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Blackpill The Cliche Mantra "We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists" Is A Lie (Everybody Does)



Feb 28, 2018
FOR THE MODS: No this is not a thread where I am advocating for violence so please don't misinterpret or mislabel it as such, I know you guys are currently cucked and are afraid of any bad media coverage threatening the sites possible shut down, so you are even more weary than ever these days to censor anything that may be even remotely interpreted as "problematic", but ask yourself what is the point of an incel forum where incels cannot freely discuss incel issues, and we have to tip toe around in our own house. Is this fourm merely now just a gathering point for incels to come together to bitch and moan about how shitty our lives are, and spam low effort bait/troll threads, because that's what its seeming to be more and more everyday, that's all I ever see. Its like we can say less and less things that we used to say before without even blinking, like WE HAVE TO SELF CENSOR. (This is why threads likely should not be visible to guests to begin with, and normies should at least have to get a "zoo membership" to come watch the animals JFL, but I guess for the purposes of ad revenue and keeping the site running they are a necessary evil)

: Please try and read the entire post, especially before responding to it, you won't understand the thread completely if you don't. I know a lot of you prefer the usualy low effort one line thread with an overly used meme joke - "the age pill aged me", but try your best and adapt, and read something interesting for a change, something actually relevant to our plight.

The all too famous line "we don't negotiate with terrorists" is nothing but a meme, its often repeated in all these TV shows, but there's one that I've seen that was actually honest about it, there's this TV show called Quantico about FBI agents, well there's an episode where the president of america is being held hostage by terrorists and his wife and many others are being threatened, he agreed to the demands, one of the FBI agents told him - "I thought we don't negotiate with terrorists", his response was - "Of course we do, we do it all the time".

My plans for inceldom as a "group" aren't something as simple and pointless as an "ER", that's a waste of time, a waste of our lives, and not sufficient enough a punishment for society, death is a mercy and killing so few doesn't make a dent in collective human morale. But the all too cliche argument that we should "play nice" and "tone down our rhetoric" since were already not seen in a favorable light is ridiculous, its not going to change anything, its not going to make society think any more highly of us, its especially not going to change the laws. This is why I get pissed everytime I see some BS response by a so called incel trying to tell us to "tone it down" or "if we act nicer society will listen and want to help us", it sounds so ridiculously naive, that I can't help but think they are a larping normie (or government agent) using deescalation tactics to decrease the likelihood of a possible mass shooting.

I think ER's are pointless and not effective at all, but imagine for a second if it was done in a fashion that emulated "cooperation", if one man coincidentally went ER every 2 weeks in america, explicitly stating in a manifesto that it was due to the frustration of being sexually repressed, and had prostitution been legal, he never would have done it. Imagine if this goes on and on like clockworkd for 6 months, do you think society at that point would still be able to ignore the plight of men in relation to "sexual starvation", do you think prostitution in America would remain illegal for much longer? (I doubt it, I'd bet at the end of the year prostitution would be completely legal, advocation for the legalization of it would increase within the first 3 months of this ordeal)

"We don't negotiate with terrorists" is a lie, a BS mantra emotional and illogical people fall for, BECAUSE TERRORISM IS JUST A "EUPHEMISM" FOR "LEVERAGING THREATS", and that is a norm within human societies. Everybody negotiates with forms of terrorism as a norm, we just don't apply the term to these things, but they are infact "terroristic" in nature.

Think about your taxes, don't pay them, and the government will send people with guns and combat training to force you into a jail cell, and if you offer up too much resistance you will be incapacitated or likely even killed if you escalate the scenario too much, and resist with your own weaponry. We deal with terrorism everyday in various aspects of our lives, "leveraging threats" is a normal aspect of human interaction, which is why it shocks me that people treat terrorism like its this fringe and extreme practice :feelskek: (the majority of humans lack self awareness, our governments terrorize us everyday, its part of our lives).

If incels functioned with a "goal" in mind, and were organized in our efforts, then society would eventually give into our demands, especially if its something as simple as legalizing prostitution, which is already legal in some countries of the world, and its legal in some states even (Nevada)

Am I advocating that we all just go ER, no, but we need to understand that were going to have to LEVERAGE society into conceding to our demands. Whether that's through threat of physical violence, anarchy, social violence (e.g. things like the "ThotAudit"), disrupting economies, etc. These things have to be done en masse to have a significant effect.

Imagine if during the time of the ThotAudit several other different kinds of "ThotAudits" type things were taking place, and we were attacking "normie lives" at various "fronts". Now imagine if at the same time incels as a collective were demanding tangible changes as the requirement for a "cease fire" (like legalized prostitution). If we were committed and organized we could very well collapse or significantly affect the functionality of modern society to the extent that it would ruin society and make it essentially impossible to function, we could then use that as leverage to make demands.

