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JFL The coronavirus situation is so fucking funny

Yeah homeless NEET’s should be alright

They really should be in their own category

The homeless aren’t the 1st thing that comes to mind when I hear NEET but they fit every aspect of the NEET definition
I have made posts attempting to spread awareness of their presence in the NEET community, and how home-rotter NEETs should think less about wageslavery and more about homeless-rotting in terms of their future prospects.

It is not a joke that if you have a sexually non-dimorphic face, you will be preyed upon as a homeless male. The term "bum" as a synonym for "hobo" literally carries the implication of a homeless apprentice who is protected by a veteran homeless male in exchange for buttsex.
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What else do you expect from a selfish species of animal that up until a point where they're FORCED inside, do they realize that ACTUAL loneliness is a real pain that people go through and JUST NOW when it affects THEM do they actually care the slightest bit.

That's where the normie mentality is and will forever stay "me" "me" "me", on a base level everyone in this world only cares about themselves. Selflessness is a false concept brought on by an egocentric band of human exceptionalist morons pewpew.
Wish they could just open stuff up again. This is just prolong the suffering of economic hardship. The death toll is not something to worry about we are disposable.
Thank you to that based Chinaman who ate the bat.

I know it wasn't his intention to kill anyone. But he really exposed normies hard. It's like the perfect timing for us to prove the blackpill

I was referring to U.S. airlines who burnt through their cash on share repurchase agreements instead of saving up.

Cathay Pacific is based in riceland, and was financially struggling even before the coronavirus.

When I went to high school in burgerland, a lot of U.S. airports didn't let me in their lounges anyway because they have self-serve alcohol. Even if I paid $5k for a ticket I didn't get lounge access, JFL at this clown world.
How many people have died in the US due to the coronavirus? How many under 70?

The whole issue has been the lugenpresse scaring the idiot masses.

I don't see how putting Intellectual Yet Idiots that are good at rote memorization and little else in charge will solve any of that.

The boomers are the ones who should be panicking though.

We're locking down society just for them.
I’m just glad everything is closed tbh. I could get used to living like this.

I'm a little bummed out that some of my favourite restaurants and hotel bars are closed.

The peace and quiet is amazing though, I've never seen Piccadilly Circus without the usual throngs of annoying tourists.
Based. Normoid suffering is giga lifefuel.
I have fortunately educated myself on this class of NEETs and their culture in person. They are more prepared for social collapse than the average wageslave conformist.

Have you seen this based video?

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I'm watching normies run around panicking like chickens with their heads cut off. This pandemic really brings to the surface the worst of human nature.

They're irrationally hoarding enough toilet paper and kitchen rolls to last their family a decade.

They're stockpiling masks and other PPE so that doctors and nurses face a serious risk of becoming patients.

They're lying about their symptoms so that they can get a hospital bed at the expense of vulnerable patients who actually need inpatient care.

They believe in and spread all sorts of ridiculous conspiratorial nonsense. "Oh, the outbreak is fake. Oh, the virus is a bioweapon. The ricecels made it. Or the U.S. military. Or the Illuminati. Who needs experts anyway? Why should I trust someone with a Harvard PhD when I can just use Google?"

They're avoiding or even outright harassing every Asian person they see, because they're too fucking stupid to tell the difference between the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Thais, et cetera.

Why is this funny, you ask? It's because normies are such sanctimonious and self-congratulatory blowhards. They pat themselves on the back for performing the smallest acts of kindness. They think they made better life choices than all other wageslaving normies even though they're just two paychecks away from homelessness. When the shit hits the fan they behave like fucking animals. I mean, there is no reason for anyone to ever start a brawl in a supermarket, but hey, I suppose you really needed that last pack of spaghetti.

What's even funnier than seeing normies panic is that all of this was somewhat predictable. This isn't the first coronavirus outbreak; we had SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012, 2015, and 2018. Last year, a think tank in D.C. (CSIS) ran a role-playing simulation involving a coronavirus pandemic. Policymakers should've seen this coming. Corporate leaders should've seen this coming. I mean, look at the U.S. airline industry. Over the last few years they spent all of their cash on stock buybacks instead of creating a rainy day fund, and now they're begging Congress for a $50 billion bailout. :feelskek: Well, I say that they deserve to go bankrupt.

