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Taking request for finding posts from r/incels.



Nov 8, 2017
I'm bored, so do you miss a post from r/incels or do you want to repost your own post, im up for finding it.

Titles, dates, usernames, etc? Anything that i'll can go on.
Can you find Angryman's greatest hits? His rage was absolutely pure against the femoid. He used to post at a similar rate as gambler but it was all rage and it was absolutely beautiful.
ilieknothing said:
Can you find Angryman's greatest hits? His rage was absolutely pure against the femoid. He used to post at a similar rate as gambler but it was all rage and it was absolutely beautiful.

Titles, dates, etc? Anything that i'll can go on.

Guessing that contains most of his stuff?
lonelyreee said:
Titles, dates, etc? Anything that i'll can go on.

Guessing that contains most of his stuff?

Holy shit that was excellent. I think he started posting like October 2016 and finished January 2017, his last post was about him getting rejected for plastic surgery and we think he killed himself after that.
I'm looking for a thread with the title:
Blackpill: religious trump supporter who says only white men agrees to hookup with tyrone
I liked the posts about teen love. It hits home for me, and I need to look at it whenever I have a good day.
Sneepysqar said:
I'm looking for a thread with the title:
Blackpill: religious trump supporter who says only white men agrees to hookup with tyrone

Title: BLACKPILL: Super religious trump supporter who says white men only agrees to hookup with a tyrone. Women are biologically unable to stick to their beliefs.


that one?
Can you find the one where greekcel AKA the gambler talks about going to a club. It's one of the most funny things i've ever read in my life
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
Can you find the one where greekcel AKA the gambler talks about going to a club. It's one of the most funny things i've ever read in my life

Do you remember what username he used for that post?

ordinaryotaku said:
I liked the posts about teen love. It hits home for me, and I need to look at it whenever I have a good day.

lonelyreee said:
Do you remember what username he used for that post?


He used either u/greekcel or u/the_gambler 

I know he deleted all his accounts so it may be hard to find!
lonelyreee said:
Title: BLACKPILL: Super religious trump supporter who says white men only agrees to hookup with a tyrone. Women are biologically unable to stick to their beliefs.


that one?

Yep, that one. Thanks. Will link to that if people say that white women don't want blacks.


Had those saved. Btw how do you do it?
wish you can find the hanged subhumans meme
i want you to give me posts of u/foreignincel , the account is deleted for dates its been like 8 mounts since i deleted the account
kodoku said:


Had those saved. Btw how do you do it?

Google wizardly.


Author: Inceldemographic
Title: Society may not survive hookup culture
Text: Firstly, there is no historical precedent of any society in ancient history that encouraged hookup culture, and survived to the present day (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure of this). Look at all the cultures that survived. Yup muh patriarchy, all Christian and perhaps Muslim countries. Not one SJW country among them. Secondly, hookup culture obliterates the fabled \"wall\" of the 30-40 year old female. With females still getting tons of mates into their 40's with their dating apps, they refuse to settle down until their ovaries expire. With the majority of women pretty much getting all the attention they want, this means a majority will not be producing. Even if we apply non-AWALT and say 20% of women are not like that (probably far less in real life), this means that 20% has to produce at least 10 children in their life to keep society going. Yup, NOT happening. No tax money for those lazy normie socialists too. You can see the writing on the wall. Likely that Society will collapse, it's over. Normies who love their little society so much should see the writing on the wall and Ban hookup culture immediately.

Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
He used either u/greekcel or u/the_gambler 

I know he deleted all his accounts so it may be hard to find!

Was it this one?

Title: i followed zyrros advice and went to a club alone

Probably a screenshot out there somewhere but can't find anything.
lonelyreee said:
Google wizardly.


Author: Inceldemographic
Title: Society may not survive hookup culture
Text: Firstly, there is no historical precedent of any society in ancient history that encouraged hookup culture, and survived to the present day (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure of this). Look at all the cultures that survived. Yup muh patriarchy, all Christian and perhaps Muslim countries. Not one SJW country among them. Secondly, hookup culture obliterates the fabled \"wall\" of the 30-40 year old female. With females still getting tons of mates into their 40's with their dating apps, they refuse to settle down until their ovaries expire. With the majority of women pretty much getting all the attention they want, this means a majority will not be producing. Even if we apply non-AWALT and say 20% of women are not like that (probably far less in real life), this means that 20% has to produce at least 10 children in their life to keep society going. Yup, NOT happening. No tax money for those lazy normie socialists too. You can see the writing on the wall. Likely that Society will collapse, it's over. Normies who love their little society so much should see the writing on the wall and Ban hookup culture immediately.

Was it this one?

Title: i followed zyrros advice and went to a club alone

Probably a screenshot out there somewhere but can't find anything.

hahah yess that is the one!! is the thread deleted?
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
hahah yess that is the one!! is the thread deleted?


nausea said:
wish you can find the hanged subhumans meme

You mean he one where they hanging jews and somebody added the text?
Couldn't find it, can't remember what the title was...
lonelyreee said:
You mean he one where they hanging jews and somebody added the text?
Couldn't find it, can't remember what the title was...


the one with chad sitting on girls and hanged incels
foreignincel3 said:
i want you to give me posts of u/foreignincel , the account is deleted for dates its been like 8 mounts since i deleted the account

Some of it, saw a couple of screenshots that i didn't find post history for.

Wall of text.

Sub: trashy
Title: This guy using his wife to bully incels (he even sent one telling a short guy that short men should die)
Link: http://i.imgur.com/fzTpXGo.jpg

Sub: thegambler953
Title: finally a subreddit where there is no dannymason mod.
Text: The gamlber stopped posting his pics right after r/incels went private, and so did zyrros, they both made a post without their pictures for the first time demanding that the sub needs to get public, let us not forget the biggest flow of hookups that happen behind our back in our own sub, the gamlber admitted to have a lot of cybersex from girls there, i managed alone to video chat with 10 girls in only one week but they all ghosted me after they saw my face, this shit needs to be exposed, the sub needs to stay private forever, we just need to add more incels that can't get it , and of course unmod dannymaso.

Sub: IncelsWithoutHate
Title: Why you shouldn't let Normies give you advice.
Text: The first thing to escape inceldom is to behave like a normie, normie doesn't take stupid advice from another normie, because if you enable them to give you advice you enable them to act superior to you and all mighty , if a normie want to act superior to you then he should take responsibility of you and take your virginity by any means, again i assume you know all the basic advice, shower etc etc, gym isn't really important if you are cute enough , but never be fat, dress good , fit clothes always fit clothes , act always the same level as someone if she disrespect you, you disrespect her, never give others validation and that's it . if you behave this way and try to engage with girls you can do it, never forget to always engage with super pretty girls first , their rejection hurt less than getting rejected from ugly girls, and ugly girls tends to reject you the most from incel experience, never go for super short girls they have absolutely high demand from tall guys.

Sub: IncelsWithoutHate
Title: Hello Incels how was your day doing. i have some news.
Text: The gamlber stopped posting his pics right after r/incels went private, and so did zyrros, they both made a post without their pictures for the first time demanding that the sub needs to get public, let us not forget the biggest flow of hookups that happen behind our back in our own sub, the gambler admitted to have a lot of cybersex from girls there, i managed alone to video chat with 10 girls in only one week but they all ghosted me after they saw my face, this shit needs to be exposed, the incels sub needs to stay private forever, we just need to add more incels here , i will for now on join this sub and only post here , of course if dannymasson is also modded here i will go away , mods from r/incels get a ton of nudes from a lot of girls that want to join the discord and watch the r/incels zoo from close, i am not here with hate at all, but this is the truth, people like to shit on us to make themselves feel better, fortunately some of you incels have a high level of logical thinking with all the LDAR and rejections you got watching everyone get in relationships have given you something , you are all past the advice , i still have one year left to try one last thing and if it doesn't work , goodby world.

Sub: VirginityExchange
Title: 21 [M4F] France Paris
Text: typical cute shota guy maybe you can find me handsome maybe not i look really really young for my age , like i said typical shota guy, dick is very big compared to body legs and hands ratio , in love with kissing and foreplay .

Sub: Incels
Titel: A feels song i want to share with my incel friends. what does this song makes you feel ?

Sub: Incels
Title: This should be stickied.
Link: https://youtu.be/aUgQPzq6ifc

Sub: Incels
Title: Make me mod or i kill him.
Link: https://i.redd.it/dg2ujbbbilsy.png

Sub: Incels
Titel: Accurate
Link: http://imgur.com/2i1BtiI

Sub: Incels
Link: http://i.imgur.com/TwAOGhI.gif

Sub: Incels
Title: My account showed wired activity after my last thread
Text: Sounds like the fbi to me,should i be worried?

Sub: Incels
Title: Manlets are counter argument to "BE CONFIDEEENTTZZZ"
Text: Like most manlets here, i have an okay face , 12/10 personality or else i wouldn't survive, CONFIDENT,SOCIAL,CAN DO 20 PULL-UPS , Speak 5 languages yet no girl will give a fucking chance to a manlet, all those things doesn't matter at all , Manlets are the kryptonite to normies positivity arguments , and oh god if you are a manlet and look 12 it's over for you , you can be very cute and all you'll never pull a women your age. so fuck off normies. shout out to all those cute manlets in the discord.

Sub: Incels
Title: Are we being brigaded by TRP ?

Sub: Incels
Title: Any incel want to read this light novel with me ?
Text: I already made a thread yesterday but no one was interested so i am trying my second chance . The light novel is called Dungeon seeker and i guarantee you that you will love it, and i'd love to discuss it with my fellow incels here . SO plz anyone ? :(

Sub: Incels
Title: REMINDER RIP u/OneDayMorePlease
Text: I HOPE THAT YOU NOW BELIEVE IT , NORMIES KILLED HIM ALL OF YOU NORMIES THINKING WE ARE JUST EDGY TEENS HAVE KILLED HIM LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE. u/OneDayMorePlease was a great friend and a great brother, me and him would talk about our inceldom and all our secrets, one of his hobbies was to watch videos of normie life in youtube, he would insert himself in the video and imagining living great moments, he was a great and sane incel , a loving brother and a geniune friend, he was always nice to me and shared the same views as me and other manlets, he shall not be forgotten and we shall not forgive normies , I hope that every normie that participated in his suicide die , fuck all of you i am so lonely without him.