Look at the scenario with the government shut down, and how that was leveraged to at least get to partially build a wall, we need to apply similar tactics

This thread is related to a thread I made against "pleadcels/peacecels" (which I now notice has been deleted). The point of that thread was to convey to "pleadcels/peacecels" that all your begging and pleading and playing nice will never do anything for you because our suffering benefits society as a collective, you guys are so naive that you think that we just need to convey our plight peacefully to society and then "they will understand", what you don't get is that society already does understand and THEY SIMPLY DO NOT CARE BEACUSE ONCE AGAIN - "OUR SUFFERING IS TO THEIR COLLECTIVE BENEFIT". I elaborate why inside the thread, and the jist of it is in the quote below.

The thread is gone now - https://incels.is/threads/pleadcels...-are-a-detriment-to-the-incel-movement.44735/

There however seems to be a copy on the "internet way back machine" - https://web.archive.org/web/2019010...-are-a-detriment-to-the-incel-movement.44735/

Here's the section of the thread that matters:

Every once in a while I see a post like what @Limerencel did here: https://incels.is/threads/if-any-guests-are-reading-this.44577/

Its annoying and pointless and immediately makes me think you're blue pilled, because like many say in these threads in their own way:

Lol at thinking people who spend their whole lives mocking male virgins, short men, etc. have any empathy.

Most people have political correctness, nothing more. If you transported most of them back a century, they'd be the racists or homophobes or whatever else they preach against nowadays. Fuck them. At least us hateful incels don't turn around and pretend like we're nice.

Here's the truth that pleadcels need to get through their thick fucking pathetic skulls.

Normies aren't fucking idiots, they are quite aware of our plight and they simply don't care, guess what normies expect us to do...... wait for it...... its really obvious and simple............... DO WITHOUT

This isn't rocket science, this is literally what normies expect - "You've never experienced sex...... oh well too bad, we can't force people to choose you, so you just DO WITHOUT"

If you seriously think normies are just misinformed or need an emotional appeal to understand and want to help us you are an idiot.

So lets finalize this thing with the two primary reasons why pleadcels are naive blue pilled idiots wasting their time:

1.1 - Schadenfreude - They get off on our suffering and feeling better than us
1.2 - Ego Boost - Just know that they can get sex and there's a group of people denied that pleasure makes rate themselves higher and everyone else too with do the same
1.3 - Better By Comparison - This is a benefit to males, the men who mog us look even better by comparison when were virgins who can't get laid
1.4 - Less Competition - Again one for above average males and normie males, they can "fuck down" every now and then with women that would under legitimate circumstances be dating us since they're our looks matches
1.5 - Beta Filter - This is the benefit to women, we've been relegated to an underclass of males that women no longer have to deal with, society has basically done part of their job and filtered us out so they don't even have to bother rejecting us, we live an existence of perpetual rejection and fear of rejection so we even stop trying
1.6 - BetaBux - This benefits women for obvious reasons, we become their last ditch meal ticket after they've thoroughly enjoyed riding the cock carousel
1.7 Wagecuck/Drone - Men who are sexually starved are more motivated to try and "work hard", to counteract this though incels created "neetdom" as an alternative but its a shitty alternative and the majority of males who struggle to or can't get laid at all still end up becoming a drone for society, which benefits society as a whole since they have a wage slave to be just another cog in the wheel and keep the gynocracy chugging along.

This one is pretty straight forward, no explanation necessary, its obvious this is what they think, they literally keep saying it, this is why I think pleadcels are not only annoying, and make us look even more pathetic, but they are complete fucking idiots to not see whats right in front of them.

Want to change this world for the better of incels, THEN WE HAVE TO MAKE A "PERSONAL PROBLEM" INTO A "SOCIETAL PROBLEM"

Were basically going to have to BLACKMAIL SOCIETY INTO HELPING US.

In order to get any changes in society were going to have to "leverage threats" to the functionality of society, almost like a "ransomware" virus, that's the only way we'll get anything we want, coming here everyday just to complain about how crappy our lives are is a joke and if that is all we are then no wonder were incels, is this really the extent of our wills, our goals, if so then why should we expect women to want us anyways, the men of the past would not stand for such marginalization.

The entire point of this thread is to discredit the illusion that if we use "terrorist like" strategies to get what we want from society they will fail, because "society doesn't negotiate with terrorism", that is a lie, absolutely false, WE ALL CONCEDE TO TERRORISM IN OUR DAILY LIVES.

Laws in of themselves are terroristic in nature and enforced in the same way, if you don't follow a law your life is threatened with violence, if we are smart about this, and were organized, we can get what we want. But if all were going to do is come here everyday and complain, joke around, post memes, and celebrate the once in a blue moon mass shooting, then nothing is ever going to change for us, and were pretty much at fault for letting it be that way.
Women are terrorists because they hold your kids hostage, can get you thrown in jail for false rape, take all your shit, etc.

