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RageFuel [SuicideFuel][BlackPill] Study: 240 of the 300 girls actually had sex through tinder! Only less than 50 of the 300 men]

ratings are based off of fixed points on a bell-curve like distribution. otherwise the variance at the high end would be too wide.

ratings are also somewhat subjective
i dont think it matters if variance at the very high end is wide because it doesn't even matter. foids will be attracted to a gigachad whether he's top 1% or top 0.001%, even if the 0.001% guy is obviously more attractive. ratings are subjective but only to an extent. if ratings aren't based off percentage of population (excluding children/grandpas ofcourse) then ratings are practically meaningless. comparing yourself to other men is how you know if you're good looking or not.

[It's Over]

Tinder has literally killed any fragments of "love" that still existed in the world. Anyone who believe that there are foids out there who aren't using Tinder is fucking delusional. Everyone wants to have sex with beautiful people, men can only do this if they are beautiful, females can do this for just existing. Why wouldn't a femoid order chad dick to her door like pizza and never talk to him again until she wants another pump and dump from that particular chad? Literally harems... and cucks either ignore the problem and say "not all girls use tinder" or accept cuckodry and getting their lives and futures shit on by it. Literally every foids uses tinder. Even if you looksmaxx, when you meet a foid, she will have been chadded on tinder yet she will lie and say she has never used tinder... AWALT. In that case, you have to just pump and dump... If you have any respect for yourself as a man, Tinder has killed any chance you'll ever have of having a honorable, mutual loving relationship or a healthy family.

All we can hope for is for men to wake up. Not only wake up to the blackpill but to also go MGTOW. The femoids of our generations, they are irredeemable, unforgivable, unfit for marriage, unfit for motherhood... Men who marry thots who use tinder should be beheaded. These roasties should spend the second half of their lives alone with their cats the way that incels spend their entire lives alone with their copes. This is why waifubots and artificial wombs are MANDATORY for not going ER en masse. We will not "know our place", we will not bow down to genocide in the most humiliating way possible (sexual genocide), we will not support a system that does not support us. We have suffered enough, if we are not offered reparations for not only our suffering, but for the damage done to civilization by the barbarism of Tinder and feminism... well, we are either disposable like the good goy slaves the shaytans at the top of the pyramid see us as, or we are disposable like the bullets in the battlefield that rip through enemies. The world our enemies expect us to play nice with and live in is a world we'd rather die than accept.

Number of cucks in the world IQ
I'm sorry.... Hold on just a moment.... SEXOLOGY !!!???
The opening lines that worked, were often extremely flat but to the point. One that seemed to work was just "wanna smash".

it's all about personality :soy::bluepill:

and then bluepilled argument "tinder is for shallow women, most women aren't like that"
and you realize tinder is real life
iirc research has shown that Tinder and dating apps are the most commonly used method of dating/sex used by people nowadays. Tinder has become real life. Anyone who denies it at this point is delusional.
So basically

86.6% (240/300) of foid
are having sex with
16.6% (50/300) of men

every piece of data from that app has been nothing but depression manifest
It's over.
"wanna smash" is all Chad needs to say. No jestering or cringe gay shit.
The opening lines that worked, were often extremely flat but to the point. One that seemed to work was just "wanna smash"

Imagine jestermaxxing to cope after this. Jfl
It's over.
The whole 80/20 data from okcupid was always misunderstood. It didn't say that 20% of men were attractive. All it said was that 80% of men were UNATTRACTIVE. Among those 20% there are plenty of men who just "ok i guess" or "decent" in the eyes of women, but not really attractive. To get the attractive ones it's 95/5
"wanna smash" is all Chad needs to say. No jestering or cringe gay shit.
The opening lines that worked, were often extremely flat but to the point. One that seemed to work was just "wanna smash"

Imagine jestermaxxing to cope after this. Jfl
People love telling themselves that chad must have some really high level, high IQ, tons of practice, carefully crafted wordplay. Because the alternative is that chad is just saying whatever and it only works because he's attractive. But normoids can't accept that so they come up with all sorts of jestering and "pickup lines".
These roasties should spend the second half of their lives alone with their cats the way that incels spend their entire lives alone with their copes. This is why waifubots and artificial wombs are MANDATORY for not going ER en masse. We will not "know our place", we will not bow down to genocide in the most humiliating way possible (sexual genocide), we will not support a system that does not support us. We have suffered enough, if we are not offered reparations for not only our suffering, but for the damage done to civilization by the barbarism of Tinder and feminism...


The feminist dictatorship must fall before it destroys all non-Chad men.

I hope we have Nuremberg Trials for the incel genocide and that feminism will become as untouchable as Nazism is today.

