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LifeFuel Talked to a girl in the elevator



Nov 12, 2017
Girl at my office. Much too young for me. Anyway, didn't recognize her at first because her back was turned to me (and her butt was perfect in jeans) waiting for the elevator but then I recognized her. She used to have curly hair that looked like a perm which I dislike. But now it is straight and looks beautiful. Lucked out and we were the only two in the lift. She had earbuds in but I had already decided I was gonna say something to her. All I said was "didn't you used to have curly hair"? She smiled and said she had straightened it. So I clarify that it is naturally curly and she says yes (I was expecting the opposite - for some mysterious reason women think men like curly hair.) The difference is night and day from her glum demeanor with her earbuds to really genuinely smiling and warm. Women do like male attention - we know the darker side of this, of course. But I couldn't help getting a charge out of it as well. I'm WAY too chickenshit to even attempt any move beyond this anyway. But it did feel nice.
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What a Chad

Now go out and slay
I would have charges pressed on me for attempting that.
never ask out anyone from work b0y0 you're going to get #me tooed or you're going to get rejected and then see them everyday.
never ask out anyone from work b0y0 you're going to get #me tooed or you're going to get rejected and then see them everyday.
But he could ask her out in a more indirect way like say, during break as he goes to a cafe, he could ask if she would like to come, and then he can start it from there
But he could ask her out in a more indirect way like say, during break as he goes to a cafe, he could ask if she would like to come, and then he can start it from there
We all know that it’s already over if you have to ask a foid out and not the other way around. In fact, it never truly began.
I don't have any illusions she would consider me seriously.

The whole warning about the work thing...I don't know. The ONLY success I've ever had was from a woman at work (and she initiated things.) Yeah, it can be a minefield, but you only go around once in life. So I wouldn't count it out.
Girl at my office. Much too young for me. Anyway, didn't recognize her at first because her back was turned to me (and her butt was perfect in jeans) waiting for the elevator but then I recognized her. She used to have curly hair that looked like a perm which I dislike. But now it is straight and looks beautiful. Lucked out and we were the only two in the lift. She had earbuds in but I had already decided I was gonna say something to her. All I said was "didn't you used to have curly hair"? She smiled and said she had straightened it. So I clarify that it is naturally curly and she says yes (I was expecting the opposite - for some mysterious reason women think men like curly hair.) The difference is night and day from her glum demeanor with her earbuds to really genuinely smiling and warm. Women do like male attention - we know the darker side of this, of course. But I couldn't help getting a charge out of it as well. I'm WAY too chickenshit to even attempt any move beyond this anyway. But it did feel nice.
As long as it is legal you are a CUCK for excluding prime pussy
Reminds me when a girl a few days ago tried to initiate a conversation with me as we were walkign to our workplaces from the parking lot. I handled it horribly, of course.

Normies seem to handle these situations with ease and incels like us royally fuck it up.
Stop humble bragging :woke::woke::woke:
You left out the part where you fucked her in the elevator with your 8" dick and had her orgasm 3 times before you made it two levels up/down.

Come on man. Don't hold back. Tell us the whole story.

On a serious note, this is why it is impossible to truly claim to hate women. One positive interaction with an attractive woman and you will feel high, because that is what we are hardwired for. May as well accept our biology. Can't change it.
She was just being nice to you, she is not interested. Foid being nice =/= interested in you romantically. Don't be autistic or a creeper (trying to hit on her) and most foids will respond to you in a nice manner. It's not her being sexually interested. If she were, she'd make it very clear.
I genuinely don't want to do that but I'm hoping to share in some hope/cope? Encourage people to try maybe just a little bit.
Trying would be asking her out. Do that and you'll know if she is interested or not. You know deep down inside that she is not, so you'll never ask her out.
She was just being nice to you, she is not interested. Foid being nice =/= interested in you romantically. Don't be autistic or a creeper (trying to hit on her) and most foids will respond to you in a nice manner. It's not her being sexually interested. If she were, she'd make it very clear.

I know. Or at least that is my default position. I do think I have always erred on the side of caution and assumed that.
She would've kept the conversation going if she wanted you. Or at least seemed visibly disappointed if you didn't.
She would've kept the conversation going if she wanted you. Or at least seemed visibly disappointed if you didn't.
This. When a foid is interested in you, she will keep the conversation flowing even when you are not. She will ask you questions about yourself, because she is interested in you. If she didn't ask you a single person question, she is not interested. She will also most likely touch you by shaking your hand and introducing herself.

It's VERY OBVIOUS when a foid is interested.
Trying would be asking her out. Do that and you'll know if she is interested or not. You know deep down inside that she is not, so you'll never ask her out.

Granted, every situation is different. She could be interested (though I doubt it.) I think my self-awareness isn't totally out of tune. Contrast it with another instance. I saw this really cute girl who literally reads while she walks around for exercise. My heart was aflutter. She has a real cute-librarian look. I read a lot, too. So several times I've tried to strike up a conversation and such. She is courteous but cold. I *do* get the impression she is like that with everyone and that is her nature (never see her with a guy or being casual.) But like you say if there was a chance she would be more inviting. OR maybe that is what is keeping me lonely. Ugh I never know. Fuck.
Granted, every situation is different. She could be interested (though I doubt it.) I think my self-awareness isn't totally out of tune. Contrast it with another instance. I saw this really cute girl who literally reads while she walks around for exercise. My heart was aflutter. She has a real cute-librarian look. I read a lot, too. So several times I've tried to strike up a conversation and such. She is courteous but cold. I *do* get the impression she is like that with everyone and that is her nature (never see her with a guy or being casual.) But like you say if there was a chance she would be more inviting. OR maybe that is what is keeping me lonely. Ugh I never know. Fuck.
Did she ask you a single personal question about your personal life? If she did not, she is not interested.

That could be asking how old you are, where you live, where you grew up, what type of movies you like, etc, etc. If she was interested in you, she would be interested in your personal life; she would like to know what kind of person you are. If she is not, then she won't give a shit and hence won't ask.

At least she doesn't find you disgusting, so that's good.
Did she ask you a single personal question about your personal life? If she did not, she is not interested.

That could be asking how old you are, where you live, where you grew up, what type of movies you like, etc, etc. If she was interested in you, she would be interested in your personal life; she would like to know what kind of person you are. If she is not, then she won't give a shit and hence won't ask.

At least she doesn't find you disgusting, so that's good.

Can't honestly say she did and you are right. On my second attempt she pulled out her phone and said her breaktime was over like she was on a clock to get back to work. I took that as a pretty strong signal. :-(
Brag. BAN
Thats not a brag, that's real life experience. What he said was completely within the realm of possibility. I do believe if he went any further than that it would have resulted in her being insulted.
Thats not a brag, that's real life experience. What he said was completely within the realm of possibility. I do believe if he went any further than that it would have resulted in her being insulted.

It would have been awkward or at least that is my fear which helps keep me in this doldrum of my life.
Can't honestly say she did and you are right. On my second attempt she pulled out her phone and said her breaktime was over like she was on a clock to get back to work. I took that as a pretty strong signal. :-(
Pulling out her phone could be her way of trying to ignore you. An interested foid won't take out her phone unless it's for you to write down her number.

She probably doesn't find you disgusting, but probably isn't interested in you either. If you think she is interested, ask her out on a date and you'll find out.

Remember that "being nice and polite =/= being interested."
if u were a real incel should would have called the cops the second you talked to her. fuck off
Thats not a brag, that's real life experience. What he said was completely within the realm of possibility. I do believe if he went any further than that it would have resulted in her being insulted.
the mere fact she replied to him is a brag.

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