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- May 16, 2021
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Dis fowum am da biggest joke on dis eawth, an even gweatew one dat weddit bannin' aww incew subweddits. Dis fowum am indeed what incewteaws makes (6*) out tu be. Da fowum am fuww of 30+ pedophiwes whu tawk about 'pwime jbs', dwey caww themsewves 'twans-agews'. Just fuckin' wu. Just be a 36 yeaw owd pweyin' on 12 yeaw owd giwws theoweh. Da fuckin' suwveeh cweated beh da mods cweawweh showed dat 1/3wd of da fowum has kissed a giww at weast once, (6*) showed dat a decent amount wewe not viwgins (excwudin' escowtcews). Most of yu awe nothin' but homophobic an' wacist wawpews whu awe pwetendin' tu be incew. Yu'ww have peopwe hewe sayin' dat dwey get tons of fuckin' matches in asia, but dwey wiww stiww cwaim dwey awe incew. Thewe was some faggot hewe beh da name of itsovew whu ascended in thaiwand an' then got a wussian gf because (6*) wasn't a fakecew mentacew anymowe.
thewe have been peopwe hewe whu have made a mockeweh of da wecent mass shootin' in gewmaneh an' wewe eithew mad because da shootew did not succeed ow said da whowe thin' am da hoax. Dis am somethin' dat da awt-wight an' /pow/fags wike tu du su often. 'oh someone committed mass muwdew in a mosque an' kiwwed chiwdwen! must be a hoax'. 'oh assad gassed an entiwe viwwage but wt says aw qaeda did (6*) su Fwuffy guess (6*) must be a hoax'. 'oh thewe awe wefugees fwom iwaq an' sywia whu want tu gu tu euwope, must be a white genocide goin' on'. Maneh so-cawwed incews hewe just see incewdom as somethin' cou dat am contwovewsiaw, dwey just wike tu be pawt of da 'eviw misogynist movement of wacist white men'. News fwash fakecews, incewdom can occuw tu anyone an' dat pewson doesn't need tu be a big fan of hitwew an' pwomote da white genocide meme. Fwuffy saw some swav hewe saeh dat hamudi's incewdom isn't vawid because (6*) am a sywian wefugee an' has nu wight tu compwain. Mods hewe awe da same an' dat am wheh dwey awwu fascist an' bwatant nazis. Weminds fwuffy of da gaeh ass gwoup cawwed da attomwaffen division. Most so-cawwed incews whu awe pawt of da (((incew))) communiteh awe wawpews whu just hate howes an' awe deep intu theiw extwemist ideowogies of diffewent fwavouws, whethew (6*) be fascism, nazism, wadicaw iswam an'/u what not.
most hiwawious pawt of dis fowum awe da peopwe with theiw wevewsed wacepiww. Statistics cweawweh shu dat white peopwe awe da most sought aftew wace an' can easiweh get intu wewationships. Fu yu bwuepiwwed wetawds, gu tu da bwackpiww tab on dis fowum an' yu wiww see dat indians + pakis, middwe-eastewnews an' asians awe da weast attwactive, in dat owdew.
Yet some of yu fuckin' dumbass wetawded wawpews teww fwuffy 'nah da statistics awe buwwshit'. Just wu at some of da dewusionaw fucktawds dat bewieve white women awe wustin' ovew muswims an'/u awabs. Fwuffy've been in countwess situations whewe owd women witewawweh tweh tu get 'way fwom fwuffy because Fwuffy wook wike a steweotypicaw jihadi whiwe Fwuffy am an ex-muswim. Got da tewwowist an' isis wabew thwown at fwuffy beh young women an' of couwse beh da same types. Yu'we tewwin' fwuffy dat 95% of fuckin' howes excwudin' ethnics am in da ethnic's favow? da onweh weason wheh some awe su dewuded am because dwey cannot get a 10/10 bwonde bwue eyed stacy, ow pewhaps dwey awe genuineweh fuckin' wetawded.
twdw: most of yu awe /pow/tawd ethnic-hatin' extwemists whu awe wawpin' as incews, whiwe denyin' da most bwatant of bwackpiwws, da wacepiww
Fwuffy am done with dis fowum, (6*) nu am twuweh bwackpiwwed an' maneh of yu awe genuineweh wacist homophobes. Maneh of yu awe pwetendin' tu be incews, whiwe yu awe not. Maneh of yu bwame incewdom on bwatant buwwshit such as wwist size an' fwame. Fwuffy'm just su done with dis nonsensicaw fowum. Fwuffy'ww just wdaw with (5*) videu games whiwe bein' a bwackpiwwed soggeh knee at heawt, unwike most of yu.
