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Blackpill The ACTUAL reasons why women hate men so much



Mar 9, 2024
Women would want you to believe that when they’re on their Twitter happily encouraging male suicide or whatever, they are actually criticizing the evil patriarchy and their hatred is somehow channeled by toxic masculinity.

This is bullshit. A good-looking man can get away with much worse than this.


You might be wondering…

Why do women hate men so much, and why is misandry so prevalent and widely accepted amongst women?

Why do women, despite living arguably better lives, lie about men being privileged?

Why do women even exist?

Fear not, for I have answers to all questions.

Penis Envy

Truth be told, I would be fucking hating 50% of the human population too with all my guts if I were biologically weaker than them in every conceivable aspect of humankind lmao.

Imagine leaving your house at 2AM and you see a roastie walking down the street (rare, but go with me), how would you feel? I don’t know about you, but I’d feel pretty fucking safe knowing that if push comes to shove and shit chooses to go down with the blink of an eye, I have a much, MUCH higher chance at being able to defend myself against her.

Now imagine BEING the woman in this scenario. Unless she’s with her boyfriend or has preemptively chosen to harm you, she is NOT feeling safe. In that moment, there is no Twitter, there is only you and her.

Women are aware of this, that’s why they’re so hellbent on never leaving the house alone at night.

Being inferior to men is something they learn to cope with one way or another for the rest of their lives, and tweeting about how much they want men dead 24/7 just so happens to be one of those coping mechanisms.

This is also another reason women are rarely ever single. They want a guy to protect them. This is all an extremely sensitive topic to discuss, and we all know how women like to deal with those. :feelsclown:

Chad Doesn’t Commit

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”

No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. This is true only in the case of Chad however, but the hatred and anger they receive from being pumped and dumped isn’t entirely given back to the Chad himself it seems, that sort of manifested hatred is only piled up on the subhuman. The 5’1” balding Indian janitor is the one to blame for the prettyboy not committing to basic LTB #62538295.

Women get overly bitchy and passive aggressive whenever they’re within Chad’s vicinity and he‘s not considering them an option (even though they put out more for him). They want YOU to be responsible for Chad’s decision, as if it’s somehow the fugly’s fault that Chad sees average women as average.

Women’s favorite narrative is that they develop resentment towards the male gender only when a man has done something horrible to them. Basically the “here’s why I’m allowed to be racist because of a couple bad incidents” version of foids.

But don’t get it twisted, here’s the translation: the “man” is Chad and the “something horrible” was either ghosting, being rejected, or getting viciously pumped and dumped. If a Chad DMs a woman in an unfavorable way (AKA the same way women treat sub 8 men), then it’s probably grooming, and suddenly, “all men are trash :foidSoy:.”

Ugly Men Exist

Now, remember earlier when I said women hate toxic masculinity? This is actually true, but I fear that we may not be on the same page with the definition.

This is what toxic masculinity is defined as in a woman’s book, unabridged: short & ugly men who’re not docile and submissive.

Ugly men existing and not choosing to be a full-blown door-holding cuckold is a problem to women. From a biological standpoint, it is a direct threat to their mating pattern. It’s not that women want nothing to do with ugly men, they want ugly men to evaporate all at once. They want ugly men to die so that they can have the purification process of the gene pool easier on themselves. If there were a button right now to genocide all the short and brown men living in India but save all the precious little women, they would gladly push it with no hesitation.

The existence of ugly men is bothersome to them. They associate the ugly side of men (arrogant, infantile, weakling, obnoxious, emotionally immature, etc.) with men who are not aesthetically pleasing to look at, NOT men who’re tall and good-looking but happen to bear those traits.

It Is Politically Correct To Hate Men

Right now, the left controls all major media outlets dominated by women, in service of women, and as a result, the ramifications of this have been so disastrous for contemporary society that young men have begun to hate themselves and women have actually started to believe that misandry isn’t real, because “only men kill :feelstastyman:” Cue in my first reason: women can’t kill, they don’t choose not to. Why else do you think the rates of domestic abuse in lesbian relationships skyrockets that of heterosexual couples where men hold all the power dynamic?

