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News Suifuel for escortcels — Chad Sheriff helps arrest 104 people for prostitution related offenses

It's a disgusting abomination what has unconstitutionally and illegally been allowed to manifest in the United States of America in the name of the treasonous alliance of feminists and evangelical Christians, who were constrained to zero extent in the wanton enforcement of their moral desires to the egregious detriment of all others, in violation of numerous amendments of our constitution, which when inconvenient enough simply necessitated the CIA hypnotizing our supreme court with MKUltra techniques toward allowing their unconstitutional legislation be maintained.

It truly is disgusting, and these people are with false morality. They are liars, cheaters, and parasites.

Their entire movement is just a fraudulent establishment of religion consisting of liars disgracing the badge of our sheriffs promulgating the religious fantasy world of these delusional Christians and Feminists, seemingly under the mistaken notion that our police forces are operatives of the church and feminist studies groups, as opposed to the people of the Untied States of America.

Honestly, this group has committed what amounts to treason by interfering with the ability of our government to operate in accordance with its constitution. They should be arrested and detained sufficiently for the members of our supreme court to have it made clear to them that our constitution demands that this renegade movement of psychotic religious terrorists be suppressed, as opposed to allowed to continue on in this manner, with any CIA infiltrators to such a discussion needing to be promptly shot lest they attempt hypnotizing the justices of our court again.

I am beyond done tolerating my life being impaired because psychotic religious people can't manage to operate within the confines of the constitution of the United States of America, and believe it well beyond time to arrest the treasonous members of our government who continue on ignoring the blatant disregard for law and constitution being demonstrated by these blatant subversion committing traitors to the United States of America.

Your false reality, described in your scientifically refuted collection of religious fiction materials, is false. That is really all there is to say regarding the matter. Science has in no uncertain terms determined that your establishment of religion is false, that you reference a false reality described in fiction materials, and that you are mentally ill with religious insanity, and not a single law passed in respect of your establishment of religion's moral concerns has the slightest shred of validity in our nation.

Your establishment of religion regarding sex and drugs has been conclusively scientifically refuted, and has no validity by our constitution. The traitors in our government unable to come to terms with our new culture in which their establishment of religion isn't illegally and unconstitutionally respected ought to be immediately escorted into the prisons in which traitors to our constitution belong.

Your morality crusade is over and done with, and if you refuse to obey our constitution we will eventually be trying you for committing treason against the United States of America as a criminal operative of your establishment of religion which will be criminalized in this country as a group of subversive enemy combatants.

The sheer and utter disregard to the rule of constitutional law is over and done with in this country. Your sense of moral righteousness is unwarranted, and your expression of your moral concerns is both illegal and unconstitutional, being without constraint simply by the treason of the conspiracy of your establishment of religion to impose its dictates against the citizenry of our nation.

Nobody believes in your fraudulent, scientifically refuted establishment of religions fiction materials regarding human trafficking any longer. You may as well wrap up your treasonous conspiracy to defraud the American people and go home, for nobody is buying your establishment of religion any longer, you cheating fraudulent treason committing parasites.
And you know what is worse ?
Is that US government actively spread this around the world, through religious institutions and 'peacekeeping' missions such as the one in Haiti.
I can't understand why people here hate escortcels.
And you know what is worse ?
Is that US government actively spread this around the world, through religious institutions and 'peacekeeping' missions such as the one in Haiti.

What's even worse is that the U.S. CIA actively invented a major portion of this religion. It's the most unconstitutional thing imaginable. That it persists signifies nothing other than that law has collapsed in our country. The members of our supreme court refusing to rule such legislation unconstitutional are traitors who should in utmost honesty be immediately arrested for their subversion of the constitution of our country.

Supreme court justices: Feminism and Christianity may not be respected by our government. You are obligated to uphold the constitution against these fraudulent movements, which have been allowed to unconstitutionally do whatever the fuck they want to without constraint for quite long enough. You are going to risk being lined up against a wall and executed for treason when all is said and done, if you persist in your refusal to constrain feminism and Christianity by our constitution. You are acting in accordance with your sense of morality, and in doing so are refusing to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. This constitutes subversion and treason. The supreme court is a place for those with loyalty to our constitution, not for those on morality campaigns in the name of Christianity and Feminism. If you can't stop your unconstitutional favoring of Christianity and Feminism, you have no valid place on our supreme court, and you ought to resign so that those with loyalty to our constitution can enforce it against Christians and Feminists.

Feminists and Christians have been granted no valid exception to our constitution, and I demand they immediately have the constraints of our constitution imposed against them, regardless of the upset this causes. If you would like your legislation back, you may legally have it reinstated. You didn't follow the law, and so you lose, and it is that simple. You cheated, and cheaters are not winners.

I support arresting the religious and feminist traitors on our supreme court who refuse to constrain these establishments of religion immediately. They ought to be tried for committing treason as part of a conspiracy of religious and feminist traitors to our constitution.
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Sex is only for women and attractive men, bro

Entitled inkwel
What's even worse is that the U.S. CIA actively invented a major portion of this religion. It's the most unconstitutional thing imaginable. That it persists signifies nothing other than that law has collapsed in our country. The members of our supreme court refusing to rule such legislation unconstitutional are traitors who should in utmost honesty be immediately arrested for their subversion of the constitution of our country.