Sub: Incels
Title: A suicide note from an incel.
Text: I don't know of any other way to post this anonymously that it will reach our /r/incel brethren. I am so sorry to place this on your shoulders, but I believe you will do everything you can to share this with our brothers. If I post directly to the sub the admins will probably never approve my post. I want to submit this and delete my account so as to remain hidden. Please respect my privacy and do not share anything that will point out who I am. You know how many normie monsters are trolling our sub who will dox me and then harrass my family on FB after I'm gone. I have been bullied beyond my breaking point. I'm going to sleep for a long time. Thank you all for being a source of comfort. Thank you for sharing this. Just please don't quote. delete thise after you read it. paraphrase. i hope you understand my concern. thank you my brother. ///the username was deleted so i don't know who this is .maybe we'll find out after noticing who didn't come to incelistan ... Rest in peace anon i wish i knew your username at least to pray for you... another one normies get to kill with their comments on this sub ,mods you are responsible for this And don't pm me your suicide note . i will not share it.i wasn't going to share this one because he did a fuck move but i shared it just this one and last time. Seriously guys this is a fuck move post your suicide note yourself. //

Sub: Incels
Title: I deserve a gf more than anyone in this earth
Text: blank

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies say that incel women exist
Text: Yet when you say you want a virgin women they all tell you that it's high demand.

Sub: Incels
Title: Hello normie cliche number 102 "I want to help"
Text: Before you post that you want to help , i can link right now 1083892919 threads just like yours so please the true help we need is 1)if you are a guy, crossdress and date one of us he will also share you with us. 2)a girl: leave please or straight date one of us . This is the only help you can provide and keep in mind any comment you make in this sub even if to you is nothing hurtful to some mentally disturbed people here it is extremely suicide fuel. Normies i lost my incel best friend to suicide because of you commenting in this sub , you are basically some Elliot Rodger to me. If any girl i video chated with is reading this post ,the reason i stoped talkint to you is because you are all fucking whores man, of course to the ones that ghosted me you are whores too ."uhhh buhhh you are cute but i just wont date you but other girls will but not me ahah so now i will ghost you after i just video chated and saw your ugly face" anyways i got my proof and now i shall be deathcel forever. Inb4 shower memes i just got a new haircut today and i showered 4 times.

Sub: Incels
Text: I TOLD YOU NOT TO AND NOW I WILL NOT SHARE IT SO IF YOU DID IT AND SUCCEEDED JUST KNOW THAT I DIDNT SHARE YOUR SUICIDE NOTE THAT WILL TEACH YOU. some guy sent me his suicide not while i made it clear i will not share it in my last thread, probably a troll.

Sub: Incels
Title: Still waiting for that grow spurt.
Text: wish me luck maybe this night is the night .

Sub: Incels
Title: REMINDER RIP u/OneDayMorePlease
Text: I dreamed of r/incels related subs but the subs were in real life.

Sub: Incels
Text: I was talking with a female here in reddit and we talked quiet good and as soon as we exchanged pics guess what she said after being cold enough and not responding to my texts? "I like you a lot but the distance is too far away :( You will always be special to me i must go" right like i am special to you after only one night of talking haha and i am so special that you will not talk to me yeah right... this is the 10 time it happened with every girl i met on reddit. FML. AAAND SHE BLOCKED ME.

Sub: Incels
Text: Srsly guys sthap i know you are trolling .

Sub: Incels
Title: Who here is into lightnovels ?
Text: So it's been a while that i was reading some light novel and i really liked how it is so logical and put importance in a lot of details but when i wanted to discuss it on reddit a lot of normies labeled it as edgy because the OP was betrayed by his female childhood friend who basically got in a relationship with his handsome and tall bully , i mean why not? when you are teleported in a bad medieval world you seek the protection of the cool guy plus the bully was no lounger the bully and they had to get ride of OP in order to survive , anyways evrytime OP tries to do a good thing it always fail miserably and he end up feeling betrayed for example he saved this female elf sex slave and she invited him to her village to celebrate ( he saved her for a reason that put things in perspective but i forgot and i don't want to spoil you guys), in normie fantasy the female elf would join his harem and fell in love with him giving him her first orgasm but in this LN all the elf village have so much hate for humans they basically decided to burn him alive even if he was her savior .normies just want sex and harem and happy fantasy . the Light Novel name is dungeon seeker and i would like to discuss it with some incels here so maybe if you never read it start reading it and we can discuss some points about it witch i'll find awesome , there is a manga already but the light novel have much more details and is more awesome but anyways if you want an insight or a little look at it you can read the manga. i guarantee you it's worth it while most light novels get boring chapter after chapter this one get more hype one after one so i urge you to read it and discuss it with me because i like the mentality of a lot of incels here and if i liked it you'll like it too. inb4 trolls i won't respond to any troll comments. inb4 cope, i really like this lightnovel rather than the other ones that i consumed like cocaine just to cope.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies always look out for a fake purpose in everything they do.
Text: Posting a selfie of your ugly face that never actually cared one bit for the consequences of the patriarchy as an unjust social system that enforces gender roles and is oppressive to both men and women and then labeling it as "this is what feminism looks like" while your heightist bigoted ass discriminate against short men , just normie things. Bullying people and Incels telling them to drink bleach and justifying yourself by saying you saved a life ? just normie things , OH and don't forget to tell them it's their personality that doesnt get them laid while you fuck girls left and right and say that there is only two genders. sexting girls on r/gonewild while you have a girlfriend and justifying your act buy saying you are helping those girls have faith in themselves and destroy their insecurities ? just normie things. Post your hairy roastie beef between your legs on r/gonewild and justifying it by saying your husband doesn't make you feel pretty enough and it makes you depressed ? just normie things. browse r/incels saying you want to help and ghost all incels you talk to the moment brad text you or the moment you have to step out from your confort zone to help a suicidal incel ? just normie things. Normies are evil, don't ever ever trust them.If Normies were nice all normies would be SJW's or feminists.

Sub: Incels
Title: Fine i will post in this sub
Text: Fuck u dannymason and fuck women who don't fuck down.

Sub: Incels
Title: Hello my favorite subreddit !
Text: I wanted to post a funny pic but it wouldn't work, so how are my bros doing anything new in your life ? did you talk to your crush today any girl ? today i can say with a big certitude that i didn't say one word to any Femonoid nor had eyes contact with one, maybe even yersterday, but hey i had good times with friends (cope), sometimes when my man hormones kicks in too much and the angry and depressing part of me start to surface again i masturbate like it is a cure, i should probably castrate myself and end this suffering, so tell me about you how are you doing ?

Sub: Incels
Text: BAN THIS SUB, this sub needs to be purged, i taught i had friends here but it's not the case, purge this ship down.

Sub: Incels
Title: Goodby.
Text: I am leaving ,i cant post in this sub after the humuliation i got from dannymason who banned me from the discord because a girl that was bullying a fellow incel told him to. I feel like a beat up dog when i post in this sub of his and i will not be a low level beat up dog. Goodby incels you deserve to be treated with dignity.each one of you.

Sub: Incels
Title: Now that dannymasson is back
Text: I will leave unless he apologise dont hold me incels.

Sub: Incels
Text: This is our sub where we will need all of your help and maybe you can save a lot of us dude thanks so much !! So please dont be shy and head on to r/foreveralone

Sub: Incels
Title: All incels have to watch this video.
Link: https://youtu.be/V_v9CflH6B0

Sub: Incels
Title: Lyrics that speak "some" of my feelings and maybe yours.
Link: https://youtu.be/2pSqndUZ18A

Sub: Incels
Title: To that girl that was raped and her bf dumped her.(that reddit thread)
Text: weeew i am sure personality matters.

Sub: Incels

Sub: Incels
Title: Question for short successful men
Text: Does all your girlfriend were shorter than you ? if so how did you manage to find short girls ? What do you do when a guy slap your girlfriend's ass. what do you do when a big guy provoke you. how do you fight. what do you do when you are in a group of people and some guy clearly start to degrade you in front of others to use you as an ego-boost . now don't get me wrong , i am a really awesome guy socially, also i am very confident, but i'v never found any short girls, the only one i have found was already in a relationship.i always asked taller girls out and they all said they don't want a shorter guy, so i heard i have a chance with short girls, anyway can any short guy confirm this and answer my question, recently i got a flashback of a girl and i don't want to admit that i am incel knowing she is married and having a successful life, i feel like a cuck if i am to admit i am an incel, i know it's a cope don't hate me for it guys plz no bully.

Sub: Incels
Title: Thoughts on having a tulpa girlfriend ?
Text: actually it's been a long time that i started learning about tulpas and reading a lot of useful things and always wanted to try it but never started official for a lot of reasons because it's dangerous as fuck your tulpa can betray you if you ever try switching or possession and i know with my luck my tulpa will betray me the minute he can . SO any incels that are good in the tulpa subject? is it safe ? is it cool ? is your girlfriend caring ?

Sub: Incels
Title: fuck this manlet body
Text: fuck this manlet body, fuck this shit, fuck fuck fuck girls are right i can never protect them with this body fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Sub: Incels
Title: well not only i am a manlet and super skinny, but now i am ugly too.
Text: i always taught that i was kind of cute, but now i got the confirmation that i am ugly , below 5. maybe i was cute when i was young and now with always having my face in tears and angry i got ugly , thats the only explanation, i'v been nofap two mounths ago so i can take it, but oh boy if i ever fap ill lose it and become a wreck,THIS IS NOT FUCKING FAIR ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FUCK YOU NORMIES , I FUCKING HATE YOU PIECE OF SHIT ALL OF YOU PIECE OF SHIT ./rent that's it I TAKE THE DEATHCEL PATH, I AM NOW A DEATHCEL. going to change my flair to deathcel.

Sub: Incels
Title: a question to religious incels.
Text: You were told you are soon going to die, and we know all that we are very scared of dying a virgin, would you do it with a prostitute before you die ? i am really torn appart, because first i want to do it with someone i like and likes me back, it kinda appease the sin for me, but then if i dont do it maybe i can go to heaven but if i do it i would go to hell for a whore .i hate it when autismo kicks in , anyways whats your opinion i really want to know I love all of you , sucks that i am going to die before having an arranged marriage well the soon it ends the soon my suffering will stop.

Sub: Incels
Title: Got told by a female from here that i am very hot.
Text: so i sent her some pics of me and her exact response was "how the fuck are you incel you are waaaaaaay hooooot" and stupid me trusted her words and was all giggly and shit until she ignored all my messages and snaps ,but that night i dreamed about being a chad it was god's way of telling me "well if you are not chad at least dream of being one" wich i am thankfull for .

Sub: Incels
Title: Just cried feels good fam
Text: i am crying right now, feels thread let it all out fam. i wish things were not like this.

Sub: Incels
Title: This thread is for incels looking for partners or friends
Text: Hello and welcome ladies and gentleman like everyone here we are all lacking romantic experience and we are lonely so this thread is for finding partners or friends from the opposite sex and who knows you never know what can happen, so i invite all incels to take part inthis thread and present himself what he is looking for ,his hobbies and i invite all girls or boys to pm them and talk to them. there is a lot of beautiful people here who where just unlucky in life, sometimes these incels have a really great and loving personality so please state age and gender and all the information and maybe normies who lurk here will pm you ! there are a lot of incels here that met awesome girls and old members know what i am talking about ( an incel man lost his virginity to an incel women , but he drove for 4 hours tho) so yeah have a seat everyone !

