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Blackpill The blindspot in the blackpill that everyone seems to ignore



Jun 24, 2019
We all now that it's over and that females are priveleged and etc, but there's something that seriously bothers me.


If they are so priveleged why the hell is the average woman so insecure and depressed (even more than man or even more than they were when they were not priveleged)?
The truth is the average woman is extremely insecure (stacys included), just look at what they would do for a bit of attention, they spend so much time choosing the best clothes, make up, using revealing clothes, post on tiktok and normigram to get attention.
Well, you might think this is all because woman want chad, but this doesn't seem to be the case, even after getting chad they are still insecure asf and depressed (not always but most of the time), I have seen this happening first hand.
The truth is the average woman is OBSESSED with being famous and rich, woman desire that BADLY but they seem to kinda hide it as it is something non-pc. So you might think that woman are destined to be insecure and depressed and there's nothing she can do to solve it.
But if that were to be the case, how then were women on the past considerably happier?

What I presented you above is a FACT and doesn't add up with the tuturial meme that many users here claim women live on. Women nowadays are extremely love starved, if that wasn't the case they wouldn't be insecure nor would they be attentionwhoring like they do.

I know what you are thinking: bu-bu-but what about the simps that flood her with attention?! This aparent contradiction is what I pretend to solve with this post.:feelsstudy:

My theory:

Many guys here complain about how much woman and society has changed in the past, but we seem to ignore a very important fact: Man changed a lot more than women did.

Compare the modern men with the past:

In the past men were strong, learned to fight and were athletic, bold and courageous, now the average men is a complete effeminated faggot.:feelspuke:

In the past men put women on their place, didn't let them whore around and protected them, now they "empower" them and genuinly believe women and men should be equal (ask anyone you know if u don't believe me)

In the past men defended their honor, to the point of fighting (sometimes to the death) in order to defend it in duels, now they are passified cucks with no sense of honor or anything close who would run away at any possibility of getting hurt.

In modern times, there's two types of men: cucked effeminated faggots (majority) and darktriad hedonistic thugs (minority) 90% of the male population falls in one of these groups.

No wonder women are depressed, imagine being forced to fulfill a masculine role in society while for generations women evolved to be dependent on men, and for the most part, men who aren't feminist cucked faggots are rare.

Now you will think what I am saying doesn't make any sense, since if that's the case, why are women pushing feminism, being entitled, and telling men to be feminine faggots? Because they want guys to snap, They want men to stop them and dominate them, even though they say otherwise, that's what their primitive brain wants it's literally all a "shit test" except it's not a test it's a call for action.
A good comparison is how you feel like going er on foids and normies. Does hurting them solve anything? No. Do you expect it to solve anything? No. But do you feel like doing it anyways? Yes, because that's how evolution programmed you.

Why then are female so hypergamous nowadays? If you look at the way woman buy clothes, u know why. Women see men as accessories to display status with the hopes of getting more attention, love, admiration of others, not as the end goal. Notice how women seem desire men that have traits that they ENVY, short women are height obsessed, average or ugly women are the most face obssessed, this explains the feminine e-boys trend.
When women finally are able to get into a relationship with a guy like this they continue to be insecure because they still don't have what they really need (a non-cucked man).

Women never evolved to be choosers, if anything they were the ones that were chosen, that's why they are more beautifull then men (boobs, don't go bald, no facial hair, baby like features, soft skin), inceldom is nothing more than an evulotionary mismatch and you can thank big daddy gov and the jews for it.:feelsree:

Women when they look at me they think I am just one more cucked faggot especially considering I am a manlet:feelsbadman:, and so they don't even consider me as a possible mate, and even if I somehow showed that I ain't a fag they would probably ignore me because they don't know better. Their irrational foidmind is telling them to get more fame, status and attention, without realizing that all of that is so that a real men takes her even if by force.:feelsYall:

Watch from 4:20 to 5:40

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuYBlXwXrVA

She talks about exactly what I just said, excepts she says it in a more good and positive way, like as if it is something rare.

TLDR: Women are love-starved depressed and insecure, despite sex abundance, and in an irrational attempt to solve it they end up doing worse.

They are depressed 24/7 because most have completely blank personalities, and require constant external stimuli to keep them satisfied, unlike most men who are at least somewhat comfortable with their own company and their own thoughts.

Also, I believe the testosterone imbalance between men and women plays a role. This is also why whites suffer from depression more than blacks, but blacks suffer from mania more. Same goes for men and women
If they are so priveleged why the hell is the average woman so insecure and depressed (even more than man or even more than they were when they were not priveleged)?
The truth is the average woman is extremely insecure (stacys included), just look at what they would do for a bit of attention, they spend so much time choosing the best clothes, make up, using revealing clothes, post on tiktok and normigram to get attention.
the average and below women are insecure because they can't get chad in a relationship

stacies aren't insecure usually, but if they are its because they can't get gigachad in a relationship
@Overdosed has great scientifcally based explanations for this types of phenomena.
They are depressed 24/7 because most have completely blank personalities, and require constant external stimuli to keep them satisfied, unlike most men who are at least somewhat comfortable with their own company and their own thoughts.

