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Discussion The 14 year Old IncelTears Foidlet

BabyFuck McGirlsex

BabyFuck McGirlsex

Sep 23, 2019

  • Unbelievable - a 14 year old foidlet is mocking incels online by posting pathetic little poorly drawn "comics"???
  • Isn't she Supposed to be in school or something?
  • What does she know about the evolutionary biology roots of hypergamy?
  • Has she even done a literature review of the sacred SCIENTIFIC BLACKPILL peer-reviewed scrolls and fact checked them?
  • Has she even read the great works of the venerated prophet & scholar St. Elliot Roger (Blessed be his name)?
  • Has she seen the NUMEROUS Tinder experiments that show that foids are ruthlessly hypergamous and only want the top 20% of men and they get those men????
  • Has she seen the BRUTAL chadfishing experiments that show that LOOKS is everything and MuH PeRsOnAliTy doesn't matter ?
  • At the back of my mind i keep hoping that this so called DoorAMii is just that sick dirty bastard Brazillian Sigma LARPING as a jb foidlet
  • It makes no sense for a foid at peak SMV to waste her life mocking people who are rotting in a genetic prison. Theoretically - a 14 year old foidlet has more theoretical SMV than a 40 year old Hollywood superstar jfl. which makes it more unbelievable that she is wasting the prime years of her life on Cuckddit instead of living her life on tutorial mode as other teen foidlets are doing jfl.
  • If any of you Supreme Gentlemen know her - please tell her that if she wants to be an Activist she should GretaThunbergmaxxx and do climate change campaigns or do activism for the starving kids in Africa instead of wasting time on Inceltears
  • If she is serious about eradicating inceldom she should get of cuckddit and dress modestly and conservatively, get rid of her instagram/tinder/iPhone/ e.t.c and stop dating chads and start dating those so called "loser" guys who are mocked by society and treated as trash because they are male virgins.
Why the IT Foidlet is Relevant to the Incel Cinematic Universe discussion

  • Its a slap in the face of the Incel movement to have a 14year old foidlet critiquing us and judging us when she has had no life experience that would be a basis for her criticism (according to cucktears : "14 year old foidlets are just kids that haven't mentally developed teehee")
  • It makes inceldom into a joke when 14 year old girls are mocking it when in actual fact its a result of genetic determinism and none of us here chose to have shit genetics tbh ngl
  • Inceldom is very serious and many people have figuratively and literally lost their lives to it - inceldom is not to be mocked, its to be addressed and steps have to be taken to eradicate it.
  • May St. Blackops2cel's red hot wrath be upon that foidlet in minEcRaft ofcourse
Yes yes underage teenage girls are being groomed by IT this has been proven in the fact 4 of them were ousted as being pedophiles (with legitimate evidence btw).
Yes yes underage teenage girls are being groomed by IT this has been proven in the fact 4 of them were ousted as being pedophiles (with legitimate evidence btw).
Brutal - IT should be shutdown and all their members should face litigation
View attachment 282815
  • Unbelievable - a 14 year old foidlet is mocking incels online by posting pathetic little poorly drawn "comics"???
  • Isn't she Supposed to be in school or something?
  • What does she know about the evolutionary biology roots of hypergamy?
  • Has she even done a literature review of the sacred SCIENTIFIC BLACKPILL peer-reviewed scrolls and fact checked them?
  • Has she even read the great works of the venerated prophet & scholar St. Elliot Roger (Blessed be his name)?
  • Has she seen the NUMEROUS Tinder experiments that show that foids are ruthlessly hypergamous and only want the top 20% of men and they get those men????
  • Has she seen the BRUTAL chadfishing experiments that show that LOOKS is everything and MuH PeRsOnAliTy doesn't matter ?
  • At the back of my mind i keep hoping that this so called DoorAMii is just that sick dirty bastard Brazillian Sigma LARPING as a jb foidlet
  • It makes no sense for a foid at peak SMV to waste her life mocking people who are rotting in a genetic prison. Theoretically - a 14 year old foidlet has more theoretical SMV than a 40 year old Hollywood superstar jfl. which makes it more unbelievable that she is wasting the prime years of her life on Cuckddit instead of living her life on tutorial mode as other teen foidlets are doing jfl.
  • If any of you Supreme Gentlemen know her - please tell her that if she wants to be an Activist she should GretaThunbergmaxxx and do climate change campaigns or do activism for the starving kids in Africa instead of wasting time on Inceltears
  • If she is serious about eradicating inceldom she should get of cuckddit and dress modestly and conservatively, get rid of her instagram/tinder/iPhone/ e.t.c and stop dating chads and start dating those so called "loser" guys who are mocked by society and treated as trash because they are male virgins.
Why the IT Foidlet is Relevant to the Incel Cinematic Universe discussion