Supreme court justices: Feminism and Christianity may not be respected by our government. You are obligated to uphold the constitution against these fraudulent movements, which have been allowed to unconstitutionally do whatever the fuck they want to without constraint for quite long enough. You are going to risk being lined up against a wall and executed for treason when all is said and done, if you persist in your refusal to constrain feminism and Christianity by the constraints of our constitution.

Feminists and Christians have been granted no valid exception to our constitution, and I demand they immediately have the constraints of our constitution imposed against them, regardless of the upset this causes. If you would like your legislation back, you may legally have it reinstated. You didn't follow the law, and so you lose, and it is that simple. You cheated, and cheaters are not winners.

I support arresting the religious and feminist traitors on our supreme court who refuse to constrain these establishments of religion immediately. They ought to be tried for committing treason as part of a conspiracy of religious and feminist traitors to our constitution.

Based. Support you all the way.
Sex is only for women and attractive men, bro

Entitled inkwel

I don't even need sex at this point. If women offered 'cuddle and chat' services, I'd pay.

I just want to lie with a sentient penisless being after work and tell them how shit my day was.
Escortcelling is so absurdly awful in the US these days. I'm glad I got in and out before it started getting this bad. Burgercels need to fly to Europe just to not get fleeced trying to pay for sex. Then people wonder why there's a spree shooting every two weeks.
If I lived in freedomland I wouldn't escortcel tbh. The only reason I do is because average costs are 250/hr here. In the US it's like five times that and there's a strong chance it could be a sting operation and you get sent to jail to ascend with your cellmate.

we need a hero...
If I lived in freedomland I wouldn't escortcel tbh. The only reason I do is because average costs are 250/hr here. In the US it's like five times that and there's a strong chance it could be a sting operation and you get sent to jail to ascend with your cellmate.
You can get an escort for 200-250 an hour in the US, it's just not very pleasant.
Ragefuel. I remember the story of the 14yo jb who got gang fucked until her asshole got destroyed to the point that she needed a shitting bag or whatever. That's morally just according to normies, because she was being fucked by Chads her age. But fucking a hooker, with paid consent, is immoral. JFL at this world
I know....that just doesn't make sense. Of you're not old enough for sex then you're not old enough for sex. Why does the age of the dick even matter??
You can get an escort for 200-250 an hour in the US, it's just not very pleasant.
Back when I was working I had to go to the states on a work-related trip and one night I was in my hotel room a little drunk and bored and I decided to look up some whores. They were all literally fat sassy black ladies. Not fucking worth it tbh... for any price.
It's just absolutely fucking disgusting. If this fraudulent movement had reason for existence it would have any degree of valid materials with which to support itself. It simply has no valid materials, and consists of people who don't ultimately give a fuck, for they are ultimately just crusading in the name of moral righteousness with a complete lack of concern given to our law and constitution in the process, and simply need some pretense of legitimacy, so reference their pile of scientifically refuted pseudoscientific garbage as if doing so actually justified their illegal, unconstitutional morality crusades.

I've studied this fraudulent movement mostly in relation to CP; however, it's unambiguously the same group as related to the human trafficking fraud.

More than 1 million are children. Nearly one-quarter are bought and sold as sex slaves. Only 1-in-100 victims of human trafficking is ever rescued. It’s a booming business. High profits and low risk make human trafficking one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative crimes on the planet; the U.N. recently estimated that trafficking nets $150 billion a year.

More than 4 million Web sites worldwide show images of children being sexually exploited, said the U.N. investigator on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat M'jid Maalla.

Maalla urged international cooperation to stop the child pornography industry, which she estimated to be worth between $3 billion and $20 billion. She recommended countries share information on sites containing child pornography in order to block them faster.

Booming Cross-Border Business

According to a frequently mentioned statistic, the child pornography industry generates $50 billion every year; other sources speak of a $20 billion industry.
In other words, the CAM industry is not a select club of old perverts roaming the web in the privacy of their musty apartment—it’s a multibillion-dollar business of global magnitude, with thriving demand and supply.

All of this is, of course, just bullshit.

Some law-enforcement officials contend that disrupting the companies making a profit off child pornography may only be the tip of the iceberg. Matt Dunn, of the Cyber Crimes Center at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau, said that non-commercial child pornography -- images shared without money changing hands -- is more of a concern than the for-profit industry.

Swapping child porn over file-sharing networks is ongoing -- and it's usually non-commercial, Dunn said. "It's happening every second of every day," he said.

Dunn also questions the estimate that commercial child porn is a $20 billion a year industry -- a figure cited in a 2006 congressional hearing -- and instead thinks it's substantially lower, perhaps in the tens of millions of dollars.

Moral Panic and Child Pornography

The public’s fear of child pornography that began in the 1970s and escalated with the emergence of the Internet, has all the makings of moral panic.
By definition, moral panic is the sudden eruption of outrage towards a specific group disproportionate to any harm caused. Cohen (1972) was first to coin the term and his definition more specifically includes: (1) concern about the potential or imagined threat; (2) moral outrage toward the actors who embody the problem; (3) widespread agreement that the threat exists and that something should be done about it; (4) an exaggeration of the number or strength of cases, in terms of damages, moral offensiveness, and risks if ignored; and (5) the panic erupts and dissipates suddenly without warning. Garland (2008) added two more elements: (1) the actors who embody the problem are viewed as threatening to the status quo; and (2) without action, they risk destroying society. Jenkins (1998) and others have invoked Cohen’s model of moral panic to explain societal fear of child pornography. Jenkins (2001) claims that it was during the initial crusade against child pornography in the 1970s that moral crusaders competed to assert the most incendiary claims about child pornography, including that it was a well-organized, multi-billion dollar industry and that the number of children exploited was in the millions. Jenkins (2001) notes that while most of these claims were discredited, fear persisted. As Walker (2010) describes: “Anxiety over child sexual abuse and the inability to protect children from harm is a salient fear in present society. Despite other, more probable dangers, these issues remain a large concern. Moreover, they are an agreed upon social harm. Child sexual abuse is decried unanimously as a moral wrong and a violation of social norms.” (p.198) Similarly, Ost (2002) explains that the main causes of the moral panic over child pornography “are the moral values which affirm the sacred status of the child and the rights that our society has ascribed to children.” (p.443)