Also, I believe the testosterone imbalance between men and women plays a role. This is also why whites suffer from depression more than blacks, but blacks suffer from mania more. Same goes for men and women
This doesn't explain changes across time. And why they are so insecure
the average and below women are insecure because they can't get chad in a relationship

stacies aren't insecure usually, but if they are its because they can't get gigachad in a relationship
No lol, this is so dumb I know females in relationship with chad that are still insecure asf and post pic on insta to get validation constantly.
@Overdosed has great scientifcally based explanations for this types of phenomena.
I want to see it then.
This doesn't explain changes across time. And why they are so insecure
Their becoming more insecure over time comes from social media showing them the external stimuli/attention that other women are able to get through their looks compared to them, which wasn't as obvious to them or to men in previous generations
There are no blind spots in the black pill.

Women are more encouraged to share their emotional weaknesses and seek support than men are. Therefore they will be more likely to be diagnosed with emotional disorders.

Society considers it a problem when women are sad. Society considers it your problem when you are sad.

But that's not to dismiss the notion that women are worse off now than they previously were. They are. Modern society features unhappier women than traditional society because women don't know what to do with freedom; they need guidance. It's like how giving a baby freedom will only bring them self-harm. Women do best in monogamous relationships with men they admire. Because of the shift to equality it's difficult for women to admire men (nowadays it basically requires either obscene looks, wealth, or status), and the men who pass the test are so rare they have no incentive to settle down with just one woman.

In the past orderly society told these men to settle down. Now women think they can force it by fucking them and feminist shaming into commitment afterwards. It doesn't work and they seethe with insecurity.

It's still the tutorial level compared to our lives, that's just objective fact, but where in the past they had an invincibility buff and limited controls, now they're vulnerable with the full moveset unlocked at the start. They don't know what buttons to push, and the consequences are costly.
They are not depressed, they simply over-exaggerate almost every single issue that they're faced with to the point where it's impossible for authorities and healthcare professionals to ignore them. Reminder, 80% of suicides are committed by men, meanwhile women make up only 20% of those. They're complete and utter degenerate cunts who get treated so well regardless of their actions, they can murder their own child and will still have people doubting their crimes.
Women get bullied and have depression for shit that doesn't matter. Men get bullied and have depression for shit that DOES matter
There are no blind spots in the black pill.

Women are more encouraged to share their emotional weaknesses and seek support than men are. Therefore they will be more likely to be diagnosed with emotional disorders.

Society considers it a problem when women are sad. Society considers it your problem when you are sad.

But that's not to dismiss the notion that women are worse off now than they previously were. They are. Modern society features unhappier women than traditional society because women don't know what to do with freedom; they need guidance. It's like how giving a baby freedom will only bring them self-harm. Women do best in monogamous relationships with men they admire. Because of the shift to equality it's difficult for women to admire men (nowadays it basically requires either obscene looks, wealth, or status), and the men who pass the test are so rare they have no incentive to settle down with just one woman.

In the past orderly society told these men to settle down. Now women think they can force it by fucking them and feminist shaming into commitment afterwards. It doesn't work and they seethe with insecurity.

It's still the tutorial level compared to our lives, that's just objective fact, but where in the past they had an invincibility buff and limited controls, now they're vulnerable with the full moveset unlocked at the start. They don't know what buttons to push, and the consequences are costly.
This makes perfect sense tbh. But it doesn't mean women live in tuturial mode. It's more like easy and depressive mode, and men are more like hard and depressive. We have a tendency to think the other side is better because we don't see the priveleges that we have and only see the negatives, this is why women still think men have it better.
Wall of :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

Holy shit :feelsmage:
They are not depressed, they simply over-exaggerate almost every single issue that they're faced with to the point where it's impossible for authorities and healthcare professionals to ignore them. Reminder, 80% of suicides are committed by men, meanwhile women make up only 20% of those. They're complete and utter degenerate cunts who get treated so well regardless of their actions, they can murder their own child and will still have people doubting their crimes.
I seriously doubt this, the level of narcisism some females have is just insane. The suicide numbers don't really mean nothing as woman are more coward and it doesn't reflect the average anyways.
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We all now that it's over and that females are priveleged and etc, but there's something that seriously bothers me.
Does the fact that women are suffering for being constantly entitled bothers you? Interesting.
If they are so priveleged why the hell is the average woman so insecure and depressed
Imagine questioning the fact that women are privileged in a blackpilled forum by the way. :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
Well, you might think this is all because woman want chad, but this doesn't seem to be the case,
What I presented you above is a FACT and doesn't add up with the tuturial meme that many users here claim women live on.
now they are passified cucks with no sense of honor or anything close who would run away at any possibility of getting hurt.
That doesn't apply when they have to defend women thought.
No wonder women are depressed, imagine being forced to fulfill a masculine role in society while for generations women evolved to be dependent on men, and for the most part, men who aren't feminist cucked faggots are rare.
It's funny how somehow you circumvent the blame on men and not women entitlement. :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
Wome are unhappy because they live a degenerate lifestyle. Instead of marrying young and having kids and being a housewife. They chose to whore around, waste all their time working and get knocked up by men who won't stick around. Of course they are miserable, but it's all their fault.
Does the fact that women are suffering for being constantly entitled bothers you? Interesting.

