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Cope Technological progress leads to inceldom. Biology doesn't know how to cope with the redundancy of sexual dimorphism.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
Feminism is merely a consequence of the industrial revolution. With progress and technology, the sexual dimorphism between males and females is made redundant. In the past, sexual dimorphism was necessary and made men necessary, as they were the only ones skilled and strong enough to do the work necessary to earn an income. With mass industrialization and a market capitalist system, increasing the workforce to include weaker and less-skilled workers was not only possible, but necessary for capital accumulation and to decrease the collective bargaining power of workers at the time.

It therefore makes men less important in modern societies than in traditional societies. Feminism is a consequence of this shift, you needed an ideological justification for allowing women in the workplace, and make them labour for their employer versus their husband.

The mass industrialization of society led to a large resource surplus, which is now mostly used and spent on women and their problems; child benefits, maternity leaves, birth control pills, abortions, etc.

Why get married if you can raise a kid on your own and have as much sex as you want with different men? I mean of course from a male perspective it's bad but for a female, it's probably more advantageous. It's like on the other hand, the very handsome man who has sex with as many women as he wants without committing in a stable relationships because he knows he has a lot of options. It used to be bad for the females who couldn't raise a kid on their own but it was advantageous for the handsome man.

This current situation will only get worse and will obviously lead to major psychological issues, first for men who won't be able to find stable relationships but then for the sons of these women who will be raised without a father in a world where masculinity will be despised.

At the time, because industrialization results in a World where traditional masculinity is despised and redundant, it has led to a resurgence of natural hierarchies that allow the accumulation of many women under one man.

In short, the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Another long greycel post.
I didn’t know they had computers in jail Uncle Ted :feelshmm:
I don't care about the human race
Soyciety leads to inceldom
Feminism is merely a consequence of the industrial revolution. With progress and technology, the sexual dimorphism between males and females is made redundant. In the past, sexual dimorphism was necessary and made men necessary, as they were the only ones skilled and strong enough to do the work necessary to earn an income. With mass industrialization and a market capitalist system, increasing the workforce to include weaker and less-skilled workers was not only possible, but necessary for capital accumulation and to decrease the collective bargaining power of workers at the time.

It therefore makes men less important in modern societies than in traditional societies. Feminism is a consequence of this shift, you needed an ideological justification for allowing women in the workplace, and make them labour for their employer versus their husband.

The mass industrialization of society led to a large resource surplus, which is now mostly used and spent on women and their problems; child benefits, maternity leaves, birth control pills, abortions, etc.

Why get married if you can raise a kid on your own and have as much sex as you want with different men? I mean of course from a male perspective it's bad but for a female, it's probably more advantageous. It's like on the other hand, the very handsome man who has sex with as many women as he wants without committing in a stable relationships because he knows he has a lot of options. It used to be bad for the females who couldn't raise a kid on their own but it was advantageous for the handsome man.

This current situation will only get worse and will obviously lead to major psychological issues, first for men who won't be able to find stable relationships but then for the sons of these women who will be raised without a father in a world where masculinity will be despised.

At the time, because industrialization results in a World where traditional masculinity is despised and redundant, it has led to a resurgence of natural hierarchies that allow the accumulation of many women under one man.

In short, the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
didn't read but yes
Spot on. How do you make women want to work 8 hours a day for a few shekels while their jew boss makes x100 times their salary rather than looking after their children? By disguising this shit under the equality meme. And it worked :feelskek:
It all started with foids being able to work, no need for men or a family anymore so they started fucking left and right.
The normies of todays will be the incels of tomorrow, chad to chadlite and chadlite to normie, as the dating market will climb up to the 99/1 rule.
Feminism is just a way for women to say they don't want low quality males getting a share in society's production. They are only allowed to wagecuck and die from a heart attack or end up in jail. That's the "their own way" that matriachical society has prepared for most men. In that sense based redpillers do what little they can to avoid living by this inhumane principle, and I value them for that.
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Joined two years prior. he is superior to you tbh.

