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The alt-right

Which do you identify as?

  • Alt-right (Fascist, National Socialist, White Nationalist)

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • Alt-left (Anarcho-Syndicalst, Communist, International Socialist)

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Apolitical/Centrist

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • Regular liberal/conservative

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 6 13.3%

  • Total voters


Jul 27, 2018
I’ve personally identified as alt-right since I believe in the values of my own race are important and that my heritage as a white man must be protected against the Zionist orchestrated invasion of our countries with brown people, but at the same time I disagree with the whole “alt-right cucking on women” issue, because Andrew Anglin and Weev of the Daily Stormer have both supported the cause for many years now (for example, here’s an article of Anglin talking about him considering getting an “incel pride” tattoo). Then you have the fact that most alt-righters are turbo-blackpilled about white foids and in some cases, might consider dating Asian women, but that’s not what everybody on the alt-right thinks. In fact, the catchphrase “there are no alt-right women” is pretty common. The female e-celebs may be an exception in some cases, but at the same time the alt-right believes in patrolling thots anyways.

While I still respect non-white users on here, since we are all brothers and have the same struggle, but at the same time I have always been very ethnocentric. In fact, there’s an alt-right for the blacks that I know of called the Hoteps. While it’s not a specifically “incel” cause, more rather it just being under the umbrella of “white nationalism”, however it is still the most cuck-unfriendly subculture out there other than this one. In fact, a lot of incels are in the far-right.

I just want to know where the majority of us stand.
i identify as notquitechadlite
Isn’t that guy banned? I was searching for that nigga but didn’t know if I had his name memorized correctly.
he not, name is as i wrote it
I’m a Christian Traditionalist. Francisco Franco would be the closest real world example to my political beliefs.
I'm a libertarian, but I fucking hate the Jewish elite and I'm pro-Palestine. But I also have traditional/reactionary aspects. All in my sig.
I identify as a Boeing AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter
I've taken tests, I'm a fascist.
I don't consider myself "alt right" because that is a Jewish mass media term, that they lump their own agents in with such as the lisping fag Richard "Dickie" Spencer, the race mixer Andrew Anglin, the queer Jew Milo Yiannapolous, etc, etc and on and on it goes.

I believe that my "race is my nation" and no longer hold to particular land masses as having the most important value as without the ongoing existance of one's race you as an island alone are nothing or as Hitler put it: "The most prescious possession you have in the world is your own people".

The best term for me at this point would be a white racial revolutionary, anti Christianity, pro pagan and pro atheism and pro agnosticism as well.
Being apolitical is the right way to be. At least as apolitical as you can in modern civilization.
I honestly don't care about politics. I've been on both sides over every argument under the sun.
The way I see it, everyone has some kind of snake oil to sell you and everyone's a bullshitter to some extent.
Apolitical. Caring for your ethnic group that doesn't care of you is cuckoldry.
I feel represented by absolutely none of the established parties.
I feel represented by absolutely none of the established parties.

I align with centrism/apolitical. Seriously all this nationalism/anti racemixing/racial purity etc. is retarded. NONE of these helps in any way.
I would say im rather apolitical knowing that everything we are fed on tv/social media is a crock of shit. And told we have a voice and a valid say in how the big moneybergs run our society is a crock of shit.
I lean mostly right, having a family come from a traditional Eastern European country that did not allow liberalism and "diversity" to turn the country to shit like other European countries have allowed themselves. I like those views and decisions. I also believe a society that teaches true Christianity and follows its rules are set to succeed. However I have a hard time identifying with the American "right" its a bit too redneck and warmongering.
I'm not apolitical, but I would probably be close to an ethnocentrist islamist.
I'm white nationalist.
Unfortunately, there's way too much tradcuckery and foid worship going on for me to hop on board the alt-right train. Not to mention, I despise American politics and how it spreads everywhere and infects everything, and that includes the term 'alt-right'. I see myself as a nationalist for my country and I don't need any American-made label to describe myself. Not to mention, I'm closer to Mussolini's and Mosley's brand of Fascism than to Hitler's National Socialism, which the American alt-right so laughably tries, and fails nonetheless, to transplant to their own country. I also despise the Christian Zionism so prevalent among the American right-wing. Come to think of it, I just detest the United States as a whole and I agree with what the funny mustache man said about Uncle Sam:

'I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half Negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?'
Why is alt right considered nazi?
Who could've guessed that a good portion of this forum are fledgling stormfags?
I don't know but I hate commies and women
Lol at caring the slightest about politics, it's retarded
The Rockefeller’s were centrist!

