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The case against trad women

Balding Subhuman

Balding Subhuman

If you're ugly, women want you dead
Dec 4, 2021
This is not really a problem incels have because we don't have a choice in the matter anyway when it comes to dating but why some of you guys idealize these trad thots?

These are just the same women with blue hair and septum piercings, just that they have natural hair color and no piercings or tattoos.

After all even the most feminist women believe that men should be the providers. That men should pay for dates. That men should stick to their traditional gender roles while they want to keep their options open.

You see, there are so very few career-oriented women who have househusbands. Women aren't attracted to those guys. Women say they aren't sexist yet they still want men to stay in our traditional gender roles.

Trad women and feminist women are all the same. Even the trad women are feminists. They still believe most of the bullshit that these feminists also believe. Trad women are just like male feminists. They wear a disguise to trick the other sex for favors. Feminist men use the label to appear as more harmless so they don't have to compete in a traditional way with men (because they can't.) Its their way to try to get sex from women.

Trad women use the trad label to appear as virtuous and just, when their real goal is just to make men do their bidding. To provide for them.

When girls are young, they realize they can either go out to the world and provide for themselves, or they can find a man to do that providing for them.

Usually the attractive women opt for the trad route, simply because they can. They are manipulative and they know they can get men to do their bidding.

Unattractive women tend to become feminists. I think anyone with a pair of eyes can see that. Overweight, bad self-esteem, victim mentality..

Feminists want to widen (quite literally) what is considered to be an attractive woman, which has resulted in this fat acceptance campaign. Of course in a rather selfish fashion this fat acceptance can only be seen in women. There are still no overweight male models to be seen.

But I'd argue trad women are even worse. Because they aren't honest about their beliefs. They only keep the facade up for their personal gain like male feminists

Stop simping for these wahmen. There's way too many men giving these whores attention. There's roma army, the grifter pearl and all sorts of whores
The whole "tradwife" thing is just an "aesthetic" for women, in the same way "femcels" are also an "aesthetic".
This is not really a problem incels have because we don't have a choice in the matter anyway when it comes to dating but why some of you guys idealize these trad thots?

These are just the same women with blue hair and septum piercings, just that they have natural hair color and no piercings or tattoos.

After all even the most feminist women believe that men should be the providers. That men should pay for dates. That men should stick to their traditional gender roles while they want to keep their options open.

You see, there are so very few career-oriented women who have househusbands. Women aren't attracted to those guys. Women say they aren't sexist yet they still want men to stay in our traditional gender roles.

Trad women and feminist women are all the same. Even the trad women are feminists. They still believe most of the bullshit that these feminists also believe. Trad women are just like male feminists. They wear a disguise to trick the other sex for favors. Feminist men use the label to appear as more harmless so they don't have to compete in a traditional way with men (because they can't.) Its their way to try to get sex from women.

Trad women use the trad label to appear as virtuous and just, when their real goal is just to make men do their bidding. To provide for them.

When girls are young, they realize they can either go out to the world and provide for themselves, or they can find a man to do that providing for them.

Usually the attractive women opt for the trad route, simply because they can. They are manipulative and they know they can get men to do their bidding.

Unattractive women tend to become feminists. I think anyone with a pair of eyes can see that. Overweight, bad self-esteem, victim mentality..

Feminists want to widen (quite literally) what is considered to be an attractive woman, which has resulted in this fat acceptance campaign. Of course in a rather selfish fashion this fat acceptance can only be seen in women. There are still no overweight male models to be seen.

But I'd argue trad women are even worse. Because they aren't honest about their beliefs. They only keep the facade up for their personal gain like male feminists

Stop simping for these wahmen. There's way too many men giving these whores attention. There's roma army, the grifter pearl and all sorts of whores
As a bitch come to you...you receive of them...pussy begging Mothrr fuckers are the worst homie...esp. when they Simps (not getting anything in return but presence)
There is no such a thing as trad woman, foids in every time in history only wanted what's most advantageous to them, being a tradwhore was the most advantageous for them in 1950
That's y adultery was still going on back than...if it ain't one thing it's another these FOIDS gonna complain about and leave u for. When ur a sub 5 not well endowed ogre built incel who has some money....
Another problem about trad women. They keep a man around to do their bidding to soothe their ego and they don't go around trying to get these things themselves.

Eventually this leads to resentment from the woman's part. Because most men have a backbone of some sort and they refuse to only be a wind-up white knight toy for the woman.

And then it results to violence. Most of the time, domestic violence is reciprocal. Both parties do it. But when its one-sided, most of the time its actually the woman beating the man.

All women are selfish and solipsistic. But trad women are more sinister and I guarantee, more likely to violent towards men. And the men know they have no means to retaliate. If they do, its jailtime. If they divorce, she takes his belongings and kids.
Another problem about trad women. They keep a man around to do their bidding to soothe their ego and they don't go around trying to get these things themselves.