Imagine questioning the fact that women are privileged in a blackpilled forum by the way. :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:



That doesn't apply when they have to defend women thought.

It's funny how somehow you circumvent the blame on men and not women entitlement. :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
1.It bothers me because it goes against what people preach here.
2.They are priveleged in certain things not everything.
5. Yes it does for the most part, some exceptions exist.
6.I am just trting to explain the phenomenon and I am absolutely not blaming men lol. I am blaming the gov, cucks, and feminism. Women cannot have responsibility for anything, they are too emotional and retarded.
Wome are unhappy because they live a degenerate lifestyle. Instead of marrying young and having kids and being a housewife. They chose to whore around, waste all their time working and get knocked up by men who won't stick around. Of course they are miserable, but it's all their fault.
And why would they popusefully destroy their lives? I suspect that it's out of insecurity, they think they need to get rich, famous, or watever to be happy and then end up fucking their lives and everybody else's at the end.
You are just trolling at this point
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And how would this help me get pussy? The other guy is right, you are :bluepill: motherfucker
The figures don’t represent the reality bc it’s about „diagnosed depression“. Women generally go to doctor more often than men. Just look at suicide rates, these are the only figures that matters.
it makes a little bit of sense but I don't care about their suffering, if they stopped using social media and be less narssistic they would read more philosophy and understand how life works instead of living in the fantasy world, if they don't i hope they kill themselves at the bottom of their own disgrace
You are the one saying women aren't privileged nor live in tutorial mode nor are accountable for their actions in a blackpill forum
:feelswhat:I didn't said they were not privileged and what does women having accountability has to do with the blackpill? smh.
And how would this help me get pussy? The other guy is right, you are :bluepill: motherfucker
idk that's not the point of this thread.
Joined:Jun 26, 2021
Well, you might think this is all because woman want chad, but this doesn't seem to be the case, even after getting chad they are still insecure asf and depressed (not always but most of the time), I have seen this happening first hand.
Personally I think it is out of a spiteful self serving supremacy mindset that they have. They need to be seen in society as perfect. This is why they perceive attacking a persons character to be so damaging. Because in reality it would be damaging to them because they are such evil things. Sex and Genetics matters little to their own personal front in society. They would trade a Man in a heartbeat for another more successful Male of the species.
even after getting chad they are still insecure asf and depressed
Foids aren't human and don't get depressed. They only feel bad that they haven't got more slaves or things they want. They never feel sad only bad. They are greedy, selfish, jealous and envious beings.. if they can't have something they will try and sabotage those who do. Look at what old women do when Men go for 20 year old women, they always scream and screech that he is a pedo. Because their old Leather faces have turned into decomposed shit they hate those Foids who are more attractive. They hide behind the "pedo" excuse but in reality they are just jealous and bitter.
Because they all spend their 20s whoring around with Chads.

Then after that, they have to spend the rest of their life pining for Chad once their roast beef flaps are fully blown out and Chad has moved on to younger foids. The most they can get at that point is a betabux cuck who the foid secretly hates.

Edit: even for younger foids this is also the case, they have no self worth and are depressed because Chad just treats them like a cumrag before moving on to the next hole.

This is one of the most basic concepts of the blackpill, maybe you should familiarize yourself with it more before you claim it has "blind spots"
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how then were women on the past considerably happier?
Patriarchy made the Figslugs happy.
Because they all spend their 20s whoring around with Chads.

Then after that, they have to spend the rest of their life pining for Chad once their roast beef flaps are fully blown out and Chad has moved on to younger foids. The most they can get at that point is a betabux cuck who the foid secretly hates.

This is one of the most basic concepts of the blackpill, maybe you should familiarize yourself with it more before you claim it has "blind spots"
Alpha Fux 12-30 years.
Beta Bux 30-end years.
She will never consider the Beta after the Chad to be a real man befitting her insane specifications.
Women nowadays are extremely love starved
Figslugs do not love. "Love" is something Feminism came up with to ensnare Men into believing that they have a chance and Figs should have rights because they'll get more "Love" from the opposite sex for beta cucking to the Figgerbrew agenda. When in reality they love Men that kick the shit out of them.

