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Cope The biggest cope I have ever seen in my life



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019

View: https://medium.com/collegekast/things-i-wished-i-knew-about-college-while-in-high-school-b5c4cec6fefb

Look at this retarded faggot

“One of the things that a lot of people talked about in high school, was popularity. Everyone focused on becoming the most popular person in school, gaining the largest amount of Instagram followers, and knowing the highest number of people.

But, absolutely none of this matters in college. You will never see 95% of the people from your high school ever again, and trying to become popular is a complete waste of time. If the people who focused on their facetune skills and Instagram aesthetic actually invested in their future instead, maybe they wouldn’t be working for pyramid schemes that sell CBD oil to old people.

The truth is, nobody cares about popularity in college, and if they do, they are the wrong type of people anyways. College is huge, and everyone is equal when it comes to popularity. So, don’t waste your time trying to become popular in high school because once it is over nobody cares anymore.”

everyone is equal when it comes to popularity.


@ordinaryotaku @nxdismycope @JosefMengelecel @Personalityinkwell @Colvin76 @Total Imbecile

Yeah I’m sure a 1/10 autistic norwooding curry manlet is as popular as a 6’4 frat boy gigachad. Who is this bluepilled faggot?! :feelskek:
only bluepill fags will think truecels and chads will have the same amount of popularity JFL
Laugh 10
when when i was bluepilled i wasn't this retarded
sounds like a typical low value male who thinks he can just forget about the fact that he was a looser in high school

he is coping hard
Why would a 6’4 frat boy gigachad needs to invest in instagram and facebook? In my times in the uni there was no inst and fb, those chads slayed anyway.
please dont tag me in cancer stuff like this
im already in pain.
when when i was bluepilled i wasn't this retarded
Sadly most bluepillers unironically agree with this guy
only bluepill fags will think truecels and chads will have the same amount of popularity JFL
View attachment 325144
with all the chads in frats partying in college and getting girls and all the truecels LDARmaxxing in college idk how this fag actually thinks that they’re equal in college
Jfl at being so delusional that you put gl chad and deformed ogre in the same category in achieving popularity.
Jfl at being so delusional that you put gl chad and deformed ogre in the same category in achieving popularity.
I know. And yet most people actually agree with this cuck. I don’t know how people believe this shit. It’s like they blindly listen to anything society says
@Words2_live_bye @gymletethnicel @Robtical @AAAAAAAAAAAcel @Sexdoll Pioneer
I know. And yet most people actually agree with this cuck. I don’t know how people believe this shit. It’s like they blindly listen to anything society says
Changing bluepill mindset is impossible at this point. In every part of the world people are too brainwashed they can't think for a second and grasp by themselves how stupid those arguments sound. I am low iq brainlet and even i am more self aware than these bluepilled cucks jfl.
Changing bluepill mindset is impossible at this point. In every part of the world people are too brainwashed they can't think for a second and grasp by themselves how stupid those arguments sound. I am low iq brainlet and even i am more self aware than these bluepilled cucks jfl.
Exactly. Imagine these people were as analytical as us
college was the same for me minus the bullying. cool kids went to the parties and hooked up, I stayed in the dorm and watched south prak
college was the same for me minus the bullying. cool kids went to the parties and hooked up, I stayed in the dorm and watched south prak
Exactly. Also bullying statistically is common in college too actually
college is literally high school but worse, this was wriiten either by a retarded soy or by a delusional foid who thinks everyone has her privilege
don’t waste your time trying to become popular in high school because once it is over nobody cares anymore.”

coping hard for his shitty high school experience
Ya all the dorks and low-tier normies who became cool dudes with hot girls on their arm in college. /s
college is literally high school but worse, this was wriiten either by a retarded soy or by a delusional foid who thinks everyone has her privilege
It was written by a soy. College has much more sex and sluttiness
coping hard for his shitty high school experience
And now he wants to think he’s as successful as chad
Ya all the dorks and low-tier normies who became cool dudes with hot girls on their arm in college. /s
how bluepilled fags view college unironically
He overdosed on cope pills
with all the chads in frats partying in college and getting girls and all the truecels LDARmaxxing in college idk how this fag actually thinks that they’re equal in college
There's no point in time in this cucked soyciety when non-chads are on an equal level to chads and whores.
There's no point in time in this cucked soyciety when non-chads are on an equal level to chads and whores.
Exactly. I don’t know how people continue perpetuating this myth. People also say bullying ends in college but actually statistically this is a myth
@Words2_live_bye @gymletethnicel @Robtical @AAAAAAAAAAAcel @Sexdoll Pioneer