But the real kicker is the fact that after this outbreak is over, life will return to normal. Normies will continue to consume fake news and vote for unqualified demagogues. It won't occur to these idiots that governance is a realm for serious people; that issues like public health, counterterrorism, and climate change are best handled by boring people with fancy degrees. Researchers won't get the funding they need to better manage shit like this, because normies demand more NEETbux and lower taxes at the same time. For the same reason, some public schools will remain underfunded, creating an underclass of intellectually stunted morons with no scientific literacy or critical thinking skills.

So this will happen again, probably within the next few decades. The next pandemic could very well be caused by another coronavirus, or a new strain of drug-resistant bacteria. And the cycle will repeat itself, again and again. People will panic, and after each successive crisis, they won't learn a single thing.

You read the other industries who wanted bailout money? Cruise ships, restaurant industry, etc.

The news today was AWFUL for america. States shutting down, old folks dying en masse from corona and the market rose 10%+. What the fuck.
Everything Is Meaningless
1 The words of the Teacher,[a] son of David, king in Jerusalem:

2 “Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”
3 What do people gain from all their labors
at which they toil under the sun?
4 Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.
5 The sun rises and the sun sets,
and hurries back to where it rises.
6 The wind blows to the south
and turns to the north;
round and round it goes,
ever returning on its course.
7 All streams flow into the sea,
yet the sea is never full.
To the place the streams come from,
there they return again.
8 All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one can say,
“Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.
11 No one remembers the former generations,
and even those yet to come
will not be remembered
by those who follow them.

you were all warned thousand of years ago.life on earth is a meme
No, however they are also giving out trudeau bux to anyone who can't work due to showing covid19 symptoms


not giving bux to sick wagies means that they'll show up at work and infect everyone

not giving bux to sick wagies means that they'll show up at work and infect everyone
Well, I'm not even really sick, I just don't want to get sick by going to work. I have lung problems and getting covid would be real bad, not worth a few pennies. So I told my manager I'm sick and can't come in, it's not like he can fire me for supposedly having covid19 even if I am screwing his schedules over by not showing up

Also, lol, they increased the pay by $3 an hour during this period, if shekelburg is willing to give that up it tells you just how many people are quitting or calling time off right now
Also, lol, they increased the pay by $3 an hour during this period, if shekelburg is willing to give that up it tells you just how many people are quitting or calling time off right now

$3 an hour is nothing compared to what "shekelburg" is going to get in tax breaks
Thank you to that based Chinaman who ate the bat.

I know it wasn't his intention to kill anyone. But he really exposed normies hard. It's like the perfect timing for us to prove the blackpill
That Chinaman was a blessing to us all.
That Chinaman was a blessing to us all.
He should be recognized as a Saint here.
For all the talk of how millenials are selfish wasters, it's the boomers I've seen coughing their guts out in the aisles and panic buying like it's Mad Max. Even now you see couples going around with two trolleys and paying separately to bypass the item restrictions. We should just get back to normal and let them drop like flies.
For all the talk of how millenials are selfish wasters, it's the boomers I've seen coughing their guts out in the aisles and panic buying like it's Mad Max. Even now you see couples going around with two trolleys and paying separately to bypass the item restrictions. We should just get back to normal and let them drop like flies.

Supermarkets aren't even enforcing item restrictions JFL
On the contrary, a NEET lifestyle of deprivation is particularly well-suited for survival.

Wageslaves who have relied their entire lives on social conformity will be the first to go, whereas homeless folks and NEETs will have no reservations about eating out of the trash, for example, and being the Cynical 'dogs' that they symbolically are.

Cynicism (as represented by the homeless and non-conformist NEET elements of society) literally means "doglike." :feelsthink:
I think the homeles man on the street will have higher chances of surviving than a normie wage cuck but when it comes to NEET who has just been playing video games and getting Neetbux not so sure. I the NEET however has some military, martial arts or surivabiity training then its a different story,
Normies and theyre paranoia

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