Eventually this leads to resentment from the woman's part. Because most men have a backbone of some sort and they refuse to only be a wind-up white knight toy for the woman.

And then it results to violence. Most of the time, domestic violence is reciprocal. Both parties do it. But when its one-sided, most of the time its actually the woman beating the man.

All women are selfish and solipsistic. But trad women are more sinister and I guarantee, more likely to violent towards men. And the men know they have no means to retaliate. If they do, its jailtime. If they divorce, she takes his belongings and kids.
Imagine the relationship Ralph cramden and Alice would have today?? Lmmaoo if Alice was running her mouth even during the 50s???
No such thing as a trad wife
Yea homie..quiet as it's kept...no matter u grade on the face..if ur low down their...ir getting cucked...FOIDS would fuck a MTN with big penis over a chad not well endowed
Ungrateful whores with penis envy.
When a man is well endowed...and FOIDS know it...it can open up a window of opportunity homie...yu should see how these foids go over the grey sweat pant pics men take...
I'm ugly (duh) but height+pp size >>>>>> face tbh

Face changes and degrades with age and can be improved but height and penus can't be changed at all

Size (both body and genital) is the most important factor, nothing else comes even close, I wouldn't give a FUCK about being ugly (neither do foids) if I was tall and had a big dick
Ffuucckkkk...so based....yea..a 4 and up facially with a nice body and big dick would equate to an MTN with FOIDS.....ur landing up to Becky's with it..NOT AN INCEL...the ski mask way
I'm ugly (duh) but height+pp size >>>>>> face tbh

Face changes and degrades with age and can be improved but height and penus can't be changed at all

Size (both body and genital) is the most important factor, nothing else comes even close, I wouldn't give a FUCK about being ugly (neither do foids) if I was tall and had a big dick
Please share this concept with our fellow black pilled brethren and announce the true understanding of GYM MAXXED and the UPDATE to lookism...
There is no such a thing as trad woman, foids in every time in history only wanted what's most advantageous to them, being a tradwhore was the most advantageous for them in 1950
Hence the honey mooners...Alice was with him cause she couldn't land a job to support herself and she knew a6 rich handsome man wouldn't be faithful...today that doctrine is crushed through FOID liberalization...she can make her own money to support herself and fuck who she wants..
Don't care about trad.
There's no such thing as "Trad foids" They are just Tradthots online looking for male attention.
There's no such thing as "Trad foids" They are just Tradthots online looking for male attention.
Yea...liberalism killed TRAD. Ism. ...deep religious conservative rooted possibly...but overall...leftward
I think alot of women still want to be trad. Its mostly black, hispanic and arab young women that still want to be trad. But only if you are chad with 100k+ salary and after she was ran through. Getting one fresh off the boat from their home country is the best way to get a trad women. Having the same religion or culture as them will give you more chance.
I think alot of women still want to be trad. Its mostly black, hispanic and arab young women that still want to be trad. But only if you are chad with 100k+ salary and after she was ran through. Getting one fresh off the boat from their home country is the best way to get a trad women. Having the same religion or culture as them will give you more chance.
Anytime ur dealing with "religion" with a woman. Ur leaning right conservative with it...problem is..humanity in itself has strayed away from god...so a broad is not picking dudes based upon religion anymore...and culture is being rooted out by epluribus unium nimrodic liberal philosophy of race mixing and intergeation
Anytime ur dealing with "religion" with a woman. Ur leaning right conservative with it...problem is..humanity in itself has strayed away from god...so a broad is not picking dudes based upon religion anymore...and culture is being rooted out by epluribus unium nimrodic liberal philosophy of race mixing and intergeation
Not for those women back home. Trust me i been to these countries (Morocco, somalia. ethiopia) These girls are told to be a house wife from the day they were born. They were told to obey their husband and some cultures (mostly curry cultures) they will force their foids to stay with their husband even if she is unsatisfied. Sadly india foids smell like shit and africa foids are either a 7-8 and the other 80% are sub5 women
Trad foids = a life of leisure afforded by their own cuckolded slave-husbands.

Liberated foids = a life of leisure afforded by the collective enslavement and cuckoldry of all taxpaying males by the welfare state.

Marxist-Rodgerist foid = kept in a coma in deep underground concrete-sealed mineshafts where no man or animal ever enters, tended by robot nurses, and used strictly for breeding IVF "designer babies" with certified good genetic qualities.