Sub: Incels
Title: u/OneDayMorePlease Rest in peace.
Text: u/OneDayMorePlease is dead. you fuckers didn't even notice.

Sub: Incels
Text: Let's talk with each other without shitposting, how are you today ? what are your plans for the week ? how are you dealing with your situation ? is this week better or worse than the last week ? for me today i feel very happy because i just got accepted in a normie facebook group and maybe i will have a lot of friends and friends have girlfriends so i will get to kiss them on those sweet cheeks and they can't say no because they are obligated to kiss everyone in the group ! i figured out that the best solution to overcome those suicidal thoughts is to make your brain blank , not think at all , the worst moment is deep in the night where it's just you with yourself so i try to sleep quickly ! so far those tricks work great !!! NORMIES I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU.

Sub: Incels
Title: To all short men out there, society don't deserve you.
Text: you guys rock, you have a great personality, you live life in hard mode and manage to rock it up, you guys are my heroes, no girl deserve you. GIVE SHORT MEN THE LOVE THEY DESERVE DAMN IT

Sub: Incels
Title: It's over fuck this shit.
Text: Like most of you Incels have advise me to go see a doctor and maybe get a hormone treatment for my case, well i took your advise and went to parents to talk with them , well... their response was basically "your cure is to go play basketball or do some push-ups" haha yeah thanks push ups and basketball will make me taller, fuck this shit , i have no money and if i wait till i am older and with money it will be too late , thanks everyone for advising me but i guess i will be like this all my life. plus it took me all my heart to talk with them about this fuck this shit, this is the last time i open to someone fuck shit .

Sub: Incels
Title: Imagine we all got girlfriends
Text: Imagine we all got girlfriends and escaped inceldom, we all got those beautiful intimate and romantic moments with our partner,we all experienced a lot of things with her, then we all got married, we all got kids, we would die in peace. I pray that each one of us could escape this hell, i'd like some of you to escape before me so i can escape in peace.

Sub: Incels
Title: I am being bullied in my own thread right now.
Text: as usually everyday i log on r/incels to talk and let things out with my incel brothers, i relate to them and they relate to me we usually talk and discuss our problems together by complaining to each other and being there for each other it's pretty comfy, but today is different, right now i just made a post about a problem i had and i wanted to let know every incel that gave me advice about what happened to me and low and behold i was brigaded by normies , judging my manhood and told to stop complaining ?! excuse me ?!!!! i don't have the right to complain ? 21 years, 21 fucking years of pure agony and i am not fucking able to complain ?! all my life i have been fucking fighting people giant to me , i kept always walking in front despite all the shit thrown at me despite all those walls, i managed to fucking survive with this body of a kid , and you fuckers come to me and tell to stop complaining ?! , FUCKNG SHIT NORMIES this is why people like Elliot Rodger exist, i never taught i would say that but i am glad Elliot Rodger started that revolution and hope that each normie that brigaded my thread get the same fate Sir Rodger gave to normies. where are my incel brothers at fucking hold me shit.

Sub: Incels
Title: good night !
Text: good night incels ! it was pretty comfy browsing the sub these two days , the usual telling normies to fuck off and to discuss height is a hobbie i like to share with you guys, i would like to have more comfy threads to talk with you , anyways have a good night incels, sleeping is good it makes you taller, still waiting for that growth spurt wish me luck ! maybe this night is the night where i grew a little !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really don't wanna die a virgin :(

Sub: Incels
Title: As a short men i am proud of the new spider-man movie.
Text: I guess i now understands what minorities feels like when they aren't portrayed enough in movies and shows, i know a lot of you won't understand but hoo man it feels great it means a lot for me and i guess for other short men too. if you haven't seen the new homecoming trailer go check it. maybe this movie will end the taller girlfriend stigma and a lot of things.

Sub: Incels
Title: The fuck is this
Text: My height is 5'5 and my wingspan is 5'3 with very skinny forearms the fuck is wrong aaaaaaarghh all my life is a nightmare i got delayed puberty at senior high school class the fuck why , all my life i have been told to wait puberty to get taller, but i didn't i feel scammed to the bone fuck this shit , fuck you , in the whole word i still yet didn't found someone like my case, please someone like myself respond i need someone that can relate.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies once again pushing more incels to suicide (we just lost more than one incel this week alone)
Link: https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/628m3v/scary_incel_is_coming_for_me/

Sub: Incels
Link: https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/61g4i5/as_an_alpha_bad_boy_heres_what_ive_learned/

Sub: Incels
Title: Call to Incelknights and where is Alia?
Text: Where did he go? Why is Zen Overlord welcomed by incels? Do i have to remind you he have a gf? We should ban all normies and only let legit incels stay i was kind of shocked by the amount of racist red pillers normies thinking they will be welcome and think they are home, BITCH GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SUB RACIST FAILED RED PILLER CUCKED NORMIE, Alia would usually help awaken the masses to this phenomen but alas i can't find him,i need more incelknights to take this duty seriously or we will loose our sub , Clouds help me man, all heightcel join.

Sub: Incels
Title: <-------- Number of Incelknights forming the Incelwall against normieshit
Text: http://imgur.com/a/ganKP http://imgur.com/a/WLZeK http://imgur.com/VHzj0Pl

Sub: Incels
Text: Ughh ufff, it feels good now that i say it, i am a feminist, at least i was never mind its old now, i don't give a flying fuck about this word anymore, there could a fucking slaughter house killing people 24/24 next to me and i wouldn't care nor say anything to the police, i dont care about the world of the living, just yesterday i was in a normie facebook group about people meeting people ( put yourself out there -normieadvice #112) and there was a post made by a girl saying "why is there no more tall guys out there" and it was the most trending post of the week, all the comments filled with guys just listing their height and getting orbited by a lot of girls and i was just .. i was just.. "yeah .. " just like a dog beat up after a war but you know as all heightcels i was used to this so after a while i decide to browse a bunch of mangas like i usually do to cope it's just like a drug to me to read or finish 30 mangas per day, as i was browsing some manga to read i stumbled this manga called "My giant geek boyfriend" basically the author is a girl (1,58 m ) depicting herself as the heroin who have a 1.99m tall boyfriend who is a bit geeky and in all the pages she just draw silly relationship things but it make it special because he is tall ? in real life it's totally disgusting with the height difference and all its fucking creepy okay. ah did i forgot to mention that in the normie facebook group the girl was 1.60 herself ? and normies tell you to go for short girls ? short girls are the most who care about tall guys, yet these whores don't understand that they are the one who bring short men to the world , short girl why the fuck do they exist? they dont serve any purpose, a short men with a tall girl will always bring tall men to the world because the child is always same height or taller than the mother, so try to convince me what is the purpose of short girls ? these same motherfucking heightist whores will bring short men to the world and they will not be loved by their mother at all, because the kid will be as short as the mother and these fucking whores will see their kid as they once saw short men and she will every night from the moment the kid is born till puberty pry and tell him that he will grow when he will hit puberty , she will remind him every second but soon her eyes will be sad as the kid will not grow and worse if he got late puberty only for him to become suicidal as he finally realize he isnt tall at all and he will ever be , because all my life i was this kid, my mother would tell me i would become so tall, i hit 17 and i didnt even hit puberty yet, and i never got my growth spurt, i'v seen it all, in my family how women swoon over tall men , yet i respect all those women who finally grown up and realized height doesn't matter and doesn't care about society standards , i salute you. rent over sorry for the text.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies breached our walls
Text: We used to have r/incel as a first defense where normies get lost into it because they cant link the sub right , but now after it got banned some normies started to awaken and found this sub , all the incelknights that tried to save those beautiful souls of sensitive incels got fucking slaughtered in downvotes by a hord of 945 online normies , i saw fellow incelknights begging for mercy while others were lost in the corners having a blank stare at normies storming the sub and spewing normie narative in everyway possible,normies offering to talk opening their cages (inbox) to catch beautiful souls (poor incels that trust normies ) . We need to reorganise and stand to those mounsters , i urge every incelknight left to protect innocent and sensible incels and escort them to safe threads, stand in the way of every normie who try to trigger civil incels, do not let them win even if it meant driving the attention from civil incels to you and argue with them in order to save the life of a fellow incel. I am not Arya i can't awaken the masses , my english is broken as fuck, but my inbox is open for every suicide note as it is my destiny, i already lost ... got triggered so hard i cant stay in the battle anymore.. INCELKNIGHTS CONTINUE THE FIGHT, who shall take the responsability now?

Sub: Incels
Title: >no gf.
Text: i am sad.

Sub: Incels
Title: Let's take a minute to think about all the incels that killed themselves
Text: I am sad really sad, but i REFUSE to die before i just live just a little bit of normie life , please god just a little, fuck this is one of those nights where i can't sleep and just start craving for females , craving a lot fuck this shit, i am just like any guy yet i never held hands with a girl, the closest i'v come to a relationship was online and she destroyed my life by marrying her cousin, i could post her pics on facebook but i couldn't see her face anymore, because every time i do, i just throw up and throw up, i spent weeks without eating after she cucked me , trust me it was something special like some super natural shit but anyway this is not the topic, i had a taste of love and i refuse to die before getting that taste again , please please just a little taste of it .

Sub: Incels
Title: When r/Incels goes to a party
Link: https://youtu.be/eh7rAhhakCg?list=PLF-hd_acLF-IovuFLgiEPlWTHAZ3bBlPz

Sub: Incels
Title: When a kid got more game than you, also that kid look older than me lol
Link: https://youtu.be/0bb5esIKH5o?list=RD6nXI6r6aCoU

Sub: Incels
Title: The teenage years we all missed . some normies say that teenage love will stay with you forever
Link: https://youtu.be/oQ65cLPdn_o

Sub: Incels
Title: It is truly beautiful when another person embrace the love of St Elliot. a true believer.
Link: https://youtu.be/-yWS5m7nUas

Sub: Incels
Title: Pics of the last r/Incels meetup , thank you guys it was pretty cool !! ;)
Link: https://i.redd.it/8t737nqqsfcy.jpg

Sub: Incels
Title: Michael Jackson laying some truths
Text: "If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with." - Michael Jackson we are doomed.

Sub: Incels
Title: I encourage all women to cheat and have a healthy and active sex life.
Text: All normies must be cucked, what women do in their life don't affecte me in any way, a lot of incels here insulting women for cheating as they were cheated themselves.No! if a women cheat=normie is cucked and hurt, so we in r/incels are supporting all women rights and encourage them to be sexually active from early age, we also love it when women try to explore themselves with friends, specially if they are married, because marriage doesn't mean you can't explore your sexuality ! cuck your husbands pleaaaaase fuck them, if i can't get a women then fuck you normies get cucked fuck off.