Every god damn tool in their arsenal involves plenty of men with guns (police, courts).
Every god damn tool in their arsenal involves plenty of men with guns (police, courts).

True, every God damn tool of the government involves these things, the government is pretty much the attack dog for women.
I think we need a stronger, more cohesive core to our incel legions than merely being sexually starved and lonely. It's become increasingly apparent to me, while I understood this prior to joining the site, that we're simply too diverse a group to accomplish anything while working together (see all the flack "whitecels" are getting). I don't suggest that we shouldn't cooperate with one another in pursuit of our larger goals, but if any organization of the kind you're proposing is to be successful, racial separation is necessary. We also have to recognize that multiracialism is one of the leading causes of inceldom and do our best to prevent it through whatever means possible.
I think we need a stronger, more cohesive core to our incel legions than merely being sexually starved and lonely. It's become increasingly apparent to me, while I understood this prior to joining the site, that we're simply too diverse a group to accomplish anything while working together (see all the flack "whitecels" are getting). I don't suggest that we shouldn't cooperate with one another in pursuit of our larger goals, but if any organization of the kind you're proposing is to be successful, racial separation is necessary. We also have to recognize that multiracialism is one of the leading causes of inceldom and do our best to prevent it through whatever means possible.

government and the powers that be just bust up any sort of male groups that form and threaten the govs power

male support groups are government competition
racial separation is necessary.

Why, if we have goals that have nothing to do with race, then why would racial separation be necessary?

We also have to recognize that multiculturalism is one of the leading causes of inceldom and do our best to prevent it through whatever means possible.

Its not multiculturalism that causes inceldom, its women having a monopoly over sexual and reproductive resources that causes inceldom, also all the leverage that modern laws provide them with which supports their monopoly over said resources.
Why, if we have goals that have nothing to do with race, then why would racial separation be necessary?

Its not multiculturalism that causes inceldom, its women having a monopoly over sexual and reproductive resources that causes inceldom, also all the leverage that modern laws provide them with which supports their monopoly over said resources.
Matter of pragmatism. Diverse environments are more prone to dysfunction. Think of the SS, very diverse group, spanning from nordids to middle easterners, all working toward the same goal, yet separated into different legions on the basis of race/ethnicity
My End Game (I was asked about this in a PM)

The only goals that I think are feasible in our lifetime, that attack the female power structure and monopoly at its core, are these two things.

1. Decriminalization (Or Legalization) Of Prostitution (on a Globlal Scale) - We'd have to start off on a national scale of course. This would threaten the monopoly women have over sexual resources, women could no longer withold sex and leverage it to influence men's behaviors and most importantly political choices.

2. Male Contraceptive Pill - This would reverse the power dynamic between men and women with respect to control over reproduction. Before these times men controlled whether a woman got pregnant or gave birth, the advent of the sexual revolution and female birth control reversed that power dynamic to where women now control it, a woman can just "forget" to take the pill and if a man gets her pregnant he is no beholden to her, if she wants to have the child he has to help raise it or be placed on child support (notice "terrorism" by the government takes place, the man will be threatened with violence to comply).

If men get a contraceptive pill ourselves, then that reverses the dynamic back again, now women only get pregnant WHEN WE DECIDE (by we I mean men that are having sex JFL, I am not coping thinking as though we as incels are part of the equation)

Our end goals have to be pursuits that attack the "female power structure", which is the monopoly they have on sexual and reproductive resources.

My goal is not to "enforce" monogamy, but rather to "reorganize societal norms" by restoring the leverage and power men had, to essentially make monogamy the only feasible relationship structure by which both men and women benefit. We just need to destroy/impede the leverage women have in society and everything else would begin to fall into place the more "power structures" we dismantle
Foids would rather be killed than to date a sub4 male
Matter of pragmatism. Diverse environments are more prone to dysfunction. Think of the SS, very diverse group, spanning from nordids to middle easterners, all working toward the same goal, yet separated into different legions on the basis of race/ethnicity

JFL dude please keep your BS racism white nationalist BS mindset outside of the incelosphere, its only a matter of pragmatism if you accept the reality that incel whites are in general racist and won't want to deal with incels of other ethnicities, and that's the implication of your post. I never see a similar sentiment expressed by ethnic incels.

If I start a group, anybody who is "pro" their race will not be invited, if you are pro-asian fuck off, if you are pro-black fuck off, if you are pro-indian fuck off, if you are pro-ethnic, fuck off, and of course, the group that we see the most obsessed with racial seperation, if you are pro-white fuck off, you are not going to be a part of this group, you would only be detriment to the group and try to subvert the goals in place of your own, you would only serve as a tool of our enemies trying to spread divisiveness among the group, and render us ineffective and inefficient.