Men who chose to be workers are neither slaves nor cucks, but own the fruits of their own labor, with which they can afford their own copes, leisure and sons.
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The most sought-after Trad foids are either Amish (in the States) or you need a good amount of money to travel to a remote village and find you a naive, sheltered foid. Leave the foids who claim to be "Trad" foids alone.
Not for those women back home. Trust me i been to these countries (Morocco, somalia. ethiopia) These girls are told to be a house wife from the day they were born. They were told to obey their husband and some cultures (mostly curry cultures) they will force their foids to stay with their husband even if she is unsatisfied. Sadly india foids smell like shit and africa foids are either a 7-8 and the other 80% are sub5 women
Yea..those African countries that are cool with right winged Russia and China be a good choice for women if ur alpha with some money...4s and 5s can do okay their (with average to ugly females)
The most sought-after Trad foids are either Amish (in the States) or you need a good amount of money to travel to a remote village and find you a naive, sheltered foid. Leave the foids who claim to be "Trad" foids alone.
Yea...the more right wing or desolate moderate areas..the better the FOIDS...but..they won't be as attractive..and if they are...father gonna want a BIG DOWRY
With the economy the way it is..most households need 2 sources of income. Esp when kids are involved...so in that sense..TRADS would have to work...men not making the type of money to keep up with inflation for most households to be ran solely on what they bringing in..
With the economy the way it is..most households need 2 sources of income. Esp when kids are involved...so in that sense..TRADS would have to work...men not making the type of money to keep up with inflation for most households to be ran solely on what they bringing in..
They'll probably find a way to blame men for this too. Articles about "economically unatttactive men" have already popped up.

What a joke. Feminists caused this by doubling the work force and they still expect men to provide for them.
They'll probably find a way to blame men for this too. Articles about "economically unatttactive men" have already popped up.

What a joke. Feminists caused this by doubling the work force and they still expect men to provide for them.
FOIDS want to make more money than us and dominate us...the liberation movement of the 70s was all about that as being the cap for the future.
They'll probably find a way to blame men for this too. Articles about "economically unatttactive men" have already popped up.

What a joke. Feminists caused this by doubling the work force and they still expect men to provide for them.
After saying money isn’t important in a men and saying gender roles should be abolished. Fucking tard animals
FOIDS want to make more money than us and dominate us...the liberation movement of the 70s was all about that as being the cap for the future.
No they want to be dominated by men. Period. Point is they won’t feel dominated if the man earns less than them or is weaker
All women are trad when Christian Chad shows up
Women think incels want only trad women and want to oppress.

I wouldn't mind splitting the house work with my other half. The gaslighting that
comes out of the mouth of femoids is unbelieveable.
After saying money isn’t important in a men and saying gender roles should be abolished. Fucking tard animals
They just want Chad to get off his ass and get a job and take a break from his usual tracking of banging other FOIDS non stop...

The economy is getting hard for some FOIDS...this is done because the conservatives are in power of the federal budget as of late..and the funds tend to cater towards higher up of status males...Than just simply being a chad...

This is good news for escortmaxxers...they may be willing to deal with some sub 5s now and even lower the usual price a bit...
Most "traditional" women are settlers and gold diggers. I have far more respect for women who only date guys they're actually attracted to. Women are only "less visual than men" in the sense that many of them will date a guy they're not sexually attracted to and deliberately fool him into believing she is, which is nothing more than dishonest prostitution.
Most "traditional" women are settlers and gold diggers. I have far more respect for women who only date guys they're actually attracted to. Women are only "less visual than men" in the sense that many of them will date a guy they're not sexually attracted to and deliberately fool him into believing she is, which is nothing more than dishonest prostitution.
Yea...if ur an incel...9 times out of 10...a FOID ain't dealing with you unless it's something in it for her...that's either...money/financial security...or big dick....that's it...lmmmaooo
I concur. There used to be a kind of balance in the warfare between the sexes but now trad women a deal that is more in their favor. I think a lot of this actually came from high status men wanting to put women to work in their factories and offices during the industrial revolutions. Basically its to increase their sexual access while making it harder for average men.
I concur. There used to be a kind of balance in the warfare between the sexes but now trad women a deal that is more in their favor. I think a lot of this actually came from high status men wanting to put women to work in their factories and offices during the industrial revolutions. Basically its to increase their sexual access while making it harder for average men.
Yes this is true. The high status men promoted feminism so that they have more women to fuck while the low status man have less
Yes this is true. The high status men promoted feminism so that they have more women to fuck while the low status man have less
Only status men getting fucked are the those who are not sub 5..

..FOIDS not fucking sub 5s unless they forced or desperate for something from that sub 5

Both conservative and liberal men are fucking cause they are not sub 5s...they only differ on how they want their FOIDS..
.either submissive(conservatives) or dominant(liberals)
Being a trad wife is just a female way of mate guarding, most of trad wife’s are married to Chads that are economically successful too, they sit on the best dicks with their skirts, and want to keep the superior genes for themselves.
Tradthots are more degenerate, immoral corrupt and hypergamous than liberal leftist feminists. They are wolfes in sheep's clothing
Tradthots are more degenerate, immoral corrupt and hypergamous than liberal leftist feminists. They are wolfes in sheep's clothing
i'm glad some of you guys get it. "trad" women are just fakers and whores. they believe in the same feminist bullshit as the blue-haired cunts. they just sprinkle a little christianity or some other shit on it.
Maybe in the deep rural areas where social media isn't much of a thing

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