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Brutal That one thread from deleted channel r/Braincels confirmed it.

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Pillow City Rev

Pillow City Rev

"Ultravisionary Blackpilism" PARODY ACCOUNT
Nov 15, 2021
The "Incel Rebellion" already happened.....about 10,000 years ago. The result? Marriage as we understand it today.

It's well documented that in our distant past, polygyny was the norm. It's literally written in our genetic code.


At some point, monogamous, male dominated marriages replaced the polygynous regime.
What happened to create such a change? The agricultural revolution. WHen humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer cultures to sedentary, plant growing ones, all of a sudden you had excess males, instead of males getting picked off by whales or mammoths. Now, they all sat around and wondered "why is HE still getting all the women"? after they got done planting the einkorn. Thus, the Original Incel Rebellion. One woman for every man. A "redistribution of wealth" so to speak. Perhaps the very first "redistribution" in human history.
Of course, life for women sucked in patriarchal polygyny, and it still sucked under patriarchal monogamy. Women have always been property of men, and shit on by men and any institution or religon or social scheme created by men....every single one was created with MUHHHH pleasure in mind. The end effect is an entire system of males imprisoning women for sexual access.
Now, the slavish dependence of women on men is completely optional today, but too many women are still entering into voluntary servitude re marriage or "relationships". Too many women are trapped in marriages where the male does jack shit, but both spouses work full time jobs because the male refuses to do "women's work". The cycle of abuse continues.
The positive thing here is we, as women, have so far advanced ourselves. BUT.....too many of us still VOLUNTARILY enter into marital arrangements that resemble 19th century ones.​

Source: https://www.unddit.com/r/FemaleDati...0000/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


An analysis of modern DNA uncovers a rough dating scene after the advent of agriculture.

Threshing wheat in ancient Egypt. (Photo: Carlos E. Solivérez/Wikimedia Commons)
Once upon a time, 4,000 to 8,000 years after humanity invented agriculture, something very strange happened to human reproduction. Across the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around today—only one man did the same.
"It wasn't like there was a mass death of males. They were there, so what were they doing?" asks Melissa Wilson Sayres, a computational biologist at Arizona State University, and a member of a group of scientists who uncovered this moment in prehistory by analyzing modern genes.
Another member of the research team, a biological anthropologist, hypothesizes that somehow, only a few men accumulated lots of wealth and power, leaving nothing for others. These men could then pass their wealth on to their sons, perpetuating this pattern of elitist reproductive success. Then, as more thousands of years passed, the numbers of men reproducing, compared to women, rose again. "Maybe more and more people started being successful," Wilson Sayres says. In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man.
These two graphs show the number of men (left) and women (right) who reproduced throughout human history. (Chart: Monika Karmin et al./Genome Research)

These two graphs show the number of men (left) and women (right) who reproduced throughout human history. (Chart: Monika Karmin et al./Genome Research)
Physically driven natural selection shaped many human traits. Ethnic Africans and Europeans had to evolve to digest milk, for example, while most ethnic Tibetans have adaptations to deal with the lower oxygen levels at high altitudes. But if Wilson Sayres' team's hypothesis is correct, it would be one of the first instances that scientists have found of culture affecting human evolution.
The team uncovered this dip-and-rise in the male-to-female reproductive ratio by looking at DNA from more than 450 volunteers from seven world regions. Geneticists analyzed two parts of the DNA, Y-chromosome DNA and mitochondrial DNA. These don't make up a large portion of a person's genetics, but they're special because people inherit Y-chromosome DNA exclusively from their male ancestors and mitochondrial DNA exclusively from their female ancestors. By analyzing diversity in these parts, scientists are able to deduce the numbers of female and male ancestors a population has. It's always more female.​


So much for what our DNA can tell us. This study, published last week in the journal Genome Research, can't directly account for why the dip occurred. Instead, the team members tried to think through other explanations. "Like was there some sort of weird virus that only affected males across the whole globe, 8,000 years ago?" Wilson Sayres asks—a hypothesis the team found unlikely.