Love is just endorphins. Figs want money and status. They don't want Love, they could be hated as long as they have money and status they are fine.

They wouldn't know what Love is even if they were drowning in an ocean of it.

Nobody would because it doesn't exist.
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Personally I think it is out of a spiteful self serving supremacy mindset that they have. They need to be seen in society as perfect. This is why they perceive attacking a persons character to be so damaging. Because in reality it would be damaging to them because they are such evil things. Sex and Genetics matters little to their own personal front in society. They would trade a Man in a heartbeat for another more successful Male of the species.

Foids aren't human and don't get depressed. They only feel bad that they haven't got more slaves or things they want. They never feel sad only bad. They are greedy, selfish, jealous and envious beings.. if they can't have something they will try and sabotage those who do. Look at what old women do when Men go for 20 year old women, they always scream and screech that he is a pedo. Because their old Leather faces have turned into decomposed shit they hate those Foids who are more attractive. They hide behind the "pedo" excuse but in reality they are just jealous and bitter.
Very cynical way of seing things but valid nonetheless. Foids are very cynical and evil in a way most men can't comprehend, sometimes I forget this simple reality even thought it hits me in the face everyday.
Because they all spend their 20s whoring around with Chads.

Then after that, they have to spend the rest of their life pining for Chad once their roast beef flaps are fully blown out and Chad has moved on to younger foids. The most they can get at that point is a betabux cuck who the foid secretly hates.

Edit: even for younger foids this is also the case, they have no self worth and are depressed because Chad just treats them like a cumrag before moving on to the next hole.

This is one of the most basic concepts of the blackpill, maybe you should familiarize yourself with it more before you claim it has "blind spots"
I was talking about young foids mostly. oh ok thanks for the edit (I was typing precisely when you edited lol), but what it still puzzles me how they keep comitting the same mistake over and over again and get used by chad, they literally prefer to be chad's trashbag, than an incel's waifu.
Very cynical way of seing things but valid nonetheless. Foids are very cynical and evil in a way most men can't comprehend, sometimes I forget this simple reality even thought it hits me in the face everyday.

I was talking about young foids mostly. oh ok thanks for the edit (I was typing precisely when you edited lol), but what it still puzzles me how they keep comitting the same mistake over and over again and get used by chad, they literally prefer to be chad's trashbag, than an incel's waifu.
You misunderstand women. For foids, the goal is to be with Chad. Whether that is for a day or a year, they crave every moment he will deign to give to them. Marriage is just one of the possible avenues to get Chad, but since all Chads are just sleeping around these days since they have an infinite supply of pussy, most holes are forced to be a cumrag if they want a piece of him.

Maybe you just don't understand the way that a foid'a mind works. To illustrate I have given an example below to perhaps help you understand:

I want you to imagine that you are starving, it has been weeks without food, then one day you see in the distance your favorite food sitting on a plate. Whatever your favorite food may be, maybe a cupcake, maybe apple pie, maybe spaghetti and meat sauce. That is the level of craving they have for Chad.

Now, I want you to imagine that instead of seeing your favorite food on the plate, it is instead a pile of horse manure. That is the level of disgust foids feel when they see an incel. They would never EVER want to eat horse manure, the most they would be willing to do would be to pretend to eat the manure while actually secretly eating their favorite food somewhere else.
You misunderstand women. For foids, the goal is to be with Chad. Whether that is for a day or a year, they crave every moment he will deign to give to them. Marriage is just one of the possible avenues to get Chad, but since all Chads are just sleeping around these days since they have an infinite supply of pussy, most holes are forced to be a cumrag if they want a piece of him.

Maybe you just don't understand the way that a foid'a mind works. To illustrate I have given an example below to perhaps help you understand:

I want you to imagine that you are starving, it has been weeks without food, then one day you see in the distance your favorite food sitting on a plate. Whatever your favorite food may be, maybe a cupcake, maybe apple pie, maybe spaghetti and meat sauce. That is the level of craving they have for Chad.

Now, I want you to imagine that instead of seeing your favorite food on the plate, it is instead a pile of horse manure. That is the level of disgust foids feel when they see an incel. They would never EVER want to eat horse manure, the most they would be willing to do would be to pretend to eat the manure while actually secretly eating their favorite food somewhere else.
For foids then, is like chad is the only man that exists, other men don't even register on her foid brain, they are thus absolutely wortheless, that's why they complain that all men are pigs when they end up getting fucked by chad or why they complain about having no one, on their brain they didn't reject anyone, it was already over in the first place. Fuck this is beyond brutal, I can't take this shit. From this logic then, the only hope I have to make myself noticeable to foids is to play the villian, and even then it's just a cope in the end. Fuck.:feelsbadman:
Soyciety has always cared about the well-being of women while seeing men as expendable Even in the 1800s, they coined the phrase "women and children first" and sent countless men to die in pointless wars.

