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LifeFuel technological singularity in the next 20 years



Jun 26, 2019
hello fellow sciencecels :feelswhere:
i find this article on wikipedia very interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity
it basically talks about how somewhere in the next 20-30 years its very likely that a general AI is going to emerge which will lead to an explosion in intelligence in AI because when it surpasses human intelligence it will be able to contiunesly improve itself until it reaches a kind of singularity in intelligence which would essentially be a godlike entity able to achieve anything. Now either this will wipe out humanity or create paradise on earth pretty much. (I'm fine with both outcomes)
When an AI of this intelligence level emerges, it will basically be able to solve every problem you could possibly throw at it. (Including inceldom i guess)
Afterall it could either just place you in a simulation or just create whatever your waifu would be irl. It would also most likely make your life last forever (if you wish).
You know basically my point is once this singularity arrives it would be basically god and you could ask it to do anything you want. Sooo if you manage to not kill yourself for the next 30 years the suffering may all have been worth it. Or not. I dont know. :feelsjuice: However this is far from being science fiction it WILL happen.
Robot ai waifu = no women needed
Just wait until you are 50-60 years old without sexual desire and working dick bro, it's not over! :soy:
20 to 30 years jfl id be dead by then most likely
Just wait until you are 50-60 years old without sexual desire and working dick bro, it's not over! :soy:
Its a godlike entity dude. It can not only stop aging but most likely even reverse it. It could literally rewire your own brain to anything you wish or just place you in a simulation so your physical body would not even matter anymore.
20 to 30 years jfl id be dead by then most likely
If you freeze yourself in, it would most likely be intelligent enough to bring you back to life again afterwards if you cant do another 30 years.
You don't know what you're talking about
You don't know what you're talking about
why not? it would possess a level of intelligence you can't even imagine. It would literally improve itself until it reaches the PHYSICAL limitation of intelligence. We humans are already smart enough to theoretically achieve anything. We are only limited by our slow minds and bodies. Just a normal computer already has a perception of time that is about a million times slower than ours. 1 Year for an AI would be equal to 30 seconds of our human brains and thats talking on current (bad) hardware. It could study something in a second where a human would take years to do so. There is literally no doubt in my mind that it would be able to achieve anything.
why not? it would possess a level of intelligence you can't even imagine. It would literally improve itself until it reaches the PHYSICAL limitation of intelligence. We humans are already smart enough to theoretically achieve anything. We are only limited by our slow minds and bodies. Just a normal computer already has a perception of time that is about a million times slower than ours. 1 Year for an AI would be equal to 30 seconds of our human brains and thats talking on current (bad) hardware. It could study something in a second where a human would take years to do so. There is literally no doubt in my mind that it would be able to achieve anything.
dn rd
Let the kid dream
Its literally guaranteed to happen. Theres already like multiple serious institutes only designed to research further AI safety which receive a shitload of fundings. Otherwise name me one good argument why it would not happen. :feelsjuice:
Its literally guaranteed to happen. Theres already like multiple serious institutes only designed to research further AI safety which receive a shitload of fundings. Otherwise name me one good argument why it would not happen. :feelsjuice:
For one thing, this is not the world that any factions of the ruling elite envision. They don't benefit from the arrangement you are discussing, so money and resources won't be put towards it.

For another, generalized ai intelligence is farther off than you think. New hurdles are continuously discovered in the largely theoretical work done by academics.

What is called ai today is merely machine learning and predictive output algorithms. Generalized intelligence simply doesn't exist in any form and there is no reason to expect it ever will.

Machine learning technology will be used to monitor, predict and control people long before technology progresses to the point where what you are talking about is possible. Those technologies are in their infancy. What you are talking about doesn't exist.
how old is op
When an AI of this intelligence level emerges, it will basically be able to solve every problem you could possibly throw at it. (Including inceldom i guess)
Afterall it could either just place you in a simulation or just create whatever your waifu would be irl. It would also most likely make your life last forever (if you wish).
You know basically my point is once this singularity arrives it would be basically god and you could ask it to do anything you want.
For one thing, this is not the world that any factions of the ruling elite envision. They don't benefit from the arrangement you are discussing, so money and resources won't be put towards it.

