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Serious The Bible and Women Part 1

My point here is, the best latinamerican girls, im talking about the white or half white ones only wants chads. And latinamerican chads aren't much differents from northamerican ones. Not everyone here is brown and stuff.
dude who cares about some random latina stacy.I doubt a 80 year old granny would fuck me much less marry me.I am not one of these fakecels who thinks himself too fancy for a fat bitch.i am just another chump out here who knows he is a chump.My mind wishes that the lord would just wipe out my desire for females,so that i could join a monastery with ease,but there is still that faint desire for marriage.i just hope the lord will make everything clear to me one day before i taper off.I don't want to die in sin.
dude who cares about some random latina stacy.I doubt a 80 year old granny would fuck me much less marry me.I am not one of these fakecels who thinks himself too fancy for a fat bitch.i am just another chump out here who knows he is a chump.My mind wishes that the lord would just wipe out my desire for females,so that i could join a monastery with ease,but there is still that faint desire for marriage.i just hope the lord will make everything clear to me one day before i taper off.I don't want to die in sin.
I want to be chad to be satisfied with my appearance. It wouldn't mind me about having sex and stuff since fornication is a sin. But it would be great to be desired by girls. Actually i could be the happiest virgin chad if i only had perfect health and youth.
Great post Winston.
Great thread.
excellent text, "I do not allow a woman to teach or take authority over a man; she must be quiet. -
1 Timothy 2:12
high IQ thread tbh

one of the few things actually based about the bible is how it is blackpilled about women. In fact, most ancient writings are somehow blackpilled but modern simps thought they knew better than thousands of years of knowledge, and here we are.

Also I understand the necessity of religion as well as government (a necessary evil) to keep society working. The Dostoevsky's quote is indeed real in a metaphorical sense: "If God doesn't exist, everything is permissible"
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I wouldn't fornicate even being an 10/10 chad since that is a sin. I only want to be respected and be in peace with my appearance; im about 1.60cm of height too, so you can imagine
I won't get too into it but I've become sincerely Christian in 2020, after a long redpilling/ blackpilling journey over 6 years.

No one gets respected today if they're a sincere christian and have thinking capability. If I let my views be known I would probably be laughed at or looked at weird, ostracized and maybe fired.

1.60 pretty brutal though ngl, turbo manlet.
I won't get too into it but I've become sincerely Christian in 2020, after a long redpilling/ blackpilling journey over 6 years.

No one gets respected today if they're a sincere christian and have thinking capability. If I let my views be known I would probably be laughed at or looked at weird, ostracized and maybe fired.

1.60 pretty brutal though ngl, turbo manlet.
I think its awesome you're a Christian. Who gives a fuck about what some scrubs on the internet say about it. If you enjoy it then go for it man.

Nothing wrong with that
I won't get too into it but I've become sincerely Christian in 2020, after a long redpilling/ blackpilling journey over 6 years.

No one gets respected today if they're a sincere christian and have thinking capability. If I let my views be known I would probably be laughed at or looked at weird, ostracized and maybe fired.

1.60 pretty brutal though ngl, turbo manlet.
if you are a christrian these days you are considered a limp cuck,a retard,a coward,a sucker etc etc.i feel sorry for catholic priests who are considered by society to be either pedophiles or a madman.or both.the devil is truly the king of this world.i just hope the lord will give me grace and kill my passions.but what's most important is that his will might be done on earth as it is in heaven.
if you are a christrian these days you are considered a limp cuck,a retard,a coward,a sucker etc etc.i feel sorry for catholic priests who are considered by society to be either pedophiles or a madman.or both.the devil is truly the king of this world.i just hope the lord will give me grace and kill my passions.but what's most important is that his will might be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Well, it happens that noone read the Bible actually JFL i mean, there are parts in Bible where God teaches how to make wars :feelsthink:
"1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife."

I like 1. Corinthians 7. Celibacy is no lower, but is seen higher than marriage. Chad and Stacy has to limit their sexual power to monogamy. And no cucked sexless marriages because of verse 3/4.

" Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,"

This was a little mind-punching epiphany I had this week at work about this verse of Ephisians 5. Think about, what the church is to Christ, so you know how women is to men . Hint: Roman 5:10. We were enemies of God.

There is also an Old Testament story, where one leader of Israel should see how God sees them by taking a whore as wive - what she remained also after marriage by going after other men. Women depicted in this and many other pictorial comparisons as the fleshly selfish weak human nature, which has to be controlled - but is loved by God nonetheless. I have to look it up.
based thread. everyone should give this a read
I'm an atheist but everything you wrote in this post is pure facts.
Bible is gay and fake

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