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Discussion The biggest problem in the incel community

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
Is overplaying ones failios while underplaying everyone else's to make yourself look like the ultimate victim. A good example of this would be when shortcels accuse anyone who's tall of being a fakecel despite looks being just as important as height. "if you're tall you're a fakecel!"
Or ethniccels calling anyone who's white a fakecel and telling them to just date ethnic girls as if ethnic girls don't have access to chads on tinder.

The reason this is a major problem in the incel community because it constantly divides us and degrades discussion into a pity contest. "You're not a real incel unless you have autism! All non autisticcels are fakecels!"

Frankly all of this is ridiculous and a blatantly normie mentality to have. Scientific data shows that all these negative traits we have are bad. Not one is necessarily worse than any other. It's just as bad being an ugly white guy as it is being a shortcel or an ethniccel. This isn't a contest and constantly starting arguments over who's the biggest incel is retarded.
Nothing is as bad as being a short, skinny, Irish-looking guy, with a big nose, long face, small jaw, and inattentive ADHD. Everyone else is a fakecel. A 5'2, balding, Indian janitor mogs me because he's NT.
Nothing is as bad as being a short, skinny, Irish-looking guy, with a big nose, long face, small jaw, and inattentive ADHD. Everyone else is a fakecel. A 5'2, balding, Indian janitor mogs me because he's NT.
People on here like to play "Who's the biggest truecel competition", just because you have one good trait doesn't mean anything if you're subhuman in every other way
to be fair if your above a certain height like for example 6'5 you're not an incel
Nothing is as bad as being a short, skinny, Irish-looking guy, with a big nose, long face, small jaw, and inattentive ADHD. Everyone else is a fakecel. A 5'2, balding, Indian janitor mogs me because he's NT.
Are you autistic too or nah? Most irish looking guys have short faces
to be fair if your above a certain height like for example 6'5 you're not an incel
yao ming sun something I forgot too both over 7 feet and incel
To be chad you need a set of good features, not necessarily every feature. But one bad feature is enough to make you sub 5.

The majority of users here are retarded and arent too different from normies
Is overplaying ones failios while underplaying everyone else's to make yourself look like the ultimate victim. A good example of this would be when shortcels accuse anyone who's tall of being a fakecel despite looks being just as important as height. "if you're tall you're a fakecel!"
Or ethniccels calling anyone who's white a fakecel and telling them to just date ethnic girls as if ethnic girls don't have access to chads on tinder.

The reason this is a major problem in the incel community because it constantly divides us and degrades discussion into a pity contest. "You're not a real incel unless you have autism! All non autisticcels are fakecels!"

Frankly all of this is ridiculous and a blatantly normie mentality to have. Scientific data shows that all these negative traits we have are bad. Not one is necessarily worse than any other. It's just as bad being an ugly white guy as it is being a shortcel or an e thniccel. This isn't a contest and constantly starting arguments over who's the biggest incel is retarded.
:bigbrain: High IQ post Bro.
Good point, but it won't stop

I think the issue is lack of IRL connecitivity

Thats for good reason

But having it only online makes us lonely and divisive, we never really know if the other person is fakecel or realcel

So people over compensate by saying how ugly they are, and overplay their shortcomings out of resentment

I am not king of the incels, I have bad stature but my face would probably be top percentile on here

Silly thing is you really dont need to be a 1/10 truecel to be incel in 2024 anyway, so IDK why people compete for the biggest loser anyway
A cross dresser telling us what's wrong in the incel community :feelskek: :lul:
People on here like to play "Who's the biggest truecel competition", just because you have one good trait doesn't mean anything if you're subhuman in every other way

to be fair if your above a certain height like for example 6'5 you're not an incel
I've known 6'7 incels who were deformed.

To be chad you need a set of good features, not necessarily every feature. But one bad feature is enough to make you sub 5.

Yes. Women are highly picky. Users here act as if women are desperate and don't have access to 6'2, white, perfect faced chads on tinder. I've actually known wildly attractive men who get rejected by women because they have a small penis. It's brutal how one genetic fluke can destroy your entire life as a male.

No but ADHD is technically a neurological disorder.
ADHD sucks. I never discovered I had it untill I was 18 and the damage was already done.

I think the issue is lack of IRL connecitivity

Thats for good reason

But having it only online makes us lonely and divisive, we never really know if the other person is fakecel or realcel

So people over compensate by saying how ugly they are, and overplay their shortcomings out of resentment

I am not king of the incels, I have bad stature but my face would probably be top percentile on here

Silly thing is you really dont need to be a 1/10 truecel to be incel in 2024 anyway, so IDK why people compete for the biggest loser anyway
Yeah, exactly. Most normies nowadays struggle to get any female attention. Making it a contest needlessly divides the community.
Super Hero Agree GIF by Marvel Studios
Yes, and it depends. A 5'8 chad can still have good chances, a 6'3 MTN might have good chances too, depending on other factors. A 6'4 LTN might have worse chances than a 5'7 chad, I've seen it myself.
The "Who's the biggest trucel" Contests are retarded. Just because you have some "Mogger" traits does not make you a fakecel by default, When your other negative traits stand out to everyone.