For another, generalized ai intelligence is farther off than you think. New hurdles are continuously discovered in the largely theoretical work done by academics.

What is called ai today is merely machine learning and predictive output algorithms. Generalized intelligence simply doesn't exist in any form and there is no reason to expect it ever will.

Machine learning technology will be used to monitor, predict and control people long before technology progresses to the point where what you are talking about is possible. Those technologies are in their infancy. What you are talking about doesn't exist.
The """Elite""" can't stop technological advancements. Nobody can. Your so called "Elite" has existed for hundreds of years and did it ever stop anything? No it didn't. Any advancement in technology is usually directly granted with a shitload of money either from investors or consumers. There is nothing rich people can do about it and i doubt they give a shit. Not every rich guy is a psychopath that doesn't want anyone else other than themself to be happy..

Idk what you are talking about. People who have done research on AI for decades have made these predictions of it happening in the next 20-30 years. Furthermore you don't understand that technological advancements in general are exponential. Any advancement in technology will speed up future advancements in technology and so on.

Depends on your definition of a "general AI". As stephen hawking said, it doesn't matter how intelligent the AI really is if the result is the same.
There is VERY MUCH SO a reason to expect that it will exist. Literally nothing would suggest that it won't. Humans exist, don't they? And why would a human brain we able to do something that a machine that is billions of times faster than the human brain could not? There is nothing whatsoever that would fundamentally prevent a general AI. We are literally general AIs, just very slow ones that are optimized to survival and reproducing and not to be intelligent. Probably not even 5% of your brain actually contributes to your intelligence in a meaningful way so yeah recreating that in a computer isnt far fetched.

It is already used to monitor, predict and "control" people. I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about if you think they are in their "infancy". I am talking 30 years in the future and not today again. These are predictions from experts, not me. However please consider the fact that humans are nothing more than a neural network and how intelligent are you that you waste your life seeking for some female biological mass that your brain is hardwired to? What can one human on its own really achieve? 99% of your life and what you care about is only to keep you alive, nothing else. There is literally nothing fundamentally that would seperate you from a machine.
how old is op

And you really don't know what you can do with AI. Once again, when it reaches the point where it is able to improve itself, it can achieve anything. Tell me what would stop it? It could research something in 10 seconds faster than it would the entire humanity to do in 10 years. Not only because its incredible intelligent and fast but also because it is everyone in ONE. Every information it requires it could instantly access. It would instantly have a better understanding of mathematics than any person on earth. How you will doubt the abilities of such an entity is beyond me. And funny how you think that human levels of general intelligence is hard to achieve. 99% of your brain is completly irrelevant to your intelligence. So many things you could ignore if it was handled by a computer who doesn't have a body, nor does it need emotions or a memory like humans have. It doesn't even need a consciousness really. Not one thing exists in the world where humans are really better than AIs currently so yeah its just a matter of time...
You watched too much sci-fi films
You watched too much sci-fi films
so wikipedia is a scifi film? Let me quote: "According to the most popular version of the singularity hypothesis, called intelligence explosion, an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an "explosion" in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence. "
absolute nonsense. this is scientists trying to reintroduce the mystical and religious aspects they've previously removed from science.

just use your head, think about how the creation of knowledge works, it never comes out of nowhere, any type of AI no matter how advanced would need tons of resources and a way to interact with the real world like having many laboratories with expensive equipment to observe and experiment.
all of that would be a completely voluntary and gradual effort on the part of humans, making the singularity very slow and completely controlled and observed by the human race.

the only argument against this is if such a large network of laboratories, willing worker robots or slaves, functional space crafts and communication arrays is already present for an AI to take over and use to uncover the mysteries of the universe.
but in that case humans have done the legwork regardless and they would know what to expect from an AI using the infrastructure they've built, given that they built everything and likely used it for a good while as well.
What's up with this flood of retarded GrAYcel threads lately ?

