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JFL Teachers In England Encouraged To Tackle "Incel" Movement In The Classroom (I Actually Hope They Do This So More Mass Shootings Happen)



Feb 28, 2018

A spokesperson for the government said:
We work closely with schools and local authorities, who must ensure their staff, including social workers, are able to identify pupils most at risk and recognize where early intervention is needed

I swear normies are retarded:
"I think I know how to stop mass shootings. Lets single out males who struggle to get relationships and sex, even though they probably would have never considered themselves dangerous incels to begin with until we notified them that they were "at risk" of becoming a mass shooter. Lets indirectly call young males losers who should just accept their shitty lives and not hurt any of us, that's sure to work out :soy::foidSoy:"

It’s clear that misogyny as a concept runs deep through a lot of extremist ideologies. Incel is different in that it’s built around a hatred of women and feeling of inferiority, rather than bringing about societal change, but there’s a related need to tackle misogyny across society. That should be part of the whole system, at every level, and not just framed trough counter-terrorism

These fuckers really don't want to admit that its about sex (lacking a resource) and not mental health, because if they do, now they have to focus on solving that problem or accepting the consequences

Notice normies never apply this retard logic to poverty

Poor people exist so society creates welfare programs, poor people can get food stamps, low income housing, etc

They could literally end the incel problem by decriminalizing a market that already exists, the sex market (prostitution). But I guess a few thousand more people are going to have to die before they finally accept reality

Nobody would ever say - "We just need to coach these people to be more positive and pull themselves up out of poverty", they would never treat poverty as mental health issue, because that's just stupid, its about a group lacking a resource, it has nothing to do with how they think, them lacking the resource is what influences the way they think, more than the way they think influencing them to make decisions that makes them lack that resource

There is a feedback loop there, but in this "chicken or the egg" scenario being poor came first, poverty then shapes their mindset leading to criminality and a degenerate culture, which then reinforces their poverty even more

Same with inceldom, its our endless years of rejection and sexual starvation that has shaped our mindset and how we think about women, we didn't just magically wake up having these beliefs nor were we born thinking like this. Our mindset is born from us spending years being sex starved and ridiculed, and that mindset just pushes us further into behaviors that decrease our likelihood of ever getting laid, but either way we wouldn't get laid regardless of the "negative mindset" because we were never getting laid before the "negative mindset"
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They will go on witch hunt and just bully loser boys even more.
These fuckers really don't want to admit that its about sex (lacking a resource) and not mental health, because if they do, now they have to focus on solving that problem or accepting the consequences

Exactly. They realise that to solve this problem they would have to make actual tangible changes in society which may cost them money and piss off their foid voting base. The UK needs a based dictator or something
I was kinda bluepilled in high school despite being the absolutely creepiest weirdo and lowest status male in the whole high school. Wouldve been pretty funny if they tried identifying me as an incel, woulda probably radicalized me sooner.
At this point, we're one or two major ERs away from a full blown societal witch-hunt :feelsrope:

A spokesperson for the government said:

I swear normies are retarded:
"I think I know how to stop mass shootings. Lets single out males who struggle to get relationships and sex, even though they probably would have never considered themselves losers to begin with until we notified them that they were "at risk" of becoming a mass shooter. Lets indirectly call young males losers who should just accept their shitty lives and not hurt any of us, that's sure to work out :soy::foidSoy:"

These fuckers really don't want to admit that its about sex (lacking a resource) and not mental health, because if they do, now they have to focus on solving that problem or accepting the consequences

Notice normies never apply this retard logic to poverty

Poor people exist so society creates welfare programs, poor people can get food stamps, low income housing, etc

Nobody would ever say - "We just need to coach these people to be more positive and pull themselves up out of poverty", they would never treat poverty as mental health issue, because that's just stupid, its about a group lacking a resource, it has nothing to do with how they think, them lacking the resource is what influences the way they think, more than the way they think influencing them to make decisions that makes them lack that resource

There is a feedback loop there, but in this "chicken or the egg" scenario being poor came first, poverty then shapes their mindset leading to criminality and a degenerate culture, which then reinforces their poverty even more

Same with inceldom, its our endless years of rejection and sexual starvation that has shaped our mindset and how we think about women, we didn't just magically wake up having these beliefs nor were we born thinking like this. Our mindset is born from us spending years being sex starved and ridiculed, and that mindset just pushes us further into behaviors that decrease our likelihood of ever getting laid, but either way we wouldn't get laid regardless of the "negative mindset" because we were never getting laid before the "negative mindset"
I have to channel @mNFwTJ3wz9 here for a moment:
> implying causing more ERs isn't their goal
this is no society for people like us.
Normies & Soyciety still don't understand that inceldom is a state of being, not an ideology or political movement.

