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The 10 Year Plan Thread

I wasn't larping when I said Dark Virtue is my only goal.

I hate society so I want to try to change society.

My plan is to work towards that impossible goal until my death.

There's basically 3 aspects of the plan:
1. Become successful
2. Grow a movement
3. Change society

The way I'll become successful will be making money and bodybuilding

The way I'll grow a movement is by being a full time content creator

The way I'll change society will be through money and influence

The reason why it will work is I am arrogant enough to believe it will work
It’s impossible to change the society unless you start a war
Once an incel, always an incel.
If I was going to get hate, criticism and mockery anyways, might as well become a truth teller and speak my mind.

My reputation is already ruined making me free to do whatever I want.
I remember soycuckgod mentioned it would blow over because all black men look the same, but average black men look the same.

The reason why it's so easy to differentiate my face from the Fitx video is because I have distinct physical characteristics.

My ears stick out, and my right ear is misshapen, I have a lazy eye and a weird head shape, making it extremely easy for someone to recognize me. If my ears were normal, it would probably be hard to recognize me, but because of my distinct ear shape, it's extremely easy to recognize me.
This video expresses the current feeling I have.

View: https://youtu.be/4rSmIRWPZb8

I've started skipping my University lectures because there's no point of going in the situation I'm in.

I'm basically forced to make being self employed/entrepreneurship work.

I have to do the impossible. I have to pass every University class I have (I'm going to do assignments/study during lecture time to save time), whilst running a YouTube channel and actually uploading high Quality videos, and pick a business model and dedicate 10 hours a day to it.

I also need to get a part time job to start earning money quickly, but I've applied for over 200 jobs with little avail.

I'm going to start waking up before 5 am everyday, (3 am - 4 am) to have the time to do everything I have to do, and in turn I will go to sleep around 7 - 8 pm.

Forget conventional societal standards, I'm fucking ugly, I was never going to have a social life anyways. So I should sleep as early as possible to wake up as early as possible, because if I've woken up at 4 am and study until 8 am for example, it's impossible for me to randomly waste time.

I'm an incel. I'm ugly, I like neo-nazism, I fell into the alt-right rabbit hole, I fell in the manosphere rabbithole, all those things prevent me from being normal. There's no point in trying to be normal or conform to normal societal standards when my life was far from normal in the first place

If I'm too scared to dip my toes wet, I'm just going to waste 10 years, I have to jump into the pool and start digging endlessly until I find something.

Wake up at 4 am, grind, sleep at 7 pm, repeat. In the long term, I will be an entrepreneur, I'm not going to go to parties because I was never going to be invited to one anyways. I'm not going to outright try to make friends or be a normal person, because I was never going to be normal anyways.

So I'll stop living in fear and "fight to the bitter end" despite how cringe that may sound.
10 years just to get divorce raped
That's why making money is important.

The goal isn't to just ascend in the long term, I want to change society, and I unapologetically mean that, despite not having the resources to actually go through with it.
Tbh I watched that video. It's not completely over for you, I think you could ascend with a ltb white land whale at an anime convention.
Tbh I watched that video. It's not completely over for you, I think you could ascend with a ltb white land whale at an anime convention.
Because I talk in an autistic way, people assume I watch anime, but the last time I watched anime was 2 years ago
I've been watching Hamza Ahmed, Andrew Tate, researching people, Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes.

And how I understand it is the matrix is basically:

Elites (Jews)
Government (President/governors)
Managers (The managers)
Workers (The 9 - 5 wage slaves)

To escape the matrix means to escape the system.

The system is go to school, go to University/college, get a 9 - 5 job, work, die.

The only way I can lead an incel ascension movement is if I escape the matrix and leave that pathway.

Why don't influencers have jobs? Because they're fucking influencers. Who would listen to Andrew Tate if he had to clock in to some office job? Even the "good boy/bluepill influencers" like Ali Abdaal and Destiny don't work jobs. Ali Abdaal left medicine to go into Youtube and entreprenuership full time.

If I'm serious about the movement, I have to escape the matrix.

My plan to escape the matrix is I'll stay in University, and on the side I'll start making good videos, I'll grow in Youtube, maybe I learn a skill and start an Agency or start Ecom, I need to start something, to make at least 5k a month online. If I can make 5k a month with entreprenuership, I can drop out of University and work full time to scale it to 10k a month.

The only way I can lead a movement is by escaping the matrix. The only way to escape the system is by becoming an entrepreneur, and being one of the few who succeed. Nick Fuentes dropped out, Sneako dropped out. But thousands dropped out and failed, I have to be one of the few who drops out and succeeds.

If I get a degree then get a job, I'm part of the system. So I should drop out in the middle of University once I'm already making income, and be an entrepreneur who succeeds without a degree. That's highly unrealistic, but my life was over from the start. I have no choice but to become an entreprenuer even if I don't know what I'm doing because my digital footprint is too controversial from the Fitx virality to get a job anyways. If middle schoolers can find "Here's why being an incel is ruining your life", job employers can too, so I have to become someone who escapes the system by dropping out and being a successful entrepreneur.
Not having a degree and not having a 9 - 5, and succeeding means I've escaped the system because I don't rely on the system.

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