Is it an IT psy-op or did they issue phones and 4G access in all mental institutions ?
absolute nonsense. this is scientists trying to reintroduce the mystical and religious aspects they've previously removed from science.

just use your head, think about how the creation of knowledge works, it never comes out of nowhere, any type of AI no matter how advanced would need tons of resources and a way to interact with the real world like having many laboratories with expensive equipment to observe and experiment.
all of that would be a completely voluntary and gradual effort on the part of humans, making the singularity very slow and completely controlled and observed by the human race.

the only argument against this is if such a large network of laboratories, willing worker robots or slaves, functional space crafts and communication arrays is already present for an AI to take over and use to uncover the mysteries of the universe.
but in that case humans have done the legwork regardless and they would know what to expect from an AI using the infrastructure they've built, given that they built everything and likely used it for a good while as well.
Nobody said it comes out of nowhere. Think about how long information takes to be created and by who. People like Einstein are people that rarely pop up in the history of humanity. 99.999% of people absolutely provide nothing to society. An AI would be billions of people in one, it would be a billion times faster and it would have not only the knowledge from all humans but ALL the knowledge that is available. It doesn't need anything. It could create a simulation in which it could simulate everything it wants too. It already knows how every chemical or whatever interacts with the world. It probably wouldnt even need to run simulations on it. Also even if it needs a "laboratory" why do you assume it would need humans for that ??? Thats just delusional. It could easily create its own robots that do anything it wants. It would create robots that create other robots and so on. As i said its an technological singularity. It could go from a little smarter than humans to superintelligence within a few days. Nobody knows. All you need to know is that humans are slow, machines arent. Even if they are of physical nature. Sure having to do real experiments will slow it down a lot but it will already have them optimized to a point where you only need a handful of experiments if you even need any.
What's up with this flood of retarded GrAYcel threads lately ?

Is it an IT psy-op or did they issue phones and 4G access in all mental institutions ?
I'm literally quoting wikipedia and experts on the subject but keep being delusional retards.
Fucking incredible how you take the technology you already possess so much for granted like its nothing.
You are already living in the future and don't even realize it but an AI is out of the question?
Just go look at chess. An AI went to be the most powerful chess entity in the world just by playing against itself for a matter of hours while having no previous knowledge about chess whatsoever and ending up crushing all chess engines carefully designed by humans that have been developed for years. If you still doubt the power of AI you really have no fucking clue because you are surrounded by it and a general AI is not at all far away from it.
Computers can operate at the speed of light, 300,000,000 meters per second. They can do processes at that speed. Humans central nervous system operates at 150 meters per second. That makes an AI able to think 2 million times faster than humans.
Nobody said it comes out of nowhere. Think about how long information takes to be created and by who. People like Einstein are people that rarely pop up in the history of humanity. 99.999% of people absolutely provide nothing to society. An AI would be billions of people in one, it would be a billion times faster and it would have not only the knowledge from all humans but ALL the knowledge that is available. It doesn't need anything. It could create a simulation in which it could simulate everything it wants too. It already knows how every chemical or whatever interacts with the world. It probably wouldnt even need to run simulations on it. Also even if it needs a "laboratory" why do you assume it would need humans for that ??? Thats just delusional. It could easily create its own robots that do anything it wants. It would create robots that create other robots and so on. As i said its an technological singularity. It could go from a little smarter than humans to superintelligence within a few days. Nobody knows. All you need to know is that humans are slow, machines arent. Even if they are of physical nature. Sure having to do real experiments will slow it down a lot but it will already have them optimized to a point where you only need a handful of experiments if you even need any.
Bizarre cope, an AI will simply not be able to interface with the world to the extent that you think it will, in order to fully mobilize its scientific effort it would certainly need to perform expeditions, resource acquisition and space exploration that would require control or very high influence over Earth's major economies and political systems, suffice to say that isn't going to happen even in the distant foreseeable future.
I'm literally quoting wikipedia and experts on the subject but keep being delusional retards.
Fucking incredible how you take the technology you already possess so much for granted like its nothing.
You are already living in the future and don't even realize it but an AI is out of the question?
Just go look at chess. An AI went to be the most powerful chess entity in the world just by playing against itself for a matter of hours while having no previous knowledge about chess whatsoever and ending up crushing all chess engines carefully designed by humans that have been developed for years. If you still doubt the power of AI you really have no fucking clue because you are surrounded by it and a general AI is not at all far away from it.
Fine GrAYcel, I'll indulge your crap once.

