence but didn't use it for the betterment of a society that castigated and misunderstood him. It's actually a based reaction to the master morality of social imperatives: inaction despite capability is a revolt-stance. Ted Kaczynski, again, was similar; although, he used his intellect to murder politicians and author an anti-industrialiization manifesto. Both went to prison, one for murder, the other for hosting politially motivated convenes.
He's here to relax, let him decide for himself what he's to do with this life. James William Sidis was the same way. He graced with an extraordinary intelligence but didn't use it for the betterment of a society that castigated and misunderstood him. It's actually a based reaction to the master morality of social imperatives: inaction despite capability is a revolt-stance. Ted Kaczynski, again, was similar; although, he used his intellect to murder politicians and author an anti-industrialiization manifesto. Both went to prison, one for murder, the other for hosting politially motivated convenes.
:soy::soy::soy::soy: he just said he could easily become a programmer, he never told him what to do stupid nigger kys
IQ IS USELESS. I am a teacher (japan) who graduated gradually in three areas: philosophy, geopolitics and theology, and my IQ in the positivist format is 100 to 90, very low within this parameter. And knowledge is not linked to the intrinsic fact of your IQ, it is about memorizing. People with above-average cognitive capacity can memorize quickly, but that does not mean that others cannot. On the contrary, they can, just slower in relation to this.

This debate is always used by idiots who want to feel "superior" through coping.

And generally, those with high IQs know how to socialize. It is exactly the opposite. People with low IQs who are autistic (predominantly) tend to have social phobia (and this is arrogance to tell the truth, because nobody cares about you. You will only be ridiculed if you try to impose yourself in a place where you do not belong, or communicate with normies trying to be like them, when you clearly are not).

In fact, gecko himself is one of the truecel members of this forum with extremely analytical posts on a brilliant memorization performance, however, he himself reports having an IQ of 80 to 90. While the other biased ones, who at all costs like to think they are superior, are imbeciles bragging about extremely idiotic trivial nonsense.

And I don't work as a teacher, I just have a degree and I don't want to work EVER.

I'm a hikikomori NEET supported by my mother for YEARS AND YEARS.

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Yes, I'm unashamedly calling myself a High-IQ-cel.

I was a "gifted" "wonder child" who learnt to read at 3, to read in English (my second language) at 6 and I always had math books that were meant for kids 2-3 grades above me. I never had to study in my life and I have a Masters degree (albeit a useless one).

I have intimate knowledge of the history of the English language, especially Old English and Middle English, as well as Old Norse. I can read Shakespeare like how it would have sounded back then (a party trick I used when I had friends). I have studied Japanese and Sanskrit (an ancient Indo-European language). I have read 100+ classics from Moby Dick to The Iliad to War and Peace. I am currently writing a novel in the Historical Fiction genre.

Now I'm not telling you this to brag. Quite the opposite. Being an intellectual doesn't matter if you're an ugly, withdrawn person. I am absolutely retarded at doing "regular" things like starting a dishwasher or changing lightbulbs. I have no driver's license and I am currently a NEET. I have even trouble getting my groceries because of social anxiety.

Foids always say they want an intelligent man, some even call themselves sapiosexual (lol), but it doesn't matter if I read a thousand books in Ancient Greek when I'm a stumbling, ugly, shy, loser. Those sort of things would only impress foids if I were a MTN.

I used to cope with my IQ, I told myself "at least I'm smart", but the reality is of course that fellas with 6th grade reading levels are banging all the foids. Being High-IQ just makes things worse, it usually comes with a lack of practical and social skills. I believe High-IQ people overanalyze things when normal-IQ people tend to go with the flow more.

I've seen many High-IQ posts on this forum so I'm guessing many of you are in the same boat. Can anyone relate?
idk, I think my IQ is above average but not that high, probably 115-130 area. That is how I always felt, above average but not good enough in life. But it is like you say, it doesn't matter when it comes to modern world because intelligence is not a game-winning trait in date market.
idk, I think my IQ is above average but not that high, probably 115-130 area. That is how I always felt, above average but not good enough in life. But it is like you say, it doesn't matter when it comes to modern world because intelligence is not a game-winning trait in date market.
IQ IS USELESS. I am a teacher (japan) who graduated gradually in three areas: philosophy, geopolitics and theology, and my IQ in the positivist format is 100 to 90, very low within this parameter. And knowledge is not linked to the intrinsic fact of your IQ, it is about memorizing. People with above-average cognitive capacity can memorize quickly, but that does not mean that others cannot. On the contrary, they can, just slower in relation to this.

This debate is always used by idiots who want to feel "superior" through coping.

And generally, those with high IQs know how to socialize. It is exactly the opposite. People with low IQs who are autistic (predominantly) tend to have social phobia (and this is arrogance to tell the truth, because nobody cares about you. You will only be ridiculed if you try to impose yourself in a place where you do not belong, or communicate with normies trying to be like them, when you clearly are not).

In fact, gecko himself is one of the truecel members of this forum with extremely analytical posts on a brilliant memorization performance, however, he himself reports having an IQ of 80 to 90. While the other biased ones, who at all costs like to think they are superior, are imbeciles bragging about extremely idiotic trivial nonsense.

And I don't work as a teacher, I just have a degree and I don't want to work EVER.

I'm a hikikomori NEET supported by my mother for YEARS AND YEARS.

We don't even live in the modern world, we live in the contemporary world, and even outside of it you wouldn't achieve anything, that's just your mistake of thinking that things were different in the past, literature is the same, brocel. The effects, the causes, everything... EVERYTHING IS THE SAME.

So, it doesn't matter if you can't achieve anything in this current state, because in the past it wouldn't be any different.

The bottom line is genetics when it comes to sociability and prominence, while the other factors can be attributed to other external causes, which even if they don't seem to be blackpill, still have logic with it in an indirect way in other foundations.
I've seen some data which sais that men with an IQ of over 110 are more likely to be virgins than men with an IQ of below 80. Let that sink in. Men who are RETARDED are less likely to be virgins than men who are ~1 standard deviation more intelligent than the average person.

That by itself tells me that women don't value intelligence at all. I doubt even intelligent women value it.
:soy::soy::soy::soy: he just said he could easily become a programmer, he never told him what to do stupid nigger kys
He doesn't want to live the life of a damn code-monkey you mindless cretin. What's it going to take for reason to suffuse through that dense, rock-like skull of yours?
He doesn't want to live the life of a damn code-monkey you mindless cretin. What's it going to take for reason to suffuse through that dense, rock-like skull of yours?
oh but i thought we should 'let him decide for himself what he's to do with this life.' who are you to tell him not to be a code monkey!! god you're so fucking stupid,
this explains all i need to know though lmao, you talk like you're an anime villain its so fucking cringe kys sub iq mutt.

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