To further test the wealth-and-power idea, the researchers plan to look for other genetic markers that would indicate that something cultural, not physical, kept those early male farmers from reproducing :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:. Team members could also collaborate with anthropologists and archaeologists, to see if they have any clues.
Nature is a harsh taskmaster, but so, it seems, is human culture. Although the popular notion is that farming and settlement cushioned people against "survival of the fittest," this study shows that's not true. Something cultural happened 8,000 years ago that's marked us even today.​

B. Why Men Gave Up Polygamy (The Rebellion Succed)​

If men want multiple women, why did they give up on polygamy?
A question I've pondered over recent years, has been why men in so many cultures gave up the right and tradition to have multiple wives? Historically, polygyny has been one of the most common and prevalent forms of marriage, worldwide. But, in modern Western culture, men with multiple wives are seen as sinners and lawbreakers.
This flies in the face of increasing evidence that for many men (though not all), there are genetic, biological and psychological factors that dispose them to not be monogamous. As my colleague Eric Anderson argues in his new well-researched book, The Monogamy Gap, there is increasing evidence that monogamy is not a natural state for males, a dilemma which contributes to high rates of pornography use, infidelity, and marital difficulties. Anderson makes a clever point, suggesting that infidelity actually is a "part" of monogamy, asserting that for such men, sexual infidelity is a way to stay monogamous to a single partner. Remember that monogamy as a term does not describe sexual fidelity, but merely the act of marriage to a single person. In our current usage, we blur the concepts though, especially in the world we live in, where sexual fidelity is seen as the ultimate expression of love and commitment.
So, as I've seen this rising evidence that demanding sexual fidelity of men is challenging, to say the least, I've wondered why and how it is that societies came to adopt monogamy (meaning sexual fidelity to a single person, and men having only one wife). If Western culture and American society really have been dominated by patriarchal control (I'm not so sure this as true as we think; Baumeister's book Is There Anything Good About Men is a delightful challenge to this assumption), why would these men in charge give up the right to have multiple wives?
And now, here's the answer. In "The puzzle of monogamous marriage" (see, I wasn't the only one puzzled by this) by Henrich, Boyd and Richerson, the authors present evidence that monogamy actually has significant social benefits. In polygyny, powerful men gather the most desirable women for themselves. And less powerful men "go hungry," wifeless. In fact, throughout human history, while 80% of women have reproduced, only 40% of men have. Those men who couldn't compete, didn't get to have even a single wife, and thus didn't have children. So, what did those men do with their time? According to Henrich, Boyd and Richerson, it appears they got into lots of trouble. Societies where polygyny has been (and still is) practiced, have higher rates of violent crime, poverty, and other types of crime such as fraud. Apparently, if you can't get a wife, what's the point of following the rules?
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In fact, other research shows that polygynous cultures also end up with men caring less about the needs of their children, contributing less overall to family subsistence needs, and placing higher value on male aggression.
So, through a (probably unconscious) social process, societies have gravitated towards emphasis and requirement of monogamous marriages, because it smoothes out some significant social problems. By "sharing" out the women amongst a society's men, and allowing all men a democratic chance to get married, men spend more time worrying about looking like good potential mates, and have less time and energy to break the rules and get in trouble.
But just because those men in charge of societies "decided" to give up the right to have multiple wives, they clearly didn't give up their interest in having sex with multiple women. The sex lives of leaders like Mao Zedong, Jack Kennedy, and Newt Gingrich, show that while these men may have imposed monogamy on other men (under Mao, infidelity was a punishable crime), they haven't been all that interested in following these rules themselves. It sounds like a case of "Do as I say, not as I do."

The dream of modern women is to be in that same seventeen-to-one harem with top men, while still reaping the benefits of a society built on the productivity of low-tier men.

In other words, slavery for 99% of men. Make no mistake: the average woman sees men as nothing more than an economic unit. In this they willingly align themselves wholly with the forces of globalism.
The dream of modern women is to be in that same seventeen-to-one harem with top men, while still reaping the benefits of a society built on the productivity of low-tier men.

In other words, slavery for 99% of men. Make no mistake: the average woman sees men as nothing more than an economic unit. In this they willingly align themselves wholly with the forces of globalism.
The dream of modern women is to be in that same seventeen-to-one harem with top men, while still reaping the benefits of a society built on the productivity of low-tier men.

