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Discussion Subjecting men to inceldom is immoral

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33216
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Deleted member 33216

Deleted member 33216

Every cope has an end
Feb 27, 2021
I'm going to try to keep this thread as short possible since most of you have the same defective Zoomer attention span as me. Plus, walls of text tend to discourage people from reading.

Anyway, In this thread I'm going argue that subjecting thousands (millions?) of men to a sexless life of misery, rejection, suffering, and loneliness is immoral, regardless of your moral values (unless you adhere to some fucked up moral system that calls for the maximisation of suffering). But before I make my argument I'm going to preface it by defining three moral systems -- as Voltaire once said "if you want to converse with me, define your terms". As we know, there's no one moral system that all humans subscribe to; and to my dismay, we still don't know if morality is objective or not. So for the purposes of this thread I'm going to restrict myself to working with three abstract moral systems that I think are prevalent in our day and age. And moreover, I'm going to assume that they all are valid -- e.g. I am not going to delve into side-arguments like proving the existence of God, an entity upon which various moral systems are based, I'm just going to assume that they are valid, merely for argument's sake .

Furthermore, I'm going to make the distinction between theistic and atheistic moral systems, and since all religious doctrines provide an objective moral system, there's no need for a subjective one among the theistic systems. The atheistic moral systems on the other hand, have to be divided into subjective and objective due to the lack of moral authority. Here are the three moralities we're going to consider:

  1. An objective theistic morality: This category includes all Abrahamic (and non-Abrahamic) religions where morality is given by God (or Allah or whatever you want to call it/him/her). Meaning, you have a certain set of moral rules you need to abide by. Any violation of these moral laws renders your actions immoral. Let me illustrate this by an example: according to Christianity engaging in homosexual intercourse is wrong. Therefore, any homosexual behaviour instigated by a Christian is considered immoral since that person believes that homosexuality is wrong -- i.e. he violated the rules of morality given by Jesus/God.

  1. An objective atheistic morality: When talking about objective morality without a deity, we're almost always talking about viewing moral values as scientific facts. The only known moral doctrine that doesn't draw a line between morals and facts -- at least to the best of my knowledge -- is Sam Harris' objective morality. In his book, the moral landscape, Harris argues that morals are scientific facts about human well-being. That means an act is immoral if it's not conducive to human flourishing.

  1. A subjective atheistic morality: In comparison to the other 2 molarities, this one is the hardest to define. Because subjectivity can be used to justify almost anything. If we assume subjective morality, we can't say that a specific act is objectively morally wrong. For that, I am going to make a somewhat controversial, but realistic assumption: human life is valuable and we should -- I can already hear some of you saying "THAT VIOLATES HUME'S GUILLOTINE". Yes...Yes, I am aware of that. But as I said, for the sake of the argument I'm going to assume that all the systems in question are valid. If you think they're invalid (for whatever reason) then you can simply ignore the part where I talk about them, and focus on the ones YOU consider valid -- do our best to protect it. I know that this is pretty bold claim since I can't really objectively prove it when subjectivity is involved. However, if you think there's a reasonable justification for unnecessary human suffering, then let me know. And I say unnecessary here because in some cases we can make the argument that human suffering could lead to better life conditions (i.e. less suffering in the future), and is therefore justifiable. But, as we all know, that isn't the case with inceldom.

Now with that being said, let's get to the argument itself. For convenience, I'm going to continue with the same order I started with.

An objective theistic morality:
Obviously, I can't go over all 4000 something religions that exist and show that all of them are against human suffering. But it's common sense to to argue that an omni-benevolent God(s), which is/are the main character in almost all religions doesn't/don't want us to suffer. As a result, the suffering inceldom causes in immoral in the eyes of God. So, for all the religious normies reading this, you actions towards us, or rather lack thereof, are immoral -- I suggest you go confess to a priest.

An objective atheistic morality:
Now let's take a look at the second system. As I said, in the second system morality is defined in terms of human well-being. An act is immoral if it affects our well-being negatively. Inceldom is obviously harmful to anyone suffering from it. Therefore, within that moral system, subjecting men to the unnecessary suffering that inceldom brings with it, is morally reprehensible. This part is relevant for normies who think Harris is right.