It's gotten even worse in modern society where foids are more privileged than ever before. If you look at homicide statistics, you will notice that worldwide, 78.7% of homicide victims are men.


Meanwhile, nobody actually cares. Whenever I look at articles, it's always about violence directed at women. This is supported by the fact that domestic abuse against men is always played for laughs in media, with the few times it's actually taken seriously resulting in feminazis trying to "cancel" whoever wrote the show/movie/book.

If you look at the article below, you will realize just how little people actually care:

If you look at statistics, regarding homelessness, you will realize that the majority of homeless people are in fact men—but of course, no-one actually cares about this either. How many homeless shelters for men can you name off the top of your head? Meanwhile, there are plenty of shelters for homeless women, because of course "women most affected"


We are constantly told to "man up" and work on our personalities, but you never see any of these platitudes being fed to women. It's always "You're so pretty!" and "He doesn't deserve you!" which honestly explains why the so-called "Fat Acceptance Movement) is predominantly female.

It doesn't just stop there though, oh no, we have only scratched the tip of the iceberg.

In this thread, you will notice just how biased people are when it comes to treating men/women:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/djgyfq/runpopularopinion_op_brigades_ramitheasshole/

It even has a scientific name, the 'Women are Wonderful' effect:

In conclusion, foids want all the rights that come with being male but none of the hardships or responsibilities. They want to play the part of "strong independent women" while simultaneously behaving like helpless damsels in distress who require attention and sympathy at all times.
The reason so many women are so fucked up and lost in modern society is due to the Jews working overtime to destroy the traditional family unit across the board save for where it concerns their own evil race where of course tradition isn’t simply allowed or permitted but actively promoted as the only way to be.

A girl simply is not going to grow up and learn proper pair bonding skills and how to love herself much less a man and a child or children of her own making in either a single parent household or a household that’s still technically together but the parents are fighting all the time.

And the same quite honestly goes for most boys.

Or at least probably half of the male population.

In other words they’ll either be hopelessly inept at finding or attracting a girlfriend to themselves due to never being able to learn proper socialization skills from their fucked up or absentee parents whereas the other half of these boys will be so angry, depressed and lost from a lack of family love they’ll turn to gangs and crime and essentially dark triad maxx and be able to get a decent amount of girls but because they never learned proper pair bonding skills from a mentally healthy and stable parental unit all of their own relationships though quite numerous will ultimately be rocky and unsatisfying on a deeply emotional level.

Anyway I’m practically of the belief at this point in my Jew wise racial awakening to of come to the belief or hypothesis that the Jews had to largely destroy the traditional family unit first before they could succeed in turning generations of women into feminists and generations of men into soy slurping effeminate cucks.

Typically if you have a strong masculine father as your role model who is ever present in your life and who has your loving mother as his loyal wife and you’ve never been molested as a child or exposed to any sick shit regarding sexuality at too young of an age you’re simply not going to grow up and become a fag or any other breed of LGBTQ weirdo/mental case.

It just simply is not happening and again for any IT or other cucks and fags reading along keep in mind I said a strong masculine father you actually respect ever present in your life and not the father character of the drug dealer in the Jews American Beauty movie who was a deeply closeted self hating fag who put on a strong act of male masculinity and heterosexuality while actually not being either.

In the movie his son pitied him far more than he could ever love him as the fag was often times violent and abusive.
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If your expectations are high, u are often disappointed.
Soyciety has always cared about the well-being of women while seeing men as expendable Even in the 1800s, they coined the phrase "women and children first" and sent countless men to die in pointless wars.

It's gotten even worse in modern society where foids are more privileged than ever before. If you look at homicide statistics, you will notice that worldwide, 78.7% of homicide victims are men.

View attachment 461761

Meanwhile, nobody actually cares. Whenever I look at articles, it's always about violence directed at women. This is supported by the fact that domestic abuse against men is always played for laughs in media, with the few times it's actually taken seriously resulting in feminazis trying to "cancel" whoever wrote the show/movie/book.

If you look at the article below, you will realize just how little people actually care:

If you look at statistics, regarding homelessness, you will realize that the majority of homeless people are in fact men—but of course, no-one actually cares about this either. How many homeless shelters for men can you name off the top of your head? Meanwhile, there are plenty of shelters for homeless women, because of course "women most affected"

View attachment 461765
We are constantly told to "man up" and work on our personalities, but you never see any of these platitudes being fed to women. It's always "You're so pretty!" and "He doesn't deserve you!" which honestly explains why the so-called "Fat Acceptance Movement) is predominantly female.

It doesn't just stop there though, oh no, we have only scratched the tip of the iceberg.

