I think that's a bad thing, not a good thing. One less autistic girl in the world is one less chance of you or I getting laid.
While you do have a point, I'd say that autistic girls are causing a lot more trouble in society than most people realize.
are a bit more likely to be single than the average woman, yes. They are often high-inhibition and cripplingly insecure, and they tend to develop weird coping strategies. So they're really not all that approachable. Though they still do better than their male counterparts because they can just sit back and wait for dudes to approach them.
OTOH, their issues, insecurity and tendency for developing weird coping strategies are also causing them to latch onto feminism and blanket fear/hatred of men. They don't get how sexuality and social interaction work, so when they're confused and frustrated about puberty and dudes approaching them, they turn to feminism... which in turn tells them that society is to blame for their problems.
And there's so many autistic collegegirls turning to feminism that there's a mutual feedback loop going on there. Autistic girls turn to feminism because it gives them an excuse to externalize their issues, and in turn, feminist thought is molded by what makes sense to these maladjusted collegirls. Which then draws in even more autistic or similarly maladjusted collegegirls, thus reinforcing collective myopia.
I swear, typically autistic things like being overly obsessed with details, not being able to see the bigger picture, the tendency to reduce everything to abstractions, the tendency to make weird connections that don't actually make sense, and general obstinacy when it comes to even the tiniest disagreements - all of those are everywhere in feminist thought and feminist discourse. Feminism is basically female autism: the ideology.
In other words? Fewer autistic females is a good thing for society.
And it's hilariously ironic that feminist thought itself is now encouraging autistic girls to remove themselves from the genepool. Not just by promoting transitioning among people who clearly don't have gender dysphoria, but also through stuff like remaining childfree, etcetera.