The feminist dictatorship must fall before it destroys all non-Chad men.

I hope we have Nuremberg Trials for the incel genocide and that feminism will become as untouchable as Nazism is today.
Hopefully by then, foids are unironically making memes about cat food on femcel websites... and society treats them like they are mentally ill and toxic man haters because they refuse to lower than standards and get a chadbot.
Tinder is a tool for females to use when being whores. Online dating is real life and it is only going to affect us more as time passes.
The men should just improve their toxic personality, not say bad things about women online on obscure forums no one knows and take more baths (women have advanced bath and personality sensors).
The men should just improve their toxic personality, not say bad things about women online on obscure forums no one knows and take more baths (women have advanced bath and personality sensors).
advanced bath sensors :feelskek:
just jacuzzimaxx bro :feelskek:
Pin this thread so that all those motherfucking delusional bluepillers can see the reality.
Just have a hole theory
İn other news water is wet.
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Back when I was a bluepill cuck I was friends with a foid who had a boyfriend but thought doing this to “make him jealous, teehee!” would be funny but she didnt want to use her email and I let her use mine jfl. Clown world that I had a foid tinder account under MY OWN EMAIL for about 3 months :reeeeee:

I used to check in every so often and can confirm from the foids side of the account that it is CHAD ONLY
Back when I was a bluepill cuck I was friends with a foid who had a boyfriend but thought doing this to “make him jealous, teehee!” would be funny but she didnt want to use her email and I let her use mine jfl. Clown world that I had a foid tinder account under MY OWN EMAIL for about 3 months :reeeeee:

I used to check in every so often and can confirm from the foids side of the account that it is CHAD ONLY
That I imagine was when you got blackpilled. Tinder is the biggest blackpiller.
That I imagine was when you got blackpilled. Tinder is the biggest blackpiller.
It was a little after that (JFL at me for not picking up as soon as I saw that). My join date is more or less indicative of my blackpilling date as well, I joined one day after. The evening of November 30th is when it all went down
It was a little after that (JFL at me for not picking up as soon as I saw that).
Happens tbh not everyone is fully blackpilled at the start. Over the time you realise that it is all about looks and there is no way your personality, status or money could compensate for it and unicorns don't exist.

[It's Over]

Tinder has literally killed any fragments of "love" that still existed in the world. Anyone who believe that there are foids out there who aren't using Tinder is fucking delusional. Everyone wants to have sex with beautiful people, men can only do this if they are beautiful, females can do this for just existing. Why wouldn't a femoid order chad dick to her door like pizza and never talk to him again until she wants another pump and dump from that particular chad? Literally harems... and cucks either ignore the problem and say "not all girls use tinder" or accept cuckodry and getting their lives and futures shit on by it. Literally every foids uses tinder. Even if you looksmaxx, when you meet a foid, she will have been chadded on tinder yet she will lie and say she has never used tinder... AWALT. In that case, you have to just pump and dump... If you have any respect for yourself as a man, Tinder has killed any chance you'll ever have of having a honorable, mutual loving relationship or a healthy family.

All we can hope for is for men to wake up. Not only wake up to the blackpill but to also go MGTOW. The femoids of our generations, they are irredeemable, unforgivable, unfit for marriage, unfit for motherhood... Men who marry thots who use tinder should be beheaded. These roasties should spend the second half of their lives alone with their cats the way that incels spend their entire lives alone with their copes. This is why waifubots and artificial wombs are MANDATORY for not going ER en masse. We will not "know our place", we will not bow down to genocide in the most humiliating way possible (sexual genocide), we will not support a system that does not support us. We have suffered enough, if we are not offered reparations for not only our suffering, but for the damage done to civilization by the barbarism of Tinder and feminism... well, we are either disposable like the good goy slaves the shaytans at the top of the pyramid see us as, or we are disposable like the bullets in the battlefield that rip through enemies. The world our enemies expect us to play nice with and live in is a world we'd rather die than accept.

I agree 100% :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Happens tbh not everyone is fully blackpilled at the start. Over the time you realise that it is all about looks and there is no way your personality, status or money could compensate for it and unicorns don't exist.
it’s a slow accumulation of observations until the straw breaks the camels back. I think for me it helped that my final blackpill was a very personal horse vitamin size blackpill. It made me put 2 and 2 together real quick
another dickpill
Even if i was chad i wouldn't marry. Even chads are getting cucked. I believe it's starting to get to the point where it's 0% rule. Cause there's always a Chadder Chad. Foids will just keep fucking many chads while cheating on his husband (chad).
ah, the good ol' 80/16.67 rule

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