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Blackpill Swallow the natural selection pill

Alt + f4

Alt + f4

5'2 96 lbs Chinese goblin living in Germany
Jan 3, 2019
Women, are biologically selected by nature since thundreds of thousands of years, to be harsh and "superficial" when selecting their mates. This selection occured simply because it's the genetic material of these women that succesfully managed to survive over time.

Because reproducing with males with certain characteristics meant that the genetic material that psychologically induced a bias towards those males could pass on. The women who's genetic material induced a positive bias for men with morphological characteristics that are typically expressed by these "high survival and reproduction" genes, have been over generations selected.

The typical "Chad" today, most probably presents morphological expressions of genes that tend to produce individuals that succesfully survive against nature and other males that also compete for reproduction (->perceived fighting success).
Genes that survive over time tend to be selfish genes. By extension humans are. And women mush more than men, since they are the bitrh giver, thus have on a biological level much less room for error (because of pregnancy).

We are the results of genes that combined to ultimately give birth to individuals with poor morpological characteristics. Thus we are immediately recnogized, by the woman's brain on a subconscious level, as bad investments of time and energy.
It's not our fault though, we rolled the dices (or genes), and got a losing set. :feelsokman:

Before, our sex found a way to ease down on that selection by enforcing monogamy, thus reproduction for most. This in turn gave birth to thriving civilizations.
Now, it's over.


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Back in the day was better, when man had control of everything.
It is over is such a cope. its never began for us lol
We were born with it being over.
Lots of incels haven't taken this blackpill yet. I can't blame FOIDs for not wanting me.
Society protects retards from themselves and others nowadays and that prevents a lot of natural selection.
Buddy its called sexual selection
who is that guy beneath chad?
@Alt + f4


  • DGEPyXS.png
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What about landwhales?
Lots of incels haven't taken this blackpill yet. I can't blame FOIDs for not wanting me.
I can blame them for taking my tax money and voting on cucked laws that decrease my smv even further than it is. This was the real reason for femoid "sex liberation," so they can use the government to replace men.

Society protects retards from themselves and others nowadays and that prevents a lot of natural selection.
Nope. Natural selection can't be controlled or contained, and natural selection doesn't mean "if u can't walk u ded".
we are not supposed to reproduce but low quality female genes can reproduce. Females are guilty for ugly males
we are not supposed to reproduce but low quality female genes can reproduce
That’s because ugly guys will exist in future generations.

The selfishness of foids is incredible. They want to have kids even if they are ugly.
Foids now pick males by face because all the rest is already taken care of. But if you take away those privileges from them, they will be FORCED to settle down for ugly males. Normies, betas, Incels, etc.
who is that guy beneath chad?
@Alt + f4
This is the black pilled incel.

Laughing together with Chad at the bluepilled reddit cuck.
This is to emphasize that the bluepill is a choice, and that the extremely unattractive and extremely attractive can share the same realistic point of view on the female nature.
Good post. I agree with some things, like females being biologically wired to seek Chads. And I disagree with you, when you say that since wahmen shit babies out of their cunts their biology is better than ours, as you said "their biology has less room for error (because of pregnancy)". That is senseless.
Yeah sorry boyo. english is not my first language. What I meant that their biology (the fact that they become pregnant) doesn't allow them to be as careless as men when choosing a mate to reproduce with. The birthpill and other contraceptive methods are relatively very recent. Women have over thousands of generations been selected to be selective, since liking a man very probably meant becoming pregnant of his child. Whereas men produce millions of sperms througout their lives, women produce only 300-400 ovulated eggs. For 99.99..9% of human history, before modern technology, becoming pregnant was a huge risk with a huge toll on the body for 9 months. It's no surprise that they are 50 times more selective than men. Their neural networks (include the visual one) have been tuned over generations to make super fast judgments on wether a man is a good gamble or a bad one.
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Women, are biologically selected by nature since thundreds of thousands of years, to be harsh and "superficial" when selecting their mates. This selection occured simply because it's the genetic material of these women that succesfully managed to survive over time.