- Poor people are in a state of being in poverty, they're not in an ideology or political movement.
- Paralyzed people are in a state of being in a wheelchair, they're not in an ideology or political movement.
- Incels are in a state of being incel because of genetics they can't fix or control, they're not in an ideology or political movement.

Since genetics can't be fixed, the only other solution to help incels would be to give them young fertile women.

Interestingly there are 2 models for soyciety to consider: the Nigeria model or the Taliban model.
Nigeria model = Society giving men some young fertile women to marry/have kids with (Nigeria did this and it reduced crime & terrorism)
Taliban model = Men rise up and topple the government, ushering in "dark ages" for women but a golden age for men

I advise soyciety to adopt the Nigeria model although I know they won't ever listen. If they don't do the Nigeria model than all it takes is one mega-crisis for a Taliban model to materialize.
Interestingly there are 2 models for soyciety to consider: the Nigeria model or the Taliban model.
Nigeria model = Society giving men some young fertile women to marry/have kids with (Nigeria did this and it reduced crime & terrorism)
Taliban model = Men rise up and topple the government, ushering in "dark ages" for women but a golden age for men

I advise soyciety to adopt the Nigeria model although I know they won't ever listen. If they don't do the Nigeria model than all it takes is one mega-crisis for a Taliban model to materialize.
Consider the Japan model with advanced copes too. But western society isn't ready to accept that you need to keep men pacified with sexual copes @Lebensmüder
incel ideology murdered 1000 times less foids than islam, yet they keep hunting us because we question their dysgenic, cucked narrative
Consider the Japan model with advanced copes too. But western society isn't ready to accept that you need to keep men pacified with sexual copes @Lebensmüder
I wonder why no one ever suggests the full legalization of prostitution as a remedy for inceldom? Oh, it's because the vaginal overlords have already made up their minds against prostitution; it's evil, it's exploitative (unless it's being done through OnlyScams, or unless there's someone with a camera filming, to upload it to the internet later so sexless men can masturbate to it).:feelsseriously:
Consider the Japan model with advanced copes too. But western society isn't ready to accept that you need to keep men pacified with sexual copes
Yeah that's a good point. Actually let me expand on that.

Some models for soyciety to consider
- Nigeria model
- Taliban model
- Japan model = Sex dolls/Sex Robots

Here are some other models I considered that are outside of normies/soyciety:
- Incelistan model = create our own incel country so we don't have to be living under normies/soyciety or be declared as terrorists
- Clone model = instead of sex dolls/robots, there should be female clones that are genetically programmed, potentially all men around the world could have real love & companionship from a clone

A spokesperson for the government said:

I swear normies are retarded:
"I think I know how to stop mass shootings. Lets single out males who struggle to get relationships and sex, even though they probably would have never considered themselves losers to begin with until we notified them that they were "at risk" of becoming a mass shooter. Lets indirectly call young males losers who should just accept their shitty lives and not hurt any of us, that's sure to work out :soy::foidSoy:"

These fuckers really don't want to admit that its about sex (lacking a resource) and not mental health, because if they do, now they have to focus on solving that problem or accepting the consequences

Notice normies never apply this retard logic to poverty

Poor people exist so society creates welfare programs, poor people can get food stamps, low income housing, etc

Nobody would ever say - "We just need to coach these people to be more positive and pull themselves up out of poverty", they would never treat poverty as mental health issue, because that's just stupid, its about a group lacking a resource, it has nothing to do with how they think, them lacking the resource is what influences the way they think, more than the way they think influencing them to make decisions that makes them lack that resource

There is a feedback loop there, but in this "chicken or the egg" scenario being poor came first, poverty then shapes their mindset leading to criminality and a degenerate culture, which then reinforces their poverty even more