Seriously dude I hope you are trolling here, what you're saying doesn't make any logical sense, the SS WAS A RACIST ORGANIZATION, WITH RACIST GOALS, so of course it makes PERFECT SENSE that RACIAL SEPARATION WAS A REQUIREMENT for the organization to function in their united goal of RACISM.
tbh pretty much every terrorist organisation ever has got what they wanted
Incels have no leverage, we’d be infiltrated, investigated and arrested if you ever had a group effort to put leverage against the Government.

Think how the government destroyed the KKK, The Black Panthers, ect. Even The Weather Underground in the 1970’s blew shit up and changed absolutely nothing.
Incels have no leverage, we’d be infiltrated, investigated and arrested if you ever had a group effort to put leverage against the Government.

Think how the government destroyed the KKK, The Black Panthers, ect. Even The Weather Underground in the 1970’s blew shit up and changed absolutely nothing.

(1.) Were not going to be blowing shit up

(2.) If were not doing anything illegal then they can't charge any of us with anything, the "ThotAudit" was not illegal, and I'm pretty sure this flawed society is riddled with legal loopholes and ploys that we can utilize to attack societal structures and impact the functionality of a society. All we need is a few numbers

If we require something illegal to be done, we will simply separate our subgroups:
(1.) Explicitly Illegal
(2.) Legally Grey Areas
(3.) Legal Avenues

These groups will simply not communicate directly with eachother, because we aren't focusing on the same goals, or attacking society at the same "fronts" anyways.

tbh pretty much every terrorist organisation ever has got what they wanted

Especailly the most normalized and societally accepted for of terrorist organization......... GOVERNMENTS.
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Women are terrorists because they hold your kids hostage, can get you thrown in jail for false rape, take all your shit, etc.

Yep, they are the true predators in this world.
Terrorist is a meaningless term. Like Nazi. I cant take anyone who uses either seriously.
Good thread, you're so right with your basic idea that normies don't mind our plight even if they manage to acknowledge it and not gaslight us about it. It's one of the most basic human instincts to see someone suffering and feel happiness that they are probably being spared from that suffering themselves, and that freeing the sufferer might not be the best idea.
Good thread, you're so right with your basic idea that normies don't mind our plight even if they manage to acknowledge it and not gaslight us about it. It's one of the most basic human instincts to see someone suffering and feel happiness that they are probably being spared from that suffering themselves, and that freeing the sufferer might not be the best idea.

Exactly, this is why "pleadcels" confuse me, and I'm pretty sure most if not all are larping normies and maybe even just government agents trying to deescalate violent thoughts. Its obvious that normies are aware of our plight, they just don't care, and they expect us to "take one for the team" and do without.
My End Game (I was asked about this in a PM)

The only goals that I think are feasible in our lifetime, that attack the female power structure and monopoly at its core, are these two things.

1. Decriminalization (Or Legalization) Of Prostitution (on a Globlal Scale) - We'd have to start off on a national scale of course. This would threaten the monopoly women have over sexual resources, women could no longer withold sex and leverage it to influence men's behaviors and most importantly political choices.

2. Male Contraceptive Pill - This would reverse the power dynamic between men and women with respect to control over reproduction. Before these times men controlled whether a woman got pregnant or gave birth, the advent of the sexual revolution and female birth control reversed that power dynamic to where women now control it, a woman can just "forget" to take the pill and if a man gets her pregnant he is no beholden to her, if she wants to have the child he has to help raise it or be placed on child support (notice "terrorism" by the government takes place, the man will be threatened with violence to comply).

If men get a contraceptive pill ourselves, then that reverses the dynamic back again, now women only get pregnant WHEN WE DECIDE (by we I mean men that are having sex JFL, I am not coping thinking as though we as incels are part of the equation)

Our end goals have to be pursuits that attack the "female power structure", which is the monopoly they have on sexual and reproductive resources.

My goal is not to "enforce" monogamy, but rather to "reorganize societal norms" by restoring the leverage and power men had, to essentially make monogamy the only feasible relationship structure by which both men and women benefit. We just need to destroy/impede the leverage women have in society and everything else would begin to fall into place the more "power structures" we dismantle

Okay, well first of all, yes people negotiate with terrorists. Good for you for realizing that. However, websites and organizations for the promotion of terrorism are illegal in almost every country. You can discuss general philosophy all you want. However, if you want to have a discussion about how to best terrorize the public into giving you what you want, you'll have to make your own website to do it, since this site does not allow illegal content. Good luck with the liability on that venture.

As for your goals, yes goal #1 should be accomplished. But it is unlikely. Most countries have been tightening anti-prostitution laws, not loosening them, the past decade or two, with nonsense like the Nordic model which continues to spread. Widespread prostitution will only become globally acceptable once it's sex dolls doing the fucking. You have more likelihood of getting sexual gratification that way than you do from expecting voters to legalize human prostitution.