The only criterion of Cohen’s moral panic model that appears not to have been met in the case of child pornography offenders is the fifth. Meaning, at this time, there is no dissipation of the panic. Unlike other panics such as the Salem Witch trials or the crack cocaine epidemic, both of which had a start and end date, the panic over child sexual exploitation has been durable, long-lasting and now in its fourth decade (O’Hear, 2008). Walker (2010) argues the only thing that has changed with the child pornography panic is the fervent role of the state in responding. The federal government has created a number of laws intended to severely punish and control child pornography offenders.

These people are just mentally ill psychotics with fucking anosognosia.

It's a pretty good summary of the standard narrative on sex-trafficking these days: it's everywhere, all the time, and we don't even know it; the only way to combat it is to keep throwing cops and money and laws at it; and anyone who questions any of this is only aiding the evildoers. It's almost impossible to argue with people who buy this narrative, because the more evidence you present challenging sex trafficking's pervasiveness, the more they see proof that sex trafficking is so under the radar we need to throw more cops and money and laws at it.

There are self-administered, validated tools as well, such as the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS),11 which is based on a separation of the concepts of “cognitive insight” and “clinical insight.” Clinical insight is described as the awareness of mental illness requiring treatment, while cognitive insight encompasses the patient’s ability to evaluate, reappraise, and modify distorted beliefs or misperceptions. These interpretations are regulated at a “higher level” of cognition, also called metacognition, allowing clinicians to assess self-regulating and self-monitoring functions of thought processes. The BCIS assesses a patient’s objectivity about delusional thinking, previous errors, reattribution of false explanations, and ability to receive corrective information from others. It includes self-reflectiveness and self-certainty subscales in order to measure willingness and capacity to entertain alternate explanations and over-confidence in validity of beliefs.

The results showed a correlation between insight as measured by the BCIS self-reflectiveness index and lower gray matter volume in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC). The VLPFC is involved in working memory and decision making. The findings suggest that a reduced VLPFC volume corresponds with a diminished capacity to entertain alternative explanations about one’s misperceptions leading to impairment in awareness of illness.

The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) is a subdivision of the prefrontal cortex. Its involvement in modulating existing behavior and emotional output given contextual demands has been studied extensively using cognitive reappraisal studies and emotion-attention tasks. Cognitive reappraisal studies indicate the vlFPC’s role in reinterpreting stimuli, and reducing or augmenting responses. Studies using emotion-attention tasks demonstrate the vlFPC’s function in ignoring emotional distractions while the brain is engaged in performing other tasks.[6]

Prefrontal activation in the dlPFC and vlPFC was also associated with deactivation in the DMN, during experiential focus and without previous training [24]. The engagement of prefrontal areas seems concomitant to the disengagement of limbic and DMN systems.

IPC and VLPFC belong to the ventral attentional network that supports attentional filtering and reorienting towards the environment (Corbetta et al., 2008), and is anti-correlated with the preACC/DMN, involved in self- referential processes ( Fox and Raichle, 2007).

They are essentially incapable of comprehending that it is an unambiguous, scientifically established fact that they are literally referencing a false reality through a genre of scientifically refuted fiction materials.


It's just overwhelmingly frustrating for me, being expected to mindlessly adhere to the dictates of this clearly fraudulent movement of cheating liars and psychotics, simply because they emphatically point to their delusional collection of scientifically falsified fiction materials and refuse to accept the readily established matter of fact that the entire fucking thing has been scientifically refuted.

It's as if the anti-vaccination movement actually managed to come to power, rather than being identified as a movement of psychotic fucking lunatics and pseudoscientific cheating liars.

The last dozen years have seen a massive transnational mobilization of the legal, political, and research communities in response to the worrisome hypothesis that vaccines could have a link to childhood autism and other developmental conditions. Vaccine critics, some already organized and some composed of newly galvanized parents, developed an alternate world of internally legitimating studies, blogs, conferences, publications, and spokespeople to affirm a connection.

As I have noted above, there is indeed a complex community of researchers, journals, and articles to point to, facts to recite, conferences to attend, and professional groups to connect with that supply a great deal of internal legitimacy




Like Steve Novella, I have no doubt that Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey mean well, but I agree that it’s not enough to mean well. There’s a famous saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My usually corollary to this saying is that good intentions coupled with misinformation and self-righteousness are the straightest and surest route to hell that I can think of, and among the best examples of this corollary are parents who have been misled by the pseudoscience of the cottage industry of autism quackery that depends on the belief that vaccines cause autism for its profitability.

But some experts question whether a vaccination mandate will sway public opinion in France, where distrust in vaccines has risen alarmingly in recent years. In a survey published last year, 41 percent of respondents in France disagreed with the statement that vaccines are safe — the highest rate of distrust among the 67 countries that were surveyed, and more than three times higher than the global average.