Sub: Incels
Title: Who want to date a kid ?
Text: Seriously what female in her right mind would date me ? i am literally a 12 yo kid (looks and physic) Baron trump look much older than me, i only get approached by teenage girls and i fucking hate it, i remember one time in high school i entered a class , and there was a group of girls who Awwwwwd at me as i am a cute little kid, one of them saied " oh my god he is so cute so adorable", but of course it was as you see a little kid, and then they went their way to fuck chad, only pedophiles would go out with me, i just want a sane women :(, my body is not of a man by any means, i dont wear watches, my forearms are so skinny never seen someone with my forearms, only maybe my 5 yo cousin, they look the same as him, but inside i am much of a man , but it doesn't matter... thanks for hearing me out,sorry for my english, I'll always remember teachers and other students asking me if i didnt mistake the class because well i look like a kid lol.. and then their surprise when they know in fact its my class,if i had the same mentality as now, i would probably beat the shit out of the dude that told me if i was the little brother of someone here. feel me heightcels feel me.

Sub: Incels
Title: tfw when they see your dad and ask you why you are not tall like him
Text: feels bad man , i get that question every time they see him,there was not one time it didn't happen

Sub: Incels
Text: Every guy is way more handsome than his girlfriend in almost every couple, so ROASTIE TOASTIES if you are seing this, just know that your guy is more handsome than you and that's why he cheat on you because you are very average looking, NORMIES ON SUICIDE WATCH KEK

Sub: Incels
Title: I am back with a solution.
Text: Hello guys i am back on my journey trying to get the pieces left of my sanity, i found peace. i am no lounger insane, i finally know where i stand,suicide is the only way to stop this suffering, this suffering is like a river that is always flowing on my head, for now i have found a way to stop it, but soon it will not suffice,at least it works for now, Post the song you'll play before you commit seppuku, mine : www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMJz_A_nLG8 tbh i missed you guys , you are all what i have, everyone out there think i am a normie slaying on pussy while i never held a girl's hand,we will never have a wife that we found trough having multiple gf and choosed the right one, the only wife we would have is the first girl that showed us validation, i will feel bad for her if i ever had one , I can't blame women , it's difficult to do so , they are superior to us, intelligent, but most of them will hide her intelligence to please chad, i am very happy that feminists are standing to that, i am very happy that chad get to pay child support, i am very happy that feminism all over the world trigger chad and normies , we are not men , feminism doesn't affect us a bit , we are sub humans , or as manlets , little brothers of all women , tfw no big gf to make me her little brother lover :'(, seriously i am not going to lie, i am still having hope that i will grow a couple inches by 21. only one year to wait.

Sub: Incels
Title: Someone help me before its too late
Text: i feel like losing my sanity day by day, yesterday while i was with my female cousin, my body was shaking because there was a guy talking shit about me, i fantasized about smashing his skull in the ground, but my cousin took me elsewhere and my body kept shaking alone, it was like i didn't care what happened to me anymore i just wanted to reach to him no matter what, i am sure everyone can overpower me because i am small and skinny, but i dont know , if a weapon was on my reach i don't think someone can stop me then.

Sub: Incels
Title: Every women is a white knight for chad
Text: So stop saying that white knight are only men.

Sub: Incels
Title: just kill me end me
Text: i know it can come off as a shitpost,but i spent this week watching the world from outside , not even commenting on r/incels anymore and it felt great to know nothing will change if i didn't exist anymore , just mane me vanish , end me , my crime is being ugly ,short,super skinny. and i want to die.

Sub: Incels
Title: A reminder if r/incels get banned
Text: MASS SUICIDE ,There will be Mass suicide , blood on your hands normies , for some of us this sub is all the social interaction we get , so please ban this sub anytime you want because i really want to end it , thanks. /rant

Sub: Incels
Title: First time on reddit, thank you brothers
Text: I can finally relate, what a huge relief , guess i am not a special curse and there is others like me, sorry for my English tho, I am a KV , the closest i'v had to relationship is an ldr, a pretty special one, but now she is married, I dont know how she can live with herself, dont want to get into details, but i miss those nights with her saying i am the word to her in the middle of the night,Normies get to experience this but this time with a real girl on their chest sobing about their love, i'v been numb when i discovered she got married, i even threw up , but now i am at peace i decided to turn to 2D i am not trolling thank you guys for hearing me out,i think its best for you to remain incels, rather than taste love and then it get taken away from you knowing youll never have it again, its the hardest feeling because you had a taste of it.You dont know what you are missing out, relationship sex is everything about this life, dont let normies tell you otherwise , I am sorry for everyone here, maybe the failed normies will find hope but there is nothing for incels, except having a wife from africa, it actually works and theyll love you because you saved them (i know a lot of ppl that did this and they say its the best thing in their life) sorry for my English once again, and thank you i can finally relate.

Sub: Incels
Title: Where did all the old incels went ?
Text: we never hear of them escaping inceldom, i hope that they didn't kill themselves (they did), because if they did , they died alone with no one to notice , a virgin corpse of 40 years never touched by the opposite sex, this is our future.

Sub: Incels
Title: It's over
Text: it's over, unless an epidemic wipe out all tall men , i am done for.Fuck this society with it's heightism . Short guys are all discriminated against what the fuck fuck youuuuuu, I am a fucking man , i am not a kid, if i was your size i would probably fuck the shit out of you, even if you were just a little bigger than me, tall man would kill themselves if they got to live just one day with my body.

Sub: Incels
Title: Why we need feminism
Text: I better have a girl who is true about her self, than a conservative girl who thinks she is better than other girls but deep down she want exactly what they have, basiclly my ldr was a conservative girl, she sent me her ass naked ,3 days before her wedding, a lot of girls would go anal to stay virgin, it doesnt change amything, dont think that feminism is the issue, girls always had their way, but at least now we can now what we are getting into , instead of thinking they are virgins, they were just forced to be so, and conservative girls are the worst imo, the second they will see they can do better than you, they'll drop you without hestiation , and see you like a dog, fuck her , i can now send her nudes to her husband , but i bet her familly can kill her, she broke me damn it.

Sub: Incels
Title: Write a that letter that she'll never read.
Text: Fuck you bitch for turning your back on me.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies trying to invade this sub with their positivity are like alliens trying to dominate us with their magic.
Text: i am very scared of them, this sub is only what i have, i am legit scared, they feel like zombies wanting to paint everything their way , their positivity is so toxic, those threads that were brigaded they all started bullying us with their positivty for example "yes dont stay a virgine looser try to do something about it" , this is a death sentence for me, this is my safe space and those bullies try to mock me and kill me, someone protect me please, St Elliot please protect the beautiful and kind souls that we have in this sub, we can only pray and wait for them to get bored and leave.

Sub: Incels
Title: Say something positive about yourself
Text: I like to dance.

Sub: Incels
Title: goodby
Text: i am going insane , i don't want to lose my sanity before my virignity, i can't stand this state ,if i continue just a week like this i will kill myself ,so i am leaving reddit till things calme down in my life.Goodby.

Sub: Incels
Title: Manlets why even live
Text: I am every women's little brother, i always get called cute, hell i always get catcalled by teenage girls in the streets witch is fucking embarrassing by the way, no mature women would date a manlet, i an literally another species to them, they don't see me with the same eyes they see man, yet i have a handsome or cute face, i was blessed with those baby forearms so i look exactly like a kid,i have to hang out with tall people so people can see me as an adult, every time i hang out with my teenage cousins, i get labelled as a kid, mind you they are 15 and 14 and look older than me, all my life i have been told to wait puberty, puberty only hit me until i was 16 , and i didn't even get taller, i feel like i got scammed, if i knew things would end up like this i would have ended my life years ago, they scammed me i lost years of suffering waiting while i could have ended it years ago,fuck this shit tall people are privileged everyday, I don't even feel insecure about my height bitch i lived 20 years as a manlet i got used to it, its about you normies discriminating against us that is a problem, I am very social, very talkative, smooth as fuck i am not like other incels here who are 6'2 and can't even talk to a girl fucking faggots wasting their lives for nothing they make me fucking angry, i can engage any girls in the streets and talk to her while still being cool and coherent , fuck all of you tall incels wasting your youth fucking pussies .

Sub: Incels
Title: Normie privilege
Text: can say things like : "ohhh i lived such a life, youth is a great thing" I cant imagine an incel saying something like that, our life is nothing , there is this 16 yo who died crushed by a bus, his facebook wall is filled with his ex girlfriends crying over him saying how they loved him, female friends and male friends crying too, this guy is 16 and already lived his life more than me, he had pics of a lot of girls sleeping on his chest , some girls had posts of their chat and its basically things like "bb your my <3" they hold it like it was a trophy, meanwhile i write a poem to a girl and she laugh about it.and all those people were just fakes, i would gladly give him my life and my years in exchange of this short life of his, i care about him to the point of giving my own years ,none of his fake friends or girlfriends will ever do this .

Sub: Incels
Title: this is sub is brigaded by normies
Text: just look at the comment section, jesus mohammed buddha christ all normies comments are [+43] while our comments are [-7] , just to be clear its not because of your sexism that you cant get a gf , actually a lot of sexist pigs get laid all the fuxking time , onision,trump,chad , all what matters is looks . normies please leave us alone we have beautiful soules and you normies will be the cause of their suicide.

Sub: Incels
Title: To those that say girls don't approach guys lol.
Link: https://youtu.be/75aX9mlipiY

Sub: Incels
Title: Me and my Girlfriend dancing , i admit she is badass but so am i , that's why we are in love.
Link: https://youtu.be/6Mgqbai3fKo

Sub: Incels
Title: Chad rejecting girls and making them feel wired
Link: https://youtu.be/P11fG1YUQsA

Sub: Incels
Title: My girlfriend sent me this video , what do you think ?
Link: https://youtu.be/8j9zMok6two

Sub: Incels
Title: Elliot Rodger finally found love.
Link: https://youtu.be/XOw1kf3afDw

Sub: Incels
Title: TRIGGER WARNING : if you are a sensitive soul don't touch this link!!!
Link: http://imgur.com/a/ayucu

Sub: Incels
Title: I am quitting this sub for a while.
Text: some normies here are really starting to become more and more triggering with their advice and help, i really got harassed by a lot of them who are lurking here , so i am quitting to not become more suicidal and numb, very sad that this sub was brigaded by normies, it was my only home, goodby . [here is for example some suicide fuel i talked about](https://www.reddit.com/r/Incels/comments/6ajqk7/im_38_and_i_havent_changed/dhfr7kn/)

Sub: Incels
Title: Missing out on love is the biggest sin in this world.
Text: You guys have no idea of what you are missing out,, EVERY HUMAN SHOULD FEEL AND EXPERIENCE LOVE. I have no idea why normans try to get you out of it .like really you need to be some evil mastermind to tell someone relationships aren't everything in life.