If the ground for physical equality is covered, women will harm just as, if not more than men. Women would kill just as much as men if both genders were biologically identical. And when was misogyny even about killing? No one chose to go there but yourself. :feelsseriously: Not all misogynists kill and not all killers are misogynists. They’re not necessarily interrelated. Not that two bads make a right, but if men do 80% of the killing, the majority of those are being done to other men, that’s why most homicide victims are men, not women. Men are rarely ever prone to hating women, and most men love women inherently, whereas the same cannot be said for the opposite. Men are more scared of men than women even should be.

The whole “misogyny is bad, misandry isn’t” is a woman’s get out of jail free card for not taking any accountability for being a sexist piece of shit. This sort of double standards is what happens when you, as a society, fail to treat everyone equally and mindlessly pedestalize one group of human beings (i.e., women) for merely existing: they end up thinking they’re MORE than human and as such, they should be treated like one.

Which brings me to my final conclusion:

Women Don’t Want Equality, They Want Superiority

The TL-WIW-DR you’ve overstayed your welcome version of this thread would’ve been: women are jealous of not being able to get the Chaddest of Chads, consequently making them hateful of normie & ugly men (but never the Chad). This isn’t the general gist of it, thought it appears.

Women en masse have infinitely more job opportunities, more dating opportunities, get handed a much more refined experience in life, are innately valued by society, and overall, live more fulfilling lives than men thanks to being loved indefinitely and unconditionally.

Teehee 2

You don’t live in a time where men are trying to be women and vice versa, women don’t want to be men, that’s the last thing they’d ever want, no, they want to be MORE than men. And ultimately, the way to get there is by consistently bashing down and dehumanizing men, while simultaneously pretending to have it worse than us so that it can help pave the way for tightening the social screws in their favor and endlessly farm all the validation points they desire.
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@Bianor Yep it's him, the writing style and detailed explanation and a depressing avi is his signature

Welcome back :feelscomfy:
You're a foid 100%
Every SINGLE user whom I’d exposed as a foid/IT cuck infiltrator before was eventually banned for one reason or another. Oh gee, if only you guys had fucking listened to me screaming out of my lungs that hey look, this is a foid, this is a bluepilled cuck, this is an IT troon, you had better pay some fucking attention for once and ban them for the love of fuck and cleanse this forum one step at a time, but nope.

This forum WISHES foids could tie them down and hang them by the balls. The average incel is no different than the indifferent cuck.
Every SINGLE user whom I’d exposed as a foid/IT cuck infiltrator before was eventually banned for one reason or another. Oh gee, if only you guys had fucking listened to me screaming out of my lungs that hey look, this is a foid, this is a bluepilled cuck, this is an IT troon, you had better pay some fucking attention for once and ban them for the love of fuck and cleanse this forum one step at a time, but nope.

This forum WISHES foids could tie them down and hang them by the balls. The average incel is no different than the indifferent cuck.
It's not that serious brah, forum drama is irrelevant compared to blackpill itself

Women would want you to believe that when they’re on their Twitter happily encouraging male suicide or whatever, they are actually criticizing the evil patriarchy and their hatred is somehow channeled by toxic masculinity.

This is bullshit. A good-looking man can get away with much worse than this.


You might be wondering…

Why do women hate men so much, and why is misandry so prevalent and widely accepted amongst women?

Why do women, despite living arguably better lives, lie about men being privileged?

Why do women even exist?

Fear not, for I have answers to all questions.

Penis Envy

Truth be told, I would be fucking hating 50% of the human population too with all my guts if I were biologically weaker than them in every conceivable aspect of humankind lmao.

Imagine leaving your house at 2AM and you see a roastie walking down the street (rare, but go with me), how would you feel? I don’t know about you, but I’d feel pretty fucking safe knowing that if push comes to shove and shit chooses to go down with the blink of an eye, I have a much, MUCH higher chance at being able to defend myself against her.

Now imagine BEING the woman in this scenario. Unless she’s with her boyfriend or has preemptively chosen to harm you, she is NOT feeling safe. In that moment, there is no Twitter, there is only you and her.

Women are aware of this, that’s why they’re so hellbent on never leaving the house alone at night.

Being inferior to men is something they learn to cope with one way or another for the rest of their lives, and tweeting about how much they want men dead 24/7 just so happens to be one of those coping mechanisms.