"It feels like we're back in the '40s when vaccines were widely contested," Professor François Chast -- a leading pro-vaccine activist and head of the Hotel-Dieu clinic in Paris - told VICE Impact. "How did we get here? The idea that all information is equal."

Engaging social stimuli are associated with activation of the DMN and deactivation of the TPN, whereas analytic problems are associated with activation of the TPN and deactivation of the DMN.

"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."

It's ultimately largely the fault of the CIA. They invented this fucking MKUltraic hypnosis or whatever the fuck one of their mind control techniques they used on these nutcases. I know how some of their ultimate products work, but only recently realized that they most likely actually hypnotized the supreme court justices in order to have their CP establishment of religion respected, which they did solely to have a blasphemous cover file to hide their otherwise legal secrets in.

Terrorists 'use child porn' to exchange information

Terrorists may be using child pornography websites to exchange data, according to anti-terror experts.

Why would terrorists hide incriminating messages inside incriminating photographs? That would be like drug smugglers hiding kilos of cocaine in bales of marijuana.

Terrorists in the CIA hide their otherwise legal secrets with the illegal cover file of the imagery that they rendered illegal when they had congress respect their establishment of religion and then hypnotized the members of our supreme court into allowing such legislation stand. It was the CIA via Dr. Densen-Gerber who caused this to happen, not other forms of terrorist ultimately responsible.

The tiny article inside The Washington Post on Jan. 13, 1979, read like something from a cartoonishly sinister spy show: “CIA documents released yesterday show the agency once considered using drugs, shock treatments and even removal of parts of the brain to ‘dispose of blown agents, exploited defectors and defecting trainees.’”

System 1 has been variously characterized as 'intuitive', 'emotion-driven' and 'experiential'; whereas System 2 has been characterized as, 'controlled', 'rule-based', 'rational' and 'analytic'. We know of two lines of work which link cognitive neuroscience to this classical form of dual process theory:one which looks at logical reasoning (Goel and Dolan, 2003), the other moral judgments (Greene et al., 2004). Both identify areas in the DMN and TPN associated with System 1 and System 2 reasoning respectively. Hence, the link between dual-process theories of cognition and the DMN vs.TPN dichotomy appears worthy of further investigation.

If you are autistic you should be able to associate with the true reality in relatively short order. I personally have had all of the CIA brainwashing wear off at this point I believe, even though I am not entirely positive. I keep finding new ways in which the CIA has ass raped me and am becoming upset by the fact that they never seem to do anything to the ultimate benefit of satellites, always seeming to subject us to essentially whatever horrors are required.

A more recent resting state study reported reduced functional connectivity in DMN but not the task-positive network in an adult autistic sample (Kennedy and Courchesne, 2008). Specifically, reduced connectivity was localised to MPFC and left angular gyrus, and while the DMN and task-positive networks were significantly anti-correlated in controls, no such anti-correlation was observed in the ASD group

In summary, DMN activity in autistic patients is thought to be low at rest, with reduced connectivity between anterior and posterior DMN regions probably reflecting a disturbance of self- referential thought. In contrast to altered connectivity in the DMN, connectivity in the task-positive network appears normal in autism. Moreover, the absence of an anti-correlation between the DMN and task-positive networks, suggests an imbalance in the toggling between these networks, driven by a paucity of introspective thought.

The CIA brainwashing techniques work by deactivating the TPN by inducing activity of the DMN. This causes a deactivation of rationality. They almost certainly used some such technique to have the pertinent legislation deemed constitutional by our court. I know how their large scale longer term system for brainwashing neurotypicals into the false reality works, more or less,




essentially. I will spare the intricate details, as they are off topic in this thread. I am not entirely sure how their shorter term hypnosis, which I now believe them to also have created a successful technique for, possibly in collaboration with Hubbard even, who was a known skilled hypnotist, and who was with association to the CIA in several ways, with his religion of Scientology being itself highly MKUltraic, and particularly because of its Narconon component, which is just another Synanon derivative ultimately.

At trial, Dr. Noblitt testified about the existence of cults using ritual abuse and of organized satanic networks engaged in wide-ranging criminal enterprises including child abuse. The picture painted by Dr. Noblitt in his testimony at trial is one where criminal cults are common across the United States, and that these alleged cults typically engage in torture and murder of both adults and children. Furthermore, Dr. Noblitt opined that these cults are experts in a form of mind control or brainwashing in which victims are so heavily traumatized that they develop total and complete amnesia until the victim enters therapy and recovers the memory. His descriptions of these cults involved rape, murder, torture, grave robbing, and ceremonial animal and human sacrifice. Furthermore, he alleged that these activities took place at churches, involved police officers and other professional individuals. Lurid media coverage of this issue at the time additionally invoked the specter of widespread cannibalism. In order to explain the lack of physical evidence for these outrageous crimes, Dr. Noblitt explained to the jury that these cults will frequently lead their victims to believe in something preposterous, so that if they ever told of their tortures the stories would involve elements that would be so far-fetched that the victims would necessarily be disbelieved. This, according to Dr. Noblitt, was done intentionally by the cults as part of the mind control programming in order to discredit their victims.