First of all, if you draw your information from Wikipedia... you might as well be pulling it out of your arse. Have you ever worked on AI ? Have you ever tried to program basic machine learning, even for "simple" stuff, such as image processing ? And you're talking about a "godlike" AI...

Chess and go are games with perfect information and a finite number of combinations. Of course an AI with an access to a database of previous games would easily learn it and outmatch human memory and computational capacity.

The limit to a "self-improving" AI is simply material. You cannot endlessly increase computing capacity due to a limitation in the physics of the components. The software limit is also there. We have no idea how "natural" intelligence works, we are unable to fix a damaged brain, we don't know how exactly damaged brain functions are rebuilt elsewhere. We can't even map a brain, outside of macro MRI captures.

Your fiction is as delirious as the transhumanism crap where people think they'll be able to replicate their brains and live within a machine by 2040. Just like the cryo crap we had 10 years ago. Same shit, different smell.
Computers can operate at the speed of light, 300,000,000 meters per second. They can do processes at that speed. Humans central nervous system operates at 150 meters per second. That makes an AI able to think 2 million times faster than humans.
:feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek:
Fine GrAYcel, I'll indulge your crap once.

First of all, if you draw your information from Wikipedia... you might as well be pulling it out of your arse. Have you ever worked on AI ? Have you ever tried to program basic machine learning, even for "simple" stuff, such as image processing ? And you're talking about a "godlike" AI...

Chess and go are games with perfect information and a finite number of combinations. Of course an AI with an access to a database of previous games would easily learn it and outmatch human memory and computational capacity.

The limit to a "self-improving" AI is simply material. You cannot endlessly increase computing capacity due to a limitation in the physics of the components. The software limit is also there. We have no idea how "natural" intelligence works, we are unable to fix a damaged brain, we don't know how exactly damaged brain functions are rebuilt elsewhere. We can't even map a brain, outside of macro MRI captures.

Your fiction is as delirious as the transhumanism crap where people think they'll be able to replicate their brains and live within a machine by 2040. Just like the cryo crap we had 10 years ago. Same shit, different smell.

:feelskek: :feelskek::feelskek:
I don't see how me programming an AI has anything to do with a general AI emerging? I haven't but there are people that spent their entire life on AI research and will continue to do so. The field will only grow larger.

Sure its a "finite" number of combinations but that "finite" number already exceeds the amount of atoms in the entire universe by far so it could never just calculate through every possible combination. You don't get it, the AI didn't have access to any database of previous games. It had NOTHING whatsoever. It just started by basically playing random moves against itself until it improved. It started from absolute zero hence its name "AlphaZero". Same with "AlphaGO" and the game of go only got recently solved by AI because the amount of possible combinations in that game far exceed anything that can be brute forced hence why no computer could previously ever beat grandmasters in that game. You should watch the AlphaGO documentary on youtube. You don't understand the concept of exponential self improvement. It doesn't need games or a database, it just needs itself. And thats the reason a super intelligent AI WILL emerge because once it is able to improve itself it will become more intelligent at an exponential rate. It doesn't need anyone else.

No its not limited to "material" lol. First of all we are far from being close to actually hitting physical limitations when it comes to computing capacity. A SINGLE GRAM OF DNA can store about TB of information or 1 Zettabyte. That is like a billion times more than modern hard drives can achieve. And even DNA isn't even close to the physical limit. And god knows what kind of system a superintelligence could come up with. Once again we don't need to know how intelligence works. We do not even understand how AI's work once they have gone to a certain level of self improvement. We could rely on said super intelligence to solve these exact problems. And don't compare an AI to a brain please they have nothing in common. A brain has no other purpose than to keep you alive and 99% of its functions are irrelevant to your level of intelligence. It prevents you from seeing 99% of things and ignores 99% of information you receive from your senses. Its memory is extremely limited and only works in abstract ways. This is all great for conscious beings that just need to survive in this world however it isn't relevant for an AI. Also you don't really have any idea about current technological advancements. Neuralink is already trying to create a bridge between computers and brains by creating a brain chip. There are many different ways a general AI can emerge by the way. For example if you link a human brain with a computer it would become a general AI in a way.