In this thread, you will notice just how biased people are when it comes to treating men/women:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/djgyfq/runpopularopinion_op_brigades_ramitheasshole/

It even has a scientific name, the 'Women are Wonderful' effect:

In conclusion, foids want all the rights that come with being male but none of the hardships or responsibilities. They want to play the part of "strong independent women" while simultaneously behaving like helpless damsels in distress who require attention and sympathy at all times.

Women definetely get more simpaty and have advantage in that sense but don't forget that men always had power over women in the past, so it kinda balanced out. The problem is today there's no balance, the advantage that man had is gone. However notice that women today are pratically forced to study and fulfill a role at wich they are not good at. Men are simply stronger, more ambitious and more inteligent than women, women can't compete fairly so they realy on their virtue signaling and on the simpathy of others, I suspect that's why they are insecure even thought they have a lot of power.
For foids then, is like chad is the only man that exists, other men don't even register on her foid brain, they are thus absolutely wortheless, that's why they complain that all men are pigs when they end up getting fucked by chad or why they complain about having no one, on their brain they didn't reject anyone, it was already over in the first place. Fuck this is beyond brutal, I can't take this shit. From this logic then, the only hope I have to make myself noticeable to foids is to play the villian, and even then it's just a cope in the end. Fuck.:feelsbadman:
Wrong, it's worse than not existing, low value males are actually a source of disgust, something to be actively avoided, in the same way you would avoid stepping in manure.

This is why foids treat any interaction with an incel, no minor how minor, as sexual harassment. They don't even want to breathe the same air as you.
The reason so many women are so fucked up and lost in modern society is due to the Jews working overtime to destroy the traditional family unit across the board save for where it concerns their own evil race where of course tradition isn’t simply allowed or permitted but actively promoted as the only way to be.

A girl simply is not going to grow up and learn proper pair bonding skills and how to love herself much less a man and a child or children of her own making in either a single parent household or a household that’s still technically together but the parents are fighting all the time.

And the same quite honestly goes for most boys.

Or at least probably half of the male population.

In other words they’ll either be hopelessly inept at finding or attracting a girlfriend to themselves due to never being able to learn proper socialization skills from their fucked up or absentee parents whereas the other half of these boys will be so angry, depressed and lost from a lack of family love they’ll turn to gangs and crime and essentially dark triad maxx and be able to get a decent amount of girls but because they never learned proper pair bonding skills from a mentally healthy and stable parental unit all of their own relationships though quite numerous will ultimately be rocky and unsatisfying on a deeply emotional level.

Anyway I’m practically of the belief at this point in my Jew wise racial awakening to of come to the belief or hypothesis that the Jews had to largely destroy the traditional family unit first before they could succeed in turning generations of women into feminists and generations of men into soy slurping effeminate cucks.

Typically if you have a strong masculine father as your role model who is ever present in your life and who has your loving mother as his loyal wife and you’ve never been molested as a child or exposed to any sick shit regarding sexuality at too young of an age you’re simply not going to grow up and become a fag or any other breed of LGBTQ weirdo/mental case.

It just simply is not happening and again for any IT or other cucks and fags reading along keep in mind I said a strong masculine father you actually respect ever present in your life and not the father character of the drug dealer in the Jews American Beauty movie who was a deeply closeted self hating fag who put on a strong act of male masculinity and heterosexuality while actually not being either.

In the movie his son pitied him far more than he could ever love him as the fag was often times violent and abusive.
True, the jews are the force behind most of the cancer of our society
Wrong, it's worse than not existing, low value males are actually a source of disgust, something to be actively avoided, in the same way you would avoid stepping in manure.

This is why foids treat any interaction with an incel, no minor how minor, as sexual harassment. They don't even want to breathe the same air as you.
Not my experience, if that was the case prostitution wouldn't exist :feelsseriously: unless foids really love money.
True, the jews are the force behind most of the cancer of our society

Not my experience, if that was the case prostitution wouldn't exist :feelsseriously: unless foids really love money.
Why do you think prostitutes ask for so much money?

I bet you that if someone was willing to pay 200 an hour to watch, foids would be willing to eat manure. Hell, I bet there's already prostitutes who do scat :feelsohgod:.
They are not depressed, they simply over-exaggerate almost every single issue that they're faced with to the point where it's impossible for authorities and healthcare professionals to ignore them. Reminder, 80% of suicides are committed by men, meanwhile women make up only 20% of those. They're complete and utter degenerate cunts who get treated so well regardless of their actions, they can murder their own child and will still have people doubting their crimes.
Women don't know what real depression is. Their ego never gets fed enough. They try to be perfectionists and they compete with other girls on how they look. They might think she's prettier then me,or frustrated they can't lock down the guy they really want. But they will never have to go around thinking they are hideous or completely unwanted. Even if they are a 1/10 obese wart hog,they will still be approached ,validated, and given love and attention by people. if they had to live as me for a week they'd probably want to die.
Women never evolved to be choosers, if anything they were the ones that were chosen, that's why they are more beautifull then men (boobs, don't go bald, no facial hair, baby like features, soft skin), inceldom is nothing more than an evulotionary mismatch and you can thank big daddy gov and the jews for it.:feelsree:
yes during evolutionary phase males seek for mating with females who have larger hips and bigger boobs as it correlates with safe and easier birthing and healthy milk production and general physical health. And women wore makeup and ornaments to attract mates to have sex.
Their irrational foidmind is telling them to get more fame, status and attention, without realizing that all of that is so that a real men takes her even if by force.
They actually had group fornication and that is why the female moans to attract nearby males. everybody will take turns one by one and the fittest sperm will fight will be able to get to the egg.
Women deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

