Sub8Hate said:
Sort out your shit and slay, son.
Ascend to norman status. You must, or it will be an incredible waste. Can you converse successfully with guys or people close to you? Do that with the bitches my nigga.
Or are you a troll? LOL I'm not sure, either way GO GET SOME OF THAT HOT GYM PUSSY YOU MOTHER FUCKER!
I recently was contacted by my dad and said he wants me to take me back home to home country to get an arranged marriage. It's a small somewhat third world country. My inhibitions is too high, it's over for me in the west, also he said I can get top tier looking girls, because let be real I will never get a Stacy here and they are not worth the effort to get tbh, I'm going ascend the sinless way inshallah. Fuck the degenerate west I'm going to leave this year or 2019. I can't take this place no more damage has been done
Jockcel said:
Well everybody is scared of me