This is also another reason women are rarely ever single. They want a guy to protect them. This is all an extremely sensitive topic to discuss, and we all know how women like to deal with those. :feelsclown:

Chad Doesn’t Commit

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”

No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. This is true only in the case of Chad however, but the hatred and anger they receive from being pumped and dumped isn’t entirely given back to the Chad himself it seems, that sort of manifested hatred is only piled up on the subhuman. The 5’1” balding Indian janitor is the one to blame for the prettyboy not committing to basic LTB #62538295.

Women get overly bitchy and passive aggressive whenever they’re within Chad’s vicinity and he‘s not considering them an option (even though they put out more for him). They want YOU to be responsible for Chad’s decision, as if it’s somehow the fugly’s fault that Chad sees average women as average.

Women’s favorite narrative is that they develop resentment towards the male gender only when a man has done something horrible to them. Basically the “here’s why I’m allowed to be racist because of a couple bad incidents” version of foids.

But don’t get it twisted, here’s the translation: the “man” is Chad and the “something horrible” was either ghosting, being rejected, or getting viciously pumped and dumped. If a Chad DMs a woman in an unfavorable way (AKA the same way women treat sub 8 men), then it’s probably grooming, and suddenly, “all men are trash :foidSoy:.”

Ugly Men Exist

Now, remember earlier when I said women hate toxic masculinity? This is actually true, but I fear that we may not be on the same page with the definition.

This is what toxic masculinity is defined as in a woman’s book, unabridged: short & ugly men who’re not docile and submissive.

Ugly men existing and not choosing to be a full-blown door-holding cuckold is a problem to women. From a biological standpoint, it is a direct threat to their mating pattern. It’s not that women want nothing to do with ugly men, they want ugly men to evaporate all at once. They want ugly men to die so that they can have the purification process of the gene pool easier on themselves. If there were a button right now to genocide all the short and brown men living in India but save all the precious little women, they would gladly push it with no hesitation.

The existence of ugly men is bothersome to them. They associate the ugly side of men (arrogant, infantile, weakling, obnoxious, emotionally immature, etc.) with men who are not aesthetically pleasing to look at, NOT men who’re tall and good-looking but happen to bear those traits.

It Is Politically Correct To Hate Men

Right now, the left controls all major media outlets dominated by women, in service of women, and as a result, the ramifications of this have been so disastrous for contemporary society that young men have begun to hate themselves and women have actually started to believe that misandry isn’t real, because “only men kill :feelstastyman:” Cue in my first reason: women can’t kill, they don’t choose not to. Why else do you think the rates of domestic abuse in lesbian relationships skyrockets that of heterosexual couples where men hold all the power dynamic?

If the ground for physical equality is covered, women will harm just as, if not more than men. Women would kill just as much as men if both genders were biologically identical. And when was misogyny even about killing? No one chose to go there but yourself. :feelsseriously: Not all misogynists kill and not all killers are misogynists. They’re not necessarily interrelated. Not that two bads make a right, but if men do 80% of the killing, the majority of those are being done to other men, that’s why most homicide victims are men, not women. Men are rarely ever prone to hating women, and most men love women inherently, whereas the same cannot be said for the opposite. Men are more scared of men than women even should be.

The whole “misogyny is bad, misandry isn’t” is a woman’s get out of jail free card for not taking any accountability for being a sexist piece of shit. This sort of double standards is what happens when you, as a society, fail to treat everyone equally and mindlessly pedestalize one group of human beings (i.e., women) for merely existing: they end up thinking they’re MORE than human and as such, they should be treated like one.

Which brings me to my final conclusion:

Women Don’t Want Equality, They Want Superiority

The TL-WIW-DR you’ve overstayed your welcome version of this thread would’ve been: women are jealous of not being able to get the Chaddest of Chads, consequently making them hateful of normie & ugly men (but never the Chad). This isn’t the general gist of it, thought it appears.

Women en masse have infinitely more job opportunities, more dating opportunities, get handed a much more refined experience in life, are innately valued by society, and overall, live more fulfilling lives than men thanks to being loved indefinitely and unconditionally.

Teehee 2

You don’t live in a time where men are trying to be women and vice versa, women don’t want to be men, that’s the last thing they’d ever want, no, they want to be MORE than men. And ultimately, the way to get there is by consistently bashing down and dehumanizing men, while simultaneously pretending to have it worse than us so that it can help pave the way for tightening the social screws in their favor and endlessly farm all the validation points they desire.
Tl;dr: Chad doesn’t commit to them, so they throw a childish tantrum, and take out their anger on sub5 and average men.