anywaeh Fwuffy'm pwobabweh gettin' a 50% wawnin' ow pewma ban fu dis post awone su scwew yu guys, Fwuffy'm goin' tu pwaeh some mw2 an' get a coupwe nukes nu.
thewe have been peopwe hewe whu have made a mockeweh of da wecent mass shootin' in gewmaneh an' wewe eithew mad because da shootew did not succeed ow said da whowe thin' am da hoax. Dis am somethin' dat da awt-wight an' /pow/fags wike tu du su often. 'oh someone committed mass muwdew in a mosque an' kiwwed chiwdwen! must be a hoax'. 'oh assad gassed an entiwe viwwage but wt says aw qaeda did (6*) su Fwuffy guess (6*) must be a hoax'. 'oh thewe awe wefugees fwom iwaq an' sywia whu want tu gu tu euwope, must be a white genocide goin' on'. Maneh so-cawwed incews hewe just see incewdom as somethin' cou dat am contwovewsiaw, dwey just wike tu be pawt of da 'eviw misogynist movement of wacist white men'. News fwash fakecews, incewdom can occuw tu anyone an' dat pewson doesn't need tu be a big fan of hitwew an' pwomote da white genocide meme. Fwuffy saw some swav hewe saeh dat hamudi's incewdom isn't vawid because (6*) am a sywian wefugee an' has nu wight tu compwain. Mods hewe awe da same an' dat am wheh dwey awwu fascist an' bwatant nazis. Weminds fwuffy of da gaeh ass gwoup cawwed da attomwaffen division. Most so-cawwed incews whu awe pawt of da (((incew))) communiteh awe wawpews whu just hate howes an' awe deep intu theiw extwemist ideowogies of diffewent fwavouws, whethew (6*) be fascism, nazism, wadicaw iswam an'/u what not.
most hiwawious pawt of dis fowum awe da peopwe with theiw wevewsed wacepiww. Statistics cweawweh shu dat white peopwe awe da most sought aftew wace an' can easiweh get intu wewationships. Fu yu bwuepiwwed wetawds, gu tu da bwackpiww tab on dis fowum an' yu wiww see dat indians + pakis, middwe-eastewnews an' asians awe da weast attwactive, in dat owdew.
Yet some of yu fuckin' dumbass wetawded wawpews teww fwuffy 'nah da statistics awe buwwshit'. Just wu at some of da dewusionaw fucktawds dat bewieve white women awe wustin' ovew muswims an'/u awabs. Fwuffy've been in countwess situations whewe owd women witewawweh tweh tu get 'way fwom fwuffy because Fwuffy wook wike a steweotypicaw jihadi whiwe Fwuffy am an ex-muswim. Got da tewwowist an' isis wabew thwown at fwuffy beh young women an' of couwse beh da same types. Yu'we tewwin' fwuffy dat 95% of fuckin' howes excwudin' ethnics am in da ethnic's favow? da onweh weason wheh some awe su dewuded am because dwey cannot get a 10/10 bwonde bwue eyed stacy, ow pewhaps dwey awe genuineweh fuckin' wetawded.
twdw: most of yu awe /pow/tawd ethnic-hatin' extwemists whu awe wawpin' as incews, whiwe denyin' da most bwatant of bwackpiwws, da wacepiww
Fwuffy am done with dis fowum, (6*) nu am twuweh bwackpiwwed an' maneh of yu awe genuineweh wacist homophobes. Maneh of yu awe pwetendin' tu be incews, whiwe yu awe not. Maneh of yu bwame incewdom on bwatant buwwshit such as wwist size an' fwame. Fwuffy'm just su done with dis nonsensicaw fowum. Fwuffy'ww just wdaw with (5*) videu games whiwe bein' a bwackpiwwed soggeh knee at heawt, unwike most of yu.
anywaeh Fwuffy'm pwobabweh gettin' a 50% wawnin' ow pewma ban fu dis post awone su scwew yu guys, Fwuffy'm goin' tu pwaeh some mw2 an' get a coupwe nukes nu.