What the fuck has he been doing in two years? Btw ive been posting on incel communities for the past 4 years. So i win!
What the fuck has he been doing in two years? Btw ive been posting on incel communities for the past 4 years. So i win!
No prior posting experience in incel communities for your incels.co join date.
I only care about my apre brethren. I dont care what happens to humans

This narrative that technology is the root cause of inceldom is retarded. Before technology incels were dying because lack of social support could mean lack of resources and death. Incels have always existed.
This current situation will only get worse and will obviously lead to major psychological issues, first for men who won't be able to find stable relationships but then for the sons of these women who will be raised without a father in a world where masculinity will be despised.
it already got. Im both the chad kid raised without a father and the loser who can't get a relationship and i know i am not the only one. What you are saying sounds exactly like what Paul Joseph Watson brags about on youtube, but the asshole also shits on Incels so i stopped watching him
This narrative that technology is the root cause of inceldom is retarded. Before technology incels were dying because lack of social support could mean lack of resources and death. Incels have always existed.
the situation somehow agravated because of feminism but i don't see feminism as a result of industrialization but as a result of religion losing its importance.
I think it was the sexual revolution that caused inceldom in the long run. It basically destroyed the monogamy culture, but it helped some low tier men acend back in the 80s-00s. But Tinder was the straw that broke the camel's back. After tinder foids could have easy access to chads, once they got chad its hard to go back to a normie.
Technology doesn't lead to inceldom. It can amplify it, sure, but it's not a cause.

Inceldom is the natural state for the vast majority of males in nature where the females are extremely selective, as is the case with humans.

I only care about my apre brethren. I dont care what happens to humans

View attachment 238933

But we're in the ape family too. We're distant cousins. A couple million years of distance, but still.
OP is spot on. But there is no turning back. The only solution is to evolve and make tech completely replace foids. Its already doing so in the domestic roles.
This narrative that technology is the root cause of inceldom is retarded. Before technology incels were dying because lack of social support could mean lack of resources and death. Incels have always existed.
Tech and welfare has made the beta provider role obsolete. No need to depend on a beta when tech allows you to make your own money. See all the white collar and manufacturing jobs filled by foids.
OP is spot on. But there is no turning back. The only solution is to evolve and make tech completely replace foids. Its already doing so in the domestic roles.

Tech and welfare has made the beta provider role obsolete. No need to depend on a beta when tech allows you to make your own money. See all the white collar and manufacturing jobs filled by foids.
It's unrealistic to artificially make things more difficult by refusing technology just to give irrelevant jobs to people that should have been replaced by machines years ago.
Technology doesn't lead to inceldom. It can amplify it, sure, but it's not a cause.

Inceldom is the natural state for the vast majority of males in nature where the females are extremely selective, as is the case with humans.

But we're in the ape family too. We're distant cousins. A couple million years of distance, but still.
Humans made me what I am. They are the reason for my suffering
Mass manufacturing was the only way to eat up enough surplus labor (from a drastic decrease in child mortality) so it didn't crash everything else and turn everything part time. Basically technology took the good factory floor and mail room jobs and left the stand stuffing and berry picking jobs.
Mass manufacturing was the only way to eat up enough surplus labor (from a drastic decrease in child mortality) so it didn't crash everything else and turn everything part time. Basically technology took the good factory floor and mail room jobs and left the stand stuffing and berry picking jobs.
This is the real problem. Too many people alive, most of them borderline useless.
From human to gorilla, I'm sorry for your suffering.
I was born a gorilla. They just genetically modified me, giving me the ability to be self aware.

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Mensa level IQ post. Ted Kaczysnki was right.
Good explanation of why things are so fucked, very high iq post
Tech and welfare has made the beta provider role obsolete. No need to depend on a beta when tech allows you to make your own money. See all the white collar and manufacturing jobs filled by foids.

While what you're saying is all true, it's only tangentially related to the problem of inceldom. Inceldom, as a phenomenon, is a product of evolution, not a product of ideology or technology. Cultural marxist ideology (feminism) and technology like sex apps (tinder) greatly helped revert hypergamy in the wrong direction (towards prehistoric times). They magnified a preexisting problem by letting advances in civilization to (ironically) allow us to less civilized and more basal.

If it was the case that female evolutionary selection followed a normal distribution and genetic engineering technology, widely spread and easily accessible to the majority of the middle class, allowed a female to change her attraction to males to a very narrow set of criteria (only possessed by a small percentage of males), then you could reasonably argue that "technology leads to inceldom."
While what you're saying is all true, it's only tangentially related to the problem of inceldom. Inceldom, as a phenomenon, is a product of evolution, not a product of ideology or technology. Cultural marxist ideology (feminism) and technology like sex apps (tinder) greatly helped revert hypergamy in the wrong direction (towards prehistoric times). They magnified a preexisting problem by letting advances in civilization to (ironically) allow us to less civilized and more basal.
I agree 100%. I was just providing an example of tech contributing to inceldom.

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