How do you get it diagnosed, and is it costly?
My doctor told me I have it and prescribed me meds.

The "Who's the biggest trucel" Contests are retarded. Just because you have some "Mogger" traits does not make you a fakecel by default, When your other negative traits stand out to everyone.

Yes, and it depends. A 5'8 chad can still have good chances, a 6'3 MTN might have good chances too, depending on other factors. A 6'4 LTN might have worse chances than a 5'7 chad, I've seen it myself.
Yes. I'm 6'1 and ugly and mogged by my more attractive 5'9 brother.
Like a general physician? I thought you needed to see a psychiatrist for that.
Doctors where I live diagnose you sigh mental conditions as well for whatever reason. Yeah, a general physician.
.is is a new 4chan. I've seen people here admitting having relationships in the past. I don't think there's a lot of truecels here anyway.
.is is a new 4chan. I've seen people here admitting having relationships in the past. I don't think there's a lot of truecels here anyway.
At least some fakecels are being banned. Blackpill club is worse. There's married men there who don't get banned because the mods claim anyone who's black is automatically an incel even if they have sex.
Moralfags are annoying as well
At least some fakecels are being banned. Blackpill club is worse. There's married men there who don't get banned because the mods claim anyone who's black is automatically an incel even if they have sex.
They're blackpill club after all :)
At least some fakecels are being banned. Blackpill club is worse. There's married men there who don't get banned because the mods claim anyone who's black is automatically an incel even if they have sex.
BLACKpill club
At least some fakecels are being banned. Blackpill club is worse. There's married men there who don't get banned because the mods claim anyone who's black is automatically an incel even if they have sex.
The biggest problem is the fear of being alone
Tall fags can get foids if they r not hella deformed in the face or someshit
I'm incel and it's over and that's it, just me posting here is proof of that, I've already hit on girls and it didn't work

I don't need to prove it to anyone, people think that being an incel is like having some armor in an RPG where you need to pick up each piece of the set to have more effects

I'm already an adult, no woman has ever been interested in me and I've only been rejected my whole life, anyone who isn't an incel doesn't need to ask themselves
Frankly all of this is ridiculous and a blatantly normie mentality to have. Scientific data shows that all these negative traits we have are bad. Not one is necessarily worse than any other. It's just as bad being an ugly white guy as it is being a shortcel or an ethniccel. This isn't a contest and constantly starting arguments over who's the biggest incel is retarded.
Tallcels still have it way better in life then manlets though and alot of them try to act like we are all in the same league

We arent all the same we may all be incels but some of the users here are better off in life then others

Some of the people here have traits that make it so they suffer way less then some other users

Theres some mfs here who are tall with normie faces but muhhh autism muhh autism

Are you saying they are in the same league as someone like me who also has autism but is also a short framecel with a shit face on top of that

Even an ugly tall guy will have an easier time in life then someone like me

Im not trying to get pity or anything but it fucking pisses me off when I see people act like we are all the same when We are not
We just happen to be in a similar situation we aren't all equal to eachother
Yeah, its obvious that I am the truest of trucels so everybody trying to talk about their incel problems just seem like fakecels compared to my brootal life
High IQ. I'm sick of these pissing contests. Everything matters.
Its not that complicated
If you are khhv you are incel , not khhv? get the f out :feelzez::fbi:
Tallcels still have it way better in life then manlets though and alot of them try to act like we are all in the same league

We arent all the same we may all be incels but some of the users here are better off in life then others

Some of the people here have traits that make it so they suffer way less then some other users

Theres some mfs here who are tall with normie faces but muhhh autism muhh autism

Are you saying they are in the same league as someone like me who also has autism but is also a short framecel with a shit face on top of that

Even an ugly tall guy will have an easier time in life then someone like me

Im not trying to get pity or anything but it fucking pisses me off when I see people act like we are all the same when We are not
We just happen to be in a similar situation we aren't all equal to eachother
Basically this
Tallcels still have it way better in life then manlets though and alot of them try to act like we are all in the same league

We arent all the same we may all be incels but some of the users here are better off in life then others

Some of the people here have traits that make it so they suffer way less then some other users

Theres some mfs here who are tall with normie faces but muhhh autism muhh autism

Are you saying they are in the same league as someone like me who also has autism but is also a short framecel with a shit face on top of that

Even an ugly tall guy will have an easier time in life then someone like me

Im not trying to get pity or anything but it fucking pisses me off when I see people act like we are all the same when We are not
We just happen to be in a similar situation we aren't all equal to eachother
It's not true. I've been both extremely short and now tall. Back then I was targeted for my height, now it's my face. Both are equally horrible.
True. Say no to whataboutism, especially when the hypotheticals aren't real.

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