  • Its a slap in the face of the Incel movement to have a 14year old foidlet critiquing us and judging us when she has had no life experience that would be a basis for her criticism (according to cucktears : "14 year old foidlets are just kids that haven't mentally developed teehee")
  • It makes inceldom into a joke when 14 year old girls are mocking it when in actual fact its a result of genetic determinism and none of us here chose to have shit genetics tbh ngl
  • Inceldom is very serious and many people have figuratively and literally lost their lives to it - inceldom is not to be mocked, its to be addressed and steps have to be taken to eradicate it.
  • May St. Blackops2cel's red hot wrath be upon that foidlet in minEcRaft ofcourse
Barely care about the foid. But if this is all true she could honestly make some incel’s life if she just dates that dude nobody gives a damn about
Not surprised as it is a pedophillia hotspot
She's probably a fat girl seeking attention.
She found a safe place to make fun of somebody and get attention.
Its a slap in the face of the Incel movement to have a 14year old foidlet critiquing us and judging us when she has had no life experience that would be a basis for her criticism (according to cucktears : "14 year old foidlets are just kids that haven't mentally developed teehee")
So very true. Her having a hole alone makes her opinion more valid than experiences of thousands and thousands of real incels, jfl. A person who will never know what it's like to be one of us. And those itards drool and applaud to a fucking child, keep giving her attention instead of just telling her to go back to school and not mess with adults.
The guy in the comic is right though.
they are both right
They are recruiting underage foids to use against us while trying to secretly molest them. Well played IT, well played.
she could honestly make some incel’s life if she just dates that dude nobody gives a damn about
Nietzsche IQ
Thats the only productive way she can help curb the inceldom pandemic tbh ngl
These are physically painful to look at, even if I 100% agreed with IT
I can draw better comics using my Dick ngl - that foidlet is a pathetic artist ngl
What the fuck is a 14 year old doing on IT? Does she even know hypergamy? JFL.
Her comics fucking SUCKASS. Pedos on IT are probably drooling on the fact that they have a minor among them.
Not surprised as it is a pedophillia hotspot
King Tutankhamun IQ
She's probably a fat girl seeking attention.

If she wanted attention she should join tinder or OnlyFans tbh ngl
The guy in the comic is right though.
She found a safe place to make fun of somebody and get attention.
Should have gone on OnlyFans or became a twitch booby streamer
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I really cannot bring myself to read those comics.
So very true. Her having a hole alone makes her opinion more valid than experiences of thousands and thousands of real incels, jfl. A person who will never know what it's like to be one of us. And those itards drool and applaud to a fucking child, keep giving her attention instead of just telling her to go back to school and not mess with adults.

