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Discussion Take the lurkpill, why I lurked long before I joined. and why I joined.



Jarjar Sphinx
May 19, 2019
the lurkpill, why I lurked for so long before I joined. and why I joined.

Veni, vidi, vici
(DNRcels... it's not a gdmf wot! wtf are you doing here anyway?)

like many of the graycels of today, I too knew the lingo upon joining and was "fluent" from day one...

this is from all the lurk time, that no one ever mentions.... or if mentioned, its glossed over...

why don't folks be admitting lurk time?

quite simply...
it's embarrassing to admit fear if you're a man.

and let's face it, it's a pretty logical and legit fear! especially when the might of nations and (((the media))) is constantly gaslighting you!

fear the ugly lonely men!

ugly man bad!

man that says nigger/jew (insert racial slang word here) bad!

much like how the starving Rhodesian niggers would happily chant, "kill the farmer!" the NPCs are chanting, "kill the individual!" & "kill the bullied men!"

yeah... hate, fear, and kill, the lonely copers. whose only crime is being ugly and lonely.

anyway, I heard the word "incel" from the book writing redpiller, "roosh v." he once said on his podcast, "...oh them incels...' in a slightly fond voice. so I looked it up, and I landed here...

after a look around I was like, wow! this here is some subversive shit! high edgelord type stuff!

what? they openly say nigger? they are jewpilled? they shit on fags?
wow... these are my kind of Bros.

yet I lurked for so very long...

then one day I said, fuck it! I'm old and doomed anyway. why not join?

so I did... but at the time I was still locked inside my own head. the people on the internet was just a webpage. (not IRL peeps) it took me a long while to realizes that others had typed the words I was seeing.

you see, I never used forums before. at least not in a non-professional (fun) way. I only did them as tools.

so anyway, if anyone ever wonders how a shiny new graycel knows the lingo, it's from lurking.

my prediction is, this new wave of graycels will soon create a wave of gratitude posts. just like I did when I joined. and just like the "many men" before me have...
Brutal DNRpill. I lurked for a while too though
after a look around I was like, wow! this here is some subversive shit! high edgelord type stuff!
One of my favorite traits about this community :feelsdevil:
I also lurked for over a year before registering.
It was much edgier in the past... But I cannot say exactly why...
The feds took over sadly and now everything is just reposts and water.:feelsbadman:
I have never lurked an incel forum. I don’t really lurk any forum, I always participate. I’ve only lurked a white supremacist forum cause they wouldn’t let me join and I was scared
I have never lurked an incel forum. I don’t really lurk any forum, I always participate. I’ve only lurked a white supremacist forum cause they wouldn’t let me join and I was scared
Brutal lack of fearpill!
Low inhib mogger!
This site feels more real than any those slop sites like jewtube, jewtter or any other popular sites owned by big corporations. Here you can post any type of shit without fearing if it's politically incorrect. Even the community is great. At least people here don't virtue signal like normfags or post stupid cliche comments that would make your eyes roll.
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Brutal DNRpill. I lurked for a while too though
I lurked for one hour before joining and made my first post after like 5 minutes, lol. I saw what the community was like and couldn’t wait to start posting
This site feels more real than any those slop sites like jewtube, jewtter or any other popular sites owned by big corporations. Here you can post any type of shit without fearing if it's politically incorrect. Even the community is great. At least people here don't virtute signal like normfags or post stupid cliche comments that would make your eyes roll.
This is the best community forum for sure
I lurked for one hour before joining and made my first post after like 5 minutes, lol. I saw what the community was like and couldn’t wait to start posting
Lowinhib. I was kinda nervous and wanted to make a decent first impression with high iq posts
I lurked for one hour before joining and made my first post after like 5 minutes, lol. I saw what the community was like and couldn’t wait to start posting
This site feels more real than any those slop sites like jewtube, jewtter or any other popular sites owned by big corporations. Here you can post any type of shit without fearing if it's politically incorrect. Even the community is great. At least people here don't virtute signal like normfags or post stupid cliche comments that would make your eyes roll.
Indeed! That normie vs shit is more cringe inducing than having a roidragemaxxer threaten a beheading!
Lowinhib. I was kinda nervous and wanted to make a decent first impression with high iq posts
One of the rare times my autistic self was low inhib. Worked out though and I made a lot of friends on here pretty fast
I lurked about 6 months before joining. I always had social anxiety even online so i had to muster up courage. When i joined i already knew every member.
I lurked about 6 months before joining. I always had social anxiety even online so i had to muster up courage. When i joined i already knew every member.
I too knew WHO was who... Unfortunately most of them are gone now. And I bet more that a few died...

There were fellas older than me here...
Well, you seem pretty cool bro.
Thanks bro! Basically the only time I ever get viewed as cool is by members of this community.
I lurked about 6 months before joining.
Same. Honestly initially i didn't even want to make an account and just lurk forever, but then i ended up joining anyway. Big mistake.
Unfortunately most of them are gone now.
Yeah, even guys who were active when i joined almost all of them are gone now.
Same. Honestly initially i didn't even want to make an account and just lurk forever, but then i ended up joining anyway. Big mistake.
Why a mistake? You are a very likeable person.
Over for outoftouchcels
Why a mistake?
It was fun when i first joined but posting here nowadays gives me a weird feeling of existential dread, i can't really explain it. But at the same time it's also addictive and a massive timesink. I'd leave if i could but every time i try i just end up returning anyway, it seems i'm stuck posting on forums like these forever now.
You are a very likeable person.
Thank you
Over for outoftouchcels

It was fun when i first joined but posting here nowadays gives me a weird feeling of existential dread, i can't really explain it.
I get that too! Even now!

But my bet is it's from all my research into simulation theory.

And knowing about "the fate of empires" and how western civilization is due to fall hard.
But at the same time it's also addictive and a massive timesink. I'd leave if i could but every time i try i just end up returning anyway, it seems i'm stuck posting on forums like these forever now.

Thank you
I lurked, registered then lurked more before posting anything.

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