Sub: Incels
Title: I should be studying right now
Text: HELP

Sub: Incels
Title: Another black day for Incels .
Text: A moment of silence for all our fallen Incels , each one of you go out there in a /nightwalk/ in memory for fallen Incels and scream "FUCK NORMIES" in any place you want, i'll proceed today.

Sub: Incels

Sub: Incels

Sub: Incels
Title: Do r/incels have any allies ?
Text: I just noticed that we are alone against all the other subs of reddit, usually other hateful subs always have allies, like r/theredpill is allied with many manosphere subs, such as MGTOW and other right-leaning subreddits ( r/pussypassdenied,r/conservative,r/the_donald,r/..., literally all of reddit) and the other subs such as r/niceguys also have a bunch of allies in the same theme, so every sub have allies that help each other, but for r/incels we seem very unique , we have no allies from either clan , i suggest we start looking for allies so our situation improve and this way we get less hate and more support thus less brigade and a solide ground, i thought about looking for other subs in the same situations as us , such as r/shitredditsays, r/tulpa,r/.. do you guys have any ideas ? it would be best if it is some noble sub, we incels are not sheeps and have our own personality (except for those that orbit normie's ideas ) so it would be cool to find a sub like that . It's time for Incelistan to gain some more political power and more pressure on reddit.

Sub: Incels
Title: How could things have led to this?
Text: I want a new life but this time with tall genes. PRESS RESTART. :( I just want a girlfriend please... please... *sob*

Sub: Incels
Title: going out and watching all those couples out there instantly put spikes of suffering and despair in my body.
Text: It's right in front of you but never in reach. i give up it's too much , i accept my faith, sorry for the rage mod earlier guys.

Sub: Incels
Text: After the normie invasion from yesterday a lot of shit happened, crys and triggers were hard, we maybe lost few incels to suicide , saw brave and intelligent incels getting to normie brains.in order to check on the casualities we need to see if everyone is alright. So how are you doing after yesterday's invasion anything to report? I feel like getting a glass of orange juice tbh i think you guys deserve one , each one of you a cold glass of orange juice.

Sub: Incels
Text: sorry just wanted to see how it looks like and the look on your faces. still a KTHHED VIRGIN.

Sub: Incels
Title: My lust for love is so big i can feel it evaporating from my body .
Text: Anybody like this ? it also happens when i usually stop masturbating for one week or more , i can just feel a big wave and if i don't masturbate it just makes me more depressed .

Sub: Incels
Title: This sub has become cancer.
Text: It's gone from my home with my brother incels to a circle jerk of edge lords and racist normies and their incel orbiters, it was a very welcoming and loving home and now look at this shit, didn't you notice everyone just disappeared and stopped coming, why normies ? why ? why did you have to come here and brigade my only home ? why the fuck you fucking racist edgelords have come here thinking you'll be welcome here ? and they welcomed you, you racist and edgelords normies no different from other normies, you are all the same normies, this is my last letter to my incel brothers , take your sub back fight and kick out and call out all edgelords who think this is their secret club, i am better with females lurkers than you fuckshit redpillers, MGTOWers, Donalders,Watchpeopledie edge lords, fuck all of you motherfucker destroyed my only source of comfort, this is a rally point for all the other incels that feel the same way we will stand and call out all fakecels to get the fuck out of this sub and regain what is ours,it would be nice if a mod can help us, i know you are reading this incels that stopped commenting because of the brigaders i was one of you but i noticed the sub go directly down hill.MODS make it private or help us ban every fakecel out there. i don't want to see my home and incel brothers become shit .

Sub: Incels
Link: https://i.imgflip.com/1pdnhz.jpg

Sub: Incels
Title: Incels when will you learn that normies aren't your friends ?
Link: https://np.reddit.com/r/CringeAnarchy/comments/6cvq33/rincels_on_the_manchester_attack_speechless/dhxygvk/

Sub: Incels
Title: Daily reminder we are supposed to be the same species and gender as these guys
Link: http://data.whicdn.com/images/204357264/large.jpg
lonelyreee said:
Some of it, saw a couple of screenshots that i didn't find post history for.

Wall of text.

Sub: trashy
Title: This guy using his wife to bully incels (he even sent one telling a short guy that short men should die)
Link: http://i.imgur.com/fzTpXGo.jpg

Sub: thegambler953
Title: finally a subreddit where there is no dannymason mod.
Text: The gamlber stopped posting his pics right after r/incels went private, and so did zyrros, they both made a post without their pictures for the first time demanding that the sub needs to get public, let us not forget the biggest flow of hookups that happen behind our back in our own sub, the gamlber admitted to have a lot of cybersex from girls there, i managed alone to video chat with 10 girls in only one week but they all ghosted me after they saw my face, this shit needs to be exposed, the sub needs to stay private forever, we just need to add more incels that can't get it , and of course unmod dannymaso.

Sub: IncelsWithoutHate
Title: Why you shouldn't let Normies give you advice.
Text: The first thing to escape inceldom is to behave like a normie, normie doesn't take stupid advice from another normie, because if you enable them to give you advice you enable them to act superior to you and all mighty , if a normie want to act superior to you then he should take responsibility of you and take your virginity by any means, again i assume you know all the basic advice, shower etc etc, gym isn't really important if you are cute enough , but never be fat, dress good , fit clothes always fit clothes , act always the same level as someone if she disrespect you, you disrespect her, never give others validation and that's it . if you behave this way and try to engage with girls you can do it, never forget to always engage with super pretty girls first , their rejection hurt less than getting rejected from ugly girls, and ugly girls tends to reject you the most from incel experience, never go for super short girls they have absolutely high demand from tall guys.

Sub: IncelsWithoutHate
Title: Hello Incels how was your day doing. i have some news.
Text: The gamlber stopped posting his pics right after r/incels went private, and so did zyrros, they both made a post without their pictures for the first time demanding that the sub needs to get public, let us not forget the biggest flow of hookups that happen behind our back in our own sub, the gambler admitted to have a lot of cybersex from girls there, i managed alone to video chat with 10 girls in only one week but they all ghosted me after they saw my face, this shit needs to be exposed, the incels sub needs to stay private forever, we just need to add more incels here , i will for now on join this sub and only post here , of course if dannymasson is also modded here i will go away , mods from r/incels get a ton of nudes from a lot of girls that want to join the discord and watch the r/incels zoo from close, i am not here with hate at all, but this is the truth, people like to shit on us to make themselves feel better, fortunately some of you incels have a high level of logical thinking with all the LDAR and rejections you got watching everyone get in relationships have given you something , you are all past the advice , i still have one year left to try one last thing and if it doesn't work , goodby world.

Sub: VirginityExchange
Title: 21 [M4F] France Paris
Text: typical cute shota guy maybe you can find me handsome maybe not i look really really young for my age , like i said typical shota guy, dick is very big compared to body legs and hands ratio , in love with kissing and foreplay .

Sub: Incels
Titel: A feels song i want to share with my incel friends. what does this song makes you feel ?

Sub: Incels
Title: This should be stickied.
Link: https://youtu.be/aUgQPzq6ifc

Sub: Incels
Title: Make me mod or i kill him.
Link: https://i.redd.it/dg2ujbbbilsy.png

Sub: Incels
Titel: Accurate
Link: http://imgur.com/2i1BtiI

Sub: Incels
Link: http://i.imgur.com/TwAOGhI.gif

Sub: Incels
Title: My account showed wired activity after my last thread
Text: Sounds like the fbi to me,should i be worried?

Sub: Incels
Title: Manlets are counter argument to "BE CONFIDEEENTTZZZ"
Text: Like most manlets here, i have an okay face , 12/10 personality or else i wouldn't survive, CONFIDENT,SOCIAL,CAN DO 20 PULL-UPS , Speak 5 languages yet no girl will give a fucking chance to a manlet, all those things doesn't matter at all , Manlets are the kryptonite to normies positivity arguments , and oh god if you are a manlet and look 12 it's over for you , you can be very cute and all you'll never pull a women your age. so fuck off normies. shout out to all those cute manlets in the discord.

Sub: Incels
Title: Are we being brigaded by TRP ?

Sub: Incels
Title: Any incel want to read this light novel with me ?
Text: I already made a thread yesterday but no one was interested so i am trying my second chance . The light novel is called Dungeon seeker and i guarantee you that you will love it, and i'd love to discuss it with my fellow incels here . SO plz anyone ? :(

Sub: Incels
Title: REMINDER RIP u/OneDayMorePlease
Text: I HOPE THAT YOU NOW BELIEVE IT , NORMIES KILLED HIM ALL OF YOU NORMIES THINKING WE ARE JUST EDGY TEENS HAVE KILLED HIM LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE. u/OneDayMorePlease was a great friend and a great brother, me and him would talk about our inceldom and all our secrets, one of his hobbies was to watch videos of normie life in youtube, he would insert himself in the video and imagining living great moments, he was a great and sane incel , a loving brother and a geniune friend, he was always nice to me and shared the same views as me and other manlets, he shall not be forgotten and we shall not forgive normies , I hope that every normie that participated in his suicide die , fuck all of you i am so lonely without him.

Sub: Incels
Title: A suicide note from an incel.
Text: I don't know of any other way to post this anonymously that it will reach our /r/incel brethren. I am so sorry to place this on your shoulders, but I believe you will do everything you can to share this with our brothers. If I post directly to the sub the admins will probably never approve my post. I want to submit this and delete my account so as to remain hidden. Please respect my privacy and do not share anything that will point out who I am. You know how many normie monsters are trolling our sub who will dox me and then harrass my family on FB after I'm gone. I have been bullied beyond my breaking point. I'm going to sleep for a long time. Thank you all for being a source of comfort. Thank you for sharing this. Just please don't quote. delete thise after you read it. paraphrase. i hope you understand my concern. thank you my brother. ///the username was deleted so i don't know who this is .maybe we'll find out after noticing who didn't come to incelistan ... Rest in peace anon i wish i knew your username at least to pray for you... another one normies get to kill with their comments on this sub ,mods you are responsible for this And don't pm me your suicide note . i will not share it.i wasn't going to share this one because he did a fuck move but i shared it just this one and last time. Seriously guys this is a fuck move post your suicide note yourself. //

Sub: Incels
Title: I deserve a gf more than anyone in this earth
Text: blank

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies say that incel women exist
Text: Yet when you say you want a virgin women they all tell you that it's high demand.