I saw this first hand back in high school, though I didn’t fully grasp it back then.
Fuck foids why wont they sit on my penis
Every SINGLE user whom I’d exposed as a foid/IT cuck infiltrator before was eventually banned for one reason or another. Oh gee, if only you guys had fucking listened to me screaming out of my lungs that hey look, this is a foid, this is a bluepilled cuck, this is an IT troon, you had better pay some fucking attention for once and ban them for the love of fuck and cleanse this forum one step at a time, but nope.

This forum WISHES foids could tie them down and hang them by the balls. The average incel is no different than the indifferent cuck.
Ok which alt are you
Globalisation was a mistake to begin with, And it will be the end of civilisation unless other side get Genocide by Elites
If they could have their way I'm 100% certain they would kill all the non-Chad males. There's nothing women hate more than an ugly man. An attractive man can be a psychopath and a violent rapist - foids wouldn't mind that at all. Doesn't matter if he kills children. The less remorse he has the more attractive he is.
read every pixel
Women would want you to believe that when they’re on their Twitter happily encouraging male suicide or whatever, they are actually criticizing the evil patriarchy and their hatred is somehow channeled by toxic masculinity.

This is bullshit. A good-looking man can get away with much worse than this.


You might be wondering…

Why do women hate men so much, and why is misandry so prevalent and widely accepted amongst women?

Why do women, despite living arguably better lives, lie about men being privileged?

Why do women even exist?

Fear not, for I have answers to all questions.

Penis Envy

Truth be told, I would be fucking hating 50% of the human population too with all my guts if I were biologically weaker than them in every conceivable aspect of humankind lmao.

Imagine leaving your house at 2AM and you see a roastie walking down the street (rare, but go with me), how would you feel? I don’t know about you, but I’d feel pretty fucking safe knowing that if push comes to shove and shit chooses to go down with the blink of an eye, I have a much, MUCH higher chance at being able to defend myself against her.

Now imagine BEING the woman in this scenario. Unless she’s with her boyfriend or has preemptively chosen to harm you, she is NOT feeling safe. In that moment, there is no Twitter, there is only you and her.

Women are aware of this, that’s why they’re so hellbent on never leaving the house alone at night.

Being inferior to men is something they learn to cope with one way or another for the rest of their lives, and tweeting about how much they want men dead 24/7 just so happens to be one of those coping mechanisms.

This is also another reason women are rarely ever single. They want a guy to protect them. This is all an extremely sensitive topic to discuss, and we all know how women like to deal with those. :feelsclown:

Chad Doesn’t Commit

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”

No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. This is true only in the case of Chad however, but the hatred and anger they receive from being pumped and dumped isn’t entirely given back to the Chad himself it seems, that sort of manifested hatred is only piled up on the subhuman. The 5’1” balding Indian janitor is the one to blame for the prettyboy not committing to basic LTB #62538295.

Women get overly bitchy and passive aggressive whenever they’re within Chad’s vicinity and he‘s not considering them an option (even though they put out more for him). They want YOU to be responsible for Chad’s decision, as if it’s somehow the fugly’s fault that Chad sees average women as average.

Women’s favorite narrative is that they develop resentment towards the male gender only when a man has done something horrible to them. Basically the “here’s why I’m allowed to be racist because of a couple bad incidents” version of foids.

But don’t get it twisted, here’s the translation: the “man” is Chad and the “something horrible” was either ghosting, being rejected, or getting viciously pumped and dumped. If a Chad DMs a woman in an unfavorable way (AKA the same way women treat sub 8 men), then it’s probably grooming, and suddenly, “all men are trash :foidSoy:.”

Ugly Men Exist

Now, remember earlier when I said women hate toxic masculinity? This is actually true, but I fear that we may not be on the same page with the definition.

This is what toxic masculinity is defined as in a woman’s book, unabridged: short & ugly men who’re not docile and submissive.

