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LifeFuel Texas grand jury files child pornography charges against Netflix

Wont lead to anything
Even though this will accomplish literally nothing I do at least like the gesture they are trying to get through to the courts
I can never understand why I can't take videos of LGs twerking in their underwear without getting charged with possession of cp yet in Hollywood movies they can do that shit all the time and get away with it. They even have LGs on video simulating masturbation or sex acts and it's all fine & dandy

Or nudes of a girl under 18. I have the pics? JAIL TIME MISTER!!
But the girl perform on a stage or in a movie in the nude? IT'S ART!
Nothing will happen in this soyciety
Even though this will accomplish literally nothing I do at least like the gesture they are trying to get through to the courts
I can never understand why I can't take videos of LGs twerking in their underwear without getting charged with possession of cp yet in Hollywood movies they can do that shit all the time and get away with it. They even have LGs on video simulating masturbation or sex acts and it's all fine & dandy

Or nudes of a girl under 18. I have the pics? JAIL TIME MISTER!!
But the girl perform on a stage or in a movie in the nude? IT'S ART!

Its a retarded backwards society.
these laws should only apply to people who kidnap kids and have deep web videos of children being raped.

The feds finding a video of a 12 year old thot dancing on your pc should not land you in jail
And think about all the "cp" minors send to each other with their phones. What is to be done about that?

JFL exactly my point about age of consent laws, they don't make sense because they are dictated by emotions not logic
JFL exactly my point about age of consent laws, they don't make sense because they are dictated by emotions not logic
As long as im not forcing someone against their will,raping, killing, or torturing someone, i fail to see why they exist.
The only based thing Texas has done within the past decade and a half.
Interesting coming from you
I'm talking about children. Every other foid is free game.

Texas - Everybody should able to own an ar-15, but shooting imaginary things in a video game must be banned! Texas - We need the government to ban sex in movies, but god forbid incels think they deserve a legitmate spouse.
This sounds like a case destined for the Supreme Court.

Texas' action won't pass constitutional muster. The First Amendment clearly protects Netflix. I doubt that the film lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value (see Miller v. California), and as Netflix's medium of transmission is the internet, Reno v. ACLU would also apply.

That's how every single foid dresses tho??
Just seems like more pedo panic
On a side note, I noticed this just now. OP why is this lifefuel when this is clearly a brazen attempt to attack the First Amendment?
This is not lifefuel. This is just a movement to protect aging women. There is nothing that they hate more than men who are the same age as them being attracted to younger females.
Most tribes around the world initiate their kids at 12/13: most African Tribes, Yucatan tribes, the Mosuo in China, and a vast etc. And nothing happens. No psychological trauma at all, which is supposed to be one of the aims of these laws: protecting minors. The extreme case were the Samoans, which used to initiate their children at 7. Again: was there any trauma? Nope.

Then what are these laws trying to protect teens of? Because trauma is a direct result of inculcating shame towards sex, else they would probably wouldn't react to it as I said in the previous paragraph. In other words: trauma, ironically, seems to come from morals, not the sexual acts per se. Then what's left? The unwanted pregnancies and the STDs. But they get those already...

I'm not pedophile nor hebephile, so IDGAF about what they do with these laws, but they certainly make no sense.

This, I've also thought that the trauma thing is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, they literally keep screaming at children that they should feel depressed and feel bad because they were touched by an adult and like magic - "See Seeeee, see how traumatized the child is" JFL

Most humans truly have no self awareness, its circular logic when you think about it, but its more malicious than something as neutral as that, they are forcing an outcome into existence and then using that forced outcome as evidence of their "prediction"

On a side note, I noticed this just now. OP why is this lifefuel when this is clearly a brazen attempt to attack the First Amendment?

OP is clearly a moralfag
The feds finding a video of a 12 year old thot dancing on your pc should not land you in jail
It wont as long as you keep your mouth shut and dont distribute the videos
Texas' action won't pass constitutional muster. The First Amendment clearly protects Netflix.
what would you know? The first amendment doesnt protect obscene/sexual depictions of children
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This, I've also thought that the trauma thing is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, they literally keep screaming at children that they should feel depressed and feel bad because they were touched by an adult and like magic - "See Seeeee, see how traumatized the child is" JFL

Most humans truly have no self awareness, its circular logic when you think about it, but its more malicious than something as neutral as that, they are forcing an outcome into existence and then using that forced outcome as evidence of their "prediction"

OP is clearly a moralfag
Why do incels care about children that aren't theirs over an issue like this tbh?
It's kind of funny in a way getting morally outraged on behalf of kids that aren't yours but then complaining you have to pay taxes to support other's spawn.
Why do incels care about children that aren't theirs over an issue like this tbh?
It's kind of funny in a way getting morally outraged on behalf of kids that aren't yours but then complaining you have to pay taxes to support other's spawn.


Some incels just can't let go of the normie world because deep down they still care about "feeling normal"

Jews will interfere and make sure the charges are dropped.
And think about all the "cp" minors send to each other with their phones. What is to be done about that?

Not give them smartphones? If I had a son I would sooner give him a loaded firearm or a 200BHP racing bike than give him a smartphone. Some things should only be for adults. In my opinion there is no such thing as an "adult" woman. Women should never be allowed smartphones or unsupervised internet access. All it does is empower our enemies whether it be paedophile Hollywood or Jewish media.
I have to think this will go nowhere because globohomo always wins. Everyone associated with Netflix richly deserves punishment, though.