Sub: Incels
Title: Hello normie cliche number 102 "I want to help"
Text: Before you post that you want to help , i can link right now 1083892919 threads just like yours so please the true help we need is 1)if you are a guy, crossdress and date one of us he will also share you with us. 2)a girl: leave please or straight date one of us . This is the only help you can provide and keep in mind any comment you make in this sub even if to you is nothing hurtful to some mentally disturbed people here it is extremely suicide fuel. Normies i lost my incel best friend to suicide because of you commenting in this sub , you are basically some Elliot Rodger to me. If any girl i video chated with is reading this post ,the reason i stoped talkint to you is because you are all fucking whores man, of course to the ones that ghosted me you are whores too ."uhhh buhhh you are cute but i just wont date you but other girls will but not me ahah so now i will ghost you after i just video chated and saw your ugly face" anyways i got my proof and now i shall be deathcel forever. Inb4 shower memes i just got a new haircut today and i showered 4 times.

Sub: Incels
Text: I TOLD YOU NOT TO AND NOW I WILL NOT SHARE IT SO IF YOU DID IT AND SUCCEEDED JUST KNOW THAT I DIDNT SHARE YOUR SUICIDE NOTE THAT WILL TEACH YOU. some guy sent me his suicide not while i made it clear i will not share it in my last thread, probably a troll.

Sub: Incels
Title: Still waiting for that grow spurt.
Text: wish me luck maybe this night is the night .

Sub: Incels
Title: REMINDER RIP u/OneDayMorePlease
Text: I dreamed of r/incels related subs but the subs were in real life.

Sub: Incels
Text: I was talking with a female here in reddit and we talked quiet good and as soon as we exchanged pics guess what she said after being cold enough and not responding to my texts? "I like you a lot but the distance is too far away :( You will always be special to me i must go" right like i am special to you after only one night of talking haha and i am so special that you will not talk to me yeah right... this is the 10 time it happened with every girl i met on reddit. FML. AAAND SHE BLOCKED ME.

Sub: Incels
Text: Srsly guys sthap i know you are trolling .

Sub: Incels
Title: Who here is into lightnovels ?
Text: So it's been a while that i was reading some light novel and i really liked how it is so logical and put importance in a lot of details but when i wanted to discuss it on reddit a lot of normies labeled it as edgy because the OP was betrayed by his female childhood friend who basically got in a relationship with his handsome and tall bully , i mean why not? when you are teleported in a bad medieval world you seek the protection of the cool guy plus the bully was no lounger the bully and they had to get ride of OP in order to survive , anyways evrytime OP tries to do a good thing it always fail miserably and he end up feeling betrayed for example he saved this female elf sex slave and she invited him to her village to celebrate ( he saved her for a reason that put things in perspective but i forgot and i don't want to spoil you guys), in normie fantasy the female elf would join his harem and fell in love with him giving him her first orgasm but in this LN all the elf village have so much hate for humans they basically decided to burn him alive even if he was her savior .normies just want sex and harem and happy fantasy . the Light Novel name is dungeon seeker and i would like to discuss it with some incels here so maybe if you never read it start reading it and we can discuss some points about it witch i'll find awesome , there is a manga already but the light novel have much more details and is more awesome but anyways if you want an insight or a little look at it you can read the manga. i guarantee you it's worth it while most light novels get boring chapter after chapter this one get more hype one after one so i urge you to read it and discuss it with me because i like the mentality of a lot of incels here and if i liked it you'll like it too. inb4 trolls i won't respond to any troll comments. inb4 cope, i really like this lightnovel rather than the other ones that i consumed like cocaine just to cope.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies always look out for a fake purpose in everything they do.
Text: Posting a selfie of your ugly face that never actually cared one bit for the consequences of the patriarchy as an unjust social system that enforces gender roles and is oppressive to both men and women and then labeling it as "this is what feminism looks like" while your heightist bigoted ass discriminate against short men , just normie things. Bullying people and Incels telling them to drink bleach and justifying yourself by saying you saved a life ? just normie things , OH and don't forget to tell them it's their personality that doesnt get them laid while you fuck girls left and right and say that there is only two genders. sexting girls on r/gonewild while you have a girlfriend and justifying your act buy saying you are helping those girls have faith in themselves and destroy their insecurities ? just normie things. Post your hairy roastie beef between your legs on r/gonewild and justifying it by saying your husband doesn't make you feel pretty enough and it makes you depressed ? just normie things. browse r/incels saying you want to help and ghost all incels you talk to the moment brad text you or the moment you have to step out from your confort zone to help a suicidal incel ? just normie things. Normies are evil, don't ever ever trust them.If Normies were nice all normies would be SJW's or feminists.

Sub: Incels
Title: Fine i will post in this sub
Text: Fuck u dannymason and fuck women who don't fuck down.

Sub: Incels
Title: Hello my favorite subreddit !
Text: I wanted to post a funny pic but it wouldn't work, so how are my bros doing anything new in your life ? did you talk to your crush today any girl ? today i can say with a big certitude that i didn't say one word to any Femonoid nor had eyes contact with one, maybe even yersterday, but hey i had good times with friends (cope), sometimes when my man hormones kicks in too much and the angry and depressing part of me start to surface again i masturbate like it is a cure, i should probably castrate myself and end this suffering, so tell me about you how are you doing ?

Sub: Incels
Text: BAN THIS SUB, this sub needs to be purged, i taught i had friends here but it's not the case, purge this ship down.

Sub: Incels
Title: Goodby.
Text: I am leaving ,i cant post in this sub after the humuliation i got from dannymason who banned me from the discord because a girl that was bullying a fellow incel told him to. I feel like a beat up dog when i post in this sub of his and i will not be a low level beat up dog. Goodby incels you deserve to be treated with dignity.each one of you.

Sub: Incels
Title: Now that dannymasson is back
Text: I will leave unless he apologise dont hold me incels.

Sub: Incels
Text: This is our sub where we will need all of your help and maybe you can save a lot of us dude thanks so much !! So please dont be shy and head on to r/foreveralone

Sub: Incels
Title: All incels have to watch this video.
Link: https://youtu.be/V_v9CflH6B0

Sub: Incels
Title: Lyrics that speak "some" of my feelings and maybe yours.
Link: https://youtu.be/2pSqndUZ18A

Sub: Incels
Title: To that girl that was raped and her bf dumped her.(that reddit thread)
Text: weeew i am sure personality matters.

Sub: Incels

Sub: Incels
Title: Question for short successful men
Text: Does all your girlfriend were shorter than you ? if so how did you manage to find short girls ? What do you do when a guy slap your girlfriend's ass. what do you do when a big guy provoke you. how do you fight. what do you do when you are in a group of people and some guy clearly start to degrade you in front of others to use you as an ego-boost . now don't get me wrong , i am a really awesome guy socially, also i am very confident, but i'v never found any short girls, the only one i have found was already in a relationship.i always asked taller girls out and they all said they don't want a shorter guy, so i heard i have a chance with short girls, anyway can any short guy confirm this and answer my question, recently i got a flashback of a girl and i don't want to admit that i am incel knowing she is married and having a successful life, i feel like a cuck if i am to admit i am an incel, i know it's a cope don't hate me for it guys plz no bully.

Sub: Incels
Title: Thoughts on having a tulpa girlfriend ?
Text: actually it's been a long time that i started learning about tulpas and reading a lot of useful things and always wanted to try it but never started official for a lot of reasons because it's dangerous as fuck your tulpa can betray you if you ever try switching or possession and i know with my luck my tulpa will betray me the minute he can . SO any incels that are good in the tulpa subject? is it safe ? is it cool ? is your girlfriend caring ?

Sub: Incels
Title: fuck this manlet body
Text: fuck this manlet body, fuck this shit, fuck fuck fuck girls are right i can never protect them with this body fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Sub: Incels
Title: well not only i am a manlet and super skinny, but now i am ugly too.
Text: i always taught that i was kind of cute, but now i got the confirmation that i am ugly , below 5. maybe i was cute when i was young and now with always having my face in tears and angry i got ugly , thats the only explanation, i'v been nofap two mounths ago so i can take it, but oh boy if i ever fap ill lose it and become a wreck,THIS IS NOT FUCKING FAIR ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FUCK YOU NORMIES , I FUCKING HATE YOU PIECE OF SHIT ALL OF YOU PIECE OF SHIT ./rent that's it I TAKE THE DEATHCEL PATH, I AM NOW A DEATHCEL. going to change my flair to deathcel.

Sub: Incels
Title: a question to religious incels.
Text: You were told you are soon going to die, and we know all that we are very scared of dying a virgin, would you do it with a prostitute before you die ? i am really torn appart, because first i want to do it with someone i like and likes me back, it kinda appease the sin for me, but then if i dont do it maybe i can go to heaven but if i do it i would go to hell for a whore .i hate it when autismo kicks in , anyways whats your opinion i really want to know I love all of you , sucks that i am going to die before having an arranged marriage well the soon it ends the soon my suffering will stop.

Sub: Incels
Title: Got told by a female from here that i am very hot.
Text: so i sent her some pics of me and her exact response was "how the fuck are you incel you are waaaaaaay hooooot" and stupid me trusted her words and was all giggly and shit until she ignored all my messages and snaps ,but that night i dreamed about being a chad it was god's way of telling me "well if you are not chad at least dream of being one" wich i am thankfull for .

Sub: Incels
Title: Just cried feels good fam
Text: i am crying right now, feels thread let it all out fam. i wish things were not like this.

Sub: Incels
Title: This thread is for incels looking for partners or friends
Text: Hello and welcome ladies and gentleman like everyone here we are all lacking romantic experience and we are lonely so this thread is for finding partners or friends from the opposite sex and who knows you never know what can happen, so i invite all incels to take part inthis thread and present himself what he is looking for ,his hobbies and i invite all girls or boys to pm them and talk to them. there is a lot of beautiful people here who where just unlucky in life, sometimes these incels have a really great and loving personality so please state age and gender and all the information and maybe normies who lurk here will pm you ! there are a lot of incels here that met awesome girls and old members know what i am talking about ( an incel man lost his virginity to an incel women , but he drove for 4 hours tho) so yeah have a seat everyone !

Sub: Incels
Title: u/OneDayMorePlease Rest in peace.
Text: u/OneDayMorePlease is dead. you fuckers didn't even notice.

Sub: Incels
Text: Let's talk with each other without shitposting, how are you today ? what are your plans for the week ? how are you dealing with your situation ? is this week better or worse than the last week ? for me today i feel very happy because i just got accepted in a normie facebook group and maybe i will have a lot of friends and friends have girlfriends so i will get to kiss them on those sweet cheeks and they can't say no because they are obligated to kiss everyone in the group ! i figured out that the best solution to overcome those suicidal thoughts is to make your brain blank , not think at all , the worst moment is deep in the night where it's just you with yourself so i try to sleep quickly ! so far those tricks work great !!! NORMIES I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU.

