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LifeFuel tfw you remember how many cucks and hypergamousroasties roped when trump was elected



Nov 25, 2017
Regardless of your own thoughts on trump -
r/inceltears started in 2017, meaning that among the cucks that roped on the election night, there were would-be cucktears posters. Life Fuel.


Suicide hotline calls reached record high as Trump victory became clear
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline saw record 660 calls between 1am and 2am on Wednesday, amid particular concerns linked to LGBT community

The number of Americans calling suicide crisis hotlines spiked dramatically on election night, as it became clear that Donald Trump was going to pull off a shock presidential win. The flood of calls has continued.

Trauma counselors reported members of the public filled with uncertainty and worried that a Trump presidency will threaten the safety and civil rights of gay and transgender people, Muslims, African Americans and Latinos.

Between 1am and 2am on Wednesday, shortly before Trump was officially called the winner but when it was obvious Hillary Clinton was on the brink of defeat, a record 660 calls were made to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, two and a half times the average rate at that hour.

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The support network Crisis Text Line also experienced an unprecedented surge. Such communications are confidential, but Bob Filbin, chief data scientist at Crisis Text Line, said texts that contained combinations of “scared”, “election”, “family” and “LGBT” were most common.

The network usually receives 1,000 texts in each 24 hours. Incoming texts surged by eight times the normal rate for several hours from around 11pm on Tuesday, Filbin said. Between 9 and 10 November, he said, traffic rose to 4,000 texts per 24 hours, four times the normal volume. On Friday, texts were still coming in at twice the normal volume.

“People were both scared for members of their family in terms of safety and worried about how they would communicate with their family if they held different political views,” Filbin said.

“People said they were scared, they mentioned fears as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans [LGBT] Americans or for members of their family who are LGBT, and people were mentioning the election.”

Filbin said that there was not a spike in people actually talking about taking their own lives – the spike was related, he said, to people across the US who were feeling great anxiety about the election and were seeking help.

“The vast majority needed someone to listen to them,” he said. “Our trained crisis counsellors listen and discuss how the person is going to cope in the moment.”

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is one of the largest mental health crisis counselling networks in the US, serving people who are simply struggling emotionally or at risk of self-harm or taking their own lives.

Even before the count was finished in the early hours of Wednesday morning, the network’s call centers began receiving a record number of phone calls.

“We haven’t seen anything like that in our history,” said project director John Draper in a report on Friday. The lifeline was started in 2005.

The lifeline had not yet released updated figures for its callers since Trump won and Hillary Clinton acknowledged defeat and then made an emotional concession speech on Wednesday morning.

Trans Lifeline, a suicide hotline with experts dealing in transgender issues, reported that it had received 432 calls from election night to Wednesday afternoon. That far surpassed its previous record surge, when it received 251 calls the day after North Carolina passed a bill mandating that individuals use the bathroom that conforms to the gender stated on their birth certificate, even if that does not match their gender identity.

“The Republicans have been moving further and further to the right,” said Greta Martela, co-founder of Trans Lifeline. “For them to have the House, the Senate and the presidency is pretty frightening for LGBT people.”

The Trevor Project, a support network for queer youth under 25, also reported a surge in distress calls as the election results became clear, though the group did not quantify the increased volume.

A spokesperson for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Frances Gonzalez, said its counselors offered coping tips and advised people who had called in about the election results to stick to their normal routine as much as possible and seek out people they felt comfortable talking to.

When people are suicidal the network can suggest seeking professional help, where suitable.

For those in emotional distress, Gonzalez said: “We might suggest limiting your exposure to social media and TV. Perhaps take action in your community by volunteering to do something with kindness and compassion – those things can help.”
kek, can't argue with that logic
"Filbin said that there was not a spike in people actually talking about taking their own lives – the spike was related, he said, to people across the US who were feeling great anxiety about the election and were seeking help."
probably the most funny night of my life when trump won. i remember watching him win state by state and then seeing all the smug SJWS reeeeeee
i miss november 2016 so much. heres for hoping the same thing happens nov 2020.
i sometimes laugh at that they freaked out so bad
One of the (many) reasons I wanted Trump to win was because I thought the mass triggering would be legendary.

I must admit I didn't think anyone would actually kill themselves over it though.

Anyway, the idea of Hillary winning is way more troubling!
Make America great again once more
i miss november 2016 so much. heres for hoping the same thing happens nov 2020.

IMG 4463

Trump is good for Japan. Abe likes him.

That's all that matters
I want to work for those hotlines just to convince these fags to delete themselves.
Regardless of your own thoughts on trump -
r/inceltears started in 2017, meaning that among the cucks that roped on the election night, there were would-be cucktears posters. Life Fuel.


Suicide hotline calls reached record high as Trump victory became clear
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline saw record 660 calls between 1am and 2am on Wednesday, amid particular concerns linked to LGBT community

The number of Americans calling suicide crisis hotlines spiked dramatically on election night, as it became clear that Donald Trump was going to pull off a shock presidential win. The flood of calls has continued.

