First I will made clear that the pareto principle in this case especifies that 20% of men dont get the 80% of woman, but the 80% of the TOTAL sex, those that try to implied that 80% of woman are having intercourse with only 20% of men are clearly, retarded, delusional, and first and most don't know how the pareto rule works.
There's numerous studies that prove that only the 20% of man are the "clearly" the winners in hookups oriented apps like tinder and else, but when IRL situations happens and other factors that affect an male SMV other that looks, principally social status, this gap is reduced, according to my observations, to 40/60.
Now, if someone try to accuses me of bluepilled, get this in your heads, your looks are the principal factor to have success in the sexual(and mostly social) market, a 1/10, unless a billion outlier happens, will probably remain virgin for life, and in comparison a 9 will have an sexual life that only the most depraved porn can imagine, but, especially once the looks level rises to at least 4.5, other factors start to take as much importance as your appearance, such as, in order of importance: social status, neurotypicalism, level of inhibition, and personality.
An neurotypical, low inhibition, 6/10, for example, that belongs to the party world in college will have the same levels of sex or even sexually amog an 8/10 that pass all his social life in more "nerdy" elements like the geek world, this is sometimes that I have observed well, and I know half of this website are shut in autists, but how many normies you know that go to parties regularly? at least half of them, how many normies do you know that are 6/10? half of them, the numbers are simply too high to be only 20/80.
Now I will expect the sub 8 fakecels/copers to come at me at the speed of the light, but once you think about it without any emotionality, you see that it makes sense, tinder indeed is an source where many people are having a good sexual life without retrains, but is not the only source, its not even the majority of it, less that 25% of millenials are in tinder, and people are still losing their virginities in majority before their 20.