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Blackpill The BBD: Big Blackpill Dump (aggregate thread)

This was originally going to be used as content for the incelcast but fuck it. That shit might never come out.
All sources are at the end if not stated.


All scientific evidence supports a universal criterion for attractiveness

"These cross-cultural and infant studies support the notion of the
universality of beauty with some standards set by nature and not our social heritage.
Rather than being the outcome of slow acculturation, beauty preferences seem to be
a result of a basic cognitive process that appears quite early in life [12].

"In fact, agreement between individuals
is one of the most robust findings in facial attractiveness research since the 1970s,
suggesting that people everywhere are using similar criteria in their judgments [13]

-Taken from chapter 2 of "Beauty and body dysmorphic disorder" by Neelam A. Vashi.

"While individual and cross-cultural differences exist (see later), this politically correct view of beauty is to some extent false. In fact, agreement between individuals is one of the best-documented and most robust findings in facial attractiveness research since the 1970s. Across many studies it has been found that there is a high degree of agreement from individuals within a particular culture and also high agreement between individuals from different cultures (see [2] for a meta-analytical review). If different people can agree on which faces are attractive and which are not attractive when judging faces of varying ethnic background (e.g. [23]), then this suggests that people everywhere are all using the same, or at least similar, criteria in their judgements."

- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3130383/

"Generally, physical attractiveness can be viewed from a number of perspectives; with universal perceptions being common to all human cultures, cultural and social aspects, and individual subjective preferences. The perception of attractiveness can have a significant effect on how people are judged in terms of employment or social opportunities, friendship, sexual behavior, and marriage.[17]"

-Wikipedia article "Physical attractiveness"

Settled? Moving on


"Simply put, men viewed as unattractive were not viewed as potential suitors, no matter the level of other redeeming qualities that accompanied their photos. Those with favorable personality traits that were ranked highly were at least moderately attractive."
- https://www.studyfinds.org/unattractive-men-dating-material-study/

"In the study, 335 college students watched videos of potential romantic partners of the opposite sex talking about themselves. The participants rated the potential partners’ personality traits and physical attractiveness, then reported the the extent to which they were romantically interested in them.

The participants rated traits such as conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, emotional stability, ambition, faithfulness, sense of humor, independence, intelligence, and physical attractiveness.

The researchers found that women more often than men came to an agreement about the traits of potential partners. However, of all the traits examined, physical attractiveness was the only trait that predicted romantic interest."

" Only the responders' perception of the targets' physical attractiveness predicted romantic interest; specifically, responders' who rated the targets' physical attractiveness as higher than themselves reported more romantic interest"

" The strongest predictor of attraction for both sexes was partners' physical attractiveness."

"The only important determinant of S's liking for his date was the date's physical attractiveness"


"As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. "

"As I stated previously the average female “likes” 12% of men on Tinder. This doesn't mean though that most males will get “liked” back by 12% of all the women they “like” on Tinder. This would only be the case if “likes” were equally distributed. In reality, the bottom 80% of men are fighting over the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are fighting over the top 20% of men"



Note: GINI coefficient is a measure of inequality. A 80:20 Distribution is roughly a .6. So the data of attractiveness and body count line up near perfectly

I tried to put down all the evidence I had that wasn't behind a paywall. There's more stuff around but I ACCIDENTALLY FUCKING POSTED THE THREAD EARLY. Will post more later
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I agree with thsis post.
Just be gay twinks okay? :lul:
legit post, i hadn't seen the very last study before
Definitely deserves a sticky.
Won't be seeing this thread anywhere near IncelTards.
I don't feel like reading the last one to figure out their methodology, but I am glad that it exists.
Can't edit my post. But here's more blackpills that should go under "Looks are necessary"

"OkCupid’s ten-year history has been the epitome of the old saying: two steps forward, one total fiasco. A while ago, we had the genius idea of an app that set up blind dates; we spent a year and a half on it, and it was gone from the app store in six months.

Of course, being geniuses, we chose to celebrate the app’s release by removing all the pictures from OkCupid on launch day. “Love Is Blind Day” on OkCupid — January 15, 2013."