A subjective atheistic morality:
As for the third system, there's a lot to say here, but I'm going to keep it as short as possible. Basically the same things I mentioned for the objective morality from an atheistic perspective, but with different values that are directed towards maximising whatever it is that we should value. For example, subscribes of such systems might value money more than human well-being. But in order to maximise the amount of money in the world (for whatever reason, I'm just making stuff up along the way since such systems are hard to approach because you can always argue that it's not imperative to value human life, or anything for that matter) you need healthy humans that are fit for work. Obviously, human well-being (i.e. the lack of suffering) and the maximisation of the amount of money in the world are positively correlated. So, subjecting thousands to inceldom is still immoral, unless you value suffering. And I highly doubt it that there are normies who value suffering over pleasure. At least, there are none who would admit it publicly.

As I previously stated, this particular moral system is hard to deal with. So, I'm going to leave it here in the hope that someone who believes in a system where human live should not be valued will come forward with a counter argument.

TL;DR: subjecting men to the suffering of Inceldom is immoral regardless of your beliefs, unless you're a sadistic motherfucker.

What do you guys think?
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Cope life ain't fair and there are no morals only what you can get away with while living for your own benefit
and what women give 2 shits about incels we can just die for all they care
Cope life ain't fair and there are no morals only what you can get away with while living for your own benefit
and what women give 2 shits about incels we can just die for all they care
They always claim to be more moral than us, I'm just using their argument against them.
Nice post. Wasnt it the guy in your avatar who argued that existence in its basic form is suffering? If living nature is indeed based on cruelty of aleviating your own suffering at the expense of others(the prey), thus, the experience of living is ammoral to begin with.

And where does morality stem from? Can we agree that morality is an act of revolt of a sentient living creature against the mechanisms of nature when realization dawns at their inherrent

If so, should we not in so much argue over different types of morality, but discuss the progressive loss of morality around us as a whole?
They always claim to be more moral than us, so I'm using their argument against them.
More cope no point to argue against them they don't give a shit
The blackpull and inceldom is already well established and no women give a damn
0 nada nothing
Its ovER
Nice post. Wasnt it the guy in your avatar who argued that existence in its basic form is suffering? If living nature is indeed based on cruelty of aleviating your own suffering at the expense of others(the prey), thus, the experience of living is ammoral to begin with.
yeah, he said "evil is just what is positive; it makes our existence felt". The problem with terms like morality is that there's not universal definition for it. But I don't think it's always a zero-sum game -- i.e. your pleasure doesn't mean that others have to suffer.
And where does morality stem from? Can we agree that morality is an act of revolt of a sentient living creature against the mechanisms of nature when realization dawns at their inherit
yeah, I agree with that.
If so, shouldnt we not in so much argue over different types of morality, but discuss the progressive loss of morality around us as a whole?
We should, and that's a very good point, but that's a different discussion (one that we could have ofc). This thread was directed towards normies who always claim the moral high ground, and accuse us of being degenerate scum. I merely wanted to show them that regardless of their moral frame of reference, inceldom is always an immoral thing.
More cope no point to argue against them they don't give a shit
The blackpull and inceldom is already well established and no women give a damn
0 nada nothing
Its ovER
Our entire existence is pointless, there's no point to anything.

It's not about gaining sympathy tough. I don't want them to care, I'm just debunking their nonsense. Whether they care or not is not a concern of mine.

It's over indeed, but you can still prove the normies wrong. Moreover, I wanted to know what others here think about this. This is not solely directed towards normies (albeit I mostly wanted to put this out there for the normies).
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They do not care. The only ones who even bother demonizing us are either the poor souls who are so insecure of their inner being that they seek self validation on expense of others, or simply are here for their "blogs" and "articles" as a mean of gaining money or a scape goat for their evil agendas.

In either case, morality is a distant aquintance at best for these kinds of people.
They do not care. The only ones who even bother demonizing us are either the poor souls who are so insecure of their inner being that they seek self validation on expense of others, or simply are here for their "blogs" and "articles" as a mean of gaining money or a scape goat for their evil agendas.

In either case, morality is a distant aquintance at best for these kinds of people.
Yeah, I guess I was too optimistic, my autism gets the best of me sometimes. But still, I enjoyed writing this, so it doesn't matter if it goes unnoticed. And if it doesn't then it fulfills its purpose.
11th dimensional hyperspace IQ.

Not bad, OP. I underestimated you. The post is too short, though (left swipe). You started off strong with the outline and preamble, but I was expecting the heart of it to be more thorough. There's so much more you can argue here in favor of your thesis.

In this thread I'm going argue that subjecting thousands (millions?) of men to a sexless life of misery, rejection, suffering, and loneliness is immoral, regardless of your moral values (unless you adhere to some fucked up moral system that calls for the maximisation of suffering).
You didn't do this thesis the justice it deserves.
11th dimensional hyperspace IQ.