On point #2, there exists male contraception. This is something I've researched extensively because I am using test-e myself and I learned a lot of what I know about test-e from the contraception studies done on it. It is possible to induce temporary shutdown of male sperm count with hormone injections weekly or monthly. Primarily it is done with testosterone and sometimes a bit of progesterone. Most of the studies were done in East Asia. The problem was that in the studies, it was hard to predict how much was needed. For example, Asian men have a very strong response because SEA men are barely men at all. They were very easy to get down to a zero sperm count. However, on the same doses, many white men did not have full sperm suppression.

Between the combination of challenge in guessing the right dose (and adjusting it for different men's sizes and ethnicities) plus the sense that most men would not go for weekly or monthly injections to maintain contraception, pharmaceutical companies mostly gave up on the endeavor. In fairness, most men probably wouldn't go for the treatment, and if it has to be dosed differently based on everyone's different size and race one can imagine it becomes very difficult to get right. Plus testosterone is a controlled substance in many countries so most governments wouldn't be happy about it. All of these factors have "killed" male contraception but you can still do it yourself if you want to. Just inject 200 mg test-e a week and you'll likely shut down your sperm production.

For example, here's one article summarizing the outcome from one monthly testosterone injection study:

Here's one on an every two month regimen using testosterone and progesterone:

Googled some more and here's a full scientific article summarizing all the trials:

If those are your only two goals, then I don't see what terrorism would even accomplish. The pharmaceutical industry has already put millions into developing male contraception and succeeded in their own way. And as I said, with prostitution, you're more likely to get gratification from sex dolls than to see a reversal of the current legal trend. Political trends don't move that rapidly. It would take 40-50 years before the winds would shift on that, and by then sex dolls will be legit.

Stop being so edgy all the time.
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Stop being so edgy all the time.

Somebody was already discussing this with me via PM and they already made some of the arguments you did, that these things already exist and are being pursued currently via "regular" and "legal" means, I stated the flaws in that line of reasoning and their response was:
"Let me consider this for a while."

Of course efforts are already being made in relation to these goals, but without leverage, without fear of repercussion, there's no telling when these goals will be achieved, the quality with which they will be achieved, and whether or not they will simply be retracted in the future, because why not retract it, they have no reason to not fuck with us if they have nothing to fear.

Like I said in the argument below (which you will see) - We could just get a global version of the Canadian model of prostitution where its legal to sell sex and illegal to buy it, they can play semantic legal games with us, because we have no leverage

The quotes are the points they made, my arguments come after:

A simple observation is that both of the (short-term) goals you mentioned can be accomplished without organized terror, or even mass civil resistance.

In which of our lifetime's will these goals be achieved via these means.............. are you getting my point.

There's already widespread libertarian support for the legalization of prostitution and it is already legal in many countries.

That isn't going to make a difference because it won't be legalized anytime soon that our generation or even 2 generations in the future will be able to enjoy it, its not going to affect our lives, my point is to make changes in our lives, before at least those of us in our 20's die.

Also without the leverage that comes with a threat, what's to stop society from playing legalese/semantic games with the laws they put in place. Consider for a moment the Canadian prostitution model, prostitution is under law "legal" in Canada, but it is ONLY LEGAL FOR WHORES TO PROSTITUTE THEMSELVES, IT IS ILLEGAL FOR MEN TO PURCHASE SEX. Go look this up I am not joking, that's the semantic BS games society is playing with laws because they don't give a fuck about us and don't fear us, and I suspect if we take the "peaceful" method we'll have to deal with decades upon decades of "legal games" like these to struggle against to get ACTUALLY LEGAL PROSTITUTION.

Also even then there's no reason for society to comply because WE HAVE NO LEVERAGE, AND LEVERAGE IS EVERYTHING.

Male contraceptives are already in the research and development phase and even many feminists have no issue with them.

No serious investment is being put behind the research for this, and feminists often push back against this, the same with sex robots.

The won't let it just happen, there will be push back, there will be sabotage, there will be boycotting, there will be taxing and heavy regulation to deter men, there will be mass shaming and disruption of men's lives to deter men from using it, also women can again just leverage sex as a means to black mail men into not using the pill, use the pill and none of them will fuck you.

We can't play pattycake and expect society to comply, they are going to employ various tactics to ruin any technological/social advent that is to our benefit, so long as they don't fear our retaliation.

PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION: Lets say we use the "play nice" method and "wait it out" like you are suggesting, whats to stop society from just changing these laws again years into the future. We change laws all the time, society can just decide prostitution is misogynist and evil again years after its legalization and reverse any laws they made, ARE WE GOING TO NOW REPEAT ALL THAT SHIT OVER AGAIN?

No, that doesn't make any sense, I don't think you are thinking this through, leverage is all that matters when it comes to "social contracts", we will never be able to trust in the social contract between men and society, with respect to laws, if it is not made clear that the contract is enforced with threat of violence, humans obey laws because they are backed with threats of violence, a law without physical force behind it, is a joke. Society can rip any laws/privileges that made our lives better out of our hands if we didn't gain them through threat/asserting power, but if we use threats and assert power and leverage society would think twice about screwing us.