Ugly men existing and not choosing to be a full-blown door-holding cuckold is a problem to women. From a biological standpoint, it is a direct threat to their mating pattern. It’s not that women want nothing to do with ugly men, they want ugly men to evaporate all at once. They want ugly men to die so that they can have the purification process of the gene pool easier on themselves. If there were a button right now to genocide all the short and brown men living in India but save all the precious little women, they would gladly push it with no hesitation.

The existence of ugly men is bothersome to them. They associate the ugly side of men (arrogant, infantile, weakling, obnoxious, emotionally immature, etc.) with men who are not aesthetically pleasing to look at, NOT men who’re tall and good-looking but happen to bear those traits.

It Is Politically Correct To Hate Men

Right now, the left controls all major media outlets dominated by women, in service of women, and as a result, the ramifications of this have been so disastrous for contemporary society that young men have begun to hate themselves and women have actually started to believe that misandry isn’t real, because “only men kill :feelstastyman:” Cue in my first reason: women can’t kill, they don’t choose not to. Why else do you think the rates of domestic abuse in lesbian relationships skyrockets that of heterosexual couples where men hold all the power dynamic?

If the ground for physical equality is covered, women will harm just as, if not more than men. Women would kill just as much as men if both genders were biologically identical. And when was misogyny even about killing? No one chose to go there but yourself. :feelsseriously: Not all misogynists kill and not all killers are misogynists. They’re not necessarily interrelated. Not that two bads make a right, but if men do 80% of the killing, the majority of those are being done to other men, that’s why most homicide victims are men, not women. Men are rarely ever prone to hating women, and most men love women inherently, whereas the same cannot be said for the opposite. Men are more scared of men than women even should be.

The whole “misogyny is bad, misandry isn’t” is a woman’s get out of jail free card for not taking any accountability for being a sexist piece of shit. This sort of double standards is what happens when you, as a society, fail to treat everyone equally and mindlessly pedestalize one group of human beings (i.e., women) for merely existing: they end up thinking they’re MORE than human and as such, they should be treated like one.

Which brings me to my final conclusion:

Women Don’t Want Equality, They Want Superiority

The TL-WIW-DR you’ve overstayed your welcome version of this thread would’ve been: women are jealous of not being able to get the Chaddest of Chads, consequently making them hateful of normie & ugly men (but never the Chad). This isn’t the general gist of it, thought it appears.

Women en masse have infinitely more job opportunities, more dating opportunities, get handed a much more refined experience in life, are innately valued by society, and overall, live more fulfilling lives than men thanks to being loved indefinitely and unconditionally.

Teehee 2

You don’t live in a time where men are trying to be women and vice versa, women don’t want to be men, that’s the last thing they’d ever want, no, they want to be MORE than men. And ultimately, the way to get there is by consistently bashing down and dehumanizing men, while simultaneously pretending to have it worse than us so that it can help pave the way for tightening the social screws in their favor and endlessly farm all the validation points they desire.
Amazing thread, didn't read completely but the headlines sufficed
This is what toxic masculinity is defined as in a woman’s book, unabridged: short & ugly men who’re not docile and submissive.
Damn right! This is the real meaning of so-called "feminism". Their ultimate goal is the removal of ugly and short guys from society, whose only purpose is to work behind the scenes to generate tax money for them, Chad and their Chad-spawn kids.
Damn right! This is the real meaning of so-called "feminism". Their ultimate goal is the removal of ugly and short guys from society, whose only purpose is to work behind the scenes to generate tax money for them, Chad and their Chad-spawn kids.

This is why they absolutely hate NEETs. It's not enough to leave them alone, they want YOU to be THEIR slave and the slave of their daddy government and daddy banks.
Women would want you to believe that when they’re on their Twitter happily encouraging male suicide or whatever, they are actually criticizing the evil patriarchy and their hatred is somehow channeled by toxic masculinity.

This is bullshit. A good-looking man can get away with much worse than this.


You might be wondering…

Why do women hate men so much, and why is misandry so prevalent and widely accepted amongst women?

Why do women, despite living arguably better lives, lie about men being privileged?

Why do women even exist?

Fear not, for I have answers to all questions.

Penis Envy

Truth be told, I would be fucking hating 50% of the human population too with all my guts if I were biologically weaker than them in every conceivable aspect of humankind lmao.

