-add limited in support and Remove MRA and replace with the redpill, they are less cucked(but still bluepilled) and showed us more support
-add r/cuckhold in the belligerents
-Add St.Elliot rodger Martyr suicide squads in Incel units
-Also add u/Azavii callers brigade
-Add more images in general, like for example: an photo with someone putting down an siege ladder "incels resisting an invasion from r/insanepeoplefacebook" an photo of an dead crusader with the face of blackops2cel in the shield "Brave blackpill crusader being banned in the awe of the 6 november holocaust" and a photo of a corpse with an vibrator in the mouth "corpse of u/dannymason after being profanated by normies"
-Replace six november "incident" with holocaust, let`s call things like they are
Also put azavii as the principal leader, as the messiah of the Incel movement.