My take: Popularity absolutely matters. If anything, I regret NOT trying to become more popular in middle school, high school, and college. I'm not sure if doing so would have worked for an unsightly reject like me, but even having a few friends would have given me an opportunity to develop my social/interpersonal skills at a crucial developmental stage of my life. Instead, I was completely isolated during those key formative years after childhood. This may have given me more time to concentrate on my studies, but academic success isn't as important as social skills in today's workplace (or life in general).
The biggest cope I have ever seen are @Grothendieck threads.
Exactly. I don’t know how people continue perpetuating this myth. People also say bullying ends in college but actually statistically this is a myth
It probably keeps going on all the way until we find jobs, and even when we get to senior citizen's home.
It probably keeps going on all the way until we find jobs, and even when we get to senior citizen's home.
Workplace bullying also occurs
In my experience, college was less way brutal than high school and especially middle school in terms of bullying. This probably has to do with the fact people there are older, had to pass a test to enter and the way more SJW environment of a college in the 2010s compared to a Brazilian school in the 90s and early 00s.

But saying that popularity doesn't exist in college? JFL. In the first weeks of classes all the good-looking guys were already full of girls touching, hugging and kissing them nonstop while all the ugly guys rotted.
In my experience, college was less way brutal than high school and especially middle school in terms of bullying. This probably has to do with the fact people there are older, had to pass a test to enter and the way more SJW environment of a college in the 2010s compared to a Brazilian school in the 90s and early 00s.

But saying that popularity doesn't exist in college? JFL. In the first weeks of classes all the good-looking guys were already full of girls touching, hugging and kissing them nonstop while all the ugly guys rotted.
Bullying exists in college too. 15-25% of college students are bullied
Lmfao what the fuck is he talking about. This might've been true in 1950 but in the 21st century college is just extended high school. Sometimes hear it referred to as "high school on steroids" which is also a legit description.

Name one normal college aged person who doesn't have instagram. Fuck, middle aged people have instagram these days.
This guy is coping hard. Popularity is still a thing in college. It definitely isn’t equal. A 5’2 norwooding Indian will definitely not be as popular as a chad
Lmfao what the fuck is he talking about. This might've been true in 1950 but in the 21st century college is just extended high school. Sometimes hear it referred to as "high school on steroids" which is also a legit description.

Name one normal college aged person who doesn't have instagram. Fuck, middle aged people have instagram these days.
Actually I think in 1950 it still was like this based on a article I read from 1947
This guy is coping hard. Popularity is still a thing in college. It definitely isn’t equal. A 5’2 norwooding Indian will definitely not be as popular as a chad
he just blindly listens to society’s myths
Actually I think in 1950 it still was like this based on a article I read from 1947

he just blindly listens to society’s myths
Yeah probably to an extent tbh. But it was probably at least a little more about actually studying/learning, and popularity/hypergamy definitely wouldn't have been as out in the open as it is now because of a more restricted society etc.
Yeah probably to an extent tbh. But it was probably at least a little more about actually studying/learning, and popularity/hypergamy definitely wouldn't have been as out in the open as it is now because of a more restricted society etc.
I found three research papers confirming that popularity exists in college
This is the most autistic thing I ever read. To sum it all up, imagine trying to normally say this without laughing: "My 5'2 skinnyfat, balding, engineering major Indian friend with cystic acne is more popular than the 6'6 jacked frat Gigachad." JFL. :feelskek:
Do you really need a research paper to confirm that :feelskek:
I need it to prove it to bluepillers
This is the most autistic thing I ever read. To sum it all up, imagine trying to normally say this without laughing: "My 5'2 skinnyfat, balding, engineering major Indian friend with cystic acne is more popular than the 6'6 jacked frat Gigachad." JFL. :feelskek:
this is why I don’t understand these cucks. Society always tries to persuade us that popularity ends in college. Yet partying is happening all the time at college and people are binge drinking like wtf
His first point about AP classes is actually very good. I ended up going that route and it was really nice not having to take calc in college,

#3 though is straight up delusion, life ends after high school, if your high school experience sucks then you will have nothing to look back to to cope once youre 20+
Actually, during my years in middle school most of the really popular kids were pretty ugly, I still remember the popular fat beaner who bullied me, but HS it was all attractive chads.

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