In an interview shortly after the trial in a local newspaper, Dr. Noblitt was described as having been the prosecution expert witness in many ritual abuse cases, including the Keller case (Dickinson, 1993). He stated in that interview that Dan Keller, while in court, used a mysterious hand signal to mind-control people within the courtroom. Further, he asserted that cults use severe torture on victims and that all memory of the torture is repressed. In a direct quote from this news article, Dr. Noblitt stated: “I believe they use a technique of mind control unknown in legitimate psychology. It’s akin to hypnosis, created through abuse…the state of shock is so severe that it sends the victim into a deep trance state. Then cult members use different signals or triggers…” to control the victims.

At first I thought Dr. Nobblitt was just another psychotic fuck like the numerous schizophrenics involved in the matter,

In 1983, Judy Johnson, of California, accused a teacher at her son’s preschool of raping him, said faculty members had sex with animals and even claimed the teacher could fly.

Johnson was hospitalised with paranoid schizophrenia
and died before the end of the preliminary hearing from problems related to alcoholism. But LA’s Children’s Institute International then interviewed several hundred children about the alleged incident.

The students were coerced through suggestive interview techniques into making bizarre claims including the existence of secret tunnels under the school in which the alleged abuse took place; orgies supposedly conducted in car washes and airports; disturbing games in which children were allegedly photographed nude; mutilation of corpses; blood drinking; baby sacrifice and a flying teacher.

Pazder was consulted by the prosecution as an expert on Satanic ritual abuse and corroborated the claims. All parties in the McMartin preschool trial were acquitted of all charges in 1990.

including the ones on Dr. Densen-Gerber's botnet that had been indoctrinated via memory implanting techniques.

The article detailed unpleasant physical conditions in the New York Odyssey Houses, high staff turnover, financial irregularities including use of drug programme funds to pay for Densen-Gerber's luxurious lifestyle, and “an extraordinary measure of personal support and loyalty from those around her.”

Research looking at specific memory aberrations in the schizophrenia has primarily focused on their phenomenology using standardized semantic laboratory tasks. However, no study has investigated to what extent such aberrations have consequences for everyday episodic memories using more realistic false memory paradigms. Using a false memory paradigm where participants are presented with misleading suggestive information (Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale), we investigated the susceptibility of patients with schizophrenia (n = 21) and healthy controls (n = 18) to post hoc misleading information acceptance and compliance.

Patients with schizophrenia exhibited an increased susceptibility to go along with misleading suggestive items. Furthermore, they showed an increased tendency to change answers under conditions of social pressure. Underscoring previous findings on memory aberrations in schizophrenia, patients with schizophrenia had reduced levels of correct recognition (ie, true memory) relative to healthy controls. The effects remained stable when controlling for specific mediating variables such as symptom severity and intelligence in patients with schizophrenia. These findings are a first indication that social pressure and misleading information may impair source memory for everyday episodic memories in schizophrenia, and such impairment has clear consequences for treatment issues and forensic practice.


In the 1980s and early 1990s the United States witnessed an outbreak of bizarre ‘‘daycare abuse’’ cases in which groups of young children levelled allegations of sexual and Satanic abuse against their teachers. In the present study, quantitative analyses were performed on a total of 54 interview transcripts from two highly publicised daycare cases (McMartin Preschool and Kelly Michaels) and a comparison group of child sexual abuse cases from a Child Protection Service (CPS). Confirming the impression of prior commentators, systematic analyses showed that interviews from the two daycare cases were highly suggestive. Compared with the CPS interviews, the McMartin and/or Michaels interviewers were significantly more likely to (a) introduce new suggestive information into the interview, (b) provide praise, promises, and positive reinforcement, (c) express disapproval, disbelief, or disagreement with children, (d) exert conformity pressure, and (e) invite children to pretend or speculate about supposed events

The legacy of implanted Satanic abuse ‘memories’ is still causing damage today

When 21-year-old nurse Carol Felstead went to her doctor complaining of repeated headaches, she wasn’t just prescribed painkillers. Instead, she was referred for psychotherapy that would ultimately involve hypnosis to “recover” so-called repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse. Carol subsequently came to believe that her parents were the leaders of a Satanic cult and that her mother murdered another of her children, sat Carol on top of the body and then set fire to the family home.

But these allegations were untrue and the memories they were based upon were incorrect. Today, almost 30 years on, “recovered memory therapy” has been discredited by the scientific and academic community and is known to implant false memories, apparent memories for events that never actually happened.

Experimental psychologists have repeatedly demonstrated the ease with which false memories can be implanted in a sizeable proportion of the population under well-controlled laboratory conditions. But it is also undoubtedly the case that such false memories can arise spontaneously as well as in the context of psychotherapy.

Although we are typically not consciously aware of it, we often have to judge whether an apparent memory is real. Is it based upon mental events that were purely internally generated (for example, by imagination or a dream) or based upon events which really took place in the external world?
Implanting false memories

One of the techniques that has been shown to result in false memories is asking people to imagine events that never actually took place. It appears that, eventually and especially in people with good imaginations, the memory of the imagined event is misinterpreted as a memory for a real event. The use of hypnotic regression is a particularly powerful means to implant false memories.

Malpractice cases

During the late 1990s, there were multiple lawsuits in the United States in which psychiatrists and psychologists were successfully sued, or settled out of court, on the charge of propagating iatrogenic memories of childhood sexual abuse, incest, and satanic ritual abuse.[35]

Some of these suits were brought by individuals who later declare that their recovered memories of incest or satanic ritual abuse had been false. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation uses the term retractors to describe these individuals, and have shared their stories publicly.[36] There is debate regarding the total number of retractions as compared to the total number of allegations,[37] and the reasons for retractions.[38]

But I am far less certain now, for I think there was certainly hypnosis being actively used by the CIA during this time period. I am less sure how their short term hypnosis technique works though, as compared to the large scale one that they used against the entire nation toward submerging them in this religious fantasy world.