Sub: Incels
Title: To all short men out there, society don't deserve you.
Text: you guys rock, you have a great personality, you live life in hard mode and manage to rock it up, you guys are my heroes, no girl deserve you. GIVE SHORT MEN THE LOVE THEY DESERVE DAMN IT

Sub: Incels
Title: It's over fuck this shit.
Text: Like most of you Incels have advise me to go see a doctor and maybe get a hormone treatment for my case, well i took your advise and went to parents to talk with them , well... their response was basically "your cure is to go play basketball or do some push-ups" haha yeah thanks push ups and basketball will make me taller, fuck this shit , i have no money and if i wait till i am older and with money it will be too late , thanks everyone for advising me but i guess i will be like this all my life. plus it took me all my heart to talk with them about this fuck this shit, this is the last time i open to someone fuck shit .

Sub: Incels
Title: Imagine we all got girlfriends
Text: Imagine we all got girlfriends and escaped inceldom, we all got those beautiful intimate and romantic moments with our partner,we all experienced a lot of things with her, then we all got married, we all got kids, we would die in peace. I pray that each one of us could escape this hell, i'd like some of you to escape before me so i can escape in peace.

Sub: Incels
Title: I am being bullied in my own thread right now.
Text: as usually everyday i log on r/incels to talk and let things out with my incel brothers, i relate to them and they relate to me we usually talk and discuss our problems together by complaining to each other and being there for each other it's pretty comfy, but today is different, right now i just made a post about a problem i had and i wanted to let know every incel that gave me advice about what happened to me and low and behold i was brigaded by normies , judging my manhood and told to stop complaining ?! excuse me ?!!!! i don't have the right to complain ? 21 years, 21 fucking years of pure agony and i am not fucking able to complain ?! all my life i have been fucking fighting people giant to me , i kept always walking in front despite all the shit thrown at me despite all those walls, i managed to fucking survive with this body of a kid , and you fuckers come to me and tell to stop complaining ?! , FUCKNG SHIT NORMIES this is why people like Elliot Rodger exist, i never taught i would say that but i am glad Elliot Rodger started that revolution and hope that each normie that brigaded my thread get the same fate Sir Rodger gave to normies. where are my incel brothers at fucking hold me shit.

Sub: Incels
Title: good night !
Text: good night incels ! it was pretty comfy browsing the sub these two days , the usual telling normies to fuck off and to discuss height is a hobbie i like to share with you guys, i would like to have more comfy threads to talk with you , anyways have a good night incels, sleeping is good it makes you taller, still waiting for that growth spurt wish me luck ! maybe this night is the night where i grew a little !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really don't wanna die a virgin :(

Sub: Incels
Title: As a short men i am proud of the new spider-man movie.
Text: I guess i now understands what minorities feels like when they aren't portrayed enough in movies and shows, i know a lot of you won't understand but hoo man it feels great it means a lot for me and i guess for other short men too. if you haven't seen the new homecoming trailer go check it. maybe this movie will end the taller girlfriend stigma and a lot of things.

Sub: Incels
Title: The fuck is this
Text: My height is 5'5 and my wingspan is 5'3 with very skinny forearms the fuck is wrong aaaaaaarghh all my life is a nightmare i got delayed puberty at senior high school class the fuck why , all my life i have been told to wait puberty to get taller, but i didn't i feel scammed to the bone fuck this shit , fuck you , in the whole word i still yet didn't found someone like my case, please someone like myself respond i need someone that can relate.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies once again pushing more incels to suicide (we just lost more than one incel this week alone)
Link: https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/628m3v/scary_incel_is_coming_for_me/

Sub: Incels
Link: https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/61g4i5/as_an_alpha_bad_boy_heres_what_ive_learned/

Sub: Incels
Title: Call to Incelknights and where is Alia?
Text: Where did he go? Why is Zen Overlord welcomed by incels? Do i have to remind you he have a gf? We should ban all normies and only let legit incels stay i was kind of shocked by the amount of racist red pillers normies thinking they will be welcome and think they are home, BITCH GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SUB RACIST FAILED RED PILLER CUCKED NORMIE, Alia would usually help awaken the masses to this phenomen but alas i can't find him,i need more incelknights to take this duty seriously or we will loose our sub , Clouds help me man, all heightcel join.

Sub: Incels
Title: <-------- Number of Incelknights forming the Incelwall against normieshit
Text: http://imgur.com/a/ganKP http://imgur.com/a/WLZeK http://imgur.com/VHzj0Pl

Sub: Incels
Text: Ughh ufff, it feels good now that i say it, i am a feminist, at least i was never mind its old now, i don't give a flying fuck about this word anymore, there could a fucking slaughter house killing people 24/24 next to me and i wouldn't care nor say anything to the police, i dont care about the world of the living, just yesterday i was in a normie facebook group about people meeting people ( put yourself out there -normieadvice #112) and there was a post made by a girl saying "why is there no more tall guys out there" and it was the most trending post of the week, all the comments filled with guys just listing their height and getting orbited by a lot of girls and i was just .. i was just.. "yeah .. " just like a dog beat up after a war but you know as all heightcels i was used to this so after a while i decide to browse a bunch of mangas like i usually do to cope it's just like a drug to me to read or finish 30 mangas per day, as i was browsing some manga to read i stumbled this manga called "My giant geek boyfriend" basically the author is a girl (1,58 m ) depicting herself as the heroin who have a 1.99m tall boyfriend who is a bit geeky and in all the pages she just draw silly relationship things but it make it special because he is tall ? in real life it's totally disgusting with the height difference and all its fucking creepy okay. ah did i forgot to mention that in the normie facebook group the girl was 1.60 herself ? and normies tell you to go for short girls ? short girls are the most who care about tall guys, yet these whores don't understand that they are the one who bring short men to the world , short girl why the fuck do they exist? they dont serve any purpose, a short men with a tall girl will always bring tall men to the world because the child is always same height or taller than the mother, so try to convince me what is the purpose of short girls ? these same motherfucking heightist whores will bring short men to the world and they will not be loved by their mother at all, because the kid will be as short as the mother and these fucking whores will see their kid as they once saw short men and she will every night from the moment the kid is born till puberty pry and tell him that he will grow when he will hit puberty , she will remind him every second but soon her eyes will be sad as the kid will not grow and worse if he got late puberty only for him to become suicidal as he finally realize he isnt tall at all and he will ever be , because all my life i was this kid, my mother would tell me i would become so tall, i hit 17 and i didnt even hit puberty yet, and i never got my growth spurt, i'v seen it all, in my family how women swoon over tall men , yet i respect all those women who finally grown up and realized height doesn't matter and doesn't care about society standards , i salute you. rent over sorry for the text.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies breached our walls
Text: We used to have r/incel as a first defense where normies get lost into it because they cant link the sub right , but now after it got banned some normies started to awaken and found this sub , all the incelknights that tried to save those beautiful souls of sensitive incels got fucking slaughtered in downvotes by a hord of 945 online normies , i saw fellow incelknights begging for mercy while others were lost in the corners having a blank stare at normies storming the sub and spewing normie narative in everyway possible,normies offering to talk opening their cages (inbox) to catch beautiful souls (poor incels that trust normies ) . We need to reorganise and stand to those mounsters , i urge every incelknight left to protect innocent and sensible incels and escort them to safe threads, stand in the way of every normie who try to trigger civil incels, do not let them win even if it meant driving the attention from civil incels to you and argue with them in order to save the life of a fellow incel. I am not Arya i can't awaken the masses , my english is broken as fuck, but my inbox is open for every suicide note as it is my destiny, i already lost ... got triggered so hard i cant stay in the battle anymore.. INCELKNIGHTS CONTINUE THE FIGHT, who shall take the responsability now?

Sub: Incels
Title: >no gf.
Text: i am sad.

Sub: Incels
Title: Let's take a minute to think about all the incels that killed themselves
Text: I am sad really sad, but i REFUSE to die before i just live just a little bit of normie life , please god just a little, fuck this is one of those nights where i can't sleep and just start craving for females , craving a lot fuck this shit, i am just like any guy yet i never held hands with a girl, the closest i'v come to a relationship was online and she destroyed my life by marrying her cousin, i could post her pics on facebook but i couldn't see her face anymore, because every time i do, i just throw up and throw up, i spent weeks without eating after she cucked me , trust me it was something special like some super natural shit but anyway this is not the topic, i had a taste of love and i refuse to die before getting that taste again , please please just a little taste of it .

Sub: Incels
Title: When r/Incels goes to a party
Link: https://youtu.be/eh7rAhhakCg?list=PLF-hd_acLF-IovuFLgiEPlWTHAZ3bBlPz

Sub: Incels
Title: When a kid got more game than you, also that kid look older than me lol
Link: https://youtu.be/0bb5esIKH5o?list=RD6nXI6r6aCoU

Sub: Incels
Title: The teenage years we all missed . some normies say that teenage love will stay with you forever
Link: https://youtu.be/oQ65cLPdn_o

Sub: Incels
Title: It is truly beautiful when another person embrace the love of St Elliot. a true believer.
Link: https://youtu.be/-yWS5m7nUas

Sub: Incels
Title: Pics of the last r/Incels meetup , thank you guys it was pretty cool !! ;)
Link: https://i.redd.it/8t737nqqsfcy.jpg

Sub: Incels
Title: Michael Jackson laying some truths
Text: "If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with." - Michael Jackson we are doomed.

Sub: Incels
Title: I encourage all women to cheat and have a healthy and active sex life.
Text: All normies must be cucked, what women do in their life don't affecte me in any way, a lot of incels here insulting women for cheating as they were cheated themselves.No! if a women cheat=normie is cucked and hurt, so we in r/incels are supporting all women rights and encourage them to be sexually active from early age, we also love it when women try to explore themselves with friends, specially if they are married, because marriage doesn't mean you can't explore your sexuality ! cuck your husbands pleaaaaase fuck them, if i can't get a women then fuck you normies get cucked fuck off.

Sub: Incels
Title: Who want to date a kid ?
Text: Seriously what female in her right mind would date me ? i am literally a 12 yo kid (looks and physic) Baron trump look much older than me, i only get approached by teenage girls and i fucking hate it, i remember one time in high school i entered a class , and there was a group of girls who Awwwwwd at me as i am a cute little kid, one of them saied " oh my god he is so cute so adorable", but of course it was as you see a little kid, and then they went their way to fuck chad, only pedophiles would go out with me, i just want a sane women :(, my body is not of a man by any means, i dont wear watches, my forearms are so skinny never seen someone with my forearms, only maybe my 5 yo cousin, they look the same as him, but inside i am much of a man , but it doesn't matter... thanks for hearing me out,sorry for my english, I'll always remember teachers and other students asking me if i didnt mistake the class because well i look like a kid lol.. and then their surprise when they know in fact its my class,if i had the same mentality as now, i would probably beat the shit out of the dude that told me if i was the little brother of someone here. feel me heightcels feel me.