Same with inceldom, its our endless years of rejection and sexual starvation that has shaped our mindset and how we think about women, we didn't just magically wake up having these beliefs nor were we born thinking like this. Our mindset is born from us spending years being sex starved and ridiculed, and that mindset just pushes us further into behaviors that decrease our likelihood of ever getting laid, but either way we wouldn't get laid regardless of the "negative mindset" because we were never getting laid before the "negative mindset"
A majority of incel problems are socio economic and when you impoverish the majority of men economically you're going to get huge swaths of male incels. Since they have no intention of fixing the current political status quo economically they're not tackling shit where the current robber barons are content with their economic grift or theft where nothing will change. The so called psychological angle is just pure propaganda, misdirection, and avoidance which is why nothing will ever be solved. The so called experts of course are idiots and imbeciles, every single one of them. :feelsjuice:
I wonder why no one ever suggests the full legalization of prostitution as a remedy for inceldom? Oh, it's because the vaginal overlords have already made up their minds against prostitution; it's evil, it's exploitative (unless it's being done through OnlyScams, or unless there's someone with a camera filming, to upload it to the internet later so sexless men can masturbate to it).:feelsseriously:
Only the prostitution of marriage is legalized because foids make more money that way where the threat of divorce is the power at their disposal to which alimony pays out more money than any common street hooker could ever make in her entire life. Concerning sexual rackets or extortion venues nothing competes against that of married women especially when all the laws or courts are on their side favoring them solely. :feelsclown:
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Legalizing prostitution is not enough.

Also keep in mind that the UK already has fully legalized prostitution, and not that stupid "Nordic" style of prostitution that punishes male clients.

The UK is hunting down incels as terrorists, even though they already have legalized prostitution.
Legalizing prostitution is not enough.

Also keep in mind that the UK already has fully legalized prostitution, and not that stupid "Nordic" style of prostitution that punishes male clients.

Meanwhile the UK is hunting down incels as terrorists, even though they have legalized prostitution.
It's because with women becoming the new dominant political social power they're going for the censorship kill shot of making all criticism or mockery of women criminally illegal, that is why. :feelsjuice:
I like that, they are literally giving us an alibi
Legalizing prostitution is not enough.

Also keep in mind that the UK already has fully legalized prostitution, and not that stupid "Nordic" style of prostitution that punishes male clients.

The UK is hunting down incels as terrorists, even though they already have legalized prostitution.
No, they don't. Brothels are still illegal over there.
It’s clear that misogyny as a concept runs deep through a lot of extremist ideologies.
I can't imagine being so brainwashed that despite every alternative ideology, including historical civilizations, coming to similar conclusions about female sexuality and it's need to be controlled for society to function and living in a time where you can see in real time what happens when those fail safes are disengaged, you conclude "all those warnings in the past for what happens when women have unrestrained sexual freedom are wrong, incels exist because they hate women!"
Their ideology blinds them to the simple fact that a man who has nothing to lose ( a family in this case) has nothing to lose and has no incentive to self-sacrifice to perpetuate civilization.
No, they don't. Brothels are still illegal over there.
Yes, brothels are illegal. But prostitution is still legal.

From Wikipedia:

"In Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), the act of engaging in sex as part of an exchange of sexual services for money is legal,[2] but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel, pimping and pandering, are crimes."
Only the prostitution of marriage is legalized because foids make more money that way where the threat of divorce is the power at their disposal to which alimony pays out more money than any common street hooker could ever make in her entire life. Concerning sexual rackets or extortion venues nothing competes against that of married women especially when all the laws or courts are on their side favoring them solely. :feelsclown:
Every element of this current social order (vaginocracy) is designed to maximize the value of female sexuality, and therefore enable women to leverage that sexuality to maximum effect.

This system is bitter, it is hateful and it is sadistic. It is designed not only to usurp maximum power for women, but to maximally disempower men. :feelsclown:
Yes, brothels are illegal. But prostitution is still legal.

From Wikipedia:

"In Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), the act of engaging in sex as part of an exchange of sexual services for money is legal,[2] but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel, pimping and pandering, are crimes."
When I say "fully legal" I mean everything related to buying a selling sex/sexual services is legal. Ideally, a man should be able to walk out of his front door and within 20 mins, be engaging in affordable, clean, legal, and decent quality prostitution.
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Every element of this current social order (vaginocracy) is designed to maximize the value of female sexuality, and therefore enable women to leverage that sexuality to maximum effect.