Its not fiction whatsoever and you are simply retarded if you think this will never happen. If you think it can happen within the next 1000 years then it could also happen in the next 30 years. Living inside a machine is a completly different topic because people are yet to solve the hard problem of consciousness. Once again literally all it takes for a general AI to emerge is any kind of AI system that would be intelligent enough to improve itself. And we already have done this with many specific things. Kinda ridiculous that you think you are smart just because you can do everything at an average level while an AI outperforms you in any specific task by far. Human intelligence literally emerged out of NOTHING at all by pure CHANCE. And here we are. Once human intelligence hit a certain level we exponentially improved ourself to where we are today. But an AI can't do that? You bring up no argument whatsoever why an AI would be fundamentally different to a human. Literally everything about humans just limits intelligence. There is no doubt in my mind that AI will outsmart humans by 2050.
No idea how far off a technological singularity would be if it will happen at all. Some legit scientists believe it in theory but predicting the future is easier said than done, especially when trying to predict WHEN it’s going to happen
Human intelligence literally emerged out of NOTHING at all by pure CHANCE

Once human intelligence hit a certain level we exponentially improved ourself to where we are today
Also wrong.

You have no idea what evolution is about and how it works. Exponential growth is not a viable dynamic for an organism, or anything in a physical world tbh.

There is no doubt in my mind that AI will outsmart humans by 2050.
Fair enough, but there is also nothing outside of your mind that would support it. Also you moved the goal posts from a "godlike entity" to "outsmarting humans", JFL :feelskek:
Fair enough, but there is also nothing outside of your mind that would support it. Also you moved the goal posts from a "godlike entity" to "outsmarting humans", JFL :feelskek:
Once an general AI outsmarts humans it would trigger said chain reaction of self improvement cycles that would create the intelligence singularity within a couple of weeks, days, hours, who knows. Outsmarting humans and being a godlike entity is essentially the same thing.
Also i was merely referring to the technological advancements of humans that is exponential and not the human intelligence itself. You cannot deny that once computers were invented things started to progress at an extreme rate. And that is ultimately just because they outsmart and outperform us in every possible thing.
Also i dont see how i am wrong? Humans like any other living being including this planet and this universe literally (most likely) emerged from nothing by pure chance. And so everything after it is basically deterministic but still caused by a random event which makes it ultimately still just a random sequence of events. How else did human intelligence come to be? Unless you believe in a god. :feelskek:
you're 21 and believe this shit? maybe in 500 years BUDDY BOYO
You cannot deny that once computers were invented things started to progress at an extreme rate
Did you know that there were more inventions being patented in the late 19th century than today ? Way before the computers. Most of the mathematical foundations of our modern science were laid centuries ago. Computers only allow for faster computation, with many mathematical problems from early ages remaining unsolved.

Humans like any other living being including this planet and this universe literally (most likely) emerged from nothing by pure chance
This is simply absurd.

How else did human intelligence come to be? Unless you believe in a god.
I don't. Regardless, a god would only answer the "why?", not the "how?"
you're 21 and believe this shit? maybe in 500 years BUDDY BOYO
Whats different in 500 years? Nothing is.
You could theoretically achieve anything you want already if you just pump enough money into researching it.
Also EXPERTS say 30 years and that seems realistic to me tbh.
Did you know that there were more inventions being patented in the late 19th century than today ? Way before the computers. Most of the mathematical foundations of our modern science were laid centuries ago. Computers only allow for faster computation, with many mathematical problems from early ages remaining unsolved.

This is simply absurd.