Years down the line if some law maker or feminists decide - "we need to stop legal prostitution" they will immediately recall all the things incels did in the past years to leverage for these laws and be reminded that if they ever tried to reverse it, life would go back to those "scary times"

Without leverage laws/privileges mean nothing
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Somebody was already discussing this with me via PM and they already made some of the arguments you did, that these things already exist and are being pursued currently via "regular" and "legal" means, I stated the flaws in that line of reasoning and their response was:
"Let me consider this for a while."

Of course efforts are already being made in relation to these goals, but without leverage, without fear of repercussion, there's no telling when these goals will be achieved, the quality with which they will be achieved, and whether or not they will simply be retracted in the future, because why not retract it, they have no reason to not fuck with us if they have nothing to fear.

Like I said in the argument below (which you will see) - We could just get a global version of the Canadian model of prostitution where its legal to sell sex and illegal to buy it, they can play semantic legal games with us, because we have no leverage

The quotes are the points they made, my arguments come after:

In which of our lifetime's will these goals be achieved via these means.............. are you getting my point.

That isn't going to make a difference because it won't be legalized anytime soon that our generation or even 2 generations in the future will be able to enjoy it, its not going to affect our lives, my point is to make changes in our lives, before at least those of us in our 20's die.

Also without the leverage that comes with a threat, what's to stop society from playing legalese/semantic games with the laws they put in place. Consider for a moment the Canadian prostitution model, prostitution is under law "legal" in Canada, but it is ONLY LEGAL FOR WHORES TO PROSTITUTE THEMSELVES, IT IS ILLEGAL FOR MEN TO PURCHASE SEX. Go look this up I am not joking, that's the semantic BS games society is playing with laws because they don't give a fuck about us and don't fear us, and I suspect if we take the "peaceful" method we'll have to deal with decades upon decades of "legal games" like these to struggle against to get ACTUALLY LEGAL PROSTITUTION.

Also even then there's no reason for society to comply because WE HAVE NO LEVERAGE, AND LEVERAGE IS EVERYTHING.

No serious investment is being put behind the research for this, and feminists often push back against this, the same with sex robots.

The won't let it just happen, there will be push back, there will be sabotage, there will be boycotting, there will be taxing and heavy regulation to deter men, there will be mass shaming and disruption of men's lives to deter men from using it, also women can again just leverage sex as a means to black mail men into not using the pill, use the pill and none of them will fuck you.

We can't play pattycake and expect society to comply, they are going to employ various tactics to ruin any technological/social advent that is to our benefit, so long as they don't fear our retaliation.

PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION: Lets say we use the "play nice" method and "wait it out" like you are suggesting, whats to stop society from just changing these laws again years into the future. We change laws all the time, society can just decide prostitution is misogynist and evil again years after its legalization and reverse any laws they made, ARE WE GOING TO NOW REPEAT ALL THAT SHIT OVER AGAIN?

No, that doesn't make any sense, I don't think you are thinking this through, leverage is all that matters when it comes to "social contracts", we will never be able to trust in the social contract between men and society, with respect to laws, if it is not made clear that the contract is enforced with threat of violence, humans obey laws because they are backed with threats of violence, a law without physical force behind it, is a joke. Society can rip any laws/privileges that made our lives better out of our hands if we didn't gain them through threat/asserting power, but if we use threats and assert power and leverage society would think twice about screwing us.

Years down the line if some law maker or feminists decide - "we need to stop legal prostitution" they will immediately recall all the things incels did in the past years to leverage for these laws and be reminded that if they ever tried to reverse it, life would go back to those "scary times"

Without leverage laws/privileges mean nothing

What you are saying is accurate in principle. However, it doesn't negate anything I've said.
  • Websites and organizations for the promotion and facilitation of terrorism against the public are illegal.
  • This site does not permit illegal content.
  • If you want to create a community devoted to terrorism you are always welcome to do so, but the liability will be yours (good luck with that).
  • Male contraception has already been developed but it is considered a low market target so most pharmaceutical companies don't care, because they already know most men won't get an injection every month to prevent pregnancies and risk sterilizing themselves in the process.
  • The laws are moving towards things like Nordic Model as you mentioned, and legal winds take decades to change course.
  • In the countries with the highest rates of inceldom (eg. Japan) there have been no greater initiatives to legalize prostitution.
  • After every mass murder so far there have been no greater initiatives to legalize prostitution.
  • Average voters don't care about legalizing prostitution.
  • Feminists who are anti-legalization of prostitution have decades of political power they've accumulated and influence the government in a massive way that will not be reversed for decades at the earliest (if at all).
  • By the time you could meaningfully erode feminist power structures sufficiently and convince the public of any "need" to legalize prostitution, sex robots will likely already be so legit it won't even matter.
  • Sex robots are thus a more probable way of eroding female power than terrorism or prostitution.
  • Incels in countries with legal prostitution (eg. Europe) seem just as miserable as the rest of us.
Not negotiating with terrorists would actually work.
At first a lot of people would be killed but eventually the terrorists would learn that it's pointless to take hostages and ask for shit
Not negotiating with terrorists would actually work.
At first a lot of people would be killed but eventually the terrorists would learn that it's pointless to take hostages and ask for shit