Imagine leaving your house at 2AM and you see a roastie walking down the street (rare, but go with me), how would you feel? I don’t know about you, but I’d feel pretty fucking safe knowing that if push comes to shove and shit chooses to go down with the blink of an eye, I have a much, MUCH higher chance at being able to defend myself against her.

Now imagine BEING the woman in this scenario. Unless she’s with her boyfriend or has preemptively chosen to harm you, she is NOT feeling safe. In that moment, there is no Twitter, there is only you and her.

Women are aware of this, that’s why they’re so hellbent on never leaving the house alone at night.

Being inferior to men is something they learn to cope with one way or another for the rest of their lives, and tweeting about how much they want men dead 24/7 just so happens to be one of those coping mechanisms.

This is also another reason women are rarely ever single. They want a guy to protect them. This is all an extremely sensitive topic to discuss, and we all know how women like to deal with those. :feelsclown:

Chad Doesn’t Commit

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”

No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love. This is true only in the case of Chad however, but the hatred and anger they receive from being pumped and dumped isn’t entirely given back to the Chad himself it seems, that sort of manifested hatred is only piled up on the subhuman. The 5’1” balding Indian janitor is the one to blame for the prettyboy not committing to basic LTB #62538295.

Women get overly bitchy and passive aggressive whenever they’re within Chad’s vicinity and he‘s not considering them an option (even though they put out more for him). They want YOU to be responsible for Chad’s decision, as if it’s somehow the fugly’s fault that Chad sees average women as average.

Women’s favorite narrative is that they develop resentment towards the male gender only when a man has done something horrible to them. Basically the “here’s why I’m allowed to be racist because of a couple bad incidents” version of foids.

But don’t get it twisted, here’s the translation: the “man” is Chad and the “something horrible” was either ghosting, being rejected, or getting viciously pumped and dumped. If a Chad DMs a woman in an unfavorable way (AKA the same way women treat sub 8 men), then it’s probably grooming, and suddenly, “all men are trash :foidSoy:.”

Ugly Men Exist

Now, remember earlier when I said women hate toxic masculinity? This is actually true, but I fear that we may not be on the same page with the definition.

This is what toxic masculinity is defined as in a woman’s book, unabridged: short & ugly men who’re not docile and submissive.

Ugly men existing and not choosing to be a full-blown door-holding cuckold is a problem to women. From a biological standpoint, it is a direct threat to their mating pattern. It’s not that women want nothing to do with ugly men, they want ugly men to evaporate all at once. They want ugly men to die so that they can have the purification process of the gene pool easier on themselves. If there were a button right now to genocide all the short and brown men living in India but save all the precious little women, they would gladly push it with no hesitation.

The existence of ugly men is bothersome to them. They associate the ugly side of men (arrogant, infantile, weakling, obnoxious, emotionally immature, etc.) with men who are not aesthetically pleasing to look at, NOT men who’re tall and good-looking but happen to bear those traits.

It Is Politically Correct To Hate Men

Right now, the left controls all major media outlets dominated by women, in service of women, and as a result, the ramifications of this have been so disastrous for contemporary society that young men have begun to hate themselves and women have actually started to believe that misandry isn’t real, because “only men kill :feelstastyman:” Cue in my first reason: women can’t kill, they don’t choose not to. Why else do you think the rates of domestic abuse in lesbian relationships skyrockets that of heterosexual couples where men hold all the power dynamic?

If the ground for physical equality is covered, women will harm just as, if not more than men. Women would kill just as much as men if both genders were biologically identical. And when was misogyny even about killing? No one chose to go there but yourself. :feelsseriously: Not all misogynists kill and not all killers are misogynists. They’re not necessarily interrelated. Not that two bads make a right, but if men do 80% of the killing, the majority of those are being done to other men, that’s why most homicide victims are men, not women. Men are rarely ever prone to hating women, and most men love women inherently, whereas the same cannot be said for the opposite. Men are more scared of men than women even should be.

The whole “misogyny is bad, misandry isn’t” is a woman’s get out of jail free card for not taking any accountability for being a sexist piece of shit. This sort of double standards is what happens when you, as a society, fail to treat everyone equally and mindlessly pedestalize one group of human beings (i.e., women) for merely existing: they end up thinking they’re MORE than human and as such, they should be treated like one.