Conversations died immediately. No looks = no interest

But by comparing Love Is Blind Day to a normal Tuesday, we learned some very interesting things. In those 7 hours without photos:"

Seems nice, right? Sadly, the shallowness of the common foid shines through

Foids want the BEST. Not equal partnership or looksmatch


Remember, if likes were distributed like dollars we'd have almost as much inequality as south africa. JUST FUCKING LOL

Reasons Not to Date an Attractive, Masculine Man(kek)

"Good-looking men are assumed to have better personalities, more rewarding careers, and more fulfilling life experiences (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006), assumptions which may be accurate given our positive bias toward attractive individuals. Attractive men may actually possess better-quality genes, and thus may be healthier, live longer, and even be more intelligent (Perrilloux et al., 2010). Additionally, women partnered with attractive, masculine men report more frequent orgasms (Puts et al., 2012); this finding alone may make some of you stop reading now and pursue the most attractive, masculine guy you can. However..."

Yep, you heard it here first boyos. Chad gives women pleasure. Foreplay has nothing to do with it

". Women reported more frequent orgasm during or after male ejaculation when mated to attractive
men—those with high scores on a principal component characterized by high observer-rated and self-rated attractiveness. Putative measures of men's genetic quality did not predict their mates' orgasms from self-masturbation or from non-coital partnered sexual behavior. Overall,
these results appear to support a role for female orgasm in sire choice."

Remember, a foid will only be sexually satisfied with a genetically superior male. Her roastie cannot lie!
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Reasons Not to Date an Attractive, Masculine Man(kek)

"Good-looking men are assumed to have better personalities, more rewarding careers, and more fulfilling life experiences (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006), assumptions which may be accurate given our positive bias toward attractive individuals. Attractive men may actually possess better-quality genes, and thus may be healthier, live longer, and even be more intelligent (Perrilloux et al., 2010). Additionally, women partnered with attractive, masculine men report more frequent orgasms (Puts et al., 2012); this finding alone may make some of you stop reading now and pursue the most attractive, masculine guy you can. However..."

Yep, you heard it here first boyos. Chad gives women pleasure. Foreplay has nothing to do with it

You can't just end it in "however... ". It's seen as misquoting and its low iq assuming you want to intelligently make a point across.

Just saying, there's plenty of good, solid, peer reviewed evidence out there, no need to remove context from a quote.
You can't just end it in "however... ". It's seen as misquoting and its low iq assuming you want to intelligently make a point across.

Just saying, there's plenty of good, solid, peer reviewed evidence out there, no need to remove context from a quote.

The rest of the quote is
Attractive, Masculine Men Are More Likely to Cheat

Women may be less interested in dating attractive men over the long term because of these men's higher propensity to be unfaithful. Women perceive attractive men as both more likely to cheat and more likely to leave long-term relationships (Waynforth, 2001)."

JFL @ you. It's basically alpha fux/beta bux

QUALITY POST. :feelsokman:

I'm taking some of this content to my next therapy session (srs)
Why is this thread sticky? We already know all of this, and this post is just rehashing the same old shit we knew already.
Why is this thread sticky? We already know all of this, and this post is just rehashing the same old shit we knew already.
because there are people who don't know all of this.
This isn't a blackpill.

The blackpill would be that you can't improve looks, and face height frame is king. This is barely a redpill, most people agree looks matter, and 80\20 isn't controversial

It's just annoying that people are misusing the term blackpill
great post. We should have a different sub forum for "blackpill science" and show case all these academic/research stuffs.
in other words all humans are shit and all women are whores
B-but... muh personality???
Thanks for reminding me I'm a subhuman manlet
This isn't a blackpill.

The blackpill would be that you can't improve looks, and face height frame is king. This is barely a redpill, most people agree looks matter, and 80\20 isn't controversial

It's just annoying that people are misusing the term blackpill
This. ban Opie for spreading bluepills. It's actually the 95/5 rule
"Simply put, men viewed as unattractive were not viewed as potential suitors, no matter the level of other redeeming qualities that accompanied their photos. Those with favorable personality traits that were ranked highly were at least moderately attractive."
- https://www.studyfinds.org/unattractive-men-dating-material-study/

"In the study, 335 college students watched videos of potential romantic partners of the opposite sex talking about themselves. The participants rated the potential partners’ personality traits and physical attractiveness, then reported the the extent to which they were romantically interested in them.

The participants rated traits such as conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, emotional stability, ambition, faithfulness, sense of humor, independence, intelligence, and physical attractiveness.

The researchers found that women more often than men came to an agreement about the traits of potential partners. However, of all the traits examined, physical attractiveness was the only trait that predicted romantic interest."