This system is bitter, it is hateful and it is sadistic. It is designed not only to usurp maximum power for women, but to disempower men. :feelsclown:
Yes, because their Judeo Marxist matriarchal socialism demands it. It's not going to work as they think it is because unlike women when a majority of men become disenfranchised, social outcasts, or stripped entirely of their self worth violent revolution is always inevitable. It will be no different this time either, these uneducated assholes don't understand that the reason why marriage was created for the majority of men in the first place regarding ancient times is that societies were suffering from and unable to prosper under constant male insurrectionists. We're heading back there all over again because these fools have learned nothing from history.:feelsclown:
Yes, because their Judeo Marxist matriarchal socialism demands it. It's not going to work as they think it is because unlike women when a majority of men become disenfranchised, social outcasts, or stripped entirely of their self worth violent revolution is always inevitable. It will be no different this time either, these uneducated assholes don't understand that the reason why marriage was created for the majority of men in the first place regarding ancient times is that societies were suffering from and unable to prosper under constant male insurrectionists. We're heading back there all over again because these fools have learned nothing from history.:feelsclown:

Although, I don't expect to see any coherent, organized 'revolution,' just increasing chaos and disorder. Expect to see a lot more ERs, Chos, Lepines, and Sodinis in the future. :feelshmm:
When I say "fully legal" I mean everything related to buying a selling sex/sexual services is legal. Ideally, a man should be able to walk out of his front door and within 20 mins, be engaging in affordable, clean, legal, and decent quality prostitution.
Yeah, you're right. I should have said the UK has "semi-legal" prostitution instead of "fully legal".

But nevertheless, with regards to prostitution, the UK is miles ahead of the US and "Nordic" style Western countries.
Yeah that's a good point. Actually let me expand on that.

Some models for soyciety to consider
- Nigeria model
- Taliban model
- Japan model = Sex dolls/Sex Robots

Here are some other models I considered that are outside of normies/soyciety:
- Incelistan model = create our own incel country so we don't have to be living under normies/soyciety or be declared as terrorists
- Clone model = instead of sex dolls/robots, there should be female clones that are genetically programmed, potentially all men around the world could have real love & companionship from a clone
rather fuck a woman than a rubber doll. the nigeria model makes sense (ie have men marry and procreate with HUMAN women not jack off into a rubber doll like a degenerate porn addict!)
i believe blackpill incels are already predestined to this fate, all of this is useless
This is hilarious. Williamson knows for a fact that underfunded schools aren't equipped to address inceldom, but this is his way of contributing to the situation.

But this is a meaningless statement. Saying that "teachers in England have the flexibility to address inceldom in the RHSE curriculum" is a cop-out by the Education Secretary because that takes significantly less work than revamping the curriculum. Incels aren't going to be addressed in schools anytime soon, and if we are, it's going to be in the form of a handful of poorly researched powerpoint slides that nobody pays any attention to because they're too busy thinking about what the cafeteria will be serving for lunch that day

Yeah, you're right. I should have said the UK has "semi-legal" prostitution instead of "fully legal".

But nevertheless, with regards to prostitution, the UK is miles ahead of the US and "Nordic" style Western countries.

Yeah, the UK's stance on prostitution is essentially "ïf it's not visible, if nobody's complaining, we don't care". As such, online-driven escort prostitution is legal, brothels/street-walking are not.
Legalizing prostitution is not enough
Yes it is, but only if its legal to own brothels (which it isn't)

You see just making it legal means that women can still monopolize sex and keep it expensive, but if someone can get a brothel license and own a building where women show up to sell themselves then that creates competition and then prices start to go down
This is hilarious. Williamson knows for a fact that underfunded schools aren't equipped to address inceldom, but this is his way of contributing to the situation.