Which brings me to my final conclusion:

Women Don’t Want Equality, They Want Superiority

The TL-WIW-DR you’ve overstayed your welcome version of this thread would’ve been: women are jealous of not being able to get the Chaddest of Chads, consequently making them hateful of normie & ugly men (but never the Chad). This isn’t the general gist of it, thought it appears.

Women en masse have infinitely more job opportunities, more dating opportunities, get handed a much more refined experience in life, are innately valued by society, and overall, live more fulfilling lives than men thanks to being loved indefinitely and unconditionally.

Teehee 2

You don’t live in a time where men are trying to be women and vice versa, women don’t want to be men, that’s the last thing they’d ever want, no, they want to be MORE than men. And ultimately, the way to get there is by consistently bashing down and dehumanizing men, while simultaneously pretending to have it worse than us so that it can help pave the way for tightening the social screws in their favor and endlessly farm all the validation points they desire.
Surprisingly high iq for a fellow gray
Chad Doesn’t Commit
Cause why would he commit?
Thanks to the Sexual liberation and Feminism in the West, these guys are now able to fuck, no Strings attached outside of the relationships and marriage.
Why buy the cow, when the milk is free?
Mod pin this even tho DNR
Amazing post! I always see penis envy from foids who push feminism as a solution for not "being able to walk at night".

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Great post grey
Now imagine BEING the woman in this scenario. Unless she’s with her boyfriend or has preemptively chosen to harm you, she is NOT feeling safe. In that moment, there is no Twitter, there is only you and her.
the only semi advantage left to men in this soyciety.
Also why do you even feel bad for this? Women want men to be bigger and stronger and mock you if you aren't so...
but if men do 80% of the killing, the majority of those are being done to other men, that’s why most homicide victims are men, not women.
it is litterally a crime for a man to NOT WANTING TO KILL AT ALL. It's called draft evasion. And women enact it
They are fundamentally prostitutes thats why they hate men. For all of our species history they had to let a man they are not attracted to fuck them for survival. Now the state takes care of them and they can voice their true opinions.
You don’t live in a time where men are trying to be women and vice versa, women don’t want to be men, that’s the last thing they’d ever want
tell this to tradcuck retards please
You didn't really directly answer any of your own questions in your wall of text, so here's my take:

Why do women hate men so much, and why is misandry so prevalent and widely accepted amongst women?
Physical dominance isn't the dominating factor any more; we're not animals. It's about supply and demand in the mating market. With endless simps, there is nothing to rein in the bad behavior of women, so they revert to being spoiled children. If you as a male existed in a harem of 72 times 72 virgins, you wouldn't value them that highly, either.

Why do women, despite living arguably better lives, lie about men being privileged?
You're correct about apex fallacy. The bottom 99% of men are invisible to women, so they rightly believe that top 1% men outrank them. Beyond that, they also lie down on purpose for the same reasons billionaires continue to tax the poor: to consolidate their gains against the already defeated.

Why do women even exist?
This is kind of a stupid question, but women exist because we evolved into gendered lifeforms, and it is God's will to grind us away like chaff.
They're just bad, childish and superficial by nature. They are meant to be gently disciplined in which women are at their best. Women become destructive even for themselves, when they don't have any authorities. The only main exception are women, who truly follow Lord Jesus Christ
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Every SINGLE user whom I’d exposed as a foid/IT cuck infiltrator before was eventually banned for one reason or another.
Well, is this user one you'd think is a foid or not?
The only main exception are women, who truly follow Lord Jesus Christ
They don’t exist. Religion for women is a phase (like pretending to be bisexual for example), not something they truly believe in.
I just want 5 minute access to a vagina!
Fantastic and detailed.
Good post friend also

It's only politically correct to hate cis hetro men

Well, usually they're just selective, and aren't usually consistent in what they believe in anyway. They usually make some exceptions in order to make it convenient for themselves. They're indeed hypocritical and carry such double standards.

Those that have penis envy seem to guide or end up becoming FtM transgenders or become trans men. A lot of those types beforehand are also usually lesbians and are always quite aggressive. Those people aren't okay in the head.
Women hate men because men are stronger and they will never be able to physically dominate us.
They will still throw their body at chads regardless of their hatred. They only hate beta unattractive males. They don't even want to see beta males happy with their copes. Fuck you society. can't wait for this clown world to collapse.

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