Because reproducing with males with certain characteristics meant that the genetic material that psychologically induced a bias towards those males could pass on. The women who's genetic material induced a positive bias for men with morphological characteristics that are typically expressed by these "high survival and reproduction" genes, have been over generations selected.

The typical "Chad" today, most probably presents morphological expressions of genes that tend to produce individuals that succesfully survive against nature and other males that also compete for reproduction (->perceived fighting success).
Genes that survive over time tend to be selfish genes. By extension humans are. And women mush more than men, since they are the bitrh giver, thus have on a biological level much less room for error (because of pregnancy).

We are the results of genes that combined to ultimately give birth to individuals with poor morpological characteristics. Thus we are immediately recnogized, by the woman's brain on a subconscious level, as bad investments of time and energy.
It's not our fault though, we rolled the dices (or genes), and got a losing set. :feelsokman:

Before, our sex found a way to ease down on that selection by enforcing monogamy, thus reproduction for most. This in turn gave birth to thriving civilizations.
Now, it's over.

Problem is LARPer... Instincts can be engineered & nurtured... Height & physique are useless now since with the advent of trans-humanism capabilities, genetic engineering to draw out the genetic features you have so that's drawing out that recessive tall or smart gene alongside ivf & surrogate parents or artificial wombs aka "coordinators", chemical supplements & enhancers & technological implants after conception & birth aka "extendeds" & "natural" birth & conception. Apart from purely irrational aesthetics purposes what does height or physique actually do or contribute if you've got faculties & facilities to negate this advantage that others have?
In the past a strong, healthy, and resourceful male had access to many females. As simple as that. That excluded the weak males from the reproduction cycle. That had nothing to do with face or male face beauty.

The most attractive still have strong bones, so there's still something ancestral about it. There are betabuxxers who often have children with foids. Which is a bit different though there is that double femoid thing.
I feel like if ugly men cant reproduce then ugly women should not get to either nature loves to eliminate mens Gene's but what about women faulty genes they can continue to make defective offspring regardless if Chad impregnated her nature should make it so that ugly women do not want to reproduce so that we can always have the best possible offspring
I feel like if ugly men cant reproduce then ugly women should not get to either nature loves to eliminate mens Gene's but what about women faulty genes they can continue to make defective offspring regardless if Chad impregnated her nature should make it so that ugly women do not want to reproduce so that we can always have the best possible offspring

over for man
People interpolate the intangibilities of things, so they can explain their tangible actions better.
It's called lying.
And women will do that so they can get the power they truly want.
I disagree with you. I don't think that some skinny pretty boy has better bones than The Mountain. The most attractive men in the past didn't had anything to do with male face beauty. And bone strength has nothing to do with facial beauty, where did you take that from? (and when I say in the past I mean pre 1950 so it is not so long ago).
Skinny prettyboys are more desired because women want value that is inherent in luxuriance.
As I told everyone before, people want luxuriance/ and the idea of glamor rather than the actual manifestation of power.
We are in an age where the rough edges of nature are shaved down.
If you represent real value, as opposed to somehting in perfect display then you are a part of hte old world.
These single word concepts us as "evolution/ selection" are reductionistic.
Women really just want whatever outputs to the life they want. And that life is often riddled in having glamor/ mystique/ finesse that gives them the vanity/ pride they are thirsting for.
In many cases that isn't shit you can just get off the shelf. They want to feel good about their vanity.
Idiosculpt/ High value sculpt/ refinement (which shows that you have a certain elegance/ finesse/ ornateness/ daintiness, and reflects on your ancestors being elegant... maybe rather htan acutally, but it doens't amtterb ecuase women will FEEL that way. Attraction is on feeling in places where they don't care about real application of value unlike Hafthor Bjornsson who could be the ultimate bad ass).
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