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Blackpill That weird feeling when a really tall guy joins the group



Decentralized and ASIC resistant private money
Jul 27, 2023
Anyone ever notice this? Today I noticed one of my coworkers is tall as fuck (new to the job kinda) when he was standing next to an armed security guard I was talking to. The coworker I speak of is black, and probably around 6'3". I instantly noticed how tall he was when he was next to the armed security guard who is around 5'11". All of a sudden even this cool and very confident armed security guard and myself had a weird energy with this tall guy in the group. I notice this every time. I just feel really inferior around taller people even if it's only an inch and I find it impossible to be myself. When I see short men like 5'5" it seems like they never have a confident personality. They're always nice and quick to move on to do what they've got to do. When someone looks better and is taller than someone with inferior looks traits, of course they'll be "confident" but if they met someone like Shaq they would get height and statusmogged and feel like shit, even if they were 6'6".

It only makes sense. If you are shorter than someone who's taller than you, you want to make them feel good and avoid disrespecting them so naturally your subconscious strikes fear into you and forces you to treat them better because this way, if you're lucky, you can form an alliance with said tall person and you can avoid death/the consequences of trying to fight against an unstoppable force. A man who is a certain amount of inches taller than another man essentially makes the much shorter man look like a female in a man's body. Just because of the height, the tall man can manhandle the short man like he was a weak, vulnerable woman.

I suppose that the reason for the dichotomy between significantly short and tall men is that the tall men naturally rule over the vast majority of society, especially the significantly short men, so even more resources can be allocated to people like Shaq who has $400 million while all of the poor, ugly and short people get to slave away just so that they can slave away more efficiently over time for people like Shaq lol. Meanwhile they receive no love and they get treated like shit. A ton of people were born just to be slaves and a lot of people work so hard just so that they can continue to believe that they can "make it". All of these ugly foids put on make up and believe they "made it". Most of this all is an illusion. I see them every day thinking they're important when they too are failures. Most of them are flat chested with no ass, people only care about them because of the make up they put on. Most women are quite boring in appearance. Personality is bullshit. Love doesn't exist. Cuddling and romance is for bluepilled retards. All that matters is impregnating as many women as possible and moving onto the next one. Life is a race. Even tall women look better. Lots of men cope that tall men are unattractive because tall women have higher standards. They're basically impossible to attain. Especially if they're beautiful. You don't really see them because their lives are extremely good ... same for tall, good looking men. You can't even find these people on instagram, but they exist, you'll see them in real life every now and then; they could be models easily ... but where are they? Probably living a dream life that us poors don't have access to. Even a billionaire's daughter like Ivanka Trump gets a boring, cucked boyfriend. Extreme levels of beauty are unbelievably desired and valuable, trillionaire level of valuable. The whole world is basically full of angry scummy losers. Incels are primarily just the ones that are honest and don't care to please all of the other brainwashed losers for imaginary points. Lots of these "beautiful" women are just fuck toys for Chad because these "beautiful" women are actually ugly without make up. They lack value. The children would be ugly.

So that's my take on why a lot of men nowadays aren't having sex: life is only for the best looking people. The smartest people aren't cherished as we would think unless their value was immediately recognizable. Most people just want a hot gf/bf and then they'll try to work with the flaws of that person, rather than dealing with someone who is immediately obviously flawed. Lots of traits disliked by people statistically correlate with disliked traits, e.g. left handedness -> pedophilia and autism, short -> pedophilia, less intelligence, less success. Taller people are positively correlated with higher intelligence, greater earnings etc. It just makes sense. In the past, the tall person was able to have an advantage over the shorter people. So it turned into a ponzi scheme for taller people. Since the taller people can get better looking mates, it also turned into a ponzi scheme for good looking people. Good looking people are also statistically smarter, which is correlated with taller height.

Life is a ponzi scheme for good looking people, basically. Everyone else is just trying to imitate what they can't be (good looking, smart, tall, successful, wealthy). While the good looking and tall people already have everything that they need, everyone else is still trying to roll the dice that is genetic recombination to produce a tall, good looking and smart child because this is the key to success for not only the parents but the child too. Such a child will lead to an easy life for everyone around the person. The world will devote extra resources towards a good looking and tall child, which means the child would likely become wealthy, and the parents too. Thus, the parents would basically be able to retire because their child won the genetic lottery. Jeremy Meeks went to prison and came out with a billionaire wife just because he existed and did bad things. Anyone else would be mocked and live a shitty life with a felony working hard at shitty jobs just to barely pay the bills like a life long prisoner of war.
i refuse to act submissive against slendermens, no matter what i stand proud with my chin up, eye contact and never lookin down with my arms by my side embracing the moggin within myself
i refuse to act submissive against slendermens, no matter what i stand proud with my chin up, eye contact and never lookin down with my arms by my side embracing the moggin within myself
Yeah you can try but everyone can probably tell that your act is just an act.
never relax, if you do, he will sucker punch you
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There is no coping in this kind of situation. Heightmogging is the most brutal kind of mogging there is
I really don't see tall people that way
That weird feeling is your natural urge to either befriend the big hunky new tribal member or the urge to kill him.
I pretend like they don't exist unless they come up to me, which they often do when they notice I am ignoring them, refuse to give tallfags more social validation.
i refuse to act submissive against slendermens, no matter what i stand proud with my chin up, eye contact and never lookin down with my arms by my side embracing the moggin within myself
Be ready to kill tallfags at any moment. Never back down never turn back,
I pretend like they don't exist unless they come up to me, which they often do when they notice I am ignoring them, refuse to give tallfags more social validation.
Based. I also do the same
Stay vigilant :yes:
How tall?
It's in the post, he's like 6'3" but if you mean in general someone who is taller can be just 1 inch taller and you can feel their feeling of superiority and I fucking hate that.
dndr but this is true, total suifuel. the only way to cope is to "just be confident bro" unironically
we need genetic engineering.
everyone's height gets fixated at 180cm. Deviations of more than one millimeter = execution

only this way a just world is possible.
we need genetic engineering.
everyone's height gets fixated at 180cm. Deviations of more than one millimeter = execution

only this way a just world is possible.
True. People only enjoy their differences when it allows them to be superior. For some reason normies don't notice this.

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