Type for-profit
Genre new religious movement

The idea that punishment can be therapeutic is not unique to the Rotenberg Center. In fact, this notion is widespread among the hundreds of "emotional growth boarding schools," wilderness camps, and "tough love" antidrug programs that make up the billion-dollar teen residential treatment industry.

This harsh approach to helping troubled teens has a long and disturbing history. No fewer than 50 programs (though not the Rotenberg Center) can trace their treatment philosophy, directly or indirectly, to an antidrug cult called Synanon. Founded in 1958, Synanon sold itself as a cure for hardcore heroin addicts who could help each other by "breaking" new initiates with isolation, humiliation, hard labor, and sleep deprivation.


DFAF was founded by Betty Sembler, wife of shopping center developer and Ambassador Mel Sembler. In 1976, Betty and Mel Sembler founded the cult[4] Straight, Incorporated, a "coercive rehabilitation" program in the United States that produced hundreds of reports of abuse of adolescents and their families during its 15 years of existence. Straight was adapted from the controversial therapeutic community programs Synanon and The Seed.

In 1979 Densen-Gerber was the subject of a scathing profile in New York magazine, “The Mysterious Mistress of Odyssey House,” which said, “Most people think of Odyssey House as a solid, benevolent program... Dr Densen-Gerber... has also emerged as an influential spokeswoman for sexually abused children. Today, she has become a familiar figure at public forums and legislative functions, detailing the horrors of addiction and ill treated youngsters... The cameras whirr and the lawmakers reach for the handkerchiefs and appropriations [funds]. It's a good show... But there is another side to this tale...”

Naturally the technique employed in Odyssey's treatment is spelled out in exquisite bits. In essence it is a medical doctor's extension of the original Synanon method. Synanon eschewed 'the use of any medical doctors and just had their boarders kick "cold turkey" spurred on by the jeers and encouragements of ex-addicts who had gone through the same gauntlet. Odyssey is more sophisticated and noticeably better organized and run. It insists on complete and exacting urine checks on all members to make certain no drugs are being used. It has exacting in-take procedures and highly structured promotion levels and rewards. It has penetrating and demanding deep "probe" sessions that do emulate the early marathon Synanon ways, but here Utilize psychiatric methodology as opposed to street wisdom.

Ramirez set up the synanon-based Phoenix House which hired former Synanite Ted Dibble to manage one of its centers. Phoenix House is one of the biggest TCs today. Psychiatrist Dr. Judianne Densen-Gerber visited Dr. Ramirez in Puerto Rico and setup her own synanon-based TC in New York City called Odyssey House. Many entrepreneurs, previously excluded from the lucrative drug rehabilitation trade because of lack of a medical degree, have opened their own second, third, and fourth generation synanon-type therapeutic communities.

This is unprecedented, probably in the history of the United States," commented Dr. Judianne Densen-Gerber, a lawyer, psychiatrist and nationally prominent specialist on child abuse. ( Denson-Gerber is an MD who is thought to be a CIA asset Her husband was on the Warren Commission.) During her visit to Nebraska in December 1990 she said: 'If the children are not telling the truth, particularly if they have been abused, they need help, medical attention. You don't throw them in jail!'

Over the years, the Narcotic Farm experimented with other treatment models, including Synanon. For more on that, see Points: the Blog of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society, Lessons from the Narcotic Farm, Part Five: Matrix House

ARC is also known for its involvement with the MK-ULTRA program (the CIA’s infamous mind-control drug experiments) during which the ARC director received CIA money for LSD research. It was after this scandal that ARC’s fate was sealed. On December 31, 1976, the last subject was transferred out of the lab.

The Connection Between Synanon and Scientology – Part 1: Laying The Groundwork

Congressional hearings in 1974 exposed that Seed Inc. was a Synanon based behavior modification group using brainwashing techniques similar to North Korean prisoner camps. One of the ways it was funded was under CIA program MKSEARCH – U.S. government funding.

A 1979 profile in New York magazine quoted Mayor Edward I. Koch as saying that she was ''one of those seminal forces, original, a go-getter.'' He said there were ''few people who can claim as many accomplishments.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber's success at getting government help became her downfall when the state investigated her use of public funds in the early 1980's and found irregularities. She resigned as executive director of Odyssey House in 1983, but remained active in affiliated programs.

Her influence extended to areas like child pornography. In 1977, her testimony that there were 264 monthly publications devoted to the subject helped persuade the House of Representatives to unanimously pass a bill to regulate it.

IPT, the publication of the Institute for Psychological Therapy, reported in 1992 that later government investigations proved her estimates to be exaggerated by ''several orders of magnitude.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber also commented on many other hot issues from a psychiatric point of view.

In 1991, she went to Omaha to testify in court that her interview with a man convinced her he had witnessed four satanic ritual killings. She characterized herself as an expert at deprogramming survivors of satanic cults.