Not bad, OP. I underestimated you. The post is too short , though (left swipe). You started off strong with the outline and preamble, but I was expecting the heart of it to be more thorough. There's so much more you can argue here in favor of your thesis.

You didn't do this thesis the justice it deserves.
I guess, I was afraid it'll get too long, and discourage the reader. So I had to go directly to the conclusion without providing too much context.

You're right, there's a lot that can be added; I can, for example, extend the theological argument by quoting the Bible (or the Quran) and then connecting that to inceldom.
I guess, I was afraid it'll get too long, and discourage the reader. So I had to go directly to the conclusion without providing too much context.

You're right, there's a lot that can be added; I can, for example, extend the theological argument by quoting the Bible (or the Quran) and then connecting that to inceldom.
Ngl I'm too lazy to read but all I will say is this:

Without God, there are no morals as they are entirely subjective to who you're asking. What one person thinks is "right" another will think is "evil/wrong", and this often leads to fighting.

"People who believe in God are stupid" (Yet I choose to believe in some other philosophical eccentric guy who had a bird as a girlfriend or some shit)

"God is man made and so are morals" (Yet I choose to follow man made rules based on the subjective morals of that person)

"Morals don't exist" (Yet there are things I will not do/partake in/support)

etc etc etc.
Without God, there are no morals as they are entirely subjective to who you're asking. What one person thinks is "right" another will think is "evil/wrong", and this often leads to fighting.
I can't make that statement with a 100% certainty as there might be future works that'll prove that morality is objective. At the moment, however, morality is still subjective. The closest we've gotten to objectivity without a deity is Harris' thesis (as I stated in the thread), but the problem with Harris' morality is that it violates Hume's guillotine.

The point of the thread was to show that regardless of your moral values, subjecting men to unnecessary suffering through inceldom is immoral. But yeah, as you can see, I had troubles with the atheistic subjective part as you can literally argue against anything there.
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Ngl I'm too lazy to read but all I will say is this:

Without God, there are no morals as they are entirely subjective to who you're asking. What one person thinks is "right" another will think is "evil/wrong", and this often leads to fighting.

"People who believe in God are stupid" (Yet I choose to believe in some other philosophical eccentric guy who had a bird as a girlfriend or some shit)

"God is man made and so are morals" (Yet I choose to follow man made rules based on the subjective morals of that person)

"Morals don't exist" (Yet there are things I will not do/partake in/support)

etc etc etc.
morals don't exist
Only punishment fron society for certain over the top actions like murder rape etc
And social banishment after you misbehaved like a creep which botherd people enough that they had enough of you
"Morals" are all about the amount of trouble you can give to other people with your chosen action
In more "moral" societies people care to themselves the less "morals" then it's more zoo type of place
Compare south america to northern europe

I can choose to do anything i want but i know the backlash from society might be to much for me to hold against (getting sent to prison , all the people i know would resent me which would leave me a sad outcast even worse than now)
The closest we've gotten to objectivity without a deity is Harris' thesis (as I stated in the thread), but the problem with Harris' morality is that it violates Hume's guillotine.
The is-ought gap is, for the lack of a better word, a "glitch" in moral reasoning.
morals don't exist
So you don't view absolutely anything as good or evil then?

Nothing at all?

Only punishment fron society for certain over the top actions like murder rape etc
And social banishment after you misbehaved like a creep which botherd people enough that they had enough of y
This is contradictory to your previous belief. Why would those people view those things as "bad" or "evil" if morals don't exist? Who decided for them that those are bad or evil?

In more "moral" societies people care to themselves the less "morals" then it's more zoo type of place
Compare south america to northern europe
I don't completely disagree with this, but by defining that place as "less moral" you are saying that it's more evil. Which is another contradiction to someone who doesn't believe in morals. It should just be as is, not good or evil to you.

You can choose not to believe in morals as you wish, I just always wonder why people who choose to do so still view things through the lens of morality.
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morals don't exist
Only punishment fron society for certain over the top actions like murder rape etc
And social banishment after you misbehaved like a creep which botherd people enough that they had enough of you
"Morals" are all about the amount of trouble you can give to other people with your chosen action
In more "moral" societies people care to themselves the less "morals" then it's more zoo type of place
Compare south america to northern europe

I can choose to do anything i want but i know the backlash from society might be to much for me to hold against (getting sent to prison , all the people i know would resent me which would leave me a sad outcast even worse than now)
without morals words like bad and good have no meaning.
Men just don’t function without regular sex, what’s going on know in the world right now is just unbelievable. Imagine where mankind would be if all men could fuck regularly...

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