Some incels just can't let go of the normie world because deep down they still care about "feeling normal"

Feeling normal is one thing but being so convinced that you still have a duty to show you care for the welfare of other's kids past what you are legally required to do through income taxes?
It's pretty quaint ngl but makes no sense.
It's like the incels that haven't figured out yet they're never going to get women but insist on supporting family values and policies that help kids that aren't theirs "because it's what needs to be done to have a functioning society" even though society cast them out a long time ago and they are merely squatters that are for the time being tolerated but never fully accepted.
There's a lot of guys like that that unironically are some of the staunchest defenders of natalist and child care policies. You'll find them on reddit especially jfl
The extreme case were the Samoans, which used to initiate their children at 7. Again: was there any trauma? Nope.
Samoans have extremely low IQ, maybe there is a correlation to be made
The only based thing Texas has done within the past decade and a half.
Texas - Everybody should able to own an ar-15, but shooting imaginary things in a video game must be banned! Texas - We need the government to ban sex in movies, but god forbid incels think they deserve a legitmate spouse.
Texas is the cuckhold state. They act tough but they are pussies worse then California. You should not applaud this because it says that you can be punished for watching anime, since it is heavily sexualized. Texas also recently passed an anti Semite bill that you can’t boycott Israel. Texas sucks so much kike dick.

Texas is the cuckhold state. They act tough but they are pussies worse then California. You should not applaud this because it says that you can be punished for watching anime, since it is heavily sexualized. Texas also recently passed an anti Semite bill that you can’t boycott Israel. Texas sucks so much kike dick.

Kikes and other undesirables flooded the state from california after the housing crisis a decade ago, coupled with houston/austin taking in a lot of the blacks from new orleans after katrina and illegal immigration - texas will never be what it once was. It sucks because no income tax would be nice
OP is clearly a moralfag

The first amendment doesnt protect obscene
But this film isn't obscene.

Miller v. California (1973) sets out a three-prong test, all of which must be met, for expression to be considered "obscene".

1. Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest; and
2. Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and
3. Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

Let's say Cuties does appeal to the prurient interest. So first of all, how is twerking considered "patently offensive sexual conduct"? I also find it hard to believe that Cuties lacks political value, considering that the provocative cinematography is designed to and has elicited social commentary. And considering that the film won an award at Sundance Film Festival, how does it not have artistic value? Ergo, not obscenity.

This lawsuit is clearly a political gambit by a group of Bible-thumping boomers in some bumfuck flyover shithole in Texas. It has very little chance of prevailing and, if you like the First Amendment, you should hope that it doesn't.

The first amendment doesnt protect sexual depictions of children
Well, what does "sexual depiction" mean?

First of all, nothing in the film fits the definition of "child pornography" or "sexually explicit conduct" as defined by applicable federal law in 18 U.S.C.§2256. The film contains no depictions of intercourse, bestiality, masturbation, or sadomasochistic activity, nor does it contains a lascivious exhibition of the breasts, anus, genital, or pubic areas of any person.

The First Amendment doesn't protect real child pornography because it is considered "speech integral to criminal conduct", as child pornography can only be produced via some form of criminal conduct. Ergo, laws that criminalize the distribution and possession of child pornography survive strict scrutiny; see New York v. Ferber (1982) and Osborne v. Ohio (1990).

But simulated child pornography isn't necessarily unprotected. In Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002), the Supreme Court struck down provisions of the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act because that law bans materials that are not obscene based on the Miller standard, nor are produced by exploiting real children. This is why the 18 U.S.C.§1466A only criminalizes simulated child pornography if said material is "obscene" and/or lacks "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value".

what would you know?
Well, I know a whole lot more than you, that's for sure. You are a clown.
The feds finding a video of a 12 year old thot dancing on your pc should not land you in jail
It should not, as long as she's dressed.
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Also netflix did nothing wrong. Cuties was gigabased. Fuck agecucks.
Just because I strongly dislike Netflix and general television.
I dislike them too, but I also hate bible-thumping retards who will place their moralfagging tendencies above everyone else's First Amendment rights.
Your argument tries to deny the validity of Samoan practices pointing out their IQ, so you are attacking the people, not the argument/practice. That's an ad hominem fallacy.
Incorrect, I was implying low IQ is the likely result of the practice since children have less time to develop once they start fucking around.
Delayed sexual maturity is one of the main reasons that explains human intelligence as opposed to other animals.

Imagine the highest IQ people on the planet had the same practices and minors weren't disturbed/traumatized by them
There is no point in imagining something that won't happen.
I also find it hard to believe that Cuties lacks political value, considering that the provocative cinematography is designed to and has elicited social commentary. And considering that the film won an award at Sundance Film Festival, how does it not have artistic value? Ergo, not obscenity.
Bullshit argument.
Only SJWs would contend "provocative" or gross shit has a political value somply because people find it revolting.
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Bullshit argument.
Only SJWs would contend "provocative" or gross shit has a political value somply because people find it revolting.

A film that wins an award has artistic value. If that film starts a conversation about why people find it gross, then it has political value.

I'm on the side of free speech. You apparently aren't -- so you're clearly batting for the SJWs here.
Don't they have the death penalty in Texas? Fingers crossed.
A film that wins an award has artistic value. If that film starts a conversation about why people find it gross, then it has political value.

I'm on the side of free speech. You apparently aren't -- so you're clearly batting for the SJWs here.
Free speech is not equivalent to all speech being valuable.

The ramblings of an idiot have no political value. If a lobby group gives an award to a film, it does not mean that the film has intrinsical value, giving the award is precisely the political act with political value in this context.
Interesting. Didn't know that. Source?
for example
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And these are the things why we aren't taken seriously.

That is exactly the norm in many Islamic countries. Honestly no one took the NSDAP or the Bolsheviks all that seriously up until the point they basically took over through one means or another.

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