Omg, this completely hit it out of the ballpark.
I think you should include the one about how the fact that men are taller on average alone cannot explain why women tend to partner with taller men. That one truly shows how important height is.
"Simply put, men viewed as unattractive were not viewed as potential suitors, no matter the level of other redeeming qualities that accompanied their photos. Those with favorable personality traits that were ranked highly were at least moderately attractive"

The blackpill of all blackpills, i'm most definetly fucked.
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For me, this was the hardest and saddest to read:
This one is the fucking worst because it seeps onto everything, not only sex but almost every aspect of your life, it's such a fucked world fuck.
Cucktears GTFIH. Damn, I even wish we temporarily allowed femoids but just ITT and nowhere else.
I alreaday knew all of this to the finest details and more. Many guys here put their last hopes into gymcelling without knowing how bone law works. It's all about the fucking bones - face bones & frame bones
Should remain permanently stickied.
Strange how cuck tears never features the pinned posts

Sticky this shit again tbh

Hate my life
BDD is a serious mental illness and the worst a truecel can get
More of this looks bs, I just want a gf aleredy or atleast have cunnilingus with my penis inside her once
This was originally going to be used as content for the incelcast but fuck it. That shit might never come out.
All sources are at the end if not stated.


All scientific evidence supports a universal criterion for attractiveness

"These cross-cultural and infant studies support the notion of the
universality of beauty with some standards set by nature and not our social heritage.
Rather than being the outcome of slow acculturation, beauty preferences seem to be
a result of a basic cognitive process that appears quite early in life [12].

"In fact, agreement between individuals
is one of the most robust findings in facial attractiveness research since the 1970s,
suggesting that people everywhere are using similar criteria in their judgments [13]

-Taken from chapter 2 of "Beauty and body dysmorphic disorder" by Neelam A. Vashi.

"While individual and cross-cultural differences exist (see later), this politically correct view of beauty is to some extent false. In fact, agreement between individuals is one of the best-documented and most robust findings in facial attractiveness research since the 1970s. Across many studies it has been found that there is a high degree of agreement from individuals within a particular culture and also high agreement between individuals from different cultures (see [2] for a meta-analytical review). If different people can agree on which faces are attractive and which are not attractive when judging faces of varying ethnic background (e.g. [23]), then this suggests that people everywhere are all using the same, or at least similar, criteria in their judgements."

- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3130383/

"Generally, physical attractiveness can be viewed from a number of perspectives; with universal perceptions being common to all human cultures, cultural and social aspects, and individual subjective preferences. The perception of attractiveness can have a significant effect on how people are judged in terms of employment or social opportunities, friendship, sexual behavior, and marriage.[17]"

-Wikipedia article "Physical attractiveness"

Settled? Moving on


"Simply put, men viewed as unattractive were not viewed as potential suitors, no matter the level of other redeeming qualities that accompanied their photos. Those with favorable personality traits that were ranked highly were at least moderately attractive."
- https://www.studyfinds.org/unattractive-men-dating-material-study/

"In the study, 335 college students watched videos of potential romantic partners of the opposite sex talking about themselves. The participants rated the potential partners’ personality traits and physical attractiveness, then reported the the extent to which they were romantically interested in them.

The participants rated traits such as conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, emotional stability, ambition, faithfulness, sense of humor, independence, intelligence, and physical attractiveness.

The researchers found that women more often than men came to an agreement about the traits of potential partners. However, of all the traits examined, physical attractiveness was the only trait that predicted romantic interest.

" Only the responders' perception of the targets' physical attractiveness predicted romantic interest; specifically, responders' who rated the targets' physical attractiveness as higher than themselves reported more romantic interest"

" The strongest predictor of attraction for both sexes was partners' physical attractiveness."

"The only important determinant of S's liking for his date was the date's physical attractiveness"


"As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. "

"As I stated previously the average female “likes” 12% of men on Tinder. This doesn't mean though that most males will get “liked” back by 12% of all the women they “like” on Tinder. This would only be the case if “likes” were equally distributed. In reality, the bottom 80% of men are fighting over the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are fighting over the top 20% of men"

View: https://medium.com/@worstonlinedater/tinder-experiments-ii-guys-unless-you-are-really-hot-you-are-probably-better-off-not-wasting-your-2ddf370a6e9a



Note: GINI coefficient is a measure of inequality. A 80:20 Distribution is roughly a .6. So the data of attractiveness and body count line up near perfectly

I tried to put down all the evidence I had that wasn't behind a paywall. There's more stuff around but I ACCIDENTALLY FUCKING POSTED THE THREAD EARLY. Will post more later

looks are objective, to a degree. Some people find her attractive, some (like on this website) do not

Screenshot 2023 03 29 at 140405
--> she's like a MTB/HTB?

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