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SuicideFuel The chadfish pill destroyed me



involuntary incel
Nov 8, 2017
I made a chadfishing and now I want to die even more than before.
I got to experience so many things that will never happen to me.
I got to talk with females, I don't think I had ever had a real conversation with a foid.
I got to experience how it's like being desired, females become completely different persons when next to Chad.
I got to talk with actual stacies, in real life they wouldnt even breath in my same space.

I shouldn't have done this buddyboyos, I got to experiencie what I should have, but never will. This world isnt fair.
Normies will say that it’s because your personality changed jfl
best way to do it, is make a online profile for yourself and a chadfish in your local area then see the difference.

made me realise how shallow foids even in your local town are.
The chadfish pill absolutely destroys the bluepill argument of "it's your personality".

If just swapping pictures leads to completely different results it was never about your personality.
Can confirm that chad fishing is literal suicidefuel. Getting my number banned from tinder probably saved me from roping tbqh.
better get used to it and back to this subhuman reality
Chadfishpill is where the real blackpill begins
If you want to enjoy chadfishing without the sui fuel, I suggest dykefishing. You get matches forever on Tinder, and girls often send nudes randomly. An incredible amount of fakes though.
Making both a Chad profile and a foid profile are mandatory experiences in becoming blackpilled.

You know what'll happen, but you've no idea what it's like until you see if for yourself.
I wanna do the same some day. The last step to fully embrace the blackpill is to see by yourself how it really is out there.
Making both a Chad profile and a foid profile are mandatory experiences in becoming blackpilled.

You know what'll happen, but you've no idea what it's like until you see if for yourself.
This is true tbh

This was the turning point for me. When a fake profile of someone I had deemed ugly was getting numbers and long conversations with foids I had failed with using my real pictures.

The foid profile makes you realize how hard you have to simp just to be in the running.
The chadfish pill absolutely destroys the bluepill argument of "it's your personality".

If just swapping pictures leads to completely different results it was never about your personality.
Dating apps are leks where only your ornaments(facial features and body structure) matter just like in the leks of other animals.
when you see all the tinder notifications then you realize it was your chadfish

imagine chadfishing your oneitis or your old crush from HS and getting to see first hand how those foids you desire act in front of chad. one of the most potent suifuels tbh.
i thought u said u didn't know how to message foids on tinder, i guess they did all the work
What did you expect? Whores are genetically hardwired to be Chad's sex slaves.
i thought u said u didn't know how to message foids on tinder, i guess they did all the work
Lmao I remember that thread too, @zangano1 was straight up like “Idk what to say to foids while chad fishing =(((“

in the end it didn’t even matter jfl
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! you couldn't have had the same exactly personality, and the only thing that changed was your looks.

Why the hell would you chadish? It's basically self-harm.
I got to experience how it's like being desired, females become completely different persons when next to Chad.
This is the worst part, soul-crushing!

Normies keep repeating that foids are indifferent and even bitter to every men, that you need all kinds of magical social skills, but once you catfish them with Chad's pics, they are really nice, engaging and sweet!
You're here for the male model right? -Catfishman
How many likes did you get, and in what amount of time?
How many likes did you get, and in what amount of time?
I didnt keep track of it, but I have over 99 and I started like a week ago. I also got superlikes from some whales
you took a sip from the Holy Grail, son.
you should have known that the unworthy would be granted death!
I didnt keep track of it, but I have over 99 and I started like a week ago. I also got superlikes from some whales

99 in a week, huh? Are you in a major city?
Chadfishing is one of the biggest suifuels tbh
Sigh... it's just... the average woman on Tinder gets about 99 likes per hour.

With a "normal" Chad, i got 99+ likes and more than 50 matches in two days . Here a snapshot:

It's why chadfishing gets universally banned in Reddit and YouTube. It's cold hard undeniable reality of hypergamy.
Making both a Chad profile and a foid profile are mandatory experiences in becoming blackpilled.

You know what'll happen, but you've no idea what it's like until you see if for yourself.
I shouldn't have done this buddyboyos
Now it's too late, but you're completly blackpilled buddy boyo.
you have seen the truth with your own eyes...
Hoe do you prevent these apps asking for your phone number after a few days?

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