If this were true, slavery would never have happened, you can always depend on peoples fear to keep them in line and get them to comply, slaver masters were vastly outnumbered by slaves, yet the slaves barely if ever rebelled, if people followed the logic you claim they usually do, slavery would have ended way earlier and much more violently than history shows today, all plantations would have been burned in rebellions and all slave owners killed, with hundreds of slaves dead fighting for their freedom, slavers at that point would have stopped going to countries to buy slaves because they would have seen it as a lost cause, but that's not what happened now is it.

What you are saying is accurate in principle. However, it doesn't negate anything I've said.
  • Websites and organizations for the promotion and facilitation of terrorism against the public are illegal.
  • This site does not permit illegal content.
  • If you want to create a community devoted to terrorism you are always welcome to do so, but the liability will be yours (good luck with that).
  • Male contraception has already been developed but it is considered a low market target so most pharmaceutical companies don't care, because they already know most men won't get an injection every month to prevent pregnancies and risk sterilizing themselves in the process.
  • The laws are moving towards things like Nordic Model as you mentioned, and legal winds take decades to change course.
  • In the countries with the highest rates of inceldom (eg. Japan) there have been no greater initiatives to legalize prostitution.
  • After every mass murder so far there have been no greater initiatives to legalize prostitution.
  • Average voters don't care about legalizing prostitution.
  • Feminists who are anti-legalization of prostitution have decades of political power they've accumulated and influence the government in a massive way that will not be reversed for decades at the earliest (if at all).
  • By the time you could meaningfully erode feminist power structures sufficiently and convince the public of any "need" to legalize prostitution, sex robots will likely already be so legit it won't even matter.
  • Sex robots are thus a more probable way of eroding female power than terrorism or prostitution.
  • Incels in countries with legal prostitution (eg. Europe) seem just as miserable as the rest of us.

I get what you're saying but I want to try and make something happen within my lifetime, saying "its gonna happen anyways" is true, but it doesn't do anything for me and the men of my generation. So I'm going to try things my way.
What laws could we change to combat human nature?
If this were true, slavery would never have happened, you can always depend on peoples fear to keep them in line and get them to comply, slaver masters were vastly outnumbered by slaves, yet the slaves barely if ever rebelled, if people followed the logic you claim they usually do, slavery would have ended way earlier and much more violently than history shows today, all plantations would have been burned in rebellions and all slave owners killed, with hundreds of slaves dead fighting for their freedom, slavers at that point would have stopped going to countries to buy slaves because they would have seen it as a lost cause, but that's not what happened now is it.

I get what you're saying but I want to try and make something happen within my lifetime, saying "its gonna happen anyways" is true, but it doesn't do anything for me and the men of my generation. So I'm going to try things my way.

Well if you want to do something for yourself in your lifetime, go fuck a hooker. Even in countries where it's illegal it's pretty widespread and easy to avoid legal problems from.
Somebody was already discussing this with me via PM and they already made some of the arguments you did, that these things already exist and are being pursued currently via "regular" and "legal" means, I stated the flaws in that line of reasoning and their response was:
"Let me consider this for a while."

Of course efforts are already being made in relation to these goals, but without leverage, without fear of repercussion, there's no telling when these goals will be achieved, the quality with which they will be achieved, and whether or not they will simply be retracted in the future, because why not retract it, they have no reason to not fuck with us if they have nothing to fear.

Like I said in the argument below (which you will see) - We could just get a global version of the Canadian model of prostitution where its legal to sell sex and illegal to buy it, they can play semantic legal games with us, because we have no leverage

The quotes are the points they made, my arguments come after:

In which of our lifetime's will these goals be achieved via these means.............. are you getting my point.

That isn't going to make a difference because it won't be legalized anytime soon that our generation or even 2 generations in the future will be able to enjoy it, its not going to affect our lives, my point is to make changes in our lives, before at least those of us in our 20's die.

Also without the leverage that comes with a threat, what's to stop society from playing legalese/semantic games with the laws they put in place. Consider for a moment the Canadian prostitution model, prostitution is under law "legal" in Canada, but it is ONLY LEGAL FOR WHORES TO PROSTITUTE THEMSELVES, IT IS ILLEGAL FOR MEN TO PURCHASE SEX. Go look this up I am not joking, that's the semantic BS games society is playing with laws because they don't give a fuck about us and don't fear us, and I suspect if we take the "peaceful" method we'll have to deal with decades upon decades of "legal games" like these to struggle against to get ACTUALLY LEGAL PROSTITUTION.