The Origin of the Myths

In 1976 Robin Lloyd, correspondent for NBC, published For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America (Out of Print)(Out of Print).18 In the book, for which a U.S. senator had written an introduction, Lloyd claimed that a huge network of prostitution involving 300,000 boys existed. The notion that child pornography trade is big business was initiated in this book. Yet, nowhere in the book is there any empirical basis for the number 300,000. Indeed, Lloyd admitted that it was a working hypothesis which he had suggested to a number of experts to test their reactions.19 This didn't prevent Judianne Densen-Gerber, director of Odyssey House, a chain of residential treatment clinics for drug addicts, from taking over the figure as if it represented a reliable statistic. She set about to mobilize public opinion against child pornography to which, she said, Lloyd had alerted her.

The media followed the stories of child exploitation in detail. In the national periodicals during 1977 nine articles appeared.20 The New York Times, a paper known to avoid sensationalism, printed 27 articles that year compared to one in the two years before. When in May, 1977 the highly popular television series Sixty Minutes devoted a program to child pornography, a tidal wave of letters to politicians resulted.21 That spring a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives held a series of hearings on the subject which lasted until autumn, keeping child pornography in the news in the U.S.A. A platform was established by crusaders against child pornography, and in the prevailing climate of moral panic their cries for stronger measures received wide political support.

The chairman of the committee was Representative John Conyers Jr., who had organized the hearings to pass judgment on the proposal of Representatives Kildee and Murphy for a first Federal law against child pornography. It was this series of hearings that would make the question of child pornography a national issue. The first hearing was dominated by the appearance of Judianne Densen-Gerber. Equipped. with some child pornography magazines, she shocked congressional representatives with her claim that she had, together with Robin Lloyd, counted 264 comparable publications that, according to her, appeared monthly (an exaggeration by a factor of several orders of magnitude as we shall see). The figures which Robin Lloyd had mentioned as a working hypothesis were repeated by Densen-Gerber as fact:

Lloyd's book documented the involvement of 300,000 boys, aged 8 to 16, in activities revolving around sex for sale.22

She then multiplied the number by two, because her intuition told her that 300,000 girls were also involved in such activities. She then multiplied it again by two since, according to Lloyd, the real figure was "twice what he (could) statistically validate,"23 and this lead to something like a million children. The chairman Conyers multiplied this again by two since, he reasoned, America had not only one million runaways but another one million school drop outs. In this way the contours of a national disaster were drawn. According to Conyers:

"So we have somewhere possibly in the neighbourhood of 2 million kids who form a ready market for sexual exploitation from pornographers and the like."24

Densen-Gerber could not agree more. The Kildee-Murphy proposal was made law without any opposition: 401 for, 0 against.

The Spread of Rumors

In 1986 the Senate Commission33 under the chairmanship of William V. Roth, Republican from Delaware, came to the same conclusion as the ILIC report. Nevertheless, neither the Roth report nor the ILIC report were able to dampen the spread of rumors about an enormous trade. Even in 1986, the claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber continued to come up as facts in official reports: the Meese Commission, initiated by the Reagan administration to prepare a drastic sharpening of the anti-pornography laws, uncritically took over these claims.34 According to the Meese Commission, Congress had discovered that child pornography and child prostitution "have become highly organized, multi-million dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."35 The monthly appearance of 264 magazines (Densen-Gerber) was again reported as truth, alongside the 30,000 exploited children of Los Angeles (Lloyd Martin).

The U.S. Supreme Court took over these claims in their first child pornography case, New York v Ferber (1982), saying that child pornography comprised, "highly organized multimillion dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."36 The otherwise dignified court was so upset by the alleged extent of the problem that the solicitor for the accused, Herald Price Fahringer, lost his composure and fled the sitting as fast as he could.37

The claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber also appeared outside the U.S.A. The report, Exploitation of Child Labour, which was submitted in 1981 to the Commission for Human Rights of the United Nations, claimed: "In the United States there are at least 264 pornographic magazines specializing in pornography concerning children."38 It was claimed that in 1977, 15,000 slides and 4,000 films of child pornography had been intercepted by the police, which was, according to the report, 5% of the total stock in circulation.

According to the United Nations report, the value of trade in child pornography in 1977 was estimated at $500 million. Such estimates are not based on any kind of empirical evidence, and are easy to refute. If these claims were true then the allegedly intercepted slides and films would have had a value of thousands of dollars each.39 In reality, these films were sold for much less, which can be checked with reference to the advertisement brochures of Deltaboek, publisher of homosexual pornography and literature. From here it is apparent that the Golden Boys film series, produced by COQ in Denmark, cost 85 guilders each, which is about $35.

In 1986, Defence for Children International prepared a report on child prostitution in which they claimed: "Estimates on the number of child prostitutes vary from 300,000 to several millions for the U.S. and Canada."40 A year later these figures were taken over by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice.41 This report was later submitted to the Ministers of Justice of the member countries of the Council of Europe. Within the Council of Europe a report on child exploitation was written in which it was claimed that: "A study of boy prostitutes had suggested that there were 300,000 boy prostitutes in the United States, many of whom are designated runaways."42 The claims of the United Nations report were also repeated. As late as 1988 the Dutch language world development magazine, Onze Wereld (Our World), claimed that: "The American (sic) periodical43 Child Abuse and Neglect reported that in the United States at least 264 different child pornography magazines are in circulation. The kiddieporn stars are drawn from the numerous American runaway teenagers."44 The same article made similar exaggerated claims about alleged illicit trade in donor organs obtained from children killed for the purpose. The story about donor organs had also appeared in the report of the Council of Europe, although there was never any evidence and the story was not credible from the beginning.45

The alleged size of the child pornography trade and the many children said to have been involved, are little more than myths. They are the result of the arbitrary multiplication of arbitrary numbers of alleged victims made by a journalist. The claims had taken on a life of their own. The fact that these claims had by 1980 been rejected by thorough official investigations was insufficient to prevent the claim from reappearing, not only in the media but also in other official circles, including the United States Senate, the United States Supreme Court, a Commission of the American Justice Department, the United Nations and the Council of Europe. After the number had been cited in the Hearings of the House of Representatives, it became associated with an ostensibly reliable source. The fact that the original source was anything but reliable was forgotten.
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Oh look, more burgercels getting arrested and jailed for victimless crimes.

