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Story The blackpill has destroyed my way of thinking.

  • Thread starter ropecel_is_cope
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Cope with the rope, boyo
Dec 24, 2017
Everytime I saw people laugh and have fun and have friends, I thought it was because I was weird and a loser. I tried to change, be cooler, have the nicest clothes, the trendiest phones.

Then, I stumbled upon the incel subreddit. EVERYTHING flashed before my eyes and it ALL suddenly made sense. I had a quick but elusive taste of the bitter, true blackpill. Suicidal urges came upon me at this moment. Then, I discovered Incels.Me. I was part of the great Cuck-Movement as we abandoned the site that is known as reddit.com. This forum had archived the blackest, most bitter, most hurtful blackpills I have ever read. I had swallowed the blackpill - for good.

My daily life has changed. I always thought people had friends and were popular because of their personalities. Now, I see the truth.

Attractive members of society of any social background, personality or interest grouped together, laughing, with their head held high, enjoying their genetic luck , making sure that the inferior, ugly humans witness them cuddling with their partners, having casual sex and going on casual vacations with multiple sex partners- while unattractive people walk thorugh the streets, alone, with their heads on the ground while being laughed at and bullied by attractive people.

The ´cool kids´ were merely the most attractive people of the school, end of story. The incels were always the ugliest, the losers, the friendless. The normies stuck their head so far up the chad and stacy asses that they were merely tolerated as money spenders or funny clowns that were to entertain chad and stacy throughout the day. Do not forget that chad and stacy do not hang around with these normies. They are not of the same kind. You only ever see stacylite, chadlite with chad and stacy. They are accepted as almost equal.

See chad over there? He is a jock, a bully - and surrounded by beautiful, young girls. They don´t mind him bullying others. He is a nice, attracitve guy, afterall.

See the incel in the corner? Lookinbg at the ground, leaving everybody alone? The kids around him hitting him are the most popular guys in school. The incel is ugly and evil. Watch as the stacies laugh and blush as the inferior male is being dominated by the superior males. The superior males had earned their sex for the day. They indivdually entered their girlfriend´s vagina at a party as she moaned and looked into his eyes and said ´fuck, it´s so big, please cum inside me, you hunk of a man´.

Meanwhile, the incel walks home from school. He enters his house and tries to sleep. It´s friday night afterall, he should get up in the morning to study early.

After the whole class had graduated, the incel had graduated with honors. Chad almost failed to graduate aftert had impregnated the third female professor in a year. They were very fond of his personality, they said. He almost had no time to force the incel to write his homework and do his papers.

College was a repetition of high school for chad and the incel. chad matured and grew up to be a 6´5, sharp-jawed, handsome man. Women liked him, yes - believe me or not! His personality hadn´t changed too much! He was the aggressive guy who always took what he desired. He had taken multiple girls virginity in high school. The college girls invited him to their dorm rooms where he entered several young, fertile, attractive women as their girlfriends screamed for more. The incel studies in his little room. It was graduation time!

The incel graduated with honors and found a greeat job! Chad just graduated on time after having almost missed the cerimony. He had slept with the incels oneitis of a several years even though he scored all the prettiest females in college, he wanted to try an ugly, shy, nerd girl that the incel had an interest on since high school.

The incel had found a great job! Who is that in the interview desk? is that...Chad? No, it can´t be. My grades were the highest in College and High School while chad merely graduated because of the help of all the female staff and the organised strike of the female students in school. They were all very fond of him!

He smiles at you in a wicked way and says ´sit down, dude. Now, what makes you think you would be a good asset to my company?´ All the incel had thought would happen in an adult life was wrong. He thought chad would end up a loser and the incel would be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. As it turned out, the chad had established quite a fortune in his company. Females loved his products, apparently. He advertised them with his face next to them. The incel was allowed to be a good, little worker in chad´s company.

Oh, you see the little lady next to the incel? Yes, that´s his wife. He had met a nice, quiet, ugly, shy girl since graduation. They fell in love and married almost immediately. Chad wanted to meet her incels workers wife and talk about him a little. The incel was asked to go home and enjoy the day off! Chad talked for quite some time with the incel´s wife - and that for the next few years, every night. The incels wonders what they talked about so often. She did not even work there. Apparently chad was very fond of her and the incels wife grew very fond of chad´s huge personality.
Blackpill hardest pill to swallow
The dogpill is the pill that has most noticably impacted my way of thinking
This is actually fucking brilliant lol. Great read. You need to make more of these :feelsokman::feelsokman: :fire::fire:
That story could be a movie tbh
That story could be a movie tbh

Ikr, someone needs to make this into a movie. I guarantee millions of men would be able to relate to it. Just don't call the protagonist an incel, that will get it shut down, but an ordinary virgin loser.
This website ruined my life.
tbh though, some bits are exaggerated, but I get it. You're trying to get your point across
Im bookmarking this shit. Fuck being a non Chad
This is an complete exageration.

Being unnattractive and non-NT always prevented me from picking up woman, not from making male friends.

If you cant even make male friends then your face is 1/10 deformed or the problem are not in your looks.

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