Sub: Incels
Title: tfw when they see your dad and ask you why you are not tall like him
Text: feels bad man , i get that question every time they see him,there was not one time it didn't happen

Sub: Incels
Text: Every guy is way more handsome than his girlfriend in almost every couple, so ROASTIE TOASTIES if you are seing this, just know that your guy is more handsome than you and that's why he cheat on you because you are very average looking, NORMIES ON SUICIDE WATCH KEK

Sub: Incels
Title: I am back with a solution.
Text: Hello guys i am back on my journey trying to get the pieces left of my sanity, i found peace. i am no lounger insane, i finally know where i stand,suicide is the only way to stop this suffering, this suffering is like a river that is always flowing on my head, for now i have found a way to stop it, but soon it will not suffice,at least it works for now, Post the song you'll play before you commit seppuku, mine : www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMJz_A_nLG8 tbh i missed you guys , you are all what i have, everyone out there think i am a normie slaying on pussy while i never held a girl's hand,we will never have a wife that we found trough having multiple gf and choosed the right one, the only wife we would have is the first girl that showed us validation, i will feel bad for her if i ever had one , I can't blame women , it's difficult to do so , they are superior to us, intelligent, but most of them will hide her intelligence to please chad, i am very happy that feminists are standing to that, i am very happy that chad get to pay child support, i am very happy that feminism all over the world trigger chad and normies , we are not men , feminism doesn't affect us a bit , we are sub humans , or as manlets , little brothers of all women , tfw no big gf to make me her little brother lover :'(, seriously i am not going to lie, i am still having hope that i will grow a couple inches by 21. only one year to wait.

Sub: Incels
Title: Someone help me before its too late
Text: i feel like losing my sanity day by day, yesterday while i was with my female cousin, my body was shaking because there was a guy talking shit about me, i fantasized about smashing his skull in the ground, but my cousin took me elsewhere and my body kept shaking alone, it was like i didn't care what happened to me anymore i just wanted to reach to him no matter what, i am sure everyone can overpower me because i am small and skinny, but i dont know , if a weapon was on my reach i don't think someone can stop me then.

Sub: Incels
Title: Every women is a white knight for chad
Text: So stop saying that white knight are only men.

Sub: Incels
Title: just kill me end me
Text: i know it can come off as a shitpost,but i spent this week watching the world from outside , not even commenting on r/incels anymore and it felt great to know nothing will change if i didn't exist anymore , just mane me vanish , end me , my crime is being ugly ,short,super skinny. and i want to die.

Sub: Incels
Title: A reminder if r/incels get banned
Text: MASS SUICIDE ,There will be Mass suicide , blood on your hands normies , for some of us this sub is all the social interaction we get , so please ban this sub anytime you want because i really want to end it , thanks. /rant

Sub: Incels
Title: First time on reddit, thank you brothers
Text: I can finally relate, what a huge relief , guess i am not a special curse and there is others like me, sorry for my English tho, I am a KV , the closest i'v had to relationship is an ldr, a pretty special one, but now she is married, I dont know how she can live with herself, dont want to get into details, but i miss those nights with her saying i am the word to her in the middle of the night,Normies get to experience this but this time with a real girl on their chest sobing about their love, i'v been numb when i discovered she got married, i even threw up , but now i am at peace i decided to turn to 2D i am not trolling thank you guys for hearing me out,i think its best for you to remain incels, rather than taste love and then it get taken away from you knowing youll never have it again, its the hardest feeling because you had a taste of it.You dont know what you are missing out, relationship sex is everything about this life, dont let normies tell you otherwise , I am sorry for everyone here, maybe the failed normies will find hope but there is nothing for incels, except having a wife from africa, it actually works and theyll love you because you saved them (i know a lot of ppl that did this and they say its the best thing in their life) sorry for my English once again, and thank you i can finally relate.

Sub: Incels
Title: Where did all the old incels went ?
Text: we never hear of them escaping inceldom, i hope that they didn't kill themselves (they did), because if they did , they died alone with no one to notice , a virgin corpse of 40 years never touched by the opposite sex, this is our future.

Sub: Incels
Title: It's over
Text: it's over, unless an epidemic wipe out all tall men , i am done for.Fuck this society with it's heightism . Short guys are all discriminated against what the fuck fuck youuuuuu, I am a fucking man , i am not a kid, if i was your size i would probably fuck the shit out of you, even if you were just a little bigger than me, tall man would kill themselves if they got to live just one day with my body.

Sub: Incels
Title: Why we need feminism
Text: I better have a girl who is true about her self, than a conservative girl who thinks she is better than other girls but deep down she want exactly what they have, basiclly my ldr was a conservative girl, she sent me her ass naked ,3 days before her wedding, a lot of girls would go anal to stay virgin, it doesnt change amything, dont think that feminism is the issue, girls always had their way, but at least now we can now what we are getting into , instead of thinking they are virgins, they were just forced to be so, and conservative girls are the worst imo, the second they will see they can do better than you, they'll drop you without hestiation , and see you like a dog, fuck her , i can now send her nudes to her husband , but i bet her familly can kill her, she broke me damn it.

Sub: Incels
Title: Write a that letter that she'll never read.
Text: Fuck you bitch for turning your back on me.

Sub: Incels
Title: Normies trying to invade this sub with their positivity are like alliens trying to dominate us with their magic.
Text: i am very scared of them, this sub is only what i have, i am legit scared, they feel like zombies wanting to paint everything their way , their positivity is so toxic, those threads that were brigaded they all started bullying us with their positivty for example "yes dont stay a virgine looser try to do something about it" , this is a death sentence for me, this is my safe space and those bullies try to mock me and kill me, someone protect me please, St Elliot please protect the beautiful and kind souls that we have in this sub, we can only pray and wait for them to get bored and leave.

Sub: Incels
Title: Say something positive about yourself
Text: I like to dance.

Sub: Incels
Title: goodby
Text: i am going insane , i don't want to lose my sanity before my virignity, i can't stand this state ,if i continue just a week like this i will kill myself ,so i am leaving reddit till things calme down in my life.Goodby.

Sub: Incels
Title: Manlets why even live
Text: I am every women's little brother, i always get called cute, hell i always get catcalled by teenage girls in the streets witch is fucking embarrassing by the way, no mature women would date a manlet, i an literally another species to them, they don't see me with the same eyes they see man, yet i have a handsome or cute face, i was blessed with those baby forearms so i look exactly like a kid,i have to hang out with tall people so people can see me as an adult, every time i hang out with my teenage cousins, i get labelled as a kid, mind you they are 15 and 14 and look older than me, all my life i have been told to wait puberty, puberty only hit me until i was 16 , and i didn't even get taller, i feel like i got scammed, if i knew things would end up like this i would have ended my life years ago, they scammed me i lost years of suffering waiting while i could have ended it years ago,fuck this shit tall people are privileged everyday, I don't even feel insecure about my height bitch i lived 20 years as a manlet i got used to it, its about you normies discriminating against us that is a problem, I am very social, very talkative, smooth as fuck i am not like other incels here who are 6'2 and can't even talk to a girl fucking faggots wasting their lives for nothing they make me fucking angry, i can engage any girls in the streets and talk to her while still being cool and coherent , fuck all of you tall incels wasting your youth fucking pussies .

Sub: Incels
Title: Normie privilege
Text: can say things like : "ohhh i lived such a life, youth is a great thing" I cant imagine an incel saying something like that, our life is nothing , there is this 16 yo who died crushed by a bus, his facebook wall is filled with his ex girlfriends crying over him saying how they loved him, female friends and male friends crying too, this guy is 16 and already lived his life more than me, he had pics of a lot of girls sleeping on his chest , some girls had posts of their chat and its basically things like "bb your my <3" they hold it like it was a trophy, meanwhile i write a poem to a girl and she laugh about it.and all those people were just fakes, i would gladly give him my life and my years in exchange of this short life of his, i care about him to the point of giving my own years ,none of his fake friends or girlfriends will ever do this .

Sub: Incels
Title: this is sub is brigaded by normies
Text: just look at the comment section, jesus mohammed buddha christ all normies comments are [+43] while our comments are [-7] , just to be clear its not because of your sexism that you cant get a gf , actually a lot of sexist pigs get laid all the fuxking time , onision,trump,chad , all what matters is looks . normies please leave us alone we have beautiful soules and you normies will be the cause of their suicide.

Sub: Incels
Title: To those that say girls don't approach guys lol.
Link: https://youtu.be/75aX9mlipiY

Sub: Incels
Title: Me and my Girlfriend dancing , i admit she is badass but so am i , that's why we are in love.
Link: https://youtu.be/6Mgqbai3fKo

Sub: Incels
Title: Chad rejecting girls and making them feel wired
Link: https://youtu.be/P11fG1YUQsA

Sub: Incels
Title: My girlfriend sent me this video , what do you think ?

thanks so much man , it seems i was more intelligent back then i feel dumber each day , i was enlightned and a good man , what have i become ::( thank you so much
Why the fuck would you quote the entire wall of text.

I guess that's a dumb question given your history and what you just wrote.
foreignincel3 said:
i want you to give me posts of u/foreignincel , the account is deleted for dates its been like 8 mounts since i deleted the account

you seem like an imposter tbh. Can you prove that you're the real foreignincel?
Is it possible to find the "Stacy's Diary" text post? The Wayback Machine doesn't have it.

It's the first result in this Google Search: https://www.google.ca/search?q=incels+%22stacy%27s+diary%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=EgEOWqyEKcn_8Afonq6ABg
fukmylyf said:
you seem like an imposter tbh. Can you prove that you're the real foreignincel?

yeah incels knows i m the real
fukmylyf said:
you seem like an imposter tbh. Can you prove that you're the real foreignincel?

Sure as fuck doesn't seem like the same person.

shooterboss said:
Is it possible to find the "Stacy's Diary" text post? The Wayback Machine doesn't have it.

It's the first result in this Google Search: https://www.google.ca/search?q=incels+%22stacy%27s+diary%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=EgEOWqyEKcn_8Afonq6ABg


nausea said:

the one with chad sitting on girls and hanged incels

No clue what the picture is then.
lonelyreee said:
My goodness, man. You are a saint. I swear I tried the web archive but couldn't find it.
shooterboss said:
My goodness, man. You are a saint. I swear I tried the web archive but couldn't find it.

If you tried on the first google resultat, because its www.i.reddit.com and not www.reddit.com

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