Of course they cherry-picked the worst examples -- a couple of idiots who wanted to fuck a 13-year-old.

The rest of them are just normal human beings like you and I.

I do not regret moving to the UK.
Based, all degenerates belong on a cross. Escort""""""""cels"""""""" make inceldom and hypergamy worse. Virgin Truecels like myself need to rise up.
MUH DEGENERACY :feelstastyman::redpill:
Pigs are the scum of the earth. Arresting people for victimless crimes like drug use, prostitution, 18 year old boys fucking their JB gfs etc. Police officers are vermin.
So glad that i live in germany where it's legal lol
@boojies seems based and ragefueled AF but he writes long texts I can't quite read it all right now.

I just want to say, IMHO the abolition of prostitution is something anthropologically wrong on a very fundamental level. It is the duty of the sexually undesirable man to gather whatever forces he has to fight such juridical abomination by all means necessary.

And when I write "by all means necessary", I mean it.
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@boojies seems based and ragefueled AF but he writes long texts I can't quite read it all right now.

I just want to say, IMHO the abolition of prostitution is something anthropologically wrong on a very fundamental level. It is the duty of the sexually undesirable man to gather whatever forces he has to fight such juridical abomination by all means necessary.
We just need to wait for the boomers (actual boomers, not the gen x/y people zoomers like to call boomers) to drop dead. Fewer people below age 60 are against legalizing prostitution than we seem to realize.
We just need to wait for the boomers (actual boomers, not the gen x/y people zoomers like to call boomers) to drop dead
They are only retiring right now, reaching the age of 60/70.

They won't start dying until twenty more years.
Oh look, more burgercels getting arrested and jailed for victimless crimes.

Of course they cherry-picked the worst examples -- a couple of idiots who wanted to fuck a 13-year-old.

The rest of them are just normal human beings like you and I.

I do not regret moving to the UK.

Wanting to fuck 13 year olds is normal.

In a subsequent study, Freund confirmed the normalcy of sexual arousal to adolescents. His subjects were 48 young Czech soldiers, all presumed to be ‘‘normal’’ and heterosexual in orientation. He showed the men pictures of children (ages 4–10 years old), adolescents (ages 12–16), and adults (ages 17–36). As expected, most of the heterosexual men were sexually aroused by photos of both adult and adolescent females. They were not aroused by pictures of males of any age, and were aroused at an intermediate level by pictures of children (Freund & Costell, 1970).

A new study of Bulgarian men has replicated a previous 2013 experiment on British men. In both studies, the same photographs of adolescent girls (Tanner stages 3-4) were shown to one group of men labelled as age 14-15, and a different set of men labelled as age 16-17. Subjects reported more sexual attraction when the photographs were labelled as 16-17. The researchers conclude:

[T]he consistent finding that the same photographs of younger females, but with different age labels, were assigned significantly different levels of attractiveness suggests that cognitive factors beyond biologically driven sexual attraction were involved in making these ratings. In all the three samples, apparently younger girls were rated as less attractive than older girls despite being the same photographs. We hypothesize that this difference reflects some self-censoring mechanism involved in making such judgments. This may involve a form of comparison between participants’ own sexual attraction to the individual girl and the likely social norms surrounding this judgment.

This finding has now been replicated across four samples, including one that is yet to be reported.

Not saying one should run out and fuck 13 year olds being pimped out by their fathers; however, it's entirely normal to be aroused by and to want to fuck 13 year olds, and is blown out of proportion regarding the intrinsic harmfulness of it (intrinsic harm of it being, in fact, virtually nonexistent). It's just more of the endless lies and indoctrination of these people, causing you to imagine that it is abnormal to want to have some sexual experiences with even quite young people in that age area.

Shouldn't be mistaken as me actually truly encouraging people to fuck pimped out 13 year old girls, but I don't even feel the need really to include such qualifiers any longer, as the truth is people just feel a compulsion to add such notes lest they be socially outcast. I don't even care any longer, and simply cannot keep up with playing the bullshit game of these people any longer.

Not a single thing believed regarding sex in the popular beliefs is true. It is 100% bullshit, a crock of shit, scientifically refuted drivel that is supported by people emphatically citing an enormous pile of vomit that has -- at best -- a modest semblance to actual research and such. It's an alternate fantasy world captured in a selection of poorly counterfeited scientific looking documentation that has scientometric ratings comparable to Creation Science publications; a vivid, endless stream of fraudulent tabloid tier publications via the news media; a sketchy network of extraordinarily overly funded NGOs that do apparently nothing other than produce such bullshit; and a bunch of apparently schizophrenic and/or hypnotized people reciting stereotyped progressions of bullshit like they are chanting fucking monks or something. The entire thing is probably just a fucking CIA front ultimately.
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