Trauma counselors reported members of the public filled with uncertainty and worried that a Trump presidency will threaten the safety and civil rights of gay and transgender people, Muslims, African Americans and Latinos.

Between 1am and 2am on Wednesday, shortly before Trump was officially called the winner but when it was obvious Hillary Clinton was on the brink of defeat, a record 660 calls were made to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, two and a half times the average rate at that hour.

Read more

The support network Crisis Text Line also experienced an unprecedented surge. Such communications are confidential, but Bob Filbin, chief data scientist at Crisis Text Line, said texts that contained combinations of “scared”, “election”, “family” and “LGBT” were most common.

The network usually receives 1,000 texts in each 24 hours. Incoming texts surged by eight times the normal rate for several hours from around 11pm on Tuesday, Filbin said. Between 9 and 10 November, he said, traffic rose to 4,000 texts per 24 hours, four times the normal volume. On Friday, texts were still coming in at twice the normal volume.

“People were both scared for members of their family in terms of safety and worried about how they would communicate with their family if they held different political views,” Filbin said.

“People said they were scared, they mentioned fears as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans [LGBT] Americans or for members of their family who are LGBT, and people were mentioning the election.”

Filbin said that there was not a spike in people actually talking about taking their own lives – the spike was related, he said, to people across the US who were feeling great anxiety about the election and were seeking help.

“The vast majority needed someone to listen to them,” he said. “Our trained crisis counsellors listen and discuss how the person is going to cope in the moment.”

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is one of the largest mental health crisis counselling networks in the US, serving people who are simply struggling emotionally or at risk of self-harm or taking their own lives.

Even before the count was finished in the early hours of Wednesday morning, the network’s call centers began receiving a record number of phone calls.

“We haven’t seen anything like that in our history,” said project director John Draper in a report on Friday. The lifeline was started in 2005.

The lifeline had not yet released updated figures for its callers since Trump won and Hillary Clinton acknowledged defeat and then made an emotional concession speech on Wednesday morning.

Trans Lifeline, a suicide hotline with experts dealing in transgender issues, reported that it had received 432 calls from election night to Wednesday afternoon. That far surpassed its previous record surge, when it received 251 calls the day after North Carolina passed a bill mandating that individuals use the bathroom that conforms to the gender stated on their birth certificate, even if that does not match their gender identity.

“The Republicans have been moving further and further to the right,” said Greta Martela, co-founder of Trans Lifeline. “For them to have the House, the Senate and the presidency is pretty frightening for LGBT people.”

The Trevor Project, a support network for queer youth under 25, also reported a surge in distress calls as the election results became clear, though the group did not quantify the increased volume.

A spokesperson for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Frances Gonzalez, said its counselors offered coping tips and advised people who had called in about the election results to stick to their normal routine as much as possible and seek out people they felt comfortable talking to.

When people are suicidal the network can suggest seeking professional help, where suitable.

For those in emotional distress, Gonzalez said: “We might suggest limiting your exposure to social media and TV. Perhaps take action in your community by volunteering to do something with kindness and compassion – those things can help.”

All pointless.

When will these worthless drones learn that the president is nothing more than a face that represents the system to recieve all the hate from the masses, a pawn, a fucking puppet that has no real say in world affairs.
At least we got one good thing from electing Putin's whore
At least we got one good thing from electing Putin's whore
Yup, Trump loves Vlad so much to the point that he bombed Russia's ally Syria two times, wants war with Russia's ally Iran, slapped some new sanctions on Russia, gave weapons to anti-russian ukrainian neo-nazis, he's bulding new military bases on russia's border, and the US Military officially declared Russia (and Russia's ally, China) as public enemy number one.
Trump Pence 2020, maybe we can see a return of antifa. That would be entertaining
Imagine what will happen when he gets a second term :feelskek:
Shit was hilarious btw. I collected like 300+ screenshots of butthurt soyboys and roasties on election night. :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
If they just had to experience long time inceldom while being ugly jfl
These videos sums up the experience well for those of us who were there, who held the line during the darkest hours, who knew what we were going up against.

The shitposting, the digging, the fringe groups, the dark rituals, the esoteric occult attacks, the memes. My god, the memes. Yes, yes, look at the dates these two videos were posted my friends. Hillary's Moloch and Soro's Baphomet didn't stand a chance.

Trumps election victory day was legit one of the best days of my life. Made me so happy that feminists had been told to fuck off on a grand scale.
Trumps election victory day was legit one of the best days of my life. Made me so happy that feminists had been told to fuck off on a grand scale.
Legit. I just couldn't stop laughing and smiling. It was glorious.
Too bad i don't like (((Trump))) as much now. He turned out to be another ultra-zionist cuckservative.
Some other quality salt from my collection tbh.
Lol damn. I remember how happy I was she. Trump was elected. I was mostly happy because the people who hated incels were bitter.

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