Thanks for making this life fuel thread that points out how pathetic and weak women are. They deserve their unhappiness.

They have equal rights now let them fix it themselves.
Women are never truly depressed. At least never in the same way men are.
It is impossible to satisfy women
Being sad and feeling insecure isnt a medical depression, also teens of both genders "suffer" from "depression" because of hormones and growing up.
yes during evolutionary phase males seek for mating with females who have larger hips and bigger boobs as it correlates with safe and easier birthing and healthy milk production and general physical health. And women wore makeup and ornaments to attract mates to have sex.

They actually had group fornication and that is why the female moans to attract nearby males. everybody will take turns one by one and the fittest sperm will fight will be able to get to the egg.
Yeah I forgot this, this is definetely true, else penis wouldn't be so large, still even women don't have as much sex as they normaly would in a natural scenario
They have equal rights now let them fix it themselves.
Definetely isnt going to happen, they are too retarded
Being sad and feeling insecure isnt a medical depression, also teens of both genders "suffer" from "depression" because of hormones and growing up.
:feelswhat:Nahhh. Feeling sad and insecure for prelongued amounts of time isn't normal just like posting semi-nude pics on insta and whore around on tiktok for attention.
Women deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

Thanks for making this life fuel thread that points out how pathetic and weak women are. They deserve their unhappiness.

They have equal rights now let them fix it themselves.
We all now that it's over and that females are priveleged and etc, but there's something that seriously bothers me.

View attachment 461717

If they are so priveleged why the hell is the average woman so insecure and depressed (even more than man or even more than they were when they were not priveleged)?
The truth is the average woman is extremely insecure (stacys included), just look at what they would do for a bit of attention, they spend so much time choosing the best clothes, make up, using revealing clothes, post on tiktok and normigram to get attention.
Well, you might think this is all because woman want chad, but this doesn't seem to be the case, even after getting chad they are still insecure asf and depressed (not always but most of the time), I have seen this happening first hand.
The truth is the average woman is OBSESSED with being famous and rich, woman desire that BADLY but they seem to kinda hide it as it is something non-pc. So you might think that woman are destined to be insecure and depressed and there's nothing she can do to solve it.
But if that were to be the case, how then were women on the past considerably happier?

What I presented you above is a FACT and doesn't add up with the tuturial meme that many users here claim women live on. Women nowadays are extremely love starved, if that wasn't the case they wouldn't be insecure nor would they be attentionwhoring like they do.

I know what you are thinking: bu-bu-but what about the simps that flood her with attention?! This aparent contradiction is what I pretend to solve with this post.:feelsstudy:

My theory:

Many guys here complain about how much woman and society has changed in the past, but we seem to ignore a very important fact: Man changed a lot more than women did.

Compare the modern men with the past:

In the past men were strong, learned to fight and were athletic, bold and courageous, now the average men is a complete effeminated faggot.:feelspuke:

In the past men put women on their place, didn't let them whore around and protected them, now they "empower" them and genuinly believe women and men should be equal (ask anyone you know if u don't believe me)

In the past men defended their honor, to the point of fighting (sometimes to the death) in order to defend it in duels, now they are passified cucks with no sense of honor or anything close who would run away at any possibility of getting hurt.

In modern times, there's two types of men: cucked effeminated faggots (majority) and darktriad hedonistic thugs (minority) 90% of the male population falls in one of these groups.

No wonder women are depressed, imagine being forced to fulfill a masculine role in society while for generations women evolved to be dependent on men, and for the most part, men who aren't feminist cucked faggots are rare.

Now you will think what I am saying doesn't make any sense, since if that's the case, why are women pushing feminism, being entitled, and telling men to be feminine faggots? Because they want guys to snap, They want men to stop them and dominate them, even though they say otherwise, that's what their primitive brain wants it's literally all a "shit test" except it's not a test it's a call for action.
A good comparison is how you feel like going er on foids and normies. Does hurting them solve anything? No. Do you expect it to solve anything? No. But do you feel like doing it anyways? Yes, because that's how evolution programmed you.

