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It's Over Surgerycelling, looksmaxxing or gymcelling past age 19 is massive cope



Apr 2, 2019
1. You're a heightcel? You're already fucked! Unless looksmaxxing can bring you up to an 8+ there's no point to it. If it can bring you up to an 8+ you're either already a mentalcel (so it won't help) or a volcel. It's over.

2. Okay, you've had surgery, gymcelled or looksmaxxed in some other way, which brought your rating up by max +1 or +1.5 points (looksmaxxing works way better when you are already decent looking, which you aren't). Congrats! You may now be around average in looks (5+/10), which means you could -- theoretically -- be a normie cuck. In order to ascend you now need to orbit some disgusting 2/10 landwhale until she gets pumped and dumped or rejected by some Chad. Many months, maybe years, of waiting around pass, while being an orbiter slave, but at some point your chance to strike arrives:

But what is this? All the other normie orbiters are also moving in for the kill. Except, you've never experienced teenage love or any kind of happiness. You're cynical and bitter. You hate foids. You're entirely blackpilled. Your competition on the other hand is about the same as you in looks, but suddenly you realize that personality does matter when looks are equal... and, lets face it, yours is complete shit, through the years of abuse and loneliness. Also if the foid ever figures out what you used to look like or that you're an incel with little to no sexual experience, she WILL reject, ghost you and pick a different cuck to hold er over.

So, after surgery, or whatever, you have to (somehow) brainwash yourself into being a bluepilled cuck, actually make yourself believe that foids are wonderful creatures who won't cheat on you at the first opportunity of getting Chad, learn how to smile without looking sad/creepy/cringey (because you're dead inside) and create very elaborate and convincing lies about previous girlfriends and all kinds of sexual experiences that have to hold up to femoid scrutiny -- and she will grill you about it incessantly. If you ever slip up, just once, the ugly foid will reject you and the cycle begins again with a different 2/10 foid hoping for Chads. IT'S OVER!

I doubt I'm wrong about this. Or am I?
gymcelling is important for older people for health reasons

everything else seems pretty accurate
everything else seems pretty accurate
Thanks. Maybe the shorter version of what I'm trying to say: You'll be a normie cuck who never makes the cut.

I mean it could be considered a pseudo-improvement because at least you're now allowed to compete (incels don't even get to compete). Just a giant waste of time in my opinion.
Incels should try to looksmaxx at least once in their life. Become the best looking you can and try to hook up with some foids. If you don't try, you're a volcel by definition.
Looks like I have one year left JFL
At this point everything is considered cope, there's no hope, just the rope.
if my surgerymaxx plan give me the status of normie I will already be happy, it will make the humiliations I pass almost everyday drop a lot
Yeah true only reason I may consider surgery now is to simply not be a walking pariah because of my unattractivenes and perhaps get the occasional sex if I can.
I dont know why it is so hard to swallow the blackpill that EVERY sub8 male has to betacuxx or be extreme violent to get laid.
My only hope is going to asia. Would you guys frown upon that?
1. You're a heightcel? You're already fucked!

if you have a fucked face, you have hundreds of plastic surgery on your face. If you're manlet you have only one option
lengthening the legs which is a more expensive, more dangerous and will take much more time than any plastic facial surgery
But what is this? All the other normie orbiters are also moving in for the kill. Except, you've never experienced teenage love or any kind of happiness. You're cynical and bitter. You hate foids. You're entirely blackpilled. Your competition on the other hand is about the same as you in looks, but suddenly you realize that personality does matter when looks are equal... and, lets face it, yours is complete shit, through the years of abuse and loneliness. Also if the foid ever figures out what you used to look like or that you're an incel with little to no sexual experience, she WILL reject, ghost you and pick a different cuck to hold er over.

Overall high IQ post. The personality part is probably the best of it. While I think pERsonality has little to no value in comparison to looks, in these situations may provide a critical advantage. However, if you developed dark triad traits, you could theoretically have an edge, but this applies mostly to high tier normies, or more strongly to chadlites at least.

What I disagree on a little is the pERsonality detector of femoids. While one can successfully fake experiences in a conversation, the problem would become visible if that person for a jackpot-like chance were going to ascend. If they can´t even manage to make sensible choices on a gargantuan sized samples and go for chad criminals or worse, I assume their understanding of pERsonality is very limited.

The gymcelling has reason to be for health´s sake and probably to fend off some cuck who become violent after "offending" the honor of milady - I do not encourage violence, that´s obvious - .
My only hope is going to asia. Would you guys frown upon that?

was always my ultimate cope but I think that your level of success still depends on where you stand on the looks ladder. Being white just moves you up a few rungs. I know its reverse cope but im glad i didnt ever make it (yet) cause my ugliness is too much to overcome.

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