Every government, no matter who controls it, is an instrument of oppression.

Anarchism is "stateless socialism"
all those options suck
If I thought those were the only political options I would hate everything
National Socialist.

Unfortunately, there's way too much tradcuckery and foid worship going on for me to hop on board the alt-right train. Not to mention, I despise American politics and how it spreads everywhere and infects everything, and that includes the term 'alt-right'. I see myself as a nationalist for my country and I don't need any American-made label to describe myself. Not to mention, I'm closer to Mussolini's and Mosley's brand of Fascism than to Hitler's National Socialism, which the American alt-right so laughably tries, and fails nonetheless, to transplant to their own country. I also despise the Christian Zionism so prevalent among the American right-wing. Come to think of it, I just detest the United States as a whole and I agree with what the funny mustache man said about Uncle Sam:

'I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half Negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?'
I don´t support their tradcuckery.
All those roasties, none of them are traditional ( feminine virgins ) anyway.
Just the equivalent of e-thots seeking for attention.
A traditional women has never touched the Internet, or social media for that matter.
I don't consider myself "alt right" because that is a Jewish mass media term, that they lump their own agents in with such as the lisping fag Richard "Dickie" Spencer, the race mixer Andrew Anglin, the queer Jew Milo Yiannapolous, etc, etc and on and on it goes.

I believe that my "race is my nation" and no longer hold to particular land masses as having the most important value as without the ongoing existance of one's race you as an island alone are nothing or as Hitler put it: "The most prescious possession you have in the world is your own people".

The best term for me at this point would be a white racial revolutionary, anti Christianity, pro pagan and pro atheism and pro agnosticism as well.
They have the habit to infiltrate and taint a movement as soon as possible, the same way they called the germans nazis, even tho that term came from their own race " Ashkenazi rats "
I'm humanitarian. XD
Humanity is too busy inventing schemes to kill itself.
No need to support such a thing.
what political ideology would be the system we have now but with free housing for everyone at age 14? Housing guaranteed for life.
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Lol at caring the slightest about politics, it's retarded
Its actually very important.
You need to know where you stand in all of this.

Its crucial for your own understanding of the world around you.
Maybe anarch transhumanism but it all sucks
The 'alt-right' is a buzzword created by the American media to group together pretty much everything that isn't mainstream conservatism, from real conservatism (traditionalism) to fascism, under one big banner. So I advice you not to give that cursed word any more publicity. I don't see how fascism or national-socialism would fall under that word anyway because it's much older than any group or figure that self-identifies as alt-right.

Anyway, I would say I'm far-right on social matters and I'm also anti-Jewish. I'm a bit conflicted on the subject of race as I am a minority in the country I live in but I still believe that for a nation to function properly, it needs an ethnically homogeneous population.
The 'alt-right' is a buzzword created by the American media to group together pretty much everything that isn't mainstream conservatism, from real conservatism (traditionalism) to fascism, under one big banner. So I advice you not to give that cursed word any more publicity. I don't see how fascism or national-socialism would fall under that word anyway because it's much older than any group or figure that self-identifies as alt-right.

Anyway, I would say I'm far-right on social matters and I'm also anti-Jewish. I'm a bit conflicted on the subject of race as I am a minority in the country I live in but I still believe that for a nation to function properly, it needs an ethnically homogeneous population.
I am not alone in this.
I don't like any of the really popular and conventional right or alt-right figures.

My stance is a combination of Hitlerism, Anglinism, Weevism and Vargism, all in varying proportions as they all have various problems that prevent me from subscribing to their worldview completely, in combination they get close though.
Communist, I believe in the equal distribution of pussy


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Right Wing and Christian, Racial Nationalism.
cringe, you sound like a follower of this D&C cuck

And proud of it.

That said how in the hell is he D&C?

Its Christ tards themselves that are D&C by continuing to remain part of a Jewish religious cult that was designed for their mental enslavement and even besides all of that Christ tards are ever more divided since they all have practically a billion different denominations since none of them can agree on anything much less how exactly to worship the big Jewish boo in the sky.
I was left then center then right, now just apolitical. Both sides politicians are only looking to make their wealth grow, and fuck the 99%. I'm thinking of starting to only vote green just for giggles, I'd like to see what they'd do if they won. You lose no matter who you vote for so might as well have fun with it.
I'm anti cucked laws and gynocentric government. Non-gynocentric governments should be small and only tax voluntarily.
No clue. I just want humanity to die out tbh.
I keep it simple. The presence of non-whites in white countries causes a degradation of the living conditions of whites generally.

I don't like all the half-baked metaphysics of race bullshit.

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