Why then are female so hypergamous nowadays? If you look at the way woman buy clothes, u know why. Women see men as accessories to display status with the hopes of getting more attention, love, admiration of others, not as the end goal. Notice how women seem desire men that have traits that they ENVY, short women are height obsessed, average or ugly women are the most face obssessed, this explains the feminine e-boys trend.
When women finally are able to get into a relationship with a guy like this they continue to be insecure because they still don't have what they really need (a non-cucked man).

Women never evolved to be choosers, if anything they were the ones that were chosen, that's why they are more beautifull then men (boobs, don't go bald, no facial hair, baby like features, soft skin), inceldom is nothing more than an evulotionary mismatch and you can thank big daddy gov and the jews for it.:feelsree:

Women when they look at me they think I am just one more cucked faggot especially considering I am a manlet:feelsbadman:, and so they don't even consider me as a possible mate, and even if I somehow showed that I ain't a fag they would probably ignore me because they don't know better. Their irrational foidmind is telling them to get more fame, status and attention, without realizing that all of that is so that a real men takes her even if by force.:feelsYall:

Watch from 4:20 to 5:40

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuYBlXwXrVA

She talks about exactly what I just said, excepts she says it in a more good and positive way, like as if it is something rare.

TLDR: Women are love-starved depressed and insecure, despite sex abundance, and in an irrational attempt to solve it they end up doing worse.


I dont care bro as long as we go to a @Foidologist, we can obtain the jewpills readily.
Because foids are weak. That's it. If a chadlite dump them and they can't find a new one who's not going to pump&dump her, she'll be terribly sad, while in the meantime, there are 10 normies who'd crave just to have a bit of attention from her.

No foid would handle living like us.
:feelswhat:I didn't said they were not privileged
Your original post declined twice the statement about women being privileged.
and what does women having accountability has to do with the blackpill? smh.
Making mental gymnastics to justify women's poor behavior and victimizing them is bluepilled.

Yet, I am the one ''trolling''.

Backpedal all you want, ultimately your post is as cuck as it gets.
We all now that it's over and that females are priveleged and etc, but there's something that seriously bothers me.

View attachment 461717

If they are so priveleged why the hell is the average woman so insecure and depressed (even more than man or even more than they were when they were not priveleged)?
Statistically speaking, foids are much more likely to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and get diagnosed with depression, whereas men and boys are more likely to hide their issues because they don't want to look weak and lose social status. Many lower-tier males understand that psychologists can't help them solve their problems, which are related to having low social status and being unattractive, and don't bother getting diagnosed.

The fact that teenage boys commit suicide at five times the rate of teenage foids tells you all you need to know about which sex has it the hardest.

What the chart seems to show is that parents are increasingly sending their daughters to seek help when they show the smallest sign of maladjustment. This benefits the psycho-pharmaceutical industry, which is best at helping people with minor difficulties in life, and which will gladly diagnose them with depression and prescribe SSRIs and therapy. Ever heard of the story of the Princess and the Pea? She was able to detect the presence of a pea under 20 mattresses. No sign of “oppression” or discomfort is too small and trivial for foids to whine and get upset about. Foids have become so incredibly spoiled that that they can't handle the slightest amount of adversity anymore.

The truth is the average woman is extremely insecure (stacys included), just look at what they would do for a bit of attention, they spend so much time choosing the best clothes, make up, using revealing clothes, post on tiktok and normigram to get attention.
That's called narcissistic validation seeking behavior. Most adult women are not insecure. They just feign being insecure to get as much attention and compliments as possible.
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Statistically speaking, foids are much more likely to go to a psychologist and psychiatrist and get diagnosed with depression, whereas men and boys are more likely to hide their issues because they don't want to look weak and lose social status. Many lower-tier males understand that psychologists can't help them solve their problems, which are related to having low social status and being unattractive, and don't bother getting diagnosed.

The fact that teenage boys commit suicide at five times the rate of teenage foids tells you all you need to know about which sex has it the hardest.

What the chart seems to show is that parents are increasingly sending their daughters to seek help when they show the smallest sign of maladjustment. This benefits the psycho-pharmaceutical industry, which is best at helping people with minor difficulties in life, and which will gladly diagnose them with depression and prescribe SSRIs and therapy. Ever heard of the story of the Princess and the Pea? She was able to detect the presence of a pea under 20 mattresses. No sign of “oppression” or discomfort is too small and trivial for foids to whine and get upset about. Foids have become so incredibly spoiled that that they can't handle the slightest amount of adversity anymore.

That's called narcissistic validation seeking behavior. Most adult women are not insecure. They just feign being insecure to get as much attention and compliments as possible.
Never thought about things this way maybe you are correct. I need to get out of the house more jfl.
Because girls aren't happy with 80% of men and not every foid can get a chad thus making them unhappy. Guys are generally happy with any social interaction (not only romantic or sexual)

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