But this is a meaningless statement. Saying that "teachers in England have the flexibility to address inceldom in the RHSE curriculum" is a cop-out by the Education Secretary because that takes significantly less work than revamping the curriculum. Incels aren't going to be addressed in schools anytime soon, and if we are, it's going to be in the form of a handful of poorly researched powerpoint slides that nobody pays any attention to because they're too busy thinking about what the cafeteria will be serving for lunch that day

Yeah, the UK's stance on prostitution is essentially "ïf it's not visible, if nobody's complaining, we don't care". As such, online-driven escort prostitution is legal, brothels/street-walking are not.
Its just going to lead to more bullying because everybody is going to be looking at the known losers in class as the presentation is being made, teasing him, asking questions like "do you have a gun in your bag psycho?", etc

Adults today are seriously retarded, you have to literally deny reality to no be able to predict whats going to happen
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Yes it is, but only if its legal to own brothels (which it isn't)

You see just making it legal means that women can still monopolize sex and keep it expensive, but if someone can get a brothel license and own a building where women show up to sell themselves then that creates competition and then prices start to go down
Getting a whore to "service" you should be just as easy and legal as ordering a pizza, anything less is unsatisfactory.
was gonna post about this, this is basically saying "You're too smart" so we have to make you dumber logic
Those government programs have different intentions in disguise. I hardly believe that they are this stupid
Those government programs have different intentions in disguise. I hardly believe that they are this stupid
Wouldn't it be great if people knew for a fact that these kind of developments were out of not well reasoned procedures and didn't have to guess that there might be a nefarious or ulterior motive? Governments aren't transparent or clear enough about things and sometimes encourage vagueness to make their power seem more far reaching than it actually is (see the episode about 9/11 in South Park (Season 10 Episode 9) for an example about this).

If these kinds of developments were merely just misunderstanding and incompetence in how to deal with the incel situation, so many people this policy is targeting would drop a lot of the hostility or suspicion. We don't know though, that's the thing. Governments have been playing mind games with their populace for a while now.
Wouldn't it be great if people knew for a fact that these kind of developments were out of not well reasoned procedures and didn't have to guess that there might be a nefarious or ulterior motive? Governments aren't transparent or clear enough about things and sometimes encourage vagueness to make their power seem more far reaching than it actually is (see the episode about 9/11 in South Park (Season 10 Episode 9) for an example about this).

If these kinds of developments were merely just misunderstanding and incompetence in how to deal with the incel situation, so many people this policy is targeting would drop a lot of the hostility or suspicion. We don't know though, that's the thing. Governments have been playing mind games with their populace for a while now.
Everything nowadays is a rich man's or establishment trick, a battlefield and war zone being waged on the human mind itself. :feelsjuice:
Remember how many times that video "Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" was removed online? That video also had a lot of details about who really might have killed JFK.
All of human civilization is an ongoing historical social experiment that they're constantly tweeking or manipulating to get a desired controlled environment response, this is the riddle of human civilization itself.

Though one wonders what they'll do when their experiment spirals out of control someday and what depths they'll embrace in trying to contain it. :feelsjuice:
High IQ post I enjoyed this read :feelsaww:
All of human civilization is an ongoing historical social experiment that they're constantly tweeking or manipulating to get a desired controlled environment response, this is the riddle of human civilization itself.

Though one wonders what they'll do when their experiment spirals out of control someday and what depths they'll embrace in trying to contain it. :feelsjuice:
You say that as if social engineers have complete control. Although they have always tried to do that they arguably have never had complete control. Until they can control your thoughts and actions to an absolute degree they aren't the sole controllers of this world and human civilization. Human civilization is after all the sum total of all actions of said people that live in that civilization. It's just that some actions carry more weight, such as the actions of richer, high status, better looking people that are able to broadcast their message and influence their intended audience in the exact way they plan and greatly suppress any challenges to this.
incel ideology murdered 1000 times less foids than islam, yet they keep hunting us because we question their dysgenic, cucked narrative
Well that and they always need a new boogeyman to rile the public up against to serve the narrative.

And quite honestly after twenty odd years of ZOG fighting muzzies in the totally fraudulent War on Terror the ol Islamic sand nigger boogeyman has just about played itself out.
Well that and they always need a new boogeyman to rile the public up against to serve the narrative.