In other words, slavery for 99% of men. Make no mistake: the average woman sees men as nothing more than an economic unit. In this they willingly align themselves wholly with the forces of globalism.
Bullying is million of years annihilation tool to brutally torture the outcast even with our so called technological advancement yet there is still no effective way to prevent all this genetical defect. Without more expanded experiment of advancement in genetical editing level, this primitive ways called traditionalist eugenism committed by normies via bullying, exclusion, ostracization, and various torture method will always be there in our soyciety. So the bluepilled mindset that normies forced upon us every day is a shield to protect the million years of traditionalist eugenism. We can say that their bluepilled mindset is being mixed with their double standart morality and the biological advancement in genetic matters slowed down or being actively censored by them.
It's well documented that in our distant past, polygyny was the norm. It's literally written in our genetic code.
And? Just because something is part of one's nature, doesn't mean that it should happen.
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The dream of modern women is to be in that same seventeen-to-one harem with top men, while still reaping the benefits of a society built on the productivity of low-tier men.

In other words, slavery for 99% of men. Make no mistake: the average woman sees men as nothing more than an economic unit. In this they willingly align themselves wholly with the forces of globalism.
Correct. That's why they say that men have it much easier than women. It's because they only men they see as "real" men are the top 20% of men in Looks/Money/Status. If you're part of the bottom 80% in all those categories, women literally don't view you as a man.
They view you as a part of a slave class.
And that's also why they tell us to stop complaining.
And? Just because something is natural, doesn't mean that it should happen.
That sentence alone prove that a literal crow deserved humanity inteligence level more than human itself.
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That sentence alone prove that a literal crow deserved humanity inteligence level more than human itself.
So you're telling me that we should 50% of the population just because they were born with two X chromosomes?
So you're telling me that we should 50% of the population just because they were born with two X chromosomes?
Nah we should culled off all the cucks and the deranged holes
And? Just because something is part of one's nature, doesn't mean that it should happen.
They believe in naturalism when excusing women's degeneracy, but somehow men are expected to be single and not be hateful, somehow work for other men's kids, and somehow not want to hurt/r4p3 random foids on the streets after years of celibacy (in Dark Souls 3: Fire Fades[UWSL]™[/UWSL] Edition), which is completely unnatural
They believe in naturalism when excusing women's degeneracy, but somehow men are expected to be single and not be hateful, somehow work for other men's kids, and somehow not want to hurt/r4p3 random foids on the streets after years of celibacy (in Dark Souls 3: Fire Fades[UWSL]™[/UWSL] Edition), which is completely unnatural
True :yes:. People still expect men to "be men" whereas there are absolutely zero expectations placed on women today.
One thing I'm sure respecting women is completely artificial
The "Incel Rebellion" already happened.....about 10,000 years ago. The result? Marriage as we understand it today.

It's well documented that in our distant past, polygyny was the norm. It's literally written in our genetic code.


At some point, monogamous, male dominated marriages replaced the polygynous regime.
What happened to create such a change? The agricultural revolution. WHen humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer cultures to sedentary, plant growing ones, all of a sudden you had excess males, instead of males getting picked off by whales or mammoths. Now, they all sat around and wondered "why is HE still getting all the women"? after they got done planting the einkorn. Thus, the Original Incel Rebellion. One woman for every man. A "redistribution of wealth" so to speak. Perhaps the very first "redistribution" in human history.
Of course, life for women sucked in patriarchal polygyny, and it still sucked under patriarchal monogamy. Women have always been property of men, and shit on by men and any institution or religon or social scheme created by men....every single one was created with MUHHHH pleasure in mind. The end effect is an entire system of males imprisoning women for sexual access.
Now, the slavish dependence of women on men is completely optional today, but too many women are still entering into voluntary servitude re marriage or "relationships". Too many women are trapped in marriages where the male does jack shit, but both spouses work full time jobs because the male refuses to do "women's work". The cycle of abuse continues.
The positive thing here is we, as women, have so far advanced ourselves. BUT.....too many of us still VOLUNTARILY enter into marital arrangements that resemble 19th century ones.​

Source: https://www.unddit.com/r/FemaleDati...0000/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
Muhammad did the same lmao

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