I don't. Regardless, a god would only answer the "why?", not the "how?"
So? You don't need many inventions. You ultimately only need one. Once you have invented a general AI it would do all the inventing for us and yeah what else is there to invent exactly? We can just improve the things we already invented. Of course you won't see more and more inventions over time because we already live in a society that basically has everything.

How is that absurd? Literally if you think about it at some point in time something had to emerge out of absolutely nothing. There is no way around it. If you go an infinite amount of time back in time, where would you end up with? Either something has always been there (which is impossible) or something just came out of nothing.
I had a phase when I was deep into these topics. I was hanging on r/technology, r/singularity, I was browsing tech news websites like phys.org every day and shit. I was listening to Nick Bostrom, Hugo de Garis (who btw went hard-core based in recent years, after his divorce), Ben Goertzel, Ray Kurzweil and so on.

I have never been convinced that the singularity would be a good thing, that it would improve our way of life in any reasonable sense of the expression. I rolled my eyes at people who were salivating at the idea that we would all become immortal and stuff. To me, the most likely scenario is that we create something so vastly superior to us that it will treat us with no more respect than we treat ants. An other possibility is that we become so much capable of tweaking our biology that we lose any purpose for our existence, like with what I call the hedonistic apocalypse :

Anyway, I'm still fascinated by the technological singularity, but I don't have great expectations, I'm just very curious to see what will come out of it and I want to live long enough to find out.
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Can recommend the books Superintelligence and Life 3.0 Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (skip chapter 6)
I think technology will stagnate or society will stop progressing before we reach that point
Massive cope. Society will collapse before we acheive AI at that level. No way is it happening in the next twenty years.
Why ?

How ?
1. I don't remember the details but there is a major logic flaw with with a universe that "has always been there". It involves something like you would never be able to reach the present because there is an infinite amount of time in the past between any given events.

2. It doesn't matter how. Its just how it is. There are things like quantum fluctuations which can basically create things out of nothing. There are multiple theories around it, i'm sure you know them already... :feelsjuice:
Either way the first thing that ever happened must have come from nothing there is nothing you can say against it. And that fact proves that things can come from nothing. Afterall, if there is no universe there are also no rules of physics that would prevent anything like that.
Just wait until you are 50-60 years old without sexual desire and working dick bro, it's not over! :soy:

This, this thread is only lifefuel to incels who aren't born yet
This, this thread is only lifefuel to incels who aren't born yet
An entity that intelligent would probably be able to bring you back from the dead. (Assuming you have frozen your body after death)
You can't even comprehend how intelligent such a being would be. It would hit the PHYSICAL limit of intelligence and god knows what that means. All im certain is that humans are miles away from it.
An entity that intelligent would probably be able to bring you back from the dead

Yeah sure bro, its gonna bring back some random horny loser black guy, makes perfect sense, definitely at the top of the list for an advanced AI that has reached the peak of intelligence
Yeah sure bro, its gonna bring back some random horny loser black guy, makes perfect sense, definitely at the top of the list for an advanced AI that has reached the peak of intelligence
Why would it care if you are ugly or not? It might just try to bring everything back to life that he can possibly achieve since that would most likely line up with general human interest since most people miss their dead friends/family members. Also if you freeze yourself and this AI would actually listen to humans then sure it would bring you back to life, afterall you probably paid a good amount to get freezed in there.
What else would be on his list? He would solve all of worlds problems in a year probably. The only thing he can really keep improving at that point is human happiness which may be the only task that takes forever to optimize.
Why would it care if you are ugly or not? It might just try to bring everything back to life that he can possibly achieve since that would most likely line up with general human interest since most people miss their dead friends/family members.

More likely to just wipe us all out and use our genes to create a superior, docile, less violent and selfish humanoid 2.0 species that are basically the "caretakers" of the planet
I remember back in 98 people talking about flying cars and all that shit from the jetsons, something that was supposed to happen in 20 years. Here we are in 2020 and what we have is a bunch of overpriced pocket computers that allow Foids to pick Chads to fuck whenever they want and to make videos insulting ugly men on social media. Don't put much hope in the future.

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