Also even then there's no reason for society to comply because WE HAVE NO LEVERAGE, AND LEVERAGE IS EVERYTHING.

No serious investment is being put behind the research for this, and feminists often push back against this, the same with sex robots.

The won't let it just happen, there will be push back, there will be sabotage, there will be boycotting, there will be taxing and heavy regulation to deter men, there will be mass shaming and disruption of men's lives to deter men from using it, also women can again just leverage sex as a means to black mail men into not using the pill, use the pill and none of them will fuck you.

We can't play pattycake and expect society to comply, they are going to employ various tactics to ruin any technological/social advent that is to our benefit, so long as they don't fear our retaliation.

PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION: Lets say we use the "play nice" method and "wait it out" like you are suggesting, whats to stop society from just changing these laws again years into the future. We change laws all the time, society can just decide prostitution is misogynist and evil again years after its legalization and reverse any laws they made, ARE WE GOING TO NOW REPEAT ALL THAT SHIT OVER AGAIN?

No, that doesn't make any sense, I don't think you are thinking this through, leverage is all that matters when it comes to "social contracts", we will never be able to trust in the social contract between men and society, with respect to laws, if it is not made clear that the contract is enforced with threat of violence, humans obey laws because they are backed with threats of violence, a law without physical force behind it, is a joke. Society can rip any laws/privileges that made our lives better out of our hands if we didn't gain them through threat/asserting power, but if we use threats and assert power and leverage society would think twice about screwing us.

Years down the line if some law maker or feminists decide - "we need to stop legal prostitution" they will immediately recall all the things incels did in the past years to leverage for these laws and be reminded that if they ever tried to reverse it, life would go back to those "scary times"

Without leverage laws/privileges mean nothing
your like the malcom x for incels.
Women are terrorists because they hold your kids hostage, can get you thrown in jail for false rape, take all your shit, etc.

Every god damn tool in their arsenal involves plenty of men with guns (police, courts).
As someone who’s spent most of his life getting fucked over by family/custody courts, I can’t agree more
No, my parents are divorced and never stopped trying to fuck each other over :feelshaha:
Let's be honest, it was just your mom trying to fuck your dad over lol. Unless you have one of those rare cases where your mom was the bread winner.
Let's be honest, it was just your mom trying to fuck your dad over lol. Unless you have one of those rare cases where your mom was the bread winner.
Nah, it was 100% my mom being a narcissist cunt while my dad tried his feeble attempts to retaliate
actually based. too bad its just a pipe dream, people are born cucks
Think about your taxes, don't pay them, and the government will send people with guns and combat training to force you into a jail cell, and if you offer up too much resistance you will be incapacitated or likely even killed if you escalate the scenario too much, and resist with your own weaponry. We deal with terrorism everyday in various aspects of our lives, "leveraging threats" is a normal aspect of human interaction, which is why it shocks me that people treat terrorism like its this fringe and extreme practice :feelskek: (the majority of humans lack self awareness, our governments terrorize us everyday, its part of our lives)
Your paragraph sound exactly like the chapter 2 of sun Ken Rock:feelskek:

Context : the protagonist is a bum but quite strong , want to become a cop to impress a cop bitch.

His strength made him get noticed by a gang.
He tell gang leader , he doesn’t want to join a gangster crew , but being a policeman.
Gang leader decided to give him an epic speech about the fact a country is just a gang that has reach his ultimate form, they continue to grow , they didn’t get crushed and became a country.

5CCC9323 0ADA 4849 91B5 0735A25087E4

5976021A 6943 4A4F B2BE 97621BFDCF51

7C5CCC08 9729 48A0 A561 5F02BA6C7F94

83426566 E964 4B89 BDD6 565AA6AC87AE

I just know you’ll love it @BlkPillPres


  • 0CACCE76-E91D-40D4-AE3B-FC06FBBF6DEC.jpeg
    123.2 KB · Views: 10
Your paragraph sound exactly like the chapter 2 of sun Ken Rock:feelskek:

Context : the protagonist is a bum but quite strong , want to become a cop to impress a cop bitch.

His strength made him get noticed by a gang.
He tell gang leader , he doesn’t want to join a gangster crew , but being a policeman.
Gang leader decided to give him an epic speech about the fact a country is just a gang that has reach his ultimate form, they continue to grow , they didn’t get crushed and became a country.

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View attachment 620173
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View attachment 620175

I just know you’ll love it @BlkPillPres
Interesting, maybe I'll read the manga if I have the time.
Women are terrorists because they hold your kids hostage, can get you thrown in jail for false rape, take all your shit, etc.

Every god damn tool in their arsenal involves plenty of men with guns (police, courts).
Marriage is terrorism truthfully.

@IceStorm @30klhlvwizard @DarkStarDown @Adolf Hitler @Lonelyus @Govid_Dorious

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