they are both right
ZEUS tier IQ

Foidlets belong in school and not on IT jfl
I really cannot bring myself to read those comics.
They are trash ngl
They are recruiting underage foids to use against us while trying to secretly molest them. Well played IT, well played.
Somebody please call child services
What the fuck is a 14 year old doing on IT? Does she even know hypergamy? JFL.
Her comics fucking SUCKASS. Pedos on IT are probably drooling on the fact that they have a minor among them.
I bet in less than a year she will be going to the cops to report that an oldcel she met on IT molested her ngl
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DoorAMii should dress up like a man and try some online and IRL dating and being a man for a week. It is easier for women to cross dress as men. Just to see how hard we actually have it.
Did she draw those using her pussy?
Imagine writing this long ass post about a 14 yo girl from inceltears
she hates incels because we dont white knight her
I want to breed her
  • Its a slap in the face of the Incel movement to have a 14year old foidlet critiquing us and judging us when she has had no life experience that would be a basis for her criticism (according to cucktears : "14 year old foidlets are just kids that haven't mentally developed teehee")
  • It makes inceldom into a joke when 14 year old girls are mocking it when in actual fact its a result of genetic determinism and none of us here chose to have shit genetics tbh ngl
It makes IT look bad not us. A 14 year old spending their days monitoring this forum is pretty sad. Even they realize this and are trying to get rid of her.
If she is real, her feminist fuck "father" must be proud.
DoorAMii should dress up like a man and try some online and IRL dating and being a man for a week. It is easier for women to cross dress as men. Just to see how hard we actually have it.
Based & OKCupidPilled

That DoorAMii foidlet will rope if she tries dating as a man. Foids standards in June 2020 are so high that if genders were swapped Foids would not manage to meet their own standards tbh ngl
If she is real, her feminist fuck "father" must be proud.
He was probably divorce raped and tried to cope using MGTOW but ended up roping.
The McDonalds guy is a liar, they are in a grey zone. he's not even wearing the right McDonald's worker outfir, or is Mexican.
Tyrion Lannister IQ
Did she draw those using her pussy?
LOL :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:
Imagine being 14 and already having roast beef pussy in minecraft ofcourse
Imagine writing this long ass post about a 14 yo girl from inceltears
Perks of LDARing
I'm now a writercel jfl
It never began :feelsrope:
she hates incels because we dont white knight her
Money Heist Professor IQ
I want to breed her
Based and DoorAMiiPilled
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Yes yes underage teenage girls are being groomed by IT this has been proven in the fact 4 of them were ousted as being pedophiles (with legitimate evidence btw).
It makes IT look bad not us. A 14 year old spending their days monitoring this forum is pretty sad. Even they realize this and are trying to get rid of her.
Facts - let kids be kids. DoorAMii won the genetic lottery by just having a hole between her legs. She should leave IT and live her life and someday she will be a based bride to a looksmaxxed incel
Maybe @ThoughtfulCel would wife her after he looksmaxxes
Facts - let kids be kids. DoorAMii won the genetic lottery by just having a hole between her legs. She should leave IT and live her life and someday she will be a based bride to a looksmaxxed incel
Maybe @ThoughtfulCel would wife her after he looksmaxxes
As if any human female would fuck a gorilla lmao.

I'm incel for life. No human female will WILLINGLY love me
She should date @JohnWickCel. Hes a literal child too.
she was almost doxxed, she learned her lesson.
Chris Chan > DoorAMii
Reddit should be abolished
I want to rape dooramii
So now IT members are cucks,tranies,pedos and underages girls.
What a wicked world we live.
The comics are legit inbred tier. IDK who takes women "artists" seriously
she was almost doxxed, she learned her lesson.
unfortunately the basedcell didn't post any of her info and photos as far as know. He should have scared the shit out of this kid, she'd probably quit reddit for good. Damn the internet is not the same
she was almost doxxed, she learned her lesson.
True she doesn’t really do it that much anymore. That’s good. There was actually another one too jfl. Luckily she deleted her account and left IT.
I'm not entirely sure that a 14-year-old should visit the same community as a convicted paedophile.
I'm not entirely sure that a 14-year-old should visit the same community as a convicted paedophile.

Bet she'll be fucking the Chad in her class in a year or two.
Remove women's rights is the only way to save this decaying civilization.
can people stop making threads about a 14 yr old?

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