And quite honestly after twenty odd years of ZOG fighting muzzies in the totally fraudulent War on Terror the ol Islamic sand nigger boogeyman has just about played itself out.
How much longer until "Incels" are subject to Mcarthyite-style witch-hunts and trials?
Wouldn't it be great if people knew for a fact that these kind of developments were out of not well reasoned procedures and didn't have to guess that there might be a nefarious or ulterior motive? Governments aren't transparent or clear enough about things and sometimes encourage vagueness to make their power seem more far reaching than it actually is (see the episode about 9/11 in South Park (Season 10 Episode 9) for an example about this).

If these kinds of developments were merely just misunderstanding and incompetence in how to deal with the incel situation, so many people this policy is targeting would drop a lot of the hostility or suspicion. We don't know though, that's the thing. Governments have been playing mind games with their populace for a while now.
One of the South Park creators is a kike and as hard as it may be for most people to fathom yes Jews will stoop to using even a goofy over the top cartoon such as this in order to gatekeep.

Think they may of made one shaming people who don’t want the jab as well though others have said on YouTube the South Park vaccine episode was pre Covid.
Think they may of made one shaming people who don’t want the jab as well though others have said on YouTube the South Park vaccine episode was pre Covid.
The Pandemic Special was absolute garbage. I miss the old South Park.
How much longer until "Incels" are subject to Mcarthyite-style witch-hunts and trials?
Oh they’ll most likely never get any real incels.

Not unless they somehow develop Minority Report style precog technology or other mind reading technology anyway.

The only people they’ll actually ensnare in their trap are foolish fame seekers like Brendio and others who think it’s all a game right up until the Jew or SJW Bolshevik commissar puts the bullet in their head on live TV.

The tragedy then will be that these volunteer: “Here I am put me on TV and interview me!” fakecels is that up to that point these things really had been a usually harmless little game where they’d in exchange for humiliating and debasing themselves gain 15 minutes of fame where maybe an e-girl or two would then be impressed enough to lead them on only to inevitably abandon them once the fame wore off which did happen in Brendio’s case with Tahlia.
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Scumbag bluepillers will never acknowledge the root cause of the problem. They will keep hammering the stupid old bullshit about personality and keep blaming ugly incels for not being charming enough to find gf, which will only anger those men even more as they'll be stuck at dead end no matter how hard they try and they'll start questioning their own sanity.

Also, this will continue fueling feminism. Bullshit anti-misogyny brainwash will force men to double down on simping, which in turn will inflate female ego even more and transform 20/80 rule into 5/95.

It's really a scary situation. Those arrogant idiots don't realize that the bullshit bubble can only inflate so much before it pops, and that's when you have guys like ER lose their patience and fucks to give.
So they're going to identify loners - pick them out for some sort of """corrective measures"""" and everyone's going to find out - further isolating the guy.

What the fuck jfl.
I hope every single male they single out goes and griefs plenty of bases on 2b2t minecraft server using the latest exploits.
So they're going to identify loners - pick them out for some sort of """corrective measures"""" and everyone's going to find out - further isolating the guy.
JFL exactly, I swear sometimes I think this may all be a simulation or something, because it doesn't seem possible for humans to be this stupid

Think about how many mental blocks you have to have to keep yourself from realizing how bad this would turn out
If I were 15-16 again today I definitely would've been closely monitored and called an incel by normies just because of my face, even if I have never heard of it before. These retards don't realize they just gave normie & Chad kids another reason to bully ugly unpopular kids, while giving them a new term used to accuse and ridicule them with discriminately

This will only make ugly bullied kids more prone to lash out on soyciety, and I welcome that :society:
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Scumbag bluepillers will never acknowledge the root cause of the problem. They will keep hammering the stupid old bullshit about personality and keep blaming ugly incels for not being charming enough to find gf, which will only anger those men even more as they'll be stuck at dead end no matter how hard they try and they'll start questioning their own sanity.

Also, this will continue fueling feminism. Bullshit anti-misogyny brainwash will force men to double down on simping, which in turn will inflate female ego even more and transform 20/80 rule into 5/95.

It's really a scary situation. Those arrogant idiots don't realize that the bullshit bubble can only inflate so much before it pops, and that's when you have guys like ER lose their patience and fucks to give.
So the bullying is now going to be official.
They will go on witch hunt and just bully loser boys even more.
they should pay for escorts to fuck the virgins of the highschool and teach them how to talk to women or get better looking.

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