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JFL Tfw your're browsing incels.co, youtube playing on tv, you randomly glance at it and your usernames on it in a The Fifth Estate documentary on Incel.

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Deleted member 301

"The Pessimist Was Right All Along"
Nov 8, 2017
Fucking lol :feelskek: I was led on my bed as I am now, browsing the forum (I've been laying down and rotting since Saturday afternoon, only went outside the front door once to dump some rubbish. Been in my pyjamas in bed otherwise) and Youtube was on telly playing random shit in the background. Anyway, rarely pay attention, had been watching a Cucknadian documentary about that methhead mayor of Toronto Rob Ford, heard the words Alek Minassian so a couple of minutes later I turned around and at that exact moment my username was smack bang on there lol.

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20191024 181425

I don't really watch alot of Incel documentaries tbh, and this came on randomly, as I find they always have to try and demonise or have a "Messiah" complex and try and save the token Incel that appears on the show (in this case Eggman) and they've attempted to do it here. Fair play to Eggman, although he half-heartedly concedes a few points at the end (and I don't blame him as the interviewer said "we spoke for THREE hours") as he probably wanted the guy to fuck off and leave him alone. Also Eggman is right back to doing what he always has and will do :dab:

Here's the documentary, I'm sure most of you's have seen it but I'd never heard of it.

Also was the first I'd heard of Eggman's brilliant Alek Minassian song, and there is alot of other usernames from this forum on there too.
Small world huh

They're using Tor to lurk here? Lmao.
Small world huh
Bizzare, it was my old St. BlackOps2Cel avator that made me look twice lol. Funny thing is I remember making that thread so it would mark it down to the day they recorded the documentary.
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JFL we going viral bois
I'm in the video at 16:10 :y'all:
Enjoy your 10 minutes of fame bro .
Try to use it to slay JBs .
Danm all those banned niggas, feel sad broh :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Enjoy your 10 minutes of fame bro .
Try to use it to slay JBs .
Lol, imagine filming an autistic PUA approach: "Hi my thread on Incels.co was featured in a documentary demonising Incel's and Incel mass killings, will you have sex with me?"

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They're using Tor to lurk here? Lmao.

Imagine, this is how they use tax money. This is absolutely cartoonish. This cannot be reality. They use the money of lonely men to mock exactly those people. This universe is only there to mock men. Imagine working for a system which wants you to suffer and on top of that they are mocking you, provoking you and look down on you.
Lol, imagine filming an autistic PUA approach: "Hi my thread on Incels.co was featured in a documentary demonising Incel's and Incel mass killings, will you have sex with me?"

maybe itll work . You cant know if you dont try , silly inkwell :soy:
Make sure to film it tho .
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They're using Tor to lurk here? Lmao.
What tryhards, I wouldn't sign up for this site prior because I was scared it was an fbi honeypot and I couldn't sign up with vpn. I don't even bother using a vpn to browse, I don't care what people think of me anymore, come arrest me fbi, come arrest me for being a virgin just put me down like a dog.
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They're using Tor to lurk here? Lmao.

lmao how much of a fucking coward and simp do you have to be to think FBI will arrest you for simply LURKING on an incel forum? LMAO.

Pretty sure government agencies would prioritise their resources in monitoring dangerous gangs and international crime syndicates rather than some lonely virgins on the internet coping with anime, porn and the occasional "Go ER" meme. FBI won't do shit unless you directly and explicitly threaten to commit a crime.

@BlkPillPres lol anti-incel individuals and groups claim that we're the keyboard warriors, yet ironically they need to hide behind anonymity via an encrypted network just to LURK the forum so that they can talk shit about us.
I wish they would show some based high IQ threads in a documentary.
Just get a haircut bro....

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