I've been saying this for a while and a good bit of users are acting like I'm just crazy, shit like the "50 cent army" ( paid for by the chinese government) are real and quite obviously it isn't just limited to china, every government likely has such workers employed in this new age where the war for the minds of people is being waged online.
There's a "guy" on this site called St.Tropez who I'd say is my first pick as one of these agents. Almost everything this guy has said in a thread was focused on deescalating, and I mean trollish levels of that BS to where you couldnt tell he was being sarcastic.
1. He has said in threads before that incels shouldn't go ER and should just let normies be happy and procreate, and we should just all kill yourselves quietly (without harming them) and die (I argued with him for this, and he was fervent about it, that's when I realized he wasn't trolling)
2. He is a self professed transgender. Oh another form of deescalation I see is the "homosexualization" of men. The US government literally tried to create a "gay bomb" as a non lethal means of making the enemy weaker (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bomb). I believe guys like him are also put on this site to do this, I've seen a good bit of threads of "guys" talking about traps, etc. This is the same shit that was done to 4chan except it was successful there and has completely taken over, go there now and see what I'm taking about, you can't scroll down a few ticks without seeing some gay thumbnail, trap thread, cuck thread, etc. Most of the mass shooters are committing these acts in some way due to the disdain they have for women, so whats a good way to "disarm" their hatred..... give them a "way out", an alternative "path to happiness", homosexuality.
He may just be a regular fuck and ironically doing this involuntarily, either way he shouldn't be here.
That's why on sites where you see angry straight men complaining about life problems and proposing to act out violently, "for some reason" out of know where faggots appear and start spamming the site with faggotry, that isn't a coincidence
Lol well of course you wouldn't like that word, when I pegged you for one, you may not be one, but from the posts